// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// // These tests run through the chat flow. describe('Settings', () => { // Wait for 2 seconds after all tests to fix an issue with Cypress's video recording missing the last few frames after(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line cypress/no-unnecessary-waiting cy.wait(2000); }); beforeEach(() => { // Login as the admin user cy.loginAdmin(); // Visit the home page cy.visit('/'); }); context('Ollama', () => { it('user can select a model', () => { // Click on the model selector cy.get('button[aria-label="Select a model"]').click(); // Select the first model cy.get('button[aria-label="model-item"]').first().click(); }); it('user can perform text chat', () => { // Click on the model selector cy.get('button[aria-label="Select a model"]').click(); // Select the first model cy.get('button[aria-label="model-item"]').first().click(); // Type a message cy.get('#chat-textarea').type('Hi, what can you do? A single sentence only please.', { force: true }); // Send the message cy.get('button[type="submit"]').click(); // User's message should be visible cy.get('.chat-user').should('exist'); // Wait for the response cy.get('.chat-assistant', { timeout: 120_000 }) // .chat-assistant is created after the first token is received .find('div[aria-label="Generation Info"]', { timeout: 120_000 }) // Generation Info is created after the stop token is received .should('exist'); }); it('user can share chat', () => { // Click on the model selector cy.get('button[aria-label="Select a model"]').click(); // Select the first model cy.get('button[aria-label="model-item"]').first().click(); // Type a message cy.get('#chat-textarea').type('Hi, what can you do? A single sentence only please.', { force: true }); // Send the message cy.get('button[type="submit"]').click(); // User's message should be visible cy.get('.chat-user').should('exist'); // Wait for the response cy.get('.chat-assistant', { timeout: 120_000 }) // .chat-assistant is created after the first token is received .find('div[aria-label="Generation Info"]', { timeout: 120_000 }) // Generation Info is created after the stop token is received .should('exist'); // spy on requests const spy = cy.spy(); cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/chats/*", spy); // Open context menu cy.get('#chat-context-menu-button').click(); // Click share button cy.get('#chat-share-button').click(); // Check if the share dialog is visible cy.get('#copy-and-share-chat-button').should('exist'); cy.wrap({}, { timeout: 5000 }) .should(() => { // Check if the request was made twice (once for to replace chat object and once more due to change event) expect(spy).to.be.callCount(2); }); }); }); });