from enum import Enum

class MESSAGES(str, Enum):
    DEFAULT = lambda msg="": f"{msg if msg else ''}"
    MODEL_ADDED = lambda model="": f"The model '{model}' has been added successfully."
        lambda model="": f"The model '{model}' has been deleted successfully."

class WEBHOOK_MESSAGES(str, Enum):
    DEFAULT = lambda msg="": f"{msg if msg else ''}"
    USER_SIGNUP = lambda username="": (
        f"New user signed up: {username}" if username else "New user signed up"

class ERROR_MESSAGES(str, Enum):
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return super().__str__()

    DEFAULT = lambda err="": f"Something went wrong :/\n{err if err else ''}"
    ENV_VAR_NOT_FOUND = "Required environment variable not found. Terminating now."
    CREATE_USER_ERROR = "Oops! Something went wrong while creating your account. Please try again later. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance."
    DELETE_USER_ERROR = "Oops! Something went wrong. We encountered an issue while trying to delete the user. Please give it another shot."
    EMAIL_MISMATCH = "Uh-oh! This email does not match the email your provider is registered with. Please check your email and try again."
    EMAIL_TAKEN = "Uh-oh! This email is already registered. Sign in with your existing account or choose another email to start anew."
        "Uh-oh! This username is already registered. Please choose another username."
    COMMAND_TAKEN = "Uh-oh! This command is already registered. Please choose another command string."
    FILE_EXISTS = "Uh-oh! This file is already registered. Please choose another file."

    NAME_TAG_TAKEN = "Uh-oh! This name tag is already registered. Please choose another name tag string."
        "Your session has expired or the token is invalid. Please sign in again."
    INVALID_CRED = "The email or password provided is incorrect. Please check for typos and try logging in again."
    INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT = "The email format you entered is invalid. Please double-check and make sure you're using a valid email address (e.g.,"
        "The password provided is incorrect. Please check for typos and try again."
    INVALID_TRUSTED_HEADER = "Your provider has not provided a trusted header. Please contact your administrator for assistance."

    EXISTING_USERS = "You can't turn off authentication because there are existing users. If you want to disable WEBUI_AUTH, make sure your web interface doesn't have any existing users and is a fresh installation."

    UNAUTHORIZED = "401 Unauthorized"
    ACCESS_PROHIBITED = "You do not have permission to access this resource. Please contact your administrator for assistance."
        "The requested action has been restricted as a security measure."

    FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Oops! It seems like the file format you're trying to upload is not supported. Please upload a file with a supported format (e.g., JPG, PNG, PDF, TXT) and try again."

    NOT_FOUND = "We could not find what you're looking for :/"
    USER_NOT_FOUND = "We could not find what you're looking for :/"
    API_KEY_NOT_FOUND = "Oops! It looks like there's a hiccup. The API key is missing. Please make sure to provide a valid API key to access this feature."

    MALICIOUS = "Unusual activities detected, please try again in a few minutes."

    PANDOC_NOT_INSTALLED = "Pandoc is not installed on the server. Please contact your administrator for assistance."
        lambda err="": f"Invalid format. Please use the correct format{err}"
    RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = "API rate limit exceeded"

    MODEL_NOT_FOUND = lambda name="": f"Model '{name}' was not found"
    OPENAI_NOT_FOUND = lambda name="": "OpenAI API was not found"
    OLLAMA_NOT_FOUND = "WebUI could not connect to Ollama"
    CREATE_API_KEY_ERROR = "Oops! Something went wrong while creating your API key. Please try again later. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance."

    EMPTY_CONTENT = "The content provided is empty. Please ensure that there is text or data present before proceeding."

    DB_NOT_SQLITE = "This feature is only available when running with SQLite databases."

        "Oops! The URL you provided is invalid. Please double-check and try again."