diff --git a/src/lib/components/chat/Messages/CodeBlock.svelte b/src/lib/components/chat/Messages/CodeBlock.svelte
index 8b0b7c35e..a9efc7fa9 100644
--- a/src/lib/components/chat/Messages/CodeBlock.svelte
+++ b/src/lib/components/chat/Messages/CodeBlock.svelte
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
const executePython = async (code) => {
- if (!code.includes('input')) {
+ if (!code.includes('input') && !code.includes('matplotlib')) {
} else {
result = null;
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@
executing = true;
+ document.pyodideMplTarget = document.getElementById('plt-canvas');
let pyodide = await loadPyodide({
indexURL: '/pyodide/',
stdout: (text) => {
@@ -181,7 +183,8 @@
code.includes('requests') ? 'requests' : null,
code.includes('bs4') ? 'beautifulsoup4' : null,
code.includes('numpy') ? 'numpy' : null,
- code.includes('pandas') ? 'pandas' : null
+ code.includes('pandas') ? 'pandas' : null,
+ code.includes('matplotlib') ? 'matplotlib' : null
@@ -221,7 +224,8 @@ __builtins__.input = input`);
code.includes('requests') ? 'requests' : null,
code.includes('bs4') ? 'beautifulsoup4' : null,
code.includes('numpy') ? 'numpy' : null,
- code.includes('pandas') ? 'pandas' : null
+ code.includes('pandas') ? 'pandas' : null,
+ code.includes('matplotlib') ? 'matplotlib' : null
const pyodideWorker = new Worker('/pyodide-worker.js');
@@ -309,5 +313,7 @@ __builtins__.input = input`);
{stdout || stderr || result}
diff --git a/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl b/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb8cdb753
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e81ab4fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: cycler
+Version: 0.12.1
+Summary: Composable style cycles
+Author-email: Thomas A Caswell
+License: Copyright (c) 2015, matplotlib project
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of the matplotlib project nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
+Project-URL: homepage, https://matplotlib.org/cycler/
+Project-URL: repository, https://github.com/matplotlib/cycler
+Keywords: cycle kwargs
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
+Requires-Python: >=3.8
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: docs
+Requires-Dist: ipython ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: matplotlib ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: numpydoc ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'docs'
+Provides-Extra: tests
+Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pytest-xdist ; extra == 'tests'
+|PyPi|_ |Conda|_ |Supported Python versions|_ |GitHub Actions|_ |Codecov|_
+.. |PyPi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cycler.svg?style=flat
+.. _PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cycler
+.. |Conda| image:: https://img.shields.io/conda/v/conda-forge/cycler
+.. _Conda: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cycler
+.. |Supported Python versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/cycler.svg
+.. _Supported Python versions: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cycler
+.. |GitHub Actions| image:: https://github.com/matplotlib/cycler/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg
+.. _GitHub Actions: https://github.com/matplotlib/cycler/actions
+.. |Codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/github/matplotlib/cycler/badge.svg?branch=main&service=github
+.. _Codecov: https://codecov.io/github/matplotlib/cycler?branch=main
+cycler: composable cycles
+Docs: https://matplotlib.org/cycler/
diff --git a/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl b/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8aacc161d
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b335b936d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/fonttools-4.48.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,3237 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: fonttools
+Version: 4.48.1
+Summary: Tools to manipulate font files
+Home-page: http://github.com/fonttools/fonttools
+Author: Just van Rossum
+Author-email: just@letterror.com
+Maintainer: Behdad Esfahbod
+Maintainer-email: behdad@behdad.org
+License: MIT
+Platform: Any
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Environment :: Console
+Classifier: Environment :: Other Environment
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Topic :: Text Processing :: Fonts
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
+Requires-Python: >=3.8
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: all
+Requires-Dist: fs <3,>=2.2.0 ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: lxml >=4.0 ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: zopfli >=0.1.4 ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: lz4 >= ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: pycairo ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: matplotlib ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: sympy ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: skia-pathops >=0.5.0 ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: uharfbuzz >=0.23.0 ; extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: brotlicffi >=0.8.0 ; (platform_python_implementation != "CPython") and extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: scipy ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy") and extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: brotli >=1.0.1 ; (platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: munkres ; (platform_python_implementation == "PyPy") and extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: unicodedata2 >=15.1.0 ; (python_version <= "3.12") and extra == 'all'
+Requires-Dist: xattr ; (sys_platform == "darwin") and extra == 'all'
+Provides-Extra: graphite
+Requires-Dist: lz4 >= ; extra == 'graphite'
+Provides-Extra: interpolatable
+Requires-Dist: pycairo ; extra == 'interpolatable'
+Requires-Dist: scipy ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy") and extra == 'interpolatable'
+Requires-Dist: munkres ; (platform_python_implementation == "PyPy") and extra == 'interpolatable'
+Provides-Extra: lxml
+Requires-Dist: lxml >=4.0 ; extra == 'lxml'
+Provides-Extra: pathops
+Requires-Dist: skia-pathops >=0.5.0 ; extra == 'pathops'
+Provides-Extra: plot
+Requires-Dist: matplotlib ; extra == 'plot'
+Provides-Extra: repacker
+Requires-Dist: uharfbuzz >=0.23.0 ; extra == 'repacker'
+Provides-Extra: symfont
+Requires-Dist: sympy ; extra == 'symfont'
+Provides-Extra: type1
+Requires-Dist: xattr ; (sys_platform == "darwin") and extra == 'type1'
+Provides-Extra: ufo
+Requires-Dist: fs <3,>=2.2.0 ; extra == 'ufo'
+Provides-Extra: unicode
+Requires-Dist: unicodedata2 >=15.1.0 ; (python_version <= "3.12") and extra == 'unicode'
+Provides-Extra: woff
+Requires-Dist: zopfli >=0.1.4 ; extra == 'woff'
+Requires-Dist: brotlicffi >=0.8.0 ; (platform_python_implementation != "CPython") and extra == 'woff'
+Requires-Dist: brotli >=1.0.1 ; (platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == 'woff'
+|CI Build Status| |Coverage Status| |PyPI| |Gitter Chat|
+What is this?
+| fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. The
+ project includes the TTX tool, that can convert TrueType and OpenType
+ fonts to and from an XML text format, which is also called TTX. It
+ supports TrueType, OpenType, AFM and to an extent Type 1 and some
+ Mac-specific formats. The project has an `MIT open-source
+ licence `__.
+| Among other things this means you can use it free of charge.
+`User documentation `_ and
+`developer documentation `_
+are available at `Read the Docs `_.
+FontTools requires `Python `__ 3.8
+or later. We try to follow the same schedule of minimum Python version support as
+NumPy (see `NEP 29 `__).
+The package is listed in the Python Package Index (PyPI), so you can
+install it with `pip `__:
+.. code:: sh
+ pip install fonttools
+If you would like to contribute to its development, you can clone the
+repository from GitHub, install the package in 'editable' mode and
+modify the source code in place. We recommend creating a virtual
+environment, using `virtualenv `__ or
+Python 3 `venv `__ module.
+.. code:: sh
+ # download the source code to 'fonttools' folder
+ git clone https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools.git
+ cd fonttools
+ # create new virtual environment called e.g. 'fonttools-venv', or anything you like
+ python -m virtualenv fonttools-venv
+ # source the `activate` shell script to enter the environment (Unix-like); to exit, just type `deactivate`
+ . fonttools-venv/bin/activate
+ # to activate the virtual environment in Windows `cmd.exe`, do
+ fonttools-venv\Scripts\activate.bat
+ # install in 'editable' mode
+ pip install -e .
+Optional Requirements
+The ``fontTools`` package currently has no (required) external dependencies
+besides the modules included in the Python Standard Library.
+However, a few extra dependencies are required by some of its modules, which
+are needed to unlock optional features.
+The ``fonttools`` PyPI distribution also supports so-called "extras", i.e. a
+set of keywords that describe a group of additional dependencies, which can be
+used when installing via pip, or when specifying a requirement.
+For example:
+.. code:: sh
+ pip install fonttools[ufo,lxml,woff,unicode]
+This command will install fonttools, as well as the optional dependencies that
+are required to unlock the extra features named "ufo", etc.
+- ``Lib/fontTools/misc/etree.py``
+ The module exports a ElementTree-like API for reading/writing XML files, and
+ allows to use as the backend either the built-in ``xml.etree`` module or
+ `lxml `__. The latter is preferred whenever present,
+ as it is generally faster and more secure.
+ *Extra:* ``lxml``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/ufoLib``
+ Package for reading and writing UFO source files; it requires:
+ * `fs `__: (aka ``pyfilesystem2``) filesystem
+ abstraction layer.
+ * `enum34 `__: backport for the built-in ``enum``
+ module (only required on Python < 3.4).
+ *Extra:* ``ufo``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/ttLib/woff2.py``
+ Module to compress/decompress WOFF 2.0 web fonts; it requires:
+ * `brotli `__: Python bindings of
+ the Brotli compression library.
+ *Extra:* ``woff``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/ttLib/sfnt.py``
+ To better compress WOFF 1.0 web fonts, the following module can be used
+ instead of the built-in ``zlib`` library:
+ * `zopfli `__: Python bindings of
+ the Zopfli compression library.
+ *Extra:* ``woff``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/unicode.py``
+ To display the Unicode character names when dumping the ``cmap`` table
+ with ``ttx`` we use the ``unicodedata`` module in the Standard Library.
+ The version included in there varies between different Python versions.
+ To use the latest available data, you can install:
+ * `unicodedata2 `__:
+ ``unicodedata`` backport for Python 3.x updated to the latest Unicode
+ version 15.0.
+ *Extra:* ``unicode``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/varLib/interpolatable.py``
+ Module for finding wrong contour/component order between different masters.
+ It requires one of the following packages in order to solve the so-called
+ "minimum weight perfect matching problem in bipartite graphs", or
+ the Assignment problem:
+ * `scipy `__: the Scientific Library
+ for Python, which internally uses `NumPy `__
+ arrays and hence is very fast;
+ * `munkres `__: a pure-Python
+ module that implements the Hungarian or Kuhn-Munkres algorithm.
+ To plot the results to a PDF or HTML format, you also need to install:
+ * `pycairo `__: Python bindings for the
+ Cairo graphics library. Note that wheels are currently only available for
+ Windows, for other platforms see pycairo's `installation instructions
+ `__.
+ *Extra:* ``interpolatable``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/varLib/plot.py``
+ Module for visualizing DesignSpaceDocument and resulting VariationModel.
+ * `matplotlib `__: 2D plotting library.
+ *Extra:* ``plot``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/misc/symfont.py``
+ Advanced module for symbolic font statistics analysis; it requires:
+ * `sympy `__: the Python library for
+ symbolic mathematics.
+ *Extra:* ``symfont``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/t1Lib.py``
+ To get the file creator and type of Macintosh PostScript Type 1 fonts
+ on Python 3 you need to install the following module, as the old ``MacOS``
+ module is no longer included in Mac Python:
+ * `xattr `__: Python wrapper for
+ extended filesystem attributes (macOS platform only).
+ *Extra:* ``type1``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/ttLib/removeOverlaps.py``
+ Simplify TrueType glyphs by merging overlapping contours and components.
+ * `skia-pathops `__: Python
+ bindings for the Skia library's PathOps module, performing boolean
+ operations on paths (union, intersection, etc.).
+ *Extra:* ``pathops``
+- ``Lib/fontTools/pens/cocoaPen.py`` and ``Lib/fontTools/pens/quartzPen.py``
+ Pens for drawing glyphs with Cocoa ``NSBezierPath`` or ``CGPath`` require:
+ * `PyObjC `__: the bridge between
+ Python and the Objective-C runtime (macOS platform only).
+- ``Lib/fontTools/pens/qtPen.py``
+ Pen for drawing glyphs with Qt's ``QPainterPath``, requires:
+ * `PyQt5 `__: Python bindings for
+ the Qt cross platform UI and application toolkit.
+- ``Lib/fontTools/pens/reportLabPen.py``
+ Pen to drawing glyphs as PNG images, requires:
+ * `reportlab `__: Python toolkit
+ for generating PDFs and graphics.
+- ``Lib/fontTools/pens/freetypePen.py``
+ Pen to drawing glyphs with FreeType as raster images, requires:
+ * `freetype-py `__: Python binding
+ for the FreeType library.
+- ``Lib/fontTools/ttLib/tables/otBase.py``
+ Use the Harfbuzz library to serialize GPOS/GSUB using ``hb_repack`` method, requires:
+ * `uharfbuzz `__: Streamlined Cython
+ bindings for the harfbuzz shaping engine
+ *Extra:* ``repacker``
+How to make a new release
+1) Update ``NEWS.rst`` with all the changes since the last release. Write a
+ changelog entry for each PR, with one or two short sentences summarizing it,
+ as well as links to the PR and relevant issues addressed by the PR. Do not
+ put a new title, the next command will do it for you.
+2) Use semantic versioning to decide whether the new release will be a 'major',
+ 'minor' or 'patch' release. It's usually one of the latter two, depending on
+ whether new backward compatible APIs were added, or simply some bugs were fixed.
+3) Run ``python setup.py release`` command from the tip of the ``main`` branch.
+ By default this bumps the third or 'patch' digit only, unless you pass ``--major``
+ or ``--minor`` to bump respectively the first or second digit.
+ This bumps the package version string, extracts the changes since the latest
+ version from ``NEWS.rst``, and uses that text to create an annotated git tag
+ (or a signed git tag if you pass the ``--sign`` option and your git and Github
+ account are configured for `signing commits `__
+ using a GPG key).
+ It also commits an additional version bump which opens the main branch for
+ the subsequent developmental cycle
+4) Push both the tag and commit to the upstream repository, by running the command
+ ``git push --follow-tags``. Note: it may push other local tags as well, be
+ careful.
+5) Let the CI build the wheel and source distribution packages and verify both
+ get uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI).
+6) [Optional] Go to fonttools `Github Releases `__
+ page and create a new release, copy-pasting the content of the git tag
+ message. This way, the release notes are nicely formatted as markdown, and
+ users watching the repo will get an email notification. One day we shall
+ automate that too.
+In alphabetical order:
+aschmitz, Olivier Berten, Samyak Bhuta, Erik van Blokland, Petr van Blokland,
+Jelle Bosma, Sascha Brawer, Tom Byrer, Antonio Cavedoni, Frédéric Coiffier,
+Vincent Connare, David Corbett, Simon Cozens, Dave Crossland, Simon Daniels,
+Peter Dekkers, Behdad Esfahbod, Behnam Esfahbod, Hannes Famira, Sam Fishman,
+Matt Fontaine, Takaaki Fuji, Rob Hagemans, Yannis Haralambous, Greg Hitchcock,
+Jeremie Hornus, Khaled Hosny, John Hudson, Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, Jack Jansen,
+Tom Kacvinsky, Jens Kutilek, Antoine Leca, Werner Lemberg, Tal Leming, Peter
+Lofting, Cosimo Lupo, Olli Meier, Masaya Nakamura, Dave Opstad, Laurence Penney,
+Roozbeh Pournader, Garret Rieger, Read Roberts, Colin Rofls, Guido van Rossum,
+Just van Rossum, Andreas Seidel, Georg Seifert, Chris Simpkins, Miguel Sousa,
+Adam Twardoch, Adrien Tétar, Vitaly Volkov, Paul Wise.
+| Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Just van Rossum, LettError
+ (just@letterror.com)
+| See `LICENSE `__ for the full license.
+Copyright (c) 2000 BeOpen.com. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
+All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All
+Rights Reserved.
+Have fun!
+.. |CI Build Status| image:: https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/workflows/Test/badge.svg
+ :target: https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/actions?query=workflow%3ATest
+.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/fonttools/fonttools/branch/main/graph/badge.svg
+ :target: https://codecov.io/gh/fonttools/fonttools
+.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/fonttools.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/FontTools
+.. |Gitter Chat| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/fonttools-dev/Lobby.svg
+ :alt: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/fonttools-dev/Lobby
+ :target: https://gitter.im/fonttools-dev/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge
+4.48.1 (released 2024-02-06)
+- Fixed uploading wheels to PyPI, no code changes since v4.48.0.
+4.48.0 (released 2024-02-06)
+- [varLib] Do not log when there are no OTL tables to be merged.
+- [setup.py] Do not restrict lxml<5 any more, tests pass just fine with lxml>=5.
+- [feaLib] Remove glyph and class names length restrictions in FEA (#3424).
+- [roundingPens] Added ``transformRoundFunc`` parameter to the rounding pens to allow
+ for custom rounding of the components' transforms (#3426).
+- [feaLib] Keep declaration order of ligature components within a ligature set, instead
+ of sorting by glyph name (#3429).
+- [feaLib] Fixed ordering of alternates in ``aalt`` lookups, following the declaration
+ order of feature references within the ``aalt`` feature block (#3430).
+- [varLib.instancer] Fixed a bug in the instancer's IUP optimization (#3432).
+- [sbix] Support sbix glyphs with new graphicType "flip" (#3433).
+- [svgPathPen] Added ``--glyphs`` option to dump the SVG paths for the named glyphs
+ in the font (0572f78).
+- [designspaceLib] Added "description" attribute to ```` and ````
+ elements, and allow multiple ```` elements to group ```` elements
+ that are logically related (#3435, #3437).
+- [otlLib] Correctly choose the most compact GSUB contextual lookup format (#3439).
+4.47.2 (released 2024-01-11)
+Minor release to fix uploading wheels to PyPI.
+4.47.1 (released 2024-01-11)
+- [merge] Improve help message and add standard command line options (#3408)
+- [otlLib] Pass ``ttFont`` to ``name.addName`` in ``buildStatTable`` (#3406)
+- [featureVars] Re-use ``FeatureVariationRecord``'s when possible (#3413)
+4.47.0 (released 2023-12-18)
+- [varLib.models] New API for VariationModel: ``getMasterScalars`` and
+ ``interpolateFromValuesAndScalars``.
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
+ add a Summary page in the front, and an Index and Table-of-Contents in the back.
+ Change the page size to Letter.
+- [Docs/designspaceLib] Defined a new ``public.fontInfo`` lib key, not used anywhere yet (#3358).
+4.46.0 (released 2023-12-02)
+- [featureVars] Allow to register the same set of substitution rules to multiple features.
+ The ``addFeatureVariations`` function can now take a list of featureTags; similarly, the
+ lib key 'com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag' can now take a
+ comma-separateed string of feature tags (e.g. "salt,ss01") instead of a single tag (#3360).
+- [featureVars] Don't overwrite GSUB FeatureVariations, but append new records to it
+ for features which are not already there. But raise ``VarLibError`` if the feature tag
+ already has feature variations associated with it (#3363).
+- [varLib] Added ``addGSUBFeatureVariations`` function to add GSUB Feature Variations
+ to an existing variable font from rules defined in a DesignSpace document (#3362).
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
+ a new test for "underweight" glyphs. The new test reports quite a few false-positives
+ though. Please send feedback.
+4.45.1 (released 2023-11-23)
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and improvements, better reporting, reduced
+ false positives.
+- [ttGlyphSet] Added option to not recalculate glyf bounds (#3348).
+4.45.0 (released 2023-11-20)
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Vastly improved algorithms. Also available now is ``--pdf``
+ and ``--html`` options to generate a PDF or HTML report of the interpolation issues.
+ The PDF/HTML report showcases the problematic masters, the interpolated broken
+ glyph, as well as the proposed fixed version.
+4.44.3 (released 2023-11-15)
+- [subset] Only prune codepage ranges for OS/2.version >= 1, ignore otherwise (#3334).
+- [instancer] Ensure hhea vertical metrics stay in sync with OS/2 ones after instancing
+ MVAR table containing 'hasc', 'hdsc' or 'hlgp' tags (#3297).
+4.44.2 (released 2023-11-14)
+- [glyf] Have ``Glyph.recalcBounds`` skip empty components (base glyph with no contours)
+ when computing the bounding box of composite glyphs. This simply restores the existing
+ behavior before some changes were introduced in fonttools 4.44.0 (#3333).
+4.44.1 (released 2023-11-14)
+- [feaLib] Ensure variable mark anchors are deep-copied while building since they
+ get modified in-place and later reused (#3330).
+- [OS/2|subset] Added method to ``recalcCodePageRanges`` to OS/2 table class; added
+ ``--prune-codepage-ranges`` to `fonttools subset` command (#3328, #2607).
+4.44.0 (released 2023-11-03)
+- [instancer] Recalc OS/2 AvgCharWidth after instancing if default changes (#3317).
+- [otlLib] Make ClassDefBuilder class order match varLib.merger's, i.e. large
+ classes first, then glyph lexicographic order (#3321, #3324).
+- [instancer] Allow not specifying any of min:default:max values and let be filled
+ up with fvar's values (#3322, #3323).
+- [instancer] When running --update-name-table ignore axes that have no STAT axis
+ values (#3318, #3319).
+- [Debg] When dumping to ttx, write the embedded JSON as multi-line string with
+ indentation (92cbfee0d).
+- [varStore] Handle > 65535 items per encoding by splitting VarData subtable (#3310).
+- [subset] Handle null-offsets in MarkLigPos subtables.
+- [subset] Keep East Asian spacing fatures vhal, halt, chws, vchw by default (#3305).
+- [instancer.solver] Fixed case where axisDef < lower and upper < axisMax (#3304).
+- [glyf] Speed up compilation, mostly around ``recalcBounds`` (#3301).
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Speed it up when working on variable fonts, plus various
+ micro-optimizations (#3300).
+- Require unicodedata2 >= 15.1.0 when installed with 'unicode' extra, contains UCD 15.1.
+4.43.1 (released 2023-10-06)
+- [EBDT] Fixed TypeError exception in `_reverseBytes` method triggered when dumping
+ some bitmap fonts with `ttx -z bitwise` option (#3162).
+- [v/hhea] Fixed UnboundLocalError exception in ``recalc`` method when no vmtx or hmtx
+ tables are present (#3290).
+- [bezierTools] Fixed incorrectly typed cython local variable leading to TypeError when
+ calling ``calcQuadraticArcLength`` (#3288).
+- [feaLib/otlLib] Better error message when building Coverage table with missing glyph (#3286).
+4.43.0 (released 2023-09-29)
+- [subset] Set up lxml ``XMLParser(resolve_entities=False)`` when parsing OT-SVG documents
+ to prevent XML External Entity (XXE) attacks (9f61271dc):
+ https://codeql.github.com/codeql-query-help/python/py-xxe/
+- [varLib.iup] Added workaround for a Cython bug in ``iup_delta_optimize`` that was
+ leading to IUP tolerance being incorrectly initialised, resulting in sub-optimal deltas
+ (60126435d, cython/cython#5732).
+- [varLib] Added new command-line entry point ``fonttools varLib.avar`` to add an
+ ``avar`` table to an existing VF from axes mappings in a .designspace file (0a3360e52).
+- [instancer] Fixed bug whereby no longer used variation regions were not correctly pruned
+ after VarData optimization (#3268).
+- Added support for Python 3.12 (#3283).
+4.42.1 (released 2023-08-20)
+- [t1Lib] Fixed several Type 1 issues (#3238, #3240).
+- [otBase/packer] Allow sharing tables reached by different offset sizes (#3241, #3236).
+- [varLib/merger] Fix Cursive attachment merging error when all anchors are NULL (#3248, #3247).
+- [ttLib] Fixed warning when calling ``addMultilingualName`` and ``ttFont`` parameter was not
+ passed on to ``findMultilingualName`` (#3253).
+4.42.0 (released 2023-08-02)
+- [varLib] Use sentinel value 0xFFFF to mark a glyph advance in hmtx/vmtx as non
+ participating, allowing sparse masters to contain glyphs for variation purposes other
+ than {H,V}VAR (#3235).
+- [varLib/cff] Treat empty glyphs in non-default masters as missing, thus not participating
+ in CFF2 delta computation, similarly to how varLib already treats them for gvar (#3234).
+- Added varLib.avarPlanner script to deduce 'correct' avar v1 axis mappings based on
+ glyph average weights (#3223).
+4.41.1 (released 2023-07-21)
+- [subset] Fixed perf regression in v4.41.0 by making ``NameRecordVisitor`` only visit
+ tables that do contain nameID references (#3213, #3214).
+- [varLib.instancer] Support instancing fonts containing null ConditionSet offsets in
+ FeatureVariationRecords (#3211, #3212).
+- [statisticsPen] Report font glyph-average weight/width and font-wide slant.
+- [fontBuilder] Fixed head.created date incorrectly set to 0 instead of the current
+ timestamp, regression introduced in v4.40.0 (#3210).
+- [varLib.merger] Support sparse ``CursivePos`` masters (#3209).
+4.41.0 (released 2023-07-12)
+- [fontBuilder] Fixed bug in setupOS2 with default panose attribute incorrectly being
+ set to a dict instead of a Panose object (#3201).
+- [name] Added method to ``removeUnusedNameRecords`` in the user range (#3185).
+- [varLib.instancer] Fixed issue with L4 instancing (moving default) (#3179).
+- [cffLib] Use latin1 so we can roundtrip non-ASCII in {Full,Font,Family}Name (#3202).
+- [designspaceLib] Mark as optional in docs (as it is in the code).
+- [glyf-1] Fixed drawPoints() bug whereby last cubic segment becomes quadratic (#3189, #3190).
+- [fontBuilder] Propagate the 'hidden' flag to the fvar Axis instance (#3184).
+- [fontBuilder] Update setupAvar() to also support avar 2, fixing ``_add_avar()`` call
+ site (#3183).
+- Added new ``voltLib.voltToFea`` submodule (originally Tiro Typeworks' "Volto") for
+ converting VOLT OpenType Layout sources to FEA format (#3164).
+4.40.0 (released 2023-06-12)
+- Published native binary wheels to PyPI for all the python minor versions and platform
+ and architectures currently supported that would benefit from this. They will include
+ precompiled Cython-accelerated modules (e.g. cu2qu) without requiring to compile them
+ from source. The pure-python wheel and source distribution will continue to be
+ published as always (pip will automatically chose them when no binary wheel is
+ available for the given platform, e.g. pypy). Use ``pip install --no-binary=fonttools fonttools``
+ to expliclity request pip to install from the pure-python source.
+- [designspaceLib|varLib] Add initial support for specifying axis mappings and build
+ ``avar2`` table from those (#3123).
+- [feaLib] Support variable ligature caret position (#3130).
+- [varLib|glyf] Added option to --drop-implied-oncurves; test for impliable oncurve
+ points either before or after rounding (#3146, #3147, #3155, #3156).
+- [TTGlyphPointPen] Don't error with empty contours, simply ignore them (#3145).
+- [sfnt] Fixed str vs bytes remnant of py3 transition in code dealing with de/compiling
+ WOFF metadata (#3129).
+- [instancer-solver] Fixed bug when moving default instance with sparse masters (#3139, #3140).
+- [feaLib] Simplify variable scalars that don’t vary (#3132).
+- [pens] Added filter pen that explicitly emits closing line when lastPt != movePt (#3100).
+- [varStore] Improve optimize algorithm and better document the algorithm (#3124, #3127).
+ Added ``quantization`` option (#3126).
+- Added CI workflow config file for building native binary wheels (#3121).
+- [fontBuilder] Added glyphDataFormat=0 option; raise error when glyphs contain cubic
+ outlines but glyphDataFormat was not explicitly set to 1 (#3113, #3119).
+- [subset] Prune emptied GDEF.MarkGlyphSetsDef and remap indices; ensure GDEF is
+ subsetted before GSUB and GPOS (#3114, #3118).
+- [xmlReader] Fixed issue whereby DSIG table data was incorrectly parsed (#3115, #2614).
+- [varLib/merger] Fixed merging of SinglePos with pos=0 (#3111, #3112).
+- [feaLib] Demote "Feature has not been defined" error to a warning when building aalt
+ and referenced feature is empty (#3110).
+- [feaLib] Dedupe multiple substitutions with classes (#3105).
+4.39.4 (released 2023-05-10)
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Allow for sparse masters (#3075)
+- [merge] Handle differing default/nominalWidthX in CFF (#3070)
+- [ttLib] Add missing main.py file to ttLib package (#3088)
+- [ttx] Fix missing composite instructions in XML (#3092)
+- [ttx] Fix split tables option to work on filenames containing '%' (#3096)
+- [featureVars] Process lookups for features other than rvrn last (#3099)
+- [feaLib] support multiple substitution with classes (#3103)
+4.39.3 (released 2023-03-28)
+- [sbix] Fixed TypeError when compiling empty glyphs whose imageData is None, regression
+ was introduced in v4.39 (#3059).
+- [ttFont] Fixed AttributeError on python <= 3.10 when opening a TTFont from a tempfile
+ SpooledTemporaryFile, seekable method only added on python 3.11 (#3052).
+4.39.2 (released 2023-03-16)
+- [varLib] Fixed regression introduced in 4.39.1 whereby an incomplete 'STAT' table
+ would be built even though a DesignSpace v5 did contain 'STAT' definitions (#3045, #3046).
+4.39.1 (released 2023-03-16)
+- [avar2] Added experimental support for reading/writing avar version 2 as specified in
+ this draft proposal: https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/blob/main/avar2.md
+- [glifLib] Wrap underlying XML library exceptions with GlifLibError when parsing GLIFs,
+ and also print the name and path of the glyph that fails to be parsed (#3042).
+- [feaLib] Consult avar for normalizing user-space values in ConditionSets and in
+ VariableScalars (#3042, #3043).
+- [ttProgram] Handle string input to Program.fromAssembly() (#3038).
+- [otlLib] Added a config option to emit GPOS 7 lookups, currently disabled by default
+ because of a macOS bug (#3034).
+- [COLRv1] Added method to automatically compute ClipBoxes (#3027).
+- [ttFont] Fixed getGlyphID to raise KeyError on missing glyphs instead of returning
+ None. The regression was introduced in v4.27.0 (#3032).
+- [sbix] Fixed UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'rawdata' (#3031).
+- [varLib] When building VF, do not overwrite a pre-existing ``STAT`` table that was built
+ with feaLib from FEA feature file. Also, added support for building multiple VFs
+ defined in Designspace v5 from ``fonttools varLib`` script (#3024).
+- [mtiLib] Only add ``Debg`` table with lookup names when ``FONTTOOLS_LOOKUP_DEBUGGING``
+ env variable is set (#3023).
+4.39.0 (released 2023-03-06)
+- [mtiLib] Optionally add `Debg` debug info for MTI feature builds (#3018).
+- [ttx] Support reading input file from standard input using special `-` character,
+ similar to existing `-o -` option to write output to standard output (#3020).
+- [cython] Prevent ``cython.compiled`` raise AttributeError if cython not installed
+ properly (#3017).
+- [OS/2] Guard against ZeroDivisionError when calculating xAvgCharWidth in the unlikely
+ scenario no glyph has non-zero advance (#3015).
+- [subset] Recompute xAvgCharWidth independently of --no-prune-unicode-ranges,
+ previously the two options were involuntarily bundled together (#3012).
+- [fontBuilder] Add ``debug`` parameter to addOpenTypeFeatures method to add source
+ debugging information to the font in the ``Debg`` private table (#3008).
+- [name] Make NameRecord `__lt__` comparison not fail on Unicode encoding errors (#3006).
+- [featureVars] Fixed bug in ``overlayBox`` (#3003, #3005).
+- [glyf] Added experimental support for cubic bezier curves in TrueType glyf table, as
+ outlined in glyf v1 proposal (#2988):
+ https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/blob/main/glyf1-cubicOutlines.md
+- Added new qu2cu module and related qu2cuPen, the reverse of cu2qu for converting
+ TrueType quadratic splines to cubic bezier curves (#2993).
+- [glyf] Added experimental support for reading and writing Variable Composites/Components
+ as defined in glyf v1 spec proposal (#2958):
+ https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/blob/main/glyf1-varComposites.md.
+- [pens]: Added `addVarComponent` method to pen protocols' base classes, which pens can implement
+ to handle varcomponents (by default they get decomposed) (#2958).
+- [misc.transform] Added DecomposedTransform class which implements an affine transformation
+ with separate translate, rotation, scale, skew, and transformation-center components (#2598)
+- [sbix] Ensure Glyph.referenceGlyphName is set; fixes error after dumping and
+ re-compiling sbix table with 'dupe' glyphs (#2984).
+- [feaLib] Be cleverer when merging chained single substitutions into same lookup
+ when they are specified using the inline notation (#2150, #2974).
+- [instancer] Clamp user-inputted axis ranges to those of fvar (#2959).
+- [otBase/subset] Define ``__getstate__`` for BaseTable so that a copied/pickled 'lazy'
+ object gets its own OTTableReader to read from; incidentally fixes a bug while
+ subsetting COLRv1 table containing ClipBoxes on python 3.11 (#2965, #2968).
+- [sbix] Handle glyphs with "dupe" graphic type on compile correctly (#2963).
+- [glyf] ``endPointsOfContours`` field should be unsigned! Kudos to behdad for
+ spotting one of the oldest bugs in FT. Probably nobody has ever dared to make
+ glyphs with more than 32767 points... (#2957).
+- [feaLib] Fixed handling of ``ignore`` statements with unmarked glyphs to match
+ makeotf behavior, which assumes the first glyph is marked (#2950).
+- Reformatted code with ``black`` and enforce new code style via CI check (#2925).
+- [feaLib] Sort name table entries following OT spec prescribed order in the builder (#2927).
+- [cu2quPen] Add Cu2QuMultiPen that converts multiple outlines at a time in
+ interpolation compatible way; its methods take a list of tuples arguments
+ that would normally be passed to individual segment pens, and at the end it
+ dispatches the converted outlines to each pen (#2912).
+- [reverseContourPen/ttGlyphPen] Add outputImpliedClosingLine option (#2913, #2914,
+ #2921, #2922, #2995).
+- [gvar] Avoid expanding all glyphs unnecessarily upon compile (#2918).
+- [scaleUpem] Fixed bug whereby CFF2 vsindex was scaled; it should not (#2893, #2894).
+- [designspaceLib] Add DS.getAxisByTag and refactor getAxis (#2891).
+- [unicodedata] map Zmth<->math in ot_tag_{to,from}_script (#1737, #2889).
+- [woff2] Support encoding/decoding OVERLAP_SIMPLE glyf flags (#2576, #2884).
+- [instancer] Update OS/2 class and post.italicAngle when default moved (L4)
+- Dropped support for Python 3.7 which reached EOL, fontTools requires 3.8+.
+- [instancer] Fixed instantiateFeatureVariations logic when a rule range becomes
+ default-applicable (#2737, #2880).
+- [ttLib] Add main to ttFont and ttCollection that just decompile and re-compile the
+ input font (#2869).
+- [featureVars] Insert 'rvrn' lookup at the beginning of LookupList, to work around bug
+ in Apple implementation of 'rvrn' feature which the spec says it should be processed
+ early whereas on macOS 10.15 it follows lookup order (#2140, #2867).
+- [instancer/mutator] Remove 'DSIG' table if present.
+- [svgPathPen] Don't close path in endPath(), assume open unless closePath() (#2089, #2865).
+4.38.0 (released 2022-10-21)
+- [varLib.instancer] Added support for L4 instancing, i.e. moving the default value of
+ an axis while keeping it variable. Thanks Behdad! (#2728, #2861).
+ It's now also possible to restrict an axis min/max values beyond the current default
+ value, e.g. a font wght has min=100, def=400, max=900 and you want a partial VF that
+ only varies between 500 and 700, you can now do that.
+ You can either specify two min/max values (wght=500:700), and the new default will be
+ set to either the minimum or maximum, depending on which one is closer to the current
+ default (e.g. 500 in this case). Or you can specify three values (e.g. wght=500:600:700)
+ to specify the new default value explicitly.
+- [otlLib/featureVars] Set a few Count values so one doesn't need to compile the font
+ to update them (#2860).
+- [varLib.models] Make extrapolation work for 2-master models as well where one master
+ is at the default location (#2843, #2846).
+ Add optional extrapolate=False to normalizeLocation() (#2847, #2849).
+- [varLib.cff] Fixed sub-optimal packing of CFF2 deltas by no longer rounding them to
+ integer (#2838).
+- [scaleUpem] Calculate numShorts in VarData after scale; handle CFF hintmasks (#2840).
+4.37.4 (released 2022-09-30)
+- [subset] Keep nameIDs used by CPAL palette entry labels (#2837).
+- [varLib] Avoid negative hmtx values when creating font from variable CFF2 font (#2827).
+- [instancer] Don't prune stat.ElidedFallbackNameID (#2828).
+- [unicodedata] Update Scripts/Blocks to Unicode 15.0 (#2833).
+4.37.3 (released 2022-09-20)
+- Fix arguments in calls to (glyf) glyph.draw() and drawPoints(), whereby offset wasn't
+ correctly passed down; this fix also exposed a second bug, where lsb and tsb were not
+ set (#2824, #2825, adobe-type-tools/afdko#1560).
+4.37.2 (released 2022-09-15)
+- [subset] Keep CPAL table and don't attempt to prune unused color indices if OT-SVG
+ table is present even if COLR table was subsetted away; OT-SVG may be referencing the
+ CPAL table; for now we assume that's the case (#2814, #2815).
+- [varLib.instancer] Downgrade GPOS/GSUB version if there are no more FeatureVariations
+ after instancing (#2812).
+- [subset] Added ``--no-lazy`` to optionally load fonts eagerly (mostly to ease
+ debugging of table lazy loading, no practical effects) (#2807).
+- [varLib] Avoid building empty COLR.DeltaSetIndexMap with only identity mappings (#2803).
+- [feaLib] Allow multiple value record types (by promoting to the most general format)
+ within the same PairPos subtable; e.g. this allows variable and non variable kerning
+ rules to share the same subtable. This also fixes a bug whereby some kerning pairs
+ would become unreachable while shapiong because of premature subtable splitting (#2772, #2776).
+- [feaLib] Speed up ``VarScalar`` by caching models for recurring master locations (#2798).
+- [feaLib] Optionally cythonize ``feaLib.lexer``, speeds up parsing FEA a bit (#2799).
+- [designspaceLib] Avoid crash when handling unbounded rule conditions (#2797).
+- [post] Don't crash if ``post`` legacy format 1 is malformed/improperly used (#2786)
+- [gvar] Don't be "lazy" (load all glyph variations up front) when TTFont.lazy=False (#2771).
+- [TTFont] Added ``normalizeLocation`` method to normalize a location dict from the
+ font's defined axes space (also known as "user space") into the normalized (-1..+1)
+ space. It applies ``avar`` mapping if the font contains an ``avar`` table (#2789).
+- [TTVarGlyphSet] Support drawing glyph instances from CFF2 variable glyph set (#2784).
+- [fontBuilder] Do not error when building cmap if there are zero code points (#2785).
+- [varLib.plot] Added ability to plot a variation model and set of accompaning master
+ values corresponding to the model's master locations into a pyplot figure (#2767).
+- [Snippets] Added ``statShape.py`` script to draw statistical shape of a glyph as an
+ ellips (requires pycairo) (baecd88).
+- [TTVarGlyphSet] implement drawPoints natively, avoiding going through
+ SegmentToPointPen (#2778).
+- [TTVarGlyphSet] Fixed bug whereby drawing a composite glyph multiple times, its
+ components would shif; needed an extra copy (#2774).
+4.37.1 (released 2022-08-24)
+- [subset] Fixed regression introduced with v4.37.0 while subsetting the VarStore of
+ ``HVAR`` and ``VVAR`` tables, whereby an ``AttributeError: subset_varidxes`` was
+ thrown because an apparently unused import statement (with the side-effect of
+ dynamically binding that ``subset_varidxes`` method to the VarStore class) had been
+ accidentally deleted in an unrelated PR (#2679, #2773).
+- [pens] Added ``cairoPen`` (#2678).
+- [gvar] Read ``gvar`` more lazily by not parsing all of the ``glyf`` table (#2771).
+- [ttGlyphSet] Make ``drawPoints(pointPen)`` method work for CFF fonts as well via
+ adapter pen (#2770).
+4.37.0 (released 2022-08-23)
+- [varLib.models] Reverted PR #2717 which added support for "narrow tents" in v4.36.0,
+ as it introduced a regression (#2764, #2765). It will be restored in upcoming release
+ once we found a solution to the bug.
+- [cff.specializer] Fixed issue in charstring generalizer with the ``blend`` operator
+ (#2750, #1975).
+- [varLib.models] Added support for extrapolation (#2757).
+- [ttGlyphSet] Ensure the newly added ``_TTVarGlyphSet`` inherits from ``_TTGlyphSet``
+ to keep backward compatibility with existing API (#2762).
+- [kern] Allow compiling legacy kern tables with more than 64k entries (d21cfdede).
+- [visitor] Added new visitor API to traverse tree of objects and dispatch based
+ on the attribute type: cf. ``fontTools.misc.visitor`` and ``fontTools.ttLib.ttVisitor``. Added ``fontTools.ttLib.scaleUpem`` module that uses the latter to
+ change a font's units-per-em and scale all the related fields accordingly (#2718,
+ #2755).
+4.36.0 (released 2022-08-17)
+- [varLib.models] Use a simpler model that generates narrower "tents" (regions, master
+ supports) whenever possible: specifically when any two axes that actively "cooperate"
+ (have masters at non-zero positions for both axes) have a complete set of intermediates.
+ The simpler algorithm produces fewer overlapping regions and behaves better with
+ respect to rounding at the peak positions than the generic solver, always matching
+ intermediate masters exactly, instead of maximally 0.5 units off. This may be useful
+ when 100% metrics compatibility is desired (#2218, #2717).
+- [feaLib] Remove warning when about ``GDEF`` not being built when explicitly not
+ requested; don't build one unconditonally even when not requested (#2744, also works
+ around #2747).
+- [ttFont] ``TTFont.getGlyphSet`` method now supports selecting a location that
+ represents an instance of a variable font (supports both user-scale and normalized
+ axes coordinates via the ``normalized=False`` parameter). Currently this only works
+ for TrueType-flavored variable fonts (#2738).
+4.35.0 (released 2022-08-15)
+- [otData/otConverters] Added support for 'biased' PaintSweepGradient start/end angles
+ to match latest COLRv1 spec (#2743).
+- [varLib.instancer] Fixed bug in ``_instantiateFeatureVariations`` when at the same
+ time pinning one axis and restricting the range of a subsequent axis; the wrong axis
+ tag was being used in the latter step (as the records' axisIdx was updated in the
+ preceding step but looked up using the old axes order in the following step) (#2733,
+ #2734).
+- [mtiLib] Pad script tags with space when less than 4 char long (#1727).
+- [merge] Use ``'.'`` instead of ``'#'`` in duplicate glyph names (#2742).
+- [gvar] Added support for lazily loading glyph variations (#2741).
+- [varLib] In ``build_many``, we forgot to pass on ``colr_layer_reuse`` parameter to
+ the ``build`` method (#2730).
+- [svgPathPen] Add a main that prints SVG for input text (6df779fd).
+- [cffLib.width] Fixed off-by-one in optimized values; previous code didn't match the
+ code block above it (2963fa50).
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Support reading .designspace and .glyphs files (via optional
+ ``glyphsLib``).
+- Compile some modules with Cython when available and building/installing fonttools
+ from source: ``varLib.iup`` (35% faster), ``pens.momentsPen`` (makes
+ ``varLib.interpolatable`` 3x faster).
+- [feaLib] Allow features to be built for VF without also building a GDEF table (e.g.
+ only build GSUB); warn when GDEF would be needed but isn't requested (#2705, 2694).
+- [otBase] Fixed ``AttributeError`` when uharfbuzz < 0.23.0 and 'repack' method is
+ missing (32aa8eaf). Use new ``uharfbuzz.repack_with_tag`` when available (since
+ uharfbuzz>=0.30.0), enables table-specific optimizations to be performed during
+ repacking (#2724).
+- [statisticsPen] By default report all glyphs (4139d891). Avoid division-by-zero
+ (52b28f90).
+- [feaLib] Added missing required argument to FeatureLibError exception (#2693)
+- [varLib.merge] Fixed error during error reporting (#2689). Fixed undefined
+ ``NotANone`` variable (#2714).
+4.34.4 (released 2022-07-07)
+- Fixed typo in varLib/merger.py that causes NameError merging COLR glyphs
+ containing more than 255 layers (#2685).
+4.34.3 (released 2022-07-07)
+- [designspaceLib] Don't make up bad PS names when no STAT data (#2684)
+4.34.2 (released 2022-07-06)
+- [varStore/subset] fixed KeyError exception to do with NO_VARIATION_INDEX while
+ subsetting varidxes in GPOS/GDEF (a08140d).
+4.34.1 (released 2022-07-06)
+- [instancer] When optimizing HVAR/VVAR VarStore, use_NO_VARIATION_INDEX=False to avoid
+ including NO_VARIATION_INDEX in AdvWidthMap, RsbMap, LsbMap mappings, which would
+ push the VarIdx width to maximum (4bytes), which is not desirable. This also fixes
+ a hard crash when attempting to subset a varfont after it had been partially instanced
+ with use_NO_VARIATION_INDEX=True.
+4.34.0 (released 2022-07-06)
+- [instancer] Set RIBBI bits in head and OS/2 table when cutting instances and the
+ subfamily nameID=2 contains strings like 'Italic' or 'Bold' (#2673).
+- [otTraverse] Addded module containing methods for traversing trees of otData tables
+ (#2660).
+- [otTables] Made DeltaSetIndexMap TTX dump less verbose by omitting no-op entries
+ (#2660).
+- [colorLib.builder] Added option to disable PaintColrLayers's reuse of layers from
+ LayerList (#2660).
+- [varLib] Added support for merging multiple master COLRv1 tables into a variable
+ COLR table (#2660, #2328). Base color glyphs of same name in different masters must have
+ identical paint graph structure (incl. number of layers, palette indices, number
+ of color line stops, corresponding paint formats at each level of the graph),
+ but can differ in the variable fields (e.g. PaintSolid.Alpha). PaintVar* tables
+ are produced when this happens and a VarStore/DeltaSetIndexMap is added to the
+ variable COLR table. It is possible for non-default masters to be 'sparse', i.e.
+ omit some of the color glyphs present in the default master.
+- [feaLib] Let the Parser set nameIDs 1 through 6 that were previously reserved (#2675).
+- [varLib.varStore] Support NO_VARIATION_INDEX in optimizer and instancer.
+- [feaLib] Show all missing glyphs at once at end of parsing (#2665).
+- [varLib.iup] Rewrite force-set conditions and limit DP loopback length (#2651).
+ For Noto Sans, IUP time drops from 23s down to 9s, with only a slight size increase
+ in the final font. This basically turns the algorithm from O(n^3) into O(n).
+- [featureVars] Report about missing glyphs in substitution rules (#2654).
+- [mutator/instancer] Added CLI flag to --no-recalc-timestamp (#2649).
+- [SVG] Allow individual SVG documents in SVG OT table to be compressed on uncompressed,
+ and remember that when roundtripping to/from ttx. The SVG.docList is now a list
+ of SVGDocument namedtuple-like dataclass containing an extra ``compressed`` field,
+ and no longer a bare 3-tuple (#2645).
+- [designspaceLib] Check for descriptor types with hasattr() to allow custom classes
+ that don't inherit the default descriptors (#2634).
+- [subset] Enable sharing across subtables of extension lookups for harfbuzz packing
+ (#2626). Updated how table packing falls back to fontTools from harfbuzz (#2668).
+- [subset] Updated default feature tags following current Harfbuzz (#2637).
+- [svgLib] Fixed regex for real number to support e.g. 1e-4 in addition to 1.0e-4.
+ Support parsing negative rx, ry on arc commands (#2596, #2611).
+- [subset] Fixed subsetting SinglePosFormat2 when ValueFormat=0 (#2603).
+4.33.3 (released 2022-04-26)
+- [designspaceLib] Fixed typo in ``deepcopyExceptFonts`` method, preventing font
+ references to be transferred (#2600). Fixed another typo in the name of ``Range``
+ dataclass's ``__post_init__`` magic method (#2597).
+4.33.2 (released 2022-04-22)
+- [otBase] Make logging less verbose when harfbuzz fails to serialize. Do not exit
+ at the first failure but continue attempting to fix offset overflow error using
+ the pure-python serializer even when the ``USE_HARFBUZZ_REPACKER`` option was
+ explicitly set to ``True``. This is normal with fonts with relatively large
+ tables, at least until hb.repack implements proper table splitting.
+4.33.1 (released 2022-04-22)
+- [otlLib] Put back the ``FONTTOOLS_GPOS_COMPACT_MODE`` environment variable to fix
+ regression in ufo2ft (and thus fontmake) introduced with v4.33.0 (#2592, #2593).
+ This is deprecated and will be removed one ufo2ft gets updated to use the new
+ config setup.
+4.33.0 (released 2022-04-21)
+- [OS/2 / merge] Automatically recalculate ``OS/2.xAvgCharWidth`` after merging
+ fonts with ``fontTools.merge`` (#2591, #2538).
+- [misc/config] Added ``fontTools.misc.configTools`` module, a generic configuration
+ system (#2416, #2439).
+ Added ``fontTools.config`` module, a fontTools-specific configuration
+ system using ``configTools`` above.
+ Attached a ``Config`` object to ``TTFont``.
+- [otlLib] Replaced environment variable for GPOS compression level with an
+ equivalent option using the new config system.
+- [designspaceLib] Incremented format version to 5.0 (#2436).
+ Added discrete axes, variable fonts, STAT information, either design- or
+ user-space location on instances.
+ Added ``fontTools.designspaceLib.split`` module to split a designspace
+ into sub-spaces that interpolate and that represent the variable fonts
+ listed in the document.
+ Made instance names optional and allow computing them from STAT data instead.
+ Added ``fontTools.designspaceLib.statNames`` module.
+ Allow instances to have the same location as a previously defined STAT label.
+ Deprecated some attributes:
+ ``SourceDescriptor``: ``copyLib``, ``copyInfo``, ``copyGroups``, ``copyFeatures``.
+ ``InstanceDescriptor``: ``kerning``, ``info``; ``glyphs``: use rules or sparse
+ sources.
+ For both, ``location``: use the more explicit designLocation.
+ Note: all are soft deprecations and existing code should keep working.
+ Updated documentation for Python methods and the XML format.
+- [varLib] Added ``build_many`` to build several variable fonts from a single
+ designspace document (#2436).
+ Added ``fontTools.varLib.stat`` module to build STAT tables from a designspace
+ document.
+- [otBase] Try to use the Harfbuzz Repacker for packing GSUB/GPOS tables when
+ ``uharfbuzz`` python bindings are available (#2552). Disable it by setting the
+ "fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase:USE_HARFBUZZ_REPACKER" config option to ``False``.
+ If the option is set explicitly to ``True`` but ``uharfbuzz`` can't be imported
+ or fails to serialize for any reasons, an error will be raised (ImportError or
+ uharfbuzz errors).
+- [CFF/T2] Ensure that ``pen.closePath()`` gets called for CFF2 charstrings (#2577).
+ Handle implicit CFF2 closePath within ``T2OutlineExtractor`` (#2580).
+4.32.0 (released 2022-04-08)
+- [otlLib] Disable GPOS7 optimization to work around bug in Apple CoreText.
+ Always force Chaining GPOS8 for now (#2540).
+- [glifLib] Added ``outputImpliedClosingLine=False`` parameter to ``Glyph.draw()``,
+ to control behaviour of ``PointToSegmentPen`` (6b4e2e7).
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Check for wrong contour starting point (#2571).
+- [cffLib] Remove leftover ``GlobalState`` class and fix calls to ``TopDictIndex()``
+ (#2569, #2570).
+- [instancer] Clear ``AxisValueArray`` if it is empty after instantiating (#2563).
+4.31.2 (released 2022-03-22)
+- [varLib] fix instantiation of GPOS SinglePos values (#2555).
+4.31.1 (released 2022-03-18)
+- [subset] fix subsetting OT-SVG when glyph id attribute is on the root ````
+ element (#2553).
+4.31.0 (released 2022-03-18)
+- [ttCollection] Fixed 'ResourceWarning: unclosed file' warning (#2549).
+- [varLib.merger] Handle merging SinglePos with valueformat=0 (#2550).
+- [ttFont] Update glyf's glyphOrder when calling TTFont.setGlyphOrder() (#2544).
+- [ttFont] Added ``ensureDecompiled`` method to load all tables irrespective
+ of the ``lazy`` attribute (#2551).
+- [otBase] Added ``iterSubTable`` method to iterate over BaseTable's children of
+ type BaseTable; useful for traversing a tree of otTables (#2551).
+4.30.0 (released 2022-03-10)
+- [varLib] Added debug logger showing the glyph name for which ``gvar`` is built (#2542).
+- [varLib.errors] Fixed undefined names in ``FoundANone`` and ``UnsupportedFormat``
+ exceptions (ac4d5611).
+- [otlLib.builder] Added ``windowsNames`` and ``macNames`` (bool) parameters to the
+ ``buildStatTabe`` function, so that one can select whether to only add one or both
+ of the two sets (#2528).
+- [t1Lib] Added the ability to recreate PostScript stream (#2504).
+- [name] Added ``getFirstDebugName``, ``getBest{Family,SubFamily,Full}Name`` methods (#2526).
+4.29.1 (released 2022-02-01)
+- [colorLib] Fixed rounding issue with radial gradient's start/end circles inside
+ one another (#2521).
+- [freetypePen] Handle rotate/skew transform when auto-computing width/height of the
+ buffer; raise PenError wen missing moveTo (#2517)
+4.29.0 (released 2022-01-24)
+- [ufoLib] Fixed illegal characters and expanded reserved filenames (#2506).
+- [COLRv1] Don't emit useless PaintColrLayers of lenght=1 in LayerListBuilder (#2513).
+- [ttx] Removed legacy ``waitForKeyPress`` method on Windows (#2509).
+- [pens] Added FreeTypePen that uses ``freetype-py`` and the pen protocol for
+ rasterizating outline paths (#2494).
+- [unicodedata] Updated the script direction list to Unicode 14.0 (#2484).
+ Bumped unicodedata2 dependency to 14.0 (#2499).
+- [psLib] Fixed type of ``fontName`` in ``suckfont`` (#2496).
+4.28.5 (released 2021-12-19)
+- [svgPathPen] Continuation of #2471: make sure all occurrences of ``str()`` are now
+ replaced with user-defined ``ntos`` callable.
+- [merge] Refactored code into submodules, plus several bugfixes and improvements:
+ fixed duplicate-glyph-resolution GSUB-lookup generation code; use tolerance in glyph
+ comparison for empty glyph's width; ignore space of default ignorable glyphs;
+ downgrade duplicates-resolution missing-GSUB from assert to warn; added --drop-tables
+ option (#2473, #2475, #2476).
+4.28.4 (released 2021-12-15)
+- [merge] Merge GDEF marksets in Lookups properly (#2474).
+- [feaLib] Have ``fontTools feaLib`` script exit with error code when build fails (#2459)
+- [svgPathPen] Added ``ntos`` option to customize number formatting (e.g. rounding) (#2471).
+- [subset] Speed up subsetting of large CFF fonts (#2467).
+- [otTables] Speculatively promote lookups to extension to speed up compilation. If the
+ offset to lookup N is too big to fit in a ushort, the offset to lookup N+1 is going to
+ be too big as well, so we promote to extension all lookups from lookup N onwards (#2465).
+4.28.3 (released 2021-12-03)
+- [subset] Fixed bug while subsetting ``COLR`` table, whereby incomplete layer records
+ pointing to missing glyphs were being retained leading to ``struct.error`` upon
+ compiling. Make it so that ``glyf`` glyph closure, which follows the ``COLR`` glyph
+ closure, does not influence the ``COLR`` table subsetting (#2461, #2462).
+- [docs] Fully document the ``cmap`` and ``glyf`` tables (#2454, #2457).
+- [colorLib.unbuilder] Fixed CLI by deleting no longer existing parameter (180bb1867).
+4.28.2 (released 2021-11-22)
+- [otlLib] Remove duplicates when building coverage (#2433).
+- [docs] Add interrogate configuration (#2443).
+- [docs] Remove comment about missing “start” optional argument to ``calcChecksum`` (#2448).
+- [cu2qu/cli] Adapt to the latest ufoLib2.
+- [subset] Support subsetting SVG table and remove it from the list of drop by default tables (#534).
+- [subset] add ``--pretty-svg`` option to pretty print SVG table contents (#2452).
+- [merge] Support merging ``CFF`` tables (CID-keyed ``CFF`` is still not supported) (#2447).
+- [merge] Support ``--output-file`` (#2447).
+- [docs] Split table docs into individual pages (#2444).
+- [feaLib] Forbid empty classes (#2446).
+- [docs] Improve documentation for ``fontTools.ttLib.ttFont`` (#2442).
+4.28.1 (released 2021-11-08)
+- [subset] Fixed AttributeError while traversing a color glyph's Paint graph when there is no
+ LayerList, which is optional (#2441).
+4.28.0 (released 2021-11-05)
+- Dropped support for EOL Python 3.6, require Python 3.7 (#2417).
+- [ufoLib/glifLib] Make filename-clash checks faster by using a set instead of a list (#2422).
+- [subset] Don't crash if optional ClipList and LayerList are ``None`` (empty) (#2424, 2439).
+- [OT-SVG] Removed support for old deprecated version 1 and embedded color palettes,
+ which were never officially part of the OpenType SVG spec. Upon compile, reuse offsets
+ to SVG documents that are identical (#2430).
+- [feaLib] Added support for Variable Feature File syntax. This is experimental and subject
+ to change until it is finalized in the Adobe FEA spec (#2432).
+- [unicodedata] Update Scripts/ScriptExtensions/Blocks to UnicodeData 14.0 (#2437).
+4.27.1 (released 2021-09-23)
+- [otlLib] Fixed error when chained contextual lookup builder overflows (#2404, #2411).
+- [bezierTools] Fixed two floating-point bugs: one when computing `t` for a point
+ lying on an almost horizontal/vertical line; another when computing the intersection
+ point between a curve and a line (#2413).
+4.27.0 (released 2021-09-14)
+- [ttLib/otTables] Cleaned up virtual GID handling: allow virtual GIDs in ``Coverage``
+ and ``ClassDef`` readers; removed unused ``allowVID`` argument from ``TTFont``
+ constructor, and ``requireReal`` argument in ``TTFont.getGlyphID`` method.
+ Make ``TTFont.setGlyphOrder`` clear reverse glyphOrder map, and assume ``glyphOrder``
+ internal attribute is never modified outside setGlyphOrder; added ``TTFont.getGlyphNameMany``
+ and ``getGlyphIDMany`` (#1536, #1654, #2334, #2398).
+- [py23] Dropped internal use of ``fontTools.py23`` module to fix deprecation warnings
+ in client code that imports from fontTools (#2234, #2399, #2400).
+- [subset] Fix subsetting COLRv1 clip boxes when font is loaded lazily (#2408).
+4.26.2 (released 2021-08-09)
+- [otTables] Added missing ``CompositeMode.PLUS`` operator (#2390).
+4.26.1 (released 2021-08-03)
+- [transform] Added ``transformVector`` and ``transformVectors`` methods to the
+ ``Transform`` class. Similar to ``transformPoint`` but ignore the translation
+ part (#2386).
+4.26.0 (released 2021-08-03)
+- [xmlWriter] Default to ``"\n"`` for ``newlinestr`` instead of platform-specific
+ ``os.linesep`` (#2384).
+- [otData] Define COLRv1 ClipList and ClipBox (#2379).
+- [removeOverlaps/instancer] Added --ignore-overlap-errors option to work around
+ Skia PathOps.Simplify bug (#2382, #2363, google/fonts#3365).
+- NOTE: This will be the last version to support Python 3.6. FontTools will require
+ Python 3.7 or above from the next release (#2350)
+4.25.2 (released 2021-07-26)
+- [COLRv1] Various changes to sync with the latest CORLv1 draft spec. In particular:
+ define COLR.VarIndexMap, remove/inline ColorIndex struct, add VarIndexBase to ``PaintVar*`` tables (#2372);
+ add reduced-precicion specialized transform Paints;
+ define Angle as fraction of half circle encoded as F2Dot14;
+ use FWORD (int16) for all Paint center coordinates;
+ change PaintTransform to have an offset to Affine2x3;
+- [ttLib] when importing XML, only set sfntVersion if the font has no reader and is empty (#2376)
+4.25.1 (released 2021-07-16)
+- [ttGlyphPen] Fixed bug in ``TTGlyphPointPen``, whereby open contours (i.e. starting
+ with segmentType "move") would throw ``NotImplementedError``. They are now treated
+ as if they are closed, like with the ``TTGlyphPen`` (#2364, #2366).
+4.25.0 (released 2021-07-05)
+- [tfmLib] Added new library for parsing TeX Font Metric (TFM) files (#2354).
+- [TupleVariation] Make shared tuples order deterministic on python < 3.7 where
+ Counter (subclass of dict) doesn't remember insertion order (#2351, #2353).
+- [otData] Renamed COLRv1 structs to remove 'v1' suffix and match the updated draft
+ spec: 'LayerV1List' -> 'LayerList', 'BaseGlyphV1List' -> 'BaseGlyphList',
+ 'BaseGlyphV1Record' -> 'BaseGlyphPaintRecord' (#2346).
+ Added 8 new ``PaintScale*`` tables: with/without centers, uniform vs non-uniform.
+ Added ``*AroundCenter`` variants to ``PaintRotate`` and ``PaintSkew``: the default
+ versions no longer have centerX/Y, but default to origin.
+ ``PaintRotate``, ``PaintSkew`` and ``PaintComposite`` formats were re-numbered.
+ NOTE: these are breaking changes; clients using the experimental COLRv1 API will
+ have to be updated (#2348).
+- [pointPens] Allow ``GuessSmoothPointPen`` to accept a tolerance. Fixed call to
+ ``math.atan2`` with x/y parameters inverted. Sync the code with fontPens (#2344).
+- [post] Fixed parsing ``post`` table format 2.0 when it contains extra garbage
+ at the end of the stringData array (#2314).
+- [subset] drop empty features unless 'size' with FeatureParams table (#2324).
+- [otlLib] Added ``otlLib.optimize`` module; added GPOS compaction algorithm.
+ The compaction can be run on existing fonts with ``fonttools otlLib.optimize``
+ or using the snippet ``compact_gpos.py``. There's experimental support for
+ compacting fonts at compilation time using an environment variable, but that
+ might be removed later (#2326).
+4.24.4 (released 2021-05-25)
+- [subset/instancer] Fixed ``AttributeError`` when instantiating a VF that
+ contains GPOS ValueRecords with ``Device`` tables but without the respective
+ non-Device values (e.g. ``XAdvDevice`` without ``XAdvance``). When not
+ explicitly set, the latter are assumed to be 0 (#2323).
+4.24.3 (released 2021-05-20)
+- [otTables] Fixed ``AttributeError`` in methods that split LigatureSubst,
+ MultipleSubst and AlternateSubst subtables when an offset overflow occurs.
+ The ``Format`` attribute was removed in v4.22.0 (#2319).
+4.24.2 (released 2021-05-20)
+- [ttGlyphPen] Fixed typing annotation of TTGlyphPen glyphSet parameter (#2315).
+- Fixed two instances of DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence (#2311).
+4.24.1 (released 2021-05-20)
+- [subset] Fixed AttributeError when SinglePos subtable has None Value (ValueFormat 0)
+ (#2312, #2313).
+4.24.0 (released 2021-05-17)
+- [pens] Add ``ttGlyphPen.TTGlyphPointPen`` similar to ``TTGlyphPen`` (#2205).
+4.23.1 (released 2021-05-14)
+- [subset] Fix ``KeyError`` after subsetting ``COLR`` table that initially contains
+ both v0 and v1 color glyphs when the subset only requested v1 glyphs; we were
+ not pruning the v0 portion of the table (#2308).
+- [colorLib] Set ``LayerV1List`` attribute to ``None`` when empty, it's optional
+ in CORLv1 (#2308).
+4.23.0 (released 2021-05-13)
+- [designspaceLib] Allow to use ``\\UNC`` absolute paths on Windows (#2299, #2306).
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed bug where ``VarLibMergeError`` was raised with incorrect
+ parameters (#2300).
+- [feaLib] Allow substituting a glyph class with ``NULL`` to delete multiple glyphs
+ (#2303).
+- [glyf] Fixed ``NameError`` exception in ``getPhantomPoints`` (#2295, #2305).
+- [removeOverlaps] Retry pathops.simplify after rounding path coordinates to integers
+ if it fails the first time using floats, to work around a rare and hard to debug
+ Skia bug (#2288).
+- [varLib] Added support for building, reading, writing and optimizing 32-bit
+ ``ItemVariationStore`` as used in COLRv1 table (#2285).
+- [otBase/otConverters] Add array readers/writers for int types (#2285).
+- [feaLib] Allow more than one lookahead glyph/class in contextual positioning with
+ "value at end" (#2293, #2294).
+- [COLRv1] Default varIdx should be 0xFFFFFFFF (#2297, #2298).
+- [pens] Make RecordingPointPen actually pass on identifiers; replace asserts with
+ explicit ``PenError`` exception (#2284).
+- [mutator] Round lsb for CF2 fonts as well (#2286).
+4.22.1 (released 2021-04-26)
+- [feaLib] Skip references to named lookups if the lookup block definition
+ is empty, similarly to makeotf. This also fixes an ``AttributeError`` while
+ generating ``aalt`` feature (#2276, #2277).
+- [subset] Fixed bug with ``--no-hinting`` implementation for Device tables (#2272,
+ #2275). The previous code was alwyas dropping Device tables if no-hinting was
+ requested, but some Device tables (DeltaFormat=0x8000) are also used to encode
+ variation indices and need to be retained.
+- [otBase] Fixed bug in getting the ValueRecordSize when decompiling ``MVAR``
+ table with ``lazy=True`` (#2273, #2274).
+- [varLib/glyf/gvar] Optimized and simplified ``GlyphCoordinates`` and
+ ``TupleVariation`` classes, use ``bytearray`` where possible, refactored
+ phantom-points calculations. We measured about 30% speedup in total time
+ of loading master ttfs, building gvar, and saving (#2261, #2266).
+- [subset] Fixed ``AssertionError`` while pruning unused CPAL palettes when
+ ``0xFFFF`` is present (#2257, #2259).
+4.22.0 (released 2021-04-01)
+- [ttLib] Remove .Format from Coverage, ClassDef, SingleSubst, LigatureSubst,
+ AlternateSubst, MultipleSubst (#2238).
+ ATTENTION: This will change your TTX dumps!
+- [misc.arrayTools] move Vector to its own submodule, and rewrite as a tuple
+ subclass (#2201).
+- [docs] Added a terminology section for varLib (#2209).
+- [varLib] Move rounding to VariationModel, to avoid error accumulation from
+ multiple deltas (#2214)
+- [varLib] Explain merge errors in more human-friendly terms (#2223, #2226)
+- [otlLib] Correct some documentation (#2225)
+- [varLib/otlLib] Allow merging into VariationFont without first saving GPOS
+ PairPos2 (#2229)
+- [subset] Improve PairPosFormat2 subsetting (#2221)
+- [ttLib] TTFont.save: create file on disk as late as possible (#2253)
+- [cffLib] Add missing CFF2 dict operators LanguageGroup and ExpansionFactor
+ (#2249)
+ ATTENTION: This will change your TTX dumps!
+4.21.1 (released 2021-02-26)
+- [pens] Reverted breaking change that turned ``AbstractPen`` and ``AbstractPointPen``
+ into abstract base classes (#2164, #2198).
+4.21.0 (released 2021-02-26)
+- [feaLib] Indent anchor statements in ``asFea()`` to make them more legible and
+ diff-able (#2193).
+- [pens] Turn ``AbstractPen`` and ``AbstractPointPen`` into abstract base classes
+ (#2164).
+- [feaLib] Added support for parsing and building ``STAT`` table from AFDKO feature
+ files (#2039).
+- [instancer] Added option to update name table of generated instance using ``STAT``
+ table's axis values (#2189).
+- [bezierTools] Added functions to compute bezier point-at-time, as well as line-line,
+ curve-line and curve-curve intersections (#2192).
+4.20.0 (released 2021-02-15)
+- [COLRv1] Added ``unbuildColrV1`` to deconstruct COLRv1 otTables to raw json-able
+ data structure; it does the reverse of ``buildColrV1`` (#2171).
+- [feaLib] Allow ``sub X by NULL`` sequence to delete a glyph (#2170).
+- [arrayTools] Fixed ``Vector`` division (#2173).
+- [COLRv1] Define new ``PaintSweepGradient`` (#2172).
+- [otTables] Moved ``Paint.Format`` enum class outside of ``Paint`` class definition,
+ now named ``PaintFormat``. It was clashing with paint instance ``Format`` attribute
+ and thus was breaking lazy load of COLR table which relies on magic ``__getattr__``
+ (#2175).
+- [COLRv1] Replace hand-coded builder functions with otData-driven dynamic
+ implementation (#2181).
+- [COLRv1] Define additional static (non-variable) Paint formats (#2181).
+- [subset] Added support for subsetting COLR v1 and CPAL tables (#2174, #2177).
+- [fontBuilder] Allow ``setupFvar`` to optionally take ``designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor``
+ objects. Added new ``setupAvar`` method. Support localised names for axes and
+ named instances (#2185).
+4.19.1 (released 2021-01-28)
+- [woff2] An initial off-curve point with an overlap flag now stays an off-curve
+ point after compression.
+4.19.0 (released 2021-01-25)
+- [codecs] Handle ``errors`` parameter different from 'strict' for the custom
+ extended mac encodings (#2137, #2132).
+- [featureVars] Raise better error message when a script is missing the required
+ default language system (#2154).
+- [COLRv1] Avoid abrupt change caused by rounding ``PaintRadialGradient.c0`` when
+ the start circle almost touches the end circle's perimeter (#2148).
+- [COLRv1] Support building unlimited lists of paints as 255-ary trees of
+ ``PaintColrLayers`` tables (#2153).
+- [subset] Prune redundant format-12 cmap subtables when all non-BMP characters
+ are dropped (#2146).
+- [basePen] Raise ``MissingComponentError`` instead of bare ``KeyError`` when a
+ referenced component is missing (#2145).
+4.18.2 (released 2020-12-16)
+- [COLRv1] Implemented ``PaintTranslate`` paint format (#2129).
+- [varLib.cff] Fixed unbound local variable error (#1787).
+- [otlLib] Don't crash when creating OpenType class definitions if some glyphs
+ occur more than once (#2125).
+4.18.1 (released 2020-12-09)
+- [colorLib] Speed optimization for ``LayerV1ListBuilder`` (#2119).
+- [mutator] Fixed missing tab in ``interpolate_cff2_metrics`` (0957dc7a).
+4.18.0 (released 2020-12-04)
+- [COLRv1] Update to latest draft: added ``PaintRotate`` and ``PaintSkew`` (#2118).
+- [woff2] Support new ``brotlicffi`` bindings for PyPy (#2117).
+- [glifLib] Added ``expectContentsFile`` parameter to ``GlyphSet``, for use when
+ reading existing UFOs, to comply with the specification stating that a
+ ``contents.plist`` file must exist in a glyph set (#2114).
+- [subset] Allow ``LangSys`` tags in ``--layout-scripts`` option (#2112). For example:
+ ``--layout-scripts=arab.dflt,arab.URD,latn``; this will keep ``DefaultLangSys``
+ and ``URD`` language for ``arab`` script, and all languages for ``latn`` script.
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Allow UFOs to be checked; report open paths, non existant
+ glyphs; add a ``--json`` option to produce a machine-readable list of
+ incompatibilities
+- [pens] Added ``QuartzPen`` to create ``CGPath`` from glyph outlines on macOS.
+ Requires pyobjc (#2107).
+- [feaLib] You can export ``FONTTOOLS_LOOKUP_DEBUGGING=1`` to enable feature file
+ debugging info stored in ``Debg`` table (#2106).
+- [otlLib] Build more efficient format 1 and format 2 contextual lookups whenever
+ possible (#2101).
+4.17.1 (released 2020-11-16)
+- [colorLib] Fixed regression in 4.17.0 when building COLR v0 table; when color
+ layers are stored in UFO lib plist, we can't distinguish tuples from lists so
+ we need to accept either types (e5439eb9, googlefonts/ufo2ft/issues#426).
+4.17.0 (released 2020-11-12)
+- [colorLib/otData] Updated to latest draft ``COLR`` v1 spec (#2092).
+- [svgLib] Fixed parsing error when arc commands' boolean flags are not separated
+ by space or comma (#2094).
+- [varLib] Interpret empty non-default glyphs as 'missing', if the default glyph is
+ not empty (#2082).
+- [feaLib.builder] Only stash lookup location for ``Debg`` if ``Builder.buildLookups_``
+ has cooperated (#2065, #2067).
+- [varLib] Fixed bug in VarStore optimizer (#2073, #2083).
+- [varLib] Add designspace lib key for custom feavar feature tag (#2080).
+- Add HashPointPen adapted from psautohint. With this pen, a hash value of a glyph
+ can be computed, which can later be used to detect glyph changes (#2005).
+4.16.1 (released 2020-10-05)
+- [varLib.instancer] Fixed ``TypeError`` exception when instantiating a VF with
+ a GSUB table 1.1 in which ``FeatureVariations`` attribute is present but set to
+ ``None`` -- indicating that optional ``FeatureVariations`` is missing (#2077).
+- [glifLib] Make ``x`` and ``y`` attributes of the ``point`` element required
+ even when validation is turned off, and raise a meaningful ``GlifLibError``
+ message when that happens (#2075).
+4.16.0 (released 2020-09-30)
+- [removeOverlaps] Added new module and ``removeOverlaps`` function that merges
+ overlapping contours and components in TrueType glyphs. It requires the
+ `skia-pathops `__ module.
+ Note that removing overlaps invalidates the TrueType hinting (#2068).
+- [varLib.instancer] Added ``--remove-overlaps`` command-line option.
+ The ``overlap`` option in ``instantiateVariableFont`` now takes an ``OverlapMode``
+ enum: 0: KEEP_AND_DONT_SET_FLAGS, 1: KEEP_AND_SET_FLAGS (default), and 2: REMOVE.
+ The latter is equivalent to calling ``removeOverlaps`` on the generated static
+ instance. The option continues to accept ``bool`` value for backward compatibility.
+4.15.0 (released 2020-09-21)
+- [plistlib] Added typing annotations to plistlib module. Set up mypy static
+ typechecker to run automatically on CI (#2061).
+- [ttLib] Implement private ``Debg`` table, a reverse-DNS namespaced JSON dict.
+- [feaLib] Optionally add an entry into the ``Debg`` table with the original
+ lookup name (if any), feature name / script / language combination (if any),
+ and original source filename and line location. Annotate the ttx output for
+ a lookup with the information from the Debg table (#2052).
+- [sfnt] Disabled checksum checking by default in ``SFNTReader`` (#2058).
+- [Docs] Document ``mtiLib`` module (#2027).
+- [varLib.interpolatable] Added checks for contour node count and operation type
+ of each node (#2054).
+- [ttLib] Added API to register custom table packer/unpacker classes (#2055).
+4.14.0 (released 2020-08-19)
+- [feaLib] Allow anonymous classes in LookupFlags definitions (#2037).
+- [Docs] Better document DesignSpace rules processing order (#2041).
+- [ttLib] Fixed 21-year old bug in ``maxp.maxComponentDepth`` calculation (#2044,
+ #2045).
+- [varLib.models] Fixed misspelled argument name in CLI entry point (81d0042a).
+- [subset] When subsetting GSUB v1.1, fixed TypeError by checking whether the
+ optional FeatureVariations table is present (e63ecc5b).
+- [Snippets] Added snippet to show how to decompose glyphs in a TTF (#2030).
+- [otlLib] Generate GSUB type 5 and GPOS type 7 contextual lookups where appropriate
+ (#2016).
+4.13.0 (released 2020-07-10)
+- [feaLib/otlLib] Moved lookup subtable builders from feaLib to otlLib; refactored
+ some common code (#2004, #2007).
+- [docs] Document otlLib module (#2009).
+- [glifLib] Fixed bug with some UFO .glif filenames clashing on case-insensitive
+ filesystems (#2001, #2002).
+- [colorLib] Updated COLRv1 implementation following changes in the draft spec:
+ (#2008, googlefonts/colr-gradients-spec#24).
+4.12.1 (released 2020-06-16)
+- [_n_a_m_e] Fixed error in ``addMultilingualName`` with one-character names.
+ Only attempt to recovered malformed UTF-16 data from a ``bytes`` string,
+ not from unicode ``str`` (#1997, #1998).
+4.12.0 (released 2020-06-09)
+- [otlLib/varLib] Ensure that the ``AxisNameID`` in the ``STAT`` and ``fvar``
+ tables is grater than 255 as per OpenType spec (#1985, #1986).
+- [docs] Document more modules in ``fontTools.misc`` package: ``filenames``,
+ ``fixedTools``, ``intTools``, ``loggingTools``, ``macCreatorType``, ``macRes``,
+ ``plistlib`` (#1981).
+- [OS/2] Don't calculate whole sets of unicode codepoints, use faster and more memory
+ efficient ranges and bisect lookups (#1984).
+- [voltLib] Support writing back abstract syntax tree as VOLT data (#1983).
+- [voltLib] Accept DO_NOT_TOUCH_CMAP keyword (#1987).
+- [subset/merge] Fixed a namespace clash involving a private helper class (#1955).
+4.11.0 (released 2020-05-28)
+- [feaLib] Introduced ``includeDir`` parameter on Parser and IncludingLexer to
+ explicitly specify the directory to search when ``include()`` statements are
+ encountered (#1973).
+- [ufoLib] Silently delete duplicate glyphs within the same kerning group when reading
+ groups (#1970).
+- [ttLib] Set version of COLR table when decompiling COLRv1 (commit 9d8a7e2).
+4.10.2 (released 2020-05-20)
+- [sfnt] Fixed ``NameError: SimpleNamespace`` while reading TTC header. The regression
+ was introduced with 4.10.1 after removing ``py23`` star import.
+4.10.1 (released 2020-05-19)
+- [sfnt] Make ``SFNTReader`` pickleable even when TTFont is loaded with lazy=True
+ option and thus keeps a reference to an external file (#1962, #1967).
+- [feaLib.ast] Restore backward compatibility (broken in 4.10 with #1905) for
+ ``ChainContextPosStatement`` and ``ChainContextSubstStatement`` classes.
+ Make them accept either list of lookups or list of lists of lookups (#1961).
+- [docs] Document some modules in ``fontTools.misc`` package: ``arrayTools``,
+ ``bezierTools`` ``cliTools`` and ``eexec`` (#1956).
+- [ttLib._n_a_m_e] Fixed ``findMultilingualName()`` when name record's ``string`` is
+ encoded as bytes sequence (#1963).
+4.10.0 (released 2020-05-15)
+- [varLib] Allow feature variations to be active across the entire space (#1957).
+- [ufoLib] Added support for ``formatVersionMinor`` in UFO's ``fontinfo.plist`` and for
+ ``formatMinor`` attribute in GLIF file as discussed in unified-font-object/ufo-spec#78.
+ No changes in reading or writing UFOs until an upcoming (non-0) minor update of the
+ UFO specification is published (#1786).
+- [merge] Fixed merging fonts with different versions of ``OS/2`` table (#1865, #1952).
+- [subset] Fixed ``AttributeError`` while subsetting ``ContextSubst`` and ``ContextPos``
+ Format 3 subtable (#1879, #1944).
+- [ttLib.table._m_e_t_a] if data happens to be ascii, emit comment in TTX (#1938).
+- [feaLib] Support multiple lookups per glyph position (#1905).
+- [psCharStrings] Use inheritance to avoid repeated code in initializer (#1932).
+- [Doc] Improved documentation for the following modules: ``afmLib`` (#1933), ``agl``
+ (#1934), ``cffLib`` (#1935), ``cu2qu`` (#1937), ``encodings`` (#1940), ``feaLib``
+ (#1941), ``merge`` (#1949).
+- [Doc] Split off developer-centric info to new page, making front page of docs more
+ user-focused. List all utilities and sub-modules with brief descriptions.
+ Make README more concise and focused (#1914).
+- [otlLib] Add function to build STAT table from high-level description (#1926).
+- [ttLib._n_a_m_e] Add ``findMultilingualName()`` method (#1921).
+- [unicodedata] Update ``RTL_SCRIPTS`` for Unicode 13.0 (#1925).
+- [gvar] Sort ``gvar`` XML output by glyph name, not glyph order (#1907, #1908).
+- [Doc] Added help options to ``fonttools`` command line tool (#1913, #1920).
+ Ensure all fonttools CLI tools have help documentation (#1948).
+- [ufoLib] Only write fontinfo.plist when there actually is content (#1911).
+4.9.0 (released 2020-04-29)
+- [subset] Fixed subsetting of FeatureVariations table. The subsetter no longer drops
+ FeatureVariationRecords that have empty substitutions as that will keep the search
+ going and thus change the logic. It will only drop empty records that occur at the
+ end of the FeatureVariationRecords array (#1881).
+- [subset] Remove FeatureVariations table and downgrade GSUB/GPOS to version 0x10000
+ when FeatureVariations contain no FeatureVariationRecords after subsetting (#1903).
+- [agl] Add support for legacy Adobe Glyph List of glyph names in ``fontTools.agl``
+ (#1895).
+- [feaLib] Ignore superfluous script statements (#1883).
+- [feaLib] Hide traceback by default on ``fonttools feaLib`` command line.
+ Use ``--traceback`` option to show (#1898).
+- [feaLib] Check lookup index in chaining sub/pos lookups and print better error
+ message (#1896, #1897).
+- [feaLib] Fix building chained alt substitutions (#1902).
+- [Doc] Included all fontTools modules in the sphinx-generated documentation, and
+ published it to ReadTheDocs for continuous documentation of the fontTools project
+ (#1333). Check it out at https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/. Thanks to Chris Simpkins!
+- [transform] The ``Transform`` class is now subclass of ``typing.NamedTuple``. No
+ change in functionality (#1904).
+4.8.1 (released 2020-04-17)
+- [feaLib] Fixed ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' has no attribute 'getAlternateGlyphs'``
+ when ``aalt`` feature references a chain contextual substitution lookup
+ (googlefonts/fontmake#648, #1878).
+4.8.0 (released 2020-04-16)
+- [feaLib] If Parser is initialized without a ``glyphNames`` parameter, it cannot
+ distinguish between a glyph name containing an hyphen, or a range of glyph names;
+ instead of raising an error, it now interprets them as literal glyph names, while
+ also outputting a logging warning to alert user about the ambiguity (#1768, #1870).
+- [feaLib] When serializing AST to string, emit spaces around hyphens that denote
+ ranges. Also, fixed an issue with CID ranges when round-tripping AST->string->AST
+ (#1872).
+- [Snippets/otf2ttf] In otf2ttf.py script update LSB in hmtx to match xMin (#1873).
+- [colorLib] Added experimental support for building ``COLR`` v1 tables as per
+ the `colr-gradients-spec `__
+ draft proposal. **NOTE**: both the API and the XML dump of ``COLR`` v1 are
+ susceptible to change while the proposal is being discussed and formalized (#1822).
+4.7.0 (released 2020-04-03)
+- [cu2qu] Added ``fontTools.cu2qu`` package, imported from the original
+ `cu2qu `__ project. The ``cu2qu.pens`` module
+ was moved to ``fontTools.pens.cu2quPen``. The optional cu2qu extension module
+ can be compiled by installing `Cython `__ before installing
+ fonttools from source (i.e. git repo or sdist tarball). The wheel package that
+ is published on PyPI (i.e. the one ``pip`` downloads, unless ``--no-binary``
+ option is used), will continue to be pure-Python for now (#1868).
+4.6.0 (released 2020-03-24)
+- [varLib] Added support for building variable ``BASE`` table version 1.1 (#1858).
+- [CPAL] Added ``fromRGBA`` method to ``Color`` class (#1861).
+4.5.0 (released 2020-03-20)
+- [designspaceLib] Added ``add{Axis,Source,Instance,Rule}Descriptor`` methods to
+ ``DesignSpaceDocument`` class, to initialize new descriptor objects using keyword
+ arguments, and at the same time append them to the current document (#1860).
+- [unicodedata] Update to Unicode 13.0 (#1859).
+4.4.3 (released 2020-03-13)
+- [varLib] Always build ``gvar`` table for TrueType-flavored Variable Fonts,
+ even if it contains no variation data. The table is required according to
+ the OpenType spec (#1855, #1857).
+4.4.2 (released 2020-03-12)
+- [ttx] Annotate ``LookupFlag`` in XML dump with comment explaining what bits
+ are set and what they mean (#1850).
+- [feaLib] Added more descriptive message to ``IncludedFeaNotFound`` error (#1842).
+4.4.1 (released 2020-02-26)
+- [woff2] Skip normalizing ``glyf`` and ``loca`` tables if these are missing from
+ a font (e.g. in NotoColorEmoji using ``CBDT/CBLC`` tables).
+- [timeTools] Use non-localized date parsing in ``timestampFromString``, to fix
+ error when non-English ``LC_TIME`` locale is set (#1838, #1839).
+- [fontBuilder] Make sure the CFF table generated by fontBuilder can be used by varLib
+ without having to compile and decompile the table first. This was breaking in
+ converting the CFF table to CFF2 due to some unset attributes (#1836).
+4.4.0 (released 2020-02-18)
+- [colorLib] Added ``fontTools.colorLib.builder`` module, initially with ``buildCOLR``
+ and ``buildCPAL`` public functions. More color font formats will follow (#1827).
+- [fontBuilder] Added ``setupCOLR`` and ``setupCPAL`` methods (#1826).
+- [ttGlyphPen] Quantize ``GlyphComponent.transform`` floats to ``F2Dot14`` to fix
+ round-trip issue when computing bounding boxes of transformed components (#1830).
+- [glyf] If a component uses reference points (``firstPt`` and ``secondPt``) for
+ alignment (instead of X and Y offsets), compute the effective translation offset
+ *after* having applied any transform (#1831).
+- [glyf] When all glyphs have zero contours, compile ``glyf`` table data as a single
+ null byte in order to pass validation by OTS and Windows (#1829).
+- [feaLib] Parsing feature code now ensures that referenced glyph names are part of
+ the known glyph set, unless a glyph set was not provided.
+- [varLib] When filling in the default axis value for a missing location of a source or
+ instance, correctly map the value forward.
+- [varLib] The avar table can now contain mapping output values that are greater than
+ OR EQUAL to the preceeding value, as the avar specification allows this.
+- [varLib] The errors of the module are now ordered hierarchically below VarLibError.
+ See #1821.
+4.3.0 (released 2020-02-03)
+- [EBLC/CBLC] Fixed incorrect padding length calculation for Format 3 IndexSubTable
+ (#1817, #1818).
+- [varLib] Fixed error when merging OTL tables and TTFonts were loaded as ``lazy=True``
+ (#1808, #1809).
+- [varLib] Allow to use master fonts containing ``CFF2`` table when building VF (#1816).
+- [ttLib] Make ``recalcBBoxes`` option work also with ``CFF2`` table (#1816).
+- [feaLib] Don't reset ``lookupflag`` in lookups defined inside feature blocks.
+ They will now inherit the current ``lookupflag`` of the feature. This is what
+ Adobe ``makeotf`` also does in this case (#1815).
+- [feaLib] Fixed bug with mixed single/multiple substitutions. If a single substitution
+ involved a glyph class, we were incorrectly using only the first glyph in the class
+ (#1814).
+4.2.5 (released 2020-01-29)
+- [feaLib] Do not fail on duplicate multiple substitutions, only warn (#1811).
+- [subset] Optimize SinglePos subtables to Format 1 if all ValueRecords are the same
+ (#1802).
+4.2.4 (released 2020-01-09)
+- [unicodedata] Update RTL_SCRIPTS for Unicode 11 and 12.
+4.2.3 (released 2020-01-07)
+- [otTables] Fixed bug when splitting `MarkBasePos` subtables as offsets overflow.
+ The mark class values in the split subtable were not being updated, leading to
+ invalid mark-base attachments (#1797, googlefonts/noto-source#145).
+- [feaLib] Only log a warning instead of error when features contain duplicate
+ substitutions (#1767).
+- [glifLib] Strip XML comments when parsing with lxml (#1784, #1785).
+4.2.2 (released 2019-12-12)
+- [subset] Fixed issue with subsetting FeatureVariations table when the index
+ of features changes as features get dropped. The feature index need to be
+ remapped to point to index of the remaining features (#1777, #1782).
+- [fontBuilder] Added `addFeatureVariations` method to `FontBuilder` class. This
+ is a shorthand for calling `featureVars.addFeatureVariations` on the builder's
+ TTFont object (#1781).
+- [glyf] Fixed the flags bug in glyph.drawPoints() like we did for glyph.draw()
+ (#1771, #1774).
+4.2.1 (released 2019-12-06)
+- [glyf] Use the ``flagOnCurve`` bit mask in ``glyph.draw()``, so that we ignore
+ the ``overlap`` flag that may be set when instantiating variable fonts (#1771).
+4.2.0 (released 2019-11-28)
+- [pens] Added the following pens:
+ * ``roundingPen.RoundingPen``: filter pen that rounds coordinates and components'
+ offsets to integer;
+ * ``roundingPen.RoundingPointPen``: like the above, but using PointPen protocol.
+ * ``filterPen.FilterPointPen``: base class for filter point pens;
+ * ``transformPen.TransformPointPen``: filter point pen to apply affine transform;
+ * ``recordingPen.RecordingPointPen``: records and replays point-pen commands.
+- [ttGlyphPen] Always round float coordinates and component offsets to integers
+ (#1763).
+- [ufoLib] When converting kerning groups from UFO2 to UFO3, avoid confusing
+ groups with the same name as one of the glyphs (#1761, #1762,
+ unified-font-object/ufo-spec#98).
+4.1.0 (released 2019-11-18)
+- [instancer] Implemented restricting axis ranges (level 3 partial instancing).
+ You can now pass ``{axis_tag: (min, max)}`` tuples as input to the
+ ``instantiateVariableFont`` function. Note that changing the default axis
+ position is not supported yet. The command-line script also accepts axis ranges
+ in the form of colon-separated float values, e.g. ``wght=400:700`` (#1753, #1537).
+- [instancer] Never drop STAT ``DesignAxis`` records, but only prune out-of-range
+ ``AxisValue`` records.
+- [otBase/otTables] Enforce that VarStore.RegionAxisCount == fvar.axisCount, even
+ when regions list is empty to appease OTS < v8.0 (#1752).
+- [designspaceLib] Defined new ``processing`` attribute for ```` element,
+ with values "first" or "last", plus other editorial changes to DesignSpace
+ specification. Bumped format version to 4.1 (#1750).
+- [varLib] Improved error message when masters' glyph orders do not match (#1758,
+ #1759).
+- [featureVars] Allow to specify custom feature tag in ``addFeatureVariations``;
+ allow said feature to already exist, in which case we append new lookup indices
+ to existing features. Implemented ```` attribute ``processing`` according to
+ DesignSpace specification update in #1750. Depending on this flag, we generate
+ either an 'rvrn' (always processed first) or a 'rclt' feature (follows lookup order,
+ therefore last) (#1747, #1625, #1371).
+- [ttCollection] Added support for context manager auto-closing via ``with`` statement
+ like with ``TTFont`` (#1751).
+- [unicodedata] Require unicodedata2 >= 12.1.0.
+- [py2.py3] Removed yet more PY2 vestiges (#1743).
+- [_n_a_m_e] Fixed issue when comparing NameRecords with different string types (#1742).
+- [fixedTools] Changed ``fixedToFloat`` to not do any rounding but simply return
+ ``value / (1 << precisionBits)``. Added ``floatToFixedToStr`` and
+ ``strToFixedToFloat`` functions to be used when loading from or dumping to XML.
+ Fixed values (e.g. fvar axes and instance coordinates, avar mappings, etc.) are
+ are now stored as un-rounded decimal floats upon decompiling (#1740, #737).
+- [feaLib] Fixed handling of multiple ``LigatureCaret`` statements for the same glyph.
+ Only the first rule per glyph is used, additional ones are ignored (#1733).
+4.0.2 (released 2019-09-26)
+- [voltLib] Added support for ``ALL`` and ``NONE`` in ``PROCESS_MARKS`` (#1732).
+- [Silf] Fixed issue in ``Silf`` table compilation and decompilation regarding str vs
+ bytes in python3 (#1728).
+- [merge] Handle duplicate glyph names better: instead of appending font index to
+ all glyph names, use similar code like we use in ``post`` and ``CFF`` tables (#1729).
+4.0.1 (released 2019-09-11)
+- [otTables] Support fixing offset overflows in ``MultipleSubst`` lookup subtables
+ (#1706).
+- [subset] Prune empty strikes in ``EBDT`` and ``CBDT`` table data (#1698, #1633).
+- [pens] Fixed issue in ``PointToSegmentPen`` when last point of closed contour has
+ same coordinates as the starting point and was incorrectly dropped (#1720).
+- [Graphite] Fixed ``Sill`` table output to pass OTS (#1705).
+- [name] Added ``removeNames`` method to ``table__n_a_m_e`` class (#1719).
+- [ttLib] Added aliases for renamed entries ``ascender`` and ``descender`` in
+ ``hhea`` table (#1715).
+4.0.0 (released 2019-08-22)
+- NOTE: The v4.x version series only supports Python 3.6 or greater. You can keep
+ using fonttools 3.x if you need support for Python 2.
+- [py23] Removed all the python2-only code since it is no longer reachable, thus
+ unused; only the Python3 symbols were kept, but these are no-op. The module is now
+ DEPRECATED and will removed in the future.
+- [ttLib] Fixed UnboundLocalError for empty loca/glyph tables (#1680). Also, allow
+ the glyf table to be incomplete when dumping to XML (#1681).
+- [varLib.models] Fixed KeyError while sorting masters and there are no on-axis for
+ a given axis (38a8eb0e).
+- [cffLib] Make sure glyph names are unique (#1699).
+- [feaLib] Fix feature parser to correctly handle octal numbers (#1700).
+3.44.0 (released 2019-08-02)
+- NOTE: This is the last scheduled release to support Python 2.7. The upcoming fonttools
+ v4.x series is going to require Python 3.6 or greater.
+- [varLib] Added new ``varLib.instancer`` module for partially instantiating variable
+ fonts. This extends (and will eventually replace) ``varLib.mutator`` module, as
+ it allows to create not just full static instances from a variable font, but also
+ "partial" or "less variable" fonts where some of the axes are dropped or
+ instantiated at a particular value.
+ Also available from the command-line as `fonttools varLib.instancer --help`
+ (#1537, #1628).
+- [cffLib] Added support for ``FDSelect`` format 4 (#1677).
+- [subset] Added support for subsetting ``sbix`` (Apple bitmap color font) table.
+- [t1Lib] Fixed issue parsing ``eexec`` section in Type1 fonts when whitespace
+ characters are interspersed among the trailing zeros (#1676).
+- [cffLib.specializer] Fixed bug in ``programToCommands`` with CFF2 charstrings (#1669).
+3.43.2 (released 2019-07-10)
+- [featureVars] Fixed region-merging code on python3 (#1659).
+- [varLib.cff] Fixed merging of sparse PrivateDict items (#1653).
+3.43.1 (released 2019-06-19)
+- [subset] Fixed regression when passing ``--flavor=woff2`` option with an input font
+ that was already compressed as WOFF 1.0 (#1650).
+3.43.0 (released 2019-06-18)
+- [woff2] Added support for compressing/decompressing WOFF2 fonts with non-transformed
+ ``glyf`` and ``loca`` tables, as well as with transformed ``hmtx`` table.
+ Removed ``Snippets/woff2_compress.py`` and ``Snippets/woff2_decompress.py`` scripts,
+ and replaced them with a new console entry point ``fonttools ttLib.woff2``
+ that provides two sub-commands ``compress`` and ``decompress``.
+- [varLib.cff] Fixed bug when merging CFF2 ``PrivateDicts``. The ``PrivateDict``
+ data from the first region font was incorrecty used for all subsequent fonts.
+ The bug would only affect variable CFF2 fonts with hinting (#1643, #1644).
+ Also, fixed a merging bug when VF masters have no blends or marking glyphs (#1632,
+ #1642).
+- [loggingTools] Removed unused backport of ``LastResortLogger`` class.
+- [subset] Gracefully handle partial MATH table (#1635).
+- [featureVars] Avoid duplicate references to ``rvrn`` feature record in
+ ``DefaultLangSys`` tables when calling ``addFeatureVariations`` on a font that
+ does not already have a ``GSUB`` table (aa8a5bc6).
+- [varLib] Fixed merging of class-based kerning. Before, the process could introduce
+ rogue kerning values and variations for random classes against class zero (everything
+ not otherwise classed).
+- [varLib] Fixed merging GPOS tables from master fonts with different number of
+ ``SinglePos`` subtables (#1621, #1641).
+- [unicodedata] Updated Blocks, Scripts and ScriptExtensions to Unicode 12.1.
+3.42.0 (released 2019-05-28)
+- [OS/2] Fixed sign of ``fsType``: it should be ``uint16``, not ``int16`` (#1619).
+- [subset] Skip out-of-range class values in mark attachment (#1478).
+- [fontBuilder] Add an empty ``DSIG`` table with ``setupDummyDSIG`` method (#1621).
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed bug whereby ``GDEF.GlyphClassDef`` were being dropped
+ when generating instance via ``varLib.mutator`` (#1614).
+- [varLib] Added command-line options ``-v`` and ``-q`` to configure logging (#1613).
+- [subset] Update font extents in head table (#1612).
+- [subset] Make --retain-gids truncate empty glyphs after the last non-empty glyph
+ (#1611).
+- [requirements] Updated ``unicodedata2`` backport for Unicode 12.0.
+3.41.2 (released 2019-05-13)
+- [cffLib] Fixed issue when importing a ``CFF2`` variable font from XML, whereby
+ the VarStore state was not propagated to PrivateDict (#1598).
+- [varLib] Don't drop ``post`` glyph names when building CFF2 variable font (#1609).
+3.41.1 (released 2019-05-13)
+- [designspaceLib] Added ``loadSourceFonts`` method to load source fonts using
+ custom opener function (#1606).
+- [head] Round font bounding box coordinates to integers to fix compile error
+ if CFF font has float coordinates (#1604, #1605).
+- [feaLib] Don't write ``None`` in ``ast.ValueRecord.asFea()`` (#1599).
+- [subset] Fixed issue ``AssertionError`` when using ``--desubroutinize`` option
+ (#1590, #1594).
+- [graphite] Fixed bug in ``Silf`` table's ``decompile`` method unmasked by
+ previous typo fix (#1597). Decode languange code as UTF-8 in ``Sill`` table's
+ ``decompile`` method (#1600).
+3.41.0 (released 2019-04-29)
+- [varLib/cffLib] Added support for building ``CFF2`` variable font from sparse
+ masters, or masters with more than one model (multiple ``VarStore.VarData``).
+ In ``cffLib.specializer``, added support for ``CFF2`` CharStrings with
+ ``blend`` operators (#1547, #1591).
+- [subset] Fixed subsetting ``HVAR`` and ``VVAR`` with ``--retain-gids`` option,
+ and when advances mapping is null while sidebearings mappings are non-null
+ (#1587, #1588).
+- Added ``otlLib.maxContextCalc`` module to compute ``OS/2.usMaxContext`` value.
+ Calculate it automatically when compiling features with feaLib. Added option
+ ``--recalc-max-context`` to ``subset`` module (#1582).
+- [otBase/otTables] Fixed ``AttributeError`` on missing OT table fields after
+ importing font from TTX (#1584).
+- [graphite] Fixed typo ``Silf`` table's ``decompile`` method (#1586).
+- [otlLib] Better compress ``GPOS`` SinglePos (LookupType 1) subtables (#1539).
+3.40.0 (released 2019-04-08)
+- [subset] Fixed error while subsetting ``VVAR`` with ``--retain-gids``
+ option (#1552).
+- [designspaceLib] Use up-to-date default location in ``findDefault`` method
+ (#1554).
+- [voltLib] Allow passing file-like object to Parser.
+- [arrayTools/glyf] ``calcIntBounds`` (used to compute bounding boxes of glyf
+ table's glyphs) now uses ``otRound`` instead of ``round3`` (#1566).
+- [svgLib] Added support for converting more SVG shapes to path ``d`` strings
+ (ellipse, line, polyline), as well as support for ``transform`` attributes.
+ Only ``matrix`` transformations are currently supported (#1564, #1564).
+- [varLib] Added support for building ``VVAR`` table from ``vmtx`` and ``VORG``
+ tables (#1551).
+- [fontBuilder] Enable making CFF2 fonts with ``post`` table format 2 (#1557).
+- Fixed ``DeprecationWarning`` on invalid escape sequences (#1562).
+3.39.0 (released 2019-03-19)
+- [ttLib/glyf] Raise more specific error when encountering recursive
+ component references (#1545, #1546).
+- [Doc/designspaceLib] Defined new ``public.skipExportGlyphs`` lib key (#1534,
+ unified-font-object/ufo-spec#84).
+- [varLib] Use ``vmtx`` to compute vertical phantom points; or ``hhea.ascent``
+ and ``head.unitsPerEM`` if ``vmtx`` is missing (#1528).
+- [gvar/cvar] Sort XML element's min/value/max attributes in TupleVariation
+ toXML to improve readability of TTX dump (#1527).
+- [varLib.plot] Added support for 2D plots with only 1 variation axis (#1522).
+- [designspaceLib] Use axes maps when normalizing locations in
+ DesignSpaceDocument (#1226, #1521), and when finding default source (#1535).
+- [mutator] Set ``OVERLAP_SIMPLE`` and ``OVERLAP_COMPOUND`` glyf flags by
+ default in ``instantiateVariableFont``. Added ``--no-overlap`` cli option
+ to disable this (#1518).
+- [subset] Fixed subsetting ``VVAR`` table (#1516, #1517).
+ Fixed subsetting an ``HVAR`` table that has an ``AdvanceWidthMap`` when the
+ option ``--retain-gids`` is used.
+- [feaLib] Added ``forceChained`` in MultipleSubstStatement (#1511).
+ Fixed double indentation of ``subtable`` statement (#1512).
+ Added support for ``subtable`` statement in more places than just PairPos
+ lookups (#1520).
+ Handle lookupflag 0 and lookupflag without a value (#1540).
+- [varLib] In ``load_designspace``, provide a default English name for the
+ ``ital`` axis tag.
+- Remove pyftinspect because it is unmaintained and bitrotted.
+3.38.0 (released 2019-02-18)
+- [cffLib] Fixed RecursionError when unpickling or deepcopying TTFont with
+ CFF table (#1488, 649dc49).
+- [subset] Fixed AttributeError when using --desubroutinize option (#1490).
+ Also, fixed desubroutinizing bug when subrs contain hints (#1499).
+- [CPAL] Make Color a subclass of namedtuple (173a0f5).
+- [feaLib] Allow hyphen in glyph class names.
+- [feaLib] Added 'tables' option to __main__.py (#1497).
+- [feaLib] Add support for special-case contextual positioning formatting
+ (#1501).
+- [svgLib] Support converting SVG basic shapes (rect, circle, etc.) into
+ equivalent SVG paths (#1500, #1508).
+- [Snippets] Added name-viewer.ipynb Jupyter notebook.
+3.37.3 (released 2019-02-05)
+- The previous release accidentally changed several files from Unix to DOS
+ line-endings. Fix that.
+3.37.2 (released 2019-02-05)
+- [varLib] Temporarily revert the fix to ``load_masters()``, which caused a
+ crash in ``interpolate_layout()`` when ``deepcopy``-ing OTFs.
+3.37.1 (released 2019-02-05)
+- [varLib] ``load_masters()`` now actually assigns the fonts it loads to the
+ source.font attributes.
+- [varLib] Fixed an MVAR table generation crash when sparse masters were
+ involved.
+- [voltLib] ``parse_coverage_()`` returns a tuple instead of an ast.Enum.
+- [feaLib] A MarkClassDefinition inside a block is no longer doubly indented
+ compared to the rest of the block.
+3.37.0 (released 2019-01-28)
+- [svgLib] Added support for converting elliptical arcs to cubic bezier curves
+ (#1464).
+- [py23] Added backport for ``math.isfinite``.
+- [varLib] Apply HIDDEN flag to fvar axis if designspace axis has attribute
+ ``hidden=1``.
+- Fixed "DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence" in Python 3.7.
+- [voltLib] Fixed parsing glyph groups. Distinguish different PROCESS_MARKS.
+ Accept COMPONENT glyph type.
+- [feaLib] Distinguish missing value and explicit ```` for PairPos2
+ format A (#1459). Round-trip ``useExtension`` keyword. Implemented
+ ``ValueRecord.asFea`` method.
+- [subset] Insert empty widths into hdmx when retaining gids (#1458).
+3.36.0 (released 2019-01-17)
+- [ttx] Added ``--no-recalc-timestamp`` option to keep the original font's
+ ``head.modified`` timestamp (#1455, #46).
+- [ttx/psCharStrings] Fixed issues while dumping and round-tripping CFF2 table
+ with ttx (#1451, #1452, #1456).
+- [voltLib] Fixed check for duplicate anchors (#1450). Don't try to read past
+ the ``END`` operator in .vtp file (#1453).
+- [varLib] Use sentinel value -0x8000 (-32768) to ignore post.underlineThickness
+ and post.underlinePosition when generating MVAR deltas (#1449,
+ googlei18n/ufo2ft#308).
+- [subset] Added ``--retain-gids`` option to subset font without modifying the
+ current glyph indices (#1443, #1447).
+- [ufoLib] Replace deprecated calls to ``getbytes`` and ``setbytes`` with new
+ equivalent ``readbytes`` and ``writebytes`` calls. ``fs`` >= 2.2 no required.
+- [varLib] Allow loading masters from TTX files as well (#1441).
+3.35.2 (released 2019-01-14)
+- [hmtx/vmtx]: Allow to compile/decompile ``hmtx`` and ``vmtx`` tables even
+ without the corresponding (required) metrics header tables, ``hhea`` and
+ ``vhea`` (#1439).
+- [varLib] Added support for localized axes' ``labelname`` and named instances'
+ ``stylename`` (#1438).
+3.35.1 (released 2019-01-09)
+- [_m_a_x_p] Include ``maxComponentElements`` in ``maxp`` table's recalculation.
+3.35.0 (released 2019-01-07)
+- [psCharStrings] In ``encodeFloat`` function, use float's "general format" with
+ 8 digits of precision (i.e. ``%8g``) instead of ``str()``. This works around
+ a macOS rendering issue when real numbers in CFF table are too long, and
+ also makes sure that floats are encoded with the same precision in python 2.7
+ and 3.x (#1430, googlei18n/ufo2ft#306).
+- [_n_a_m_e/fontBuilder] Make ``_n_a_m_e_table.addMultilingualName`` also add
+ Macintosh (platformID=1) names by default. Added options to ``FontBuilder``
+ ``setupNameTable`` method to optionally disable Macintosh or Windows names.
+ (#1359, #1431).
+- [varLib] Make ``build`` optionally accept a ``DesignSpaceDocument`` object,
+ instead of a designspace file path. The caller can now set the ``font``
+ attribute of designspace's sources to a TTFont object, thus allowing to
+ skip filenames manipulation altogether (#1416, #1425).
+- [sfnt] Allow SFNTReader objects to be deep-copied.
+- Require typing>=3.6.4 on py27 to fix issue with singledispatch (#1423).
+- [designspaceLib/t1Lib/macRes] Fixed some cases where pathlib.Path objects were
+ not accepted (#1421).
+- [varLib] Fixed merging of multiple PairPosFormat2 subtables (#1411).
+- [varLib] The default STAT table version is now set to 1.1, to improve
+ compatibility with legacy applications (#1413).
+3.34.2 (released 2018-12-17)
+- [merge] Fixed AssertionError when none of the script tables in GPOS/GSUB have
+ a DefaultLangSys record (#1408, 135a4a1).
+3.34.1 (released 2018-12-17)
+- [varLib] Work around macOS rendering issue for composites without gvar entry (#1381).
+3.34.0 (released 2018-12-14)
+- [varLib] Support generation of CFF2 variable fonts. ``model.reorderMasters()``
+ now supports arbitrary mapping. Fix handling of overlapping ranges for feature
+ variations (#1400).
+- [cffLib, subset] Code clean-up and fixing related to CFF2 support.
+- [ttLib.tables.ttProgram] Use raw strings for regex patterns (#1389).
+- [fontbuilder] Initial support for building CFF2 fonts. Set CFF's
+ ``FontMatrix`` automatically from unitsPerEm.
+- [plistLib] Accept the more general ``collections.Mapping`` instead of the
+ specific ``dict`` class to support custom data classes that should serialize
+ to dictionaries.
+3.33.0 (released 2018-11-30)
+- [subset] subsetter bug fix with variable fonts.
+- [varLib.featureVar] Improve FeatureVariations generation with many rules.
+- [varLib] Enable sparse masters when building variable fonts:
+ https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/pull/1368#issuecomment-437257368
+- [varLib.mutator] Add IDEF for GETVARIATION opcode, for handling hints in an
+ instance.
+- [ttLib] Ignore the length of kern table subtable format 0
+3.32.0 (released 2018-11-01)
+- [ufoLib] Make ``UFOWriter`` a subclass of ``UFOReader``, and use mixins
+ for shared methods (#1344).
+- [featureVars] Fixed normalization error when a condition's minimum/maximum
+ attributes are missing in designspace ```` (#1366).
+- [setup.py] Added ``[plot]`` to extras, to optionally install ``matplotlib``,
+ needed to use the ``fonTools.varLib.plot`` module.
+- [varLib] Take total bounding box into account when resolving model (7ee81c8).
+ If multiple axes have the same range ratio, cut across both (62003f4).
+- [subset] Don't error if ``STAT`` has no ``AxisValue`` tables.
+- [fontBuilder] Added a new submodule which contains a ``FontBuilder`` wrapper
+ class around ``TTFont`` that makes it easier to create a working TTF or OTF
+ font from scratch with code. NOTE: the API is still experimental and may
+ change in future versions.
+3.31.0 (released 2018-10-21)
+- [ufoLib] Merged the `ufoLib `__
+ master branch into a new ``fontTools.ufoLib`` package (#1335, #1095).
+ Moved ``ufoLib.pointPen`` module to ``fontTools.pens.pointPen``.
+ Moved ``ufoLib.etree`` module to ``fontTools.misc.etree``.
+ Moved ``ufoLib.plistlib`` module to ``fontTools.misc.plistlib``.
+ To use the new ``fontTools.ufoLib`` module you need to install fonttools
+ with the ``[ufo]`` extra, or you can manually install the required additional
+ dependencies (cf. README.rst).
+- [morx] Support AAT action type to insert glyphs and clean up compilation
+ of AAT action tables (4a1871f, 2011ccf).
+- [subset] The ``--no-hinting`` on a CFF font now also drops the optional
+ hinting keys in Private dict: ``ForceBold``, ``LanguageGroup``, and
+ ``ExpansionFactor`` (#1322).
+- [subset] Include nameIDs referenced by STAT table (#1327).
+- [loggingTools] Added ``msg=None`` argument to
+ ``CapturingLogHandler.assertRegex`` (0245f2c).
+- [varLib.mutator] Implemented ``FeatureVariations`` instantiation (#1244).
+- [g_l_y_f] Added PointPen support to ``_TTGlyph`` objects (#1334).
+3.30.0 (released 2018-09-18)
+- [feaLib] Skip building noop class PairPos subtables when Coverage is NULL
+ (#1318).
+- [ttx] Expose the previously reserved bit flag ``OVERLAP_SIMPLE`` of
+ glyf table's contour points in the TTX dump. This is used in some
+ implementations to specify a non-zero fill with overlapping contours (#1316).
+- [ttLib] Added support for decompiling/compiling ``TS1C`` tables containing
+ VTT sources for ``cvar`` variation table (#1310).
+- [varLib] Use ``fontTools.designspaceLib`` to read DesignSpaceDocument. The
+ ``fontTools.varLib.designspace`` module is now deprecated and will be removed
+ in future versions. The presence of an explicit ``axes`` element is now
+ required in order to build a variable font (#1224, #1313).
+- [varLib] Implemented building GSUB FeatureVariations table from the ``rules``
+ element of DesignSpace document (#1240, #713, #1314).
+- [subset] Added ``--no-layout-closure`` option to not expand the subset with
+ the glyphs produced by OpenType layout features. Instead, OpenType features
+ will be subset to only rules that are relevant to the otherwise-specified
+ glyph set (#43, #1121).
+3.29.1 (released 2018-09-10)
+- [feaLib] Fixed issue whereby lookups from DFLT/dflt were not included in the
+ DFLT/non-dflt language systems (#1307).
+- [graphite] Fixed issue on big-endian architectures (e.g. ppc64) (#1311).
+- [subset] Added ``--layout-scripts`` option to add/exclude set of OpenType
+ layout scripts that will be preserved. By default all scripts are retained
+ (``'*'``) (#1303).
+3.29.0 (released 2018-07-26)
+- [feaLib] In the OTL table builder, when the ``name`` table is excluded
+ from the list of tables to be build, skip compiling ``featureNames`` blocks,
+ as the records referenced in ``FeatureParams`` table don't exist (68951b7).
+- [otBase] Try ``ExtensionLookup`` if other offset-overflow methods fail
+ (05f95f0).
+- [feaLib] Added support for explicit ``subtable;`` break statements in
+ PairPos lookups; previously these were ignored (#1279, #1300, #1302).
+- [cffLib.specializer] Make sure the stack depth does not exceed maxstack - 1,
+ so that a subroutinizer can insert subroutine calls (#1301,
+ https://github.com/googlei18n/ufo2ft/issues/266).
+- [otTables] Added support for fixing offset overflow errors occurring inside
+ ``MarkBasePos`` subtables (#1297).
+- [subset] Write the default output file extension based on ``--flavor`` option,
+ or the value of ``TTFont.sfntVersion`` (d7ac0ad).
+- [unicodedata] Updated Blocks, Scripts and ScriptExtensions for Unicode 11
+ (452c85e).
+- [xmlWriter] Added context manager to XMLWriter class to autoclose file
+ descriptor on exit (#1290).
+- [psCharStrings] Optimize the charstring's bytecode by encoding as integers
+ all float values that have no decimal portion (8d7774a).
+- [ttFont] Fixed missing import of ``TTLibError`` exception (#1285).
+- [feaLib] Allow any languages other than ``dflt`` under ``DFLT`` script
+ (#1278, #1292).
+3.28.0 (released 2018-06-19)
+- [featureVars] Added experimental module to build ``FeatureVariations``
+ tables. Still needs to be hooked up to ``varLib.build`` (#1240).
+- [fixedTools] Added ``otRound`` to round floats to nearest integer towards
+ positive Infinity. This is now used where we deal with visual data like X/Y
+ coordinates, advance widths/heights, variation deltas, and similar (#1274,
+ #1248).
+- [subset] Improved GSUB closure memoize algorithm.
+- [varLib.models] Fixed regression in model resolution (180124, #1269).
+- [feaLib.ast] Fixed error when converting ``SubtableStatement`` to string
+ (#1275).
+- [varLib.mutator] Set ``OS/2.usWeightClass`` and ``usWidthClass``, and
+ ``post.italicAngle`` based on the 'wght', 'wdth' and 'slnt' axis values
+ (#1276, #1264).
+- [py23/loggingTools] Don't automatically set ``logging.lastResort`` handler
+ on py27. Moved ``LastResortLogger`` to the ``loggingTools`` module (#1277).
+3.27.1 (released 2018-06-11)
+- [ttGlyphPen] Issue a warning and skip building non-existing components
+ (https://github.com/googlei18n/fontmake/issues/411).
+- [tests] Fixed issue running ttx_test.py from a tagged commit.
+3.27.0 (released 2018-06-11)
+- [designspaceLib] Added new ``conditionSet`` element to ``rule`` element in
+ designspace document. Bumped ``format`` attribute to ``4.0`` (previously,
+ it was formatted as an integer). Removed ``checkDefault``, ``checkAxes``
+ methods, and any kind of guessing about the axes when the ```` element
+ is missing. The default master is expected at the intersection of all default
+ values for each axis (#1254, #1255, #1267).
+- [cffLib] Fixed issues when compiling CFF2 or converting from CFF when the
+ font has an FDArray (#1211, #1271).
+- [varLib] Avoid attempting to build ``cvar`` table when ``glyf`` table is not
+ present, as is the case for CFF2 fonts.
+- [subset] Handle None coverages in MarkGlyphSets; revert commit 02616ab that
+ sets empty Coverage tables in MarkGlyphSets to None, to make OTS happy.
+- [ttFont] Allow to build glyph order from ``maxp.numGlyphs`` when ``post`` or
+ ``cmap`` are missing.
+- [ttFont] Added ``__len__`` method to ``_TTGlyphSet``.
+- [glyf] Ensure ``GlyphCoordinates`` never overflow signed shorts (#1230).
+- [py23] Added alias for ``itertools.izip`` shadowing the built-in ``zip``.
+- [loggingTools] Memoize ``log`` property of ``LogMixin`` class (fbab12).
+- [ttx] Impoved test coverage (#1261).
+- [Snippets] Addded script to append a suffix to all family names in a font.
+- [varLib.plot] Make it work with matplotlib >= 2.1 (b38e2b).
+3.26.0 (released 2018-05-03)
+- [designspace] Added a new optional ``layer`` attribute to the source element,
+ and a corresponding ``layerName`` attribute to the ``SourceDescriptor``
+ object (#1253).
+ Added ``conditionset`` element to the ``rule`` element to the spec, but not
+ implemented in designspace reader/writer yet (#1254).
+- [varLib.models] Refine modeling one last time (0ecf5c5).
+- [otBase] Fixed sharing of tables referred to by different offset sizes
+ (795f2f9).
+- [subset] Don't drop a GDEF that only has VarStore (fc819d6). Set to None
+ empty Coverage tables in MarkGlyphSets (02616ab).
+- [varLib]: Added ``--master-finder`` command-line option (#1249).
+- [varLib.mutator] Prune fvar nameIDs from instance's name table (#1245).
+- [otTables] Allow decompiling bad ClassDef tables with invalid format, with
+ warning (#1236).
+- [varLib] Make STAT v1.2 and reuse nameIDs from fvar table (#1242).
+- [varLib.plot] Show master locations. Set axis limits to -1, +1.
+- [subset] Handle HVAR direct mapping. Passthrough 'cvar'.
+ Added ``--font-number`` command-line option for collections.
+- [t1Lib] Allow a text encoding to be specified when parsing a Type 1 font
+ (#1234). Added ``kind`` argument to T1Font constructor (c5c161c).
+- [ttLib] Added context manager API to ``TTFont`` class, so it can be used in
+ ``with`` statements to auto-close the file when exiting the context (#1232).
+3.25.0 (released 2018-04-03)
+- [varLib] Improved support-resolution algorithm. Previously, the on-axis
+ masters would always cut the space. They don't anymore. That's more
+ consistent, and fixes the main issue Erik showed at TYPO Labs 2017.
+ Any varfont built that had an unusual master configuration will change
+ when rebuilt (42bef17, a523a697,
+ https://github.com/googlei18n/fontmake/issues/264).
+- [varLib.models] Added a ``main()`` entry point, that takes positions and
+ prints model results.
+- [varLib.plot] Added new module to plot a designspace's
+ VariationModel. Requires ``matplotlib``.
+- [varLib.mutator] Added -o option to specify output file path (2ef60fa).
+- [otTables] Fixed IndexError while pruning of HVAR pre-write (6b6c34a).
+- [varLib.models] Convert delta array to floats if values overflows signed
+ short integer (0055f94).
+3.24.2 (released 2018-03-26)
+- [otBase] Don't fail during ``ValueRecord`` copy if src has more items.
+ We drop hinting in the subsetter by simply changing ValueFormat, without
+ cleaning up the actual ValueRecords. This was causing assertion error if
+ a variable font was subsetted without hinting and then passed directly to
+ the mutator for instantiation without first it saving to disk.
+3.24.1 (released 2018-03-06)
+- [varLib] Don't remap the same ``DeviceTable`` twice in VarStore optimizer
+ (#1206).
+- [varLib] Add ``--disable-iup`` option to ``fonttools varLib`` script,
+ and a ``optimize=True`` keyword argument to ``varLib.build`` function,
+ to optionally disable IUP optimization while building varfonts.
+- [ttCollection] Fixed issue while decompiling ttc with python3 (#1207).
+3.24.0 (released 2018-03-01)
+- [ttGlyphPen] Decompose composite glyphs if any components' transform is too
+ large to fit a ``F2Dot14`` value, or clamp transform values that are
+ (almost) equal to +2.0 to make them fit and avoid decomposing (#1200,
+ #1204, #1205).
+- [ttx] Added new ``-g`` option to dump glyphs from the ``glyf`` table
+ splitted as individual ttx files (#153, #1035, #1132, #1202).
+- Copied ``ufoLib.filenames`` module to ``fontTools.misc.filenames``, used
+ for the ttx split-glyphs option (#1202).
+- [feaLib] Added support for ``cvParameters`` blocks in Character Variant
+ feautures ``cv01-cv99`` (#860, #1169).
+- [Snippets] Added ``checksum.py`` script to generate/check SHA1 hash of
+ ttx files (#1197).
+- [varLib.mutator] Fixed issue while instantiating some variable fonts
+ whereby the horizontal advance width computed from ``gvar`` phantom points
+ could turn up to be negative (#1198).
+- [varLib/subset] Fixed issue with subsetting GPOS variation data not
+ picking up ``ValueRecord`` ``Device`` objects (54fd71f).
+- [feaLib/voltLib] In all AST elements, the ``location`` is no longer a
+ required positional argument, but an optional kewyord argument (defaults
+ to ``None``). This will make it easier to construct feature AST from
+ code (#1201).
+3.23.0 (released 2018-02-26)
+- [designspaceLib] Added an optional ``lib`` element to the designspace as a
+ whole, as well as to the instance elements, to store arbitrary data in a
+ property list dictionary, similar to the UFO's ``lib``. Added an optional
+ ``font`` attribute to the ``SourceDescriptor``, to allow operating on
+ in-memory font objects (#1175).
+- [cffLib] Fixed issue with lazy-loading of attributes when attempting to
+ set the CFF TopDict.Encoding (#1177, #1187).
+- [ttx] Fixed regression introduced in 3.22.0 that affected the split tables
+ ``-s`` option (#1188).
+- [feaLib] Added ``IncludedFeaNotFound`` custom exception subclass, raised
+ when an included feature file cannot be found (#1186).
+- [otTables] Changed ``VarIdxMap`` to use glyph names internally instead of
+ glyph indexes. The old ttx dumps of HVAR/VVAR tables that contain indexes
+ can still be imported (21cbab8, 38a0ffb).
+- [varLib] Implemented VarStore optimizer (#1184).
+- [subset] Implemented pruning of GDEF VarStore, HVAR and MVAR (#1179).
+- [sfnt] Restore backward compatiblity with ``numFonts`` attribute of
+ ``SFNTReader`` object (#1181).
+- [merge] Initial support for merging ``LangSysRecords`` (#1180).
+- [ttCollection] don't seek(0) when writing to possibly unseekable strems.
+- [subset] Keep all ``--name-IDs`` from 0 to 6 by default (#1170, #605, #114).
+- [cffLib] Added ``width`` module to calculate optimal CFF default and
+ nominal glyph widths.
+- [varLib] Don’t fail if STAT already in the master fonts (#1166).
+3.22.0 (released 2018-02-04)
+- [subset] Support subsetting ``endchar`` acting as ``seac``-like components
+ in ``CFF`` (fixes #1162).
+- [feaLib] Allow to build from pre-parsed ``ast.FeatureFile`` object.
+ Added ``tables`` argument to only build some tables instead of all (#1159,
+ #1163).
+- [textTools] Replaced ``safeEval`` with ``ast.literal_eval`` (#1139).
+- [feaLib] Added option to the parser to not resolve ``include`` statements
+ (#1154).
+- [ttLib] Added new ``ttCollection`` module to read/write TrueType and
+ OpenType Collections. Exports a ``TTCollection`` class with a ``fonts``
+ attribute containing a list of ``TTFont`` instances, the methods ``save``
+ and ``saveXML``, plus some list-like methods. The ``importXML`` method is
+ not implemented yet (#17).
+- [unicodeadata] Added ``ot_tag_to_script`` function that converts from
+ OpenType script tag to Unicode script code.
+- Added new ``designspaceLib`` subpackage, originally from Erik Van Blokland's
+ ``designSpaceDocument``: https://github.com/LettError/designSpaceDocument
+ NOTE: this is not yet used internally by varLib, and the API may be subject
+ to changes (#911, #1110, LettError/designSpaceDocument#28).
+- Added new FontTools icon images (8ee7c32).
+- [unicodedata] Added ``script_horizontal_direction`` function that returns
+ either "LTR" or "RTL" given a unicode script code.
+- [otConverters] Don't write descriptive name string as XML comment if the
+ NameID value is 0 (== NULL) (#1151, #1152).
+- [unicodedata] Add ``ot_tags_from_script`` function to get the list of
+ OpenType script tags associated with unicode script code (#1150).
+- [feaLib] Don't error when "enumerated" kern pairs conflict with preceding
+ single pairs; emit warning and chose the first value (#1147, #1148).
+- [loggingTools] In ``CapturingLogHandler.assertRegex`` method, match the
+ fully formatted log message.
+- [sbix] Fixed TypeError when concatenating str and bytes (#1154).
+- [bezierTools] Implemented cusp support and removed ``approximate_fallback``
+ arg in ``calcQuadraticArcLength``. Added ``calcCubicArcLength`` (#1142).
+3.21.2 (released 2018-01-08)
+- [varLib] Fixed merging PairPos Format1/2 with missing subtables (#1125).
+3.21.1 (released 2018-01-03)
+- [feaLib] Allow mixed single/multiple substitutions (#612)
+- Added missing ``*.afm`` test assets to MAINFEST.in (#1137).
+- Fixed dumping ``SVG`` tables containing color palettes (#1124).
+3.21.0 (released 2017-12-18)
+- [cmap] when compiling format6 subtable, don't assume gid0 is always called
+ '.notdef' (1e42224).
+- [ot] Allow decompiling fonts with bad Coverage format number (1aafae8).
+- Change FontTools licence to MIT (#1127).
+- [post] Prune extra names already in standard Mac set (df1e8c7).
+- [subset] Delete empty SubrsIndex after subsetting (#994, #1118).
+- [varLib] Don't share points in cvar by default, as it currently fails on
+ some browsers (#1113).
+- [afmLib] Make poor old afmLib work on python3.
+3.20.1 (released 2017-11-22)
+- [unicodedata] Fixed issue with ``script`` and ``script_extension`` functions
+ returning inconsistent short vs long names. They both return the short four-
+ letter script codes now. Added ``script_name`` and ``script_code`` functions
+ to look up the long human-readable script name from the script code, and
+ viceversa (#1109, #1111).
+3.20.0 (released 2017-11-21)
+- [unicodedata] Addded new module ``fontTools.unicodedata`` which exports the
+ same interface as the built-in ``unicodedata`` module, with the addition of
+ a few functions that are missing from the latter, such as ``script``,
+ ``script_extension`` and ``block``. Added a ``MetaTools/buildUCD.py`` script
+ to download and parse data files from the Unicode Character Database and
+ generate python modules containing lists of ranges and property values.
+- [feaLib] Added ``__str__`` method to all ``ast`` elements (delegates to the
+ ``asFea`` method).
+- [feaLib] ``Parser`` constructor now accepts a ``glyphNames`` iterable
+ instead of ``glyphMap`` dict. The latter still works but with a pending
+ deprecation warning (#1104).
+- [bezierTools] Added arc length calculation functions originally from
+ ``pens.perimeterPen`` module (#1101).
+- [varLib] Started generating STAT table (8af4309). Right now it just reflects
+ the axes, and even that with certain limitations:
+ * AxisOrdering is set to the order axes are defined,
+ * Name-table entries are not shared with fvar.
+- [py23] Added backports for ``redirect_stdout`` and ``redirect_stderr``
+ context managers (#1097).
+- [Graphite] Fixed some round-trip bugs (#1093).
+3.19.0 (released 2017-11-06)
+- [varLib] Try set of used points instead of all points when testing whether to
+ share points between tuples (#1090).
+- [CFF2] Fixed issue with reading/writing PrivateDict BlueValues to TTX file.
+ Read the commit message 8b02b5a and issue #1030 for more details.
+ NOTE: this change invalidates all the TTX files containing CFF2 tables
+ that where dumped with previous verisons of fonttools.
+ CFF2 Subr items can have values on the stack after the last operator, thus
+ a ``CFF2Subr`` class was added to accommodate this (#1091).
+- [_k_e_r_n] Fixed compilation of AAT kern version=1.0 tables (#1089, #1094)
+- [ttLib] Added getBestCmap() convenience method to TTFont class and cmap table
+ class that returns a preferred Unicode cmap subtable given a list of options
+ (#1092).
+- [morx] Emit more meaningful subtable flags. Implement InsertionMorphAction
+3.18.0 (released 2017-10-30)
+- [feaLib] Fixed writing back nested glyph classes (#1086).
+- [TupleVariation] Reactivated shared points logic, bugfixes (#1009).
+- [AAT] Implemented ``morx`` ligature subtables (#1082).
+- [reverseContourPen] Keep duplicate lineTo following a moveTo (#1080,
+ https://github.com/googlei18n/cu2qu/issues/51).
+- [varLib.mutator] Suport instantiation of GPOS, GDEF and MVAR (#1079).
+- [sstruct] Fixed issue with ``unicode_literals`` and ``struct`` module in
+ old versions of python 2.7 (#993).
+3.17.0 (released 2017-10-16)
+- [svgPathPen] Added an ``SVGPathPen`` that translates segment pen commands
+ into SVG path descriptions. Copied from Tal Leming's ``ufo2svg.svgPathPen``
+ https://github.com/typesupply/ufo2svg/blob/d69f992/Lib/ufo2svg/svgPathPen.py
+- [reverseContourPen] Added ``ReverseContourPen``, a filter pen that draws
+ contours with the winding direction reversed, while keeping the starting
+ point (#1071).
+- [filterPen] Added ``ContourFilterPen`` to manipulate contours as a whole
+ rather than segment by segment.
+- [arrayTools] Added ``Vector`` class to apply math operations on an array
+ of numbers, and ``pairwise`` function to loop over pairs of items in an
+ iterable.
+- [varLib] Added support for building and interpolation of ``cvar`` table
+ (f874cf6, a25a401).
+3.16.0 (released 2017-10-03)
+- [head] Try using ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` environment variable when setting
+ the ``head`` modified timestamp to ensure reproducible builds (#1063).
+ See https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
+- [VTT] Decode VTT's ``TSI*`` tables text as UTF-8 (#1060).
+- Added support for Graphite font tables: Feat, Glat, Gloc, Silf and Sill.
+ Thanks @mhosken! (#1054).
+- [varLib] Default to using axis "name" attribute if "labelname" element
+ is missing (588f524).
+- [merge] Added support for merging Script records. Remove unused features
+ and lookups after merge (d802580, 556508b).
+- Added ``fontTools.svgLib`` package. Includes a parser for SVG Paths that
+ supports the Pen protocol (#1051). Also, added a snippet to convert SVG
+ outlines to UFO GLIF (#1053).
+- [AAT] Added support for ``ankr``, ``bsln``, ``mort``, ``morx``, ``gcid``,
+ and ``cidg``.
+- [subset] Implemented subsetting of ``prop``, ``opbd``, ``bsln``, ``lcar``.
+3.15.1 (released 2017-08-18)
+- [otConverters] Implemented ``__add__`` and ``__radd__`` methods on
+ ``otConverters._LazyList`` that decompile a lazy list before adding
+ it to another list or ``_LazyList`` instance. Fixes an ``AttributeError``
+ in the ``subset`` module when attempting to sum ``_LazyList`` objects
+ (6ef48bd2, 1aef1683).
+- [AAT] Support the `opbd` table with optical bounds (a47f6588).
+- [AAT] Support `prop` table with glyph properties (d05617b4).
+3.15.0 (released 2017-08-17)
+- [AAT] Added support for AAT lookups. The ``lcar`` table can be decompiled
+ and recompiled; futher work needed to handle ``morx`` table (#1025).
+- [subset] Keep (empty) DefaultLangSys for Script 'DFLT' (6eb807b5).
+- [subset] Support GSUB/GPOS.FeatureVariations (fe01d87b).
+- [varLib] In ``models.supportScalars``, ignore an axis when its peak value
+ is 0 (fixes #1020).
+- [varLib] Add default mappings to all axes in avar to fix rendering issue
+ in some rasterizers (19c4b377, 04eacf13).
+- [varLib] Flatten multiple tail PairPosFormat2 subtables before merging
+ (c55ef525).
+- [ttLib] Added support for recalculating font bounding box in ``CFF`` and
+ ``head`` tables, and min/max values in ``hhea`` and ``vhea`` tables (#970).
+3.14.0 (released 2017-07-31)
+- [varLib.merger] Remove Extensions subtables before merging (f7c20cf8).
+- [varLib] Initialize the avar segment map with required default entries
+ (#1014).
+- [varLib] Implemented optimal IUP optmiziation (#1019).
+- [otData] Add ``AxisValueFormat4`` for STAT table v1.2 from OT v1.8.2
+ (#1015).
+- [name] Fixed BCP46 language tag for Mac langID=9: 'si' -> 'sl'.
+- [subset] Return value from ``_DehintingT2Decompiler.op_hintmask``
+ (c0d672ba).
+- [cffLib] Allow to get TopDict by index as well as by name (dca96c9c).
+- [cffLib] Removed global ``isCFF2`` state; use one set of classes for
+ both CFF and CFF2, maintaining backward compatibility existing code (#1007).
+- [cffLib] Deprecated maxstack operator, per OpenType spec update 1.8.1.
+- [cffLib] Added missing default (-100) for UnderlinePosition (#983).
+- [feaLib] Enable setting nameIDs greater than 255 (#1003).
+- [varLib] Recalculate ValueFormat when merging SinglePos (#996).
+- [varLib] Do not emit MVAR if there are no entries in the variation store
+ (#987).
+- [ttx] For ``-x`` option, pad with space if table tag length is < 4.
+3.13.1 (released 2017-05-30)
+- [feaLib.builder] Removed duplicate lookups optimization. The original
+ lookup order and semantics of the feature file are preserved (#976).
+3.13.0 (released 2017-05-24)
+- [varLib.mutator] Implement IUP optimization (#969).
+- [_g_l_y_f.GlyphCoordinates] Changed ``__bool__()`` semantics to match those
+ of other iterables (e46f949). Removed ``__abs__()`` (3db5be2).
+- [varLib.interpolate_layout] Added ``mapped`` keyword argument to
+ ``interpolate_layout`` to allow disabling avar mapping: if False (default),
+ the location is mapped using the map element of the axes in designspace file;
+ if True, it is assumed that location is in designspace's internal space and
+ no mapping is performed (#950, #975).
+- [varLib.interpolate_layout] Import designspace-loading logic from varLib.
+- [varLib] Fixed bug with recombining PairPosClass2 subtables (81498e5, #914).
+- [cffLib.specializer] When copying iterables, cast to list (462b7f86).
+3.12.1 (released 2017-05-18)
+- [pens.t2CharStringPen] Fixed AttributeError when calling addComponent in
+ T2CharStringPen (#965).
+3.12.0 (released 2017-05-17)
+- [cffLib.specializer] Added new ``specializer`` module to optimize CFF
+ charstrings, used by the T2CharStringPen (#948).
+- [varLib.mutator] Sort glyphs by component depth before calculating composite
+ glyphs' bounding boxes to ensure deltas are correctly caclulated (#945).
+- [_g_l_y_f] Fixed loss of precision in GlyphCoordinates by using 'd' (double)
+ instead of 'f' (float) as ``array.array`` typecode (#963, #964).
+3.11.0 (released 2017-05-03)
+- [t2CharStringPen] Initial support for specialized Type2 path operators:
+ vmoveto, hmoveto, vlineto, hlineto, vvcurveto, hhcurveto, vhcurveto and
+ hvcurveto. This should produce more compact charstrings (#940, #403).
+- [Doc] Added Sphinx sources for the documentation. Thanks @gferreira (#935).
+- [fvar] Expose flags in XML (#932)
+- [name] Add helper function for building multi-lingual names (#921)
+- [varLib] Fixed kern merging when a PairPosFormat2 has ClassDef1 with glyphs
+ that are NOT present in the Coverage (1b5e1c4, #939).
+- [varLib] Fixed non-deterministic ClassDef order with PY3 (f056c12, #927).
+- [feLib] Throw an error when the same glyph is defined in multiple mark
+ classes within the same lookup (3e3ff00, #453).
+3.10.0 (released 2017-04-14)
+- [varLib] Added support for building ``avar`` table, using the designspace
+ ```` elements.
+- [varLib] Removed unused ``build(..., axisMap)`` argument. Axis map should
+ be specified in designspace file now. We do not accept nonstandard axes
+ if ```` element is not present.
+- [varLib] Removed "custom" axis from the ``standard_axis_map``. This was
+ added before when glyphsLib was always exporting the (unused) custom axis.
+- [varLib] Added partial support for building ``MVAR`` table; does not
+ implement ``gasp`` table variations yet.
+- [pens] Added FilterPen base class, for pens that control another pen;
+ factored out ``addComponent`` method from BasePen into a separate abstract
+ DecomposingPen class; added DecomposingRecordingPen, which records
+ components decomposed as regular contours.
+- [TSI1] Fixed computation of the textLength of VTT private tables (#913).
+- [loggingTools] Added ``LogMixin`` class providing a ``log`` property to
+ subclasses, which returns a ``logging.Logger`` named after the latter.
+- [loggingTools] Added ``assertRegex`` method to ``CapturingLogHandler``.
+- [py23] Added backport for python 3's ``types.SimpleNamespace`` class.
+- [EBLC] Fixed issue with python 3 ``zip`` iterator.
+3.9.2 (released 2017-04-08)
+- [pens] Added pen to draw glyphs using WxPython ``GraphicsPath`` class:
+ https://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.GraphicsPath-class.html
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed issue with recombining multiple PairPosFormat2
+ subtables (#888)
+- [varLib] Do not encode gvar deltas that are all zeroes, or if all values
+ are smaller than tolerance.
+- [ttLib] _TTGlyphSet glyphs now also have ``height`` and ``tsb`` (top
+ side bearing) attributes from the ``vmtx`` table, if present.
+- [glyf] In ``GlyphCoordintes`` class, added ``__bool__`` / ``__nonzero__``
+ methods, and ``array`` property to get raw array.
+- [ttx] Support reading TTX files with BOM (#896)
+- [CFF2] Fixed the reporting of the number of regions in the font.
+3.9.1 (released 2017-03-20)
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed issue while recombining multiple PairPosFormat2
+ subtables if they were split because of offset overflows (9798c30).
+- [varLib.merger] Only merge multiple PairPosFormat1 subtables if there is
+ at least one of the fonts with a non-empty Format1 subtable (0f5a46b).
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed IndexError with empty ClassDef1 in PairPosFormat2
+ (aad0d46).
+- [varLib.merger] Avoid reusing Class2Record (mutable) objects (e6125b3).
+- [varLib.merger] Calculate ClassDef1 and ClassDef2's Format when merging
+ PairPosFormat2 (23511fd).
+- [macUtils] Added missing ttLib import (b05f203).
+3.9.0 (released 2017-03-13)
+- [feaLib] Added (partial) support for parsing feature file comments ``# ...``
+ appearing in between statements (#879).
+- [feaLib] Cleaned up syntax tree for FeatureNames.
+- [ttLib] Added support for reading/writing ``CFF2`` table (thanks to
+ @readroberts at Adobe), and ``TTFA`` (ttfautohint) table.
+- [varLib] Fixed regression introduced with 3.8.0 in the calculation of
+ ``NumShorts``, i.e. the number of deltas in ItemVariationData's delta sets
+ that use a 16-bit representation (b2825ff).
+3.8.0 (released 2017-03-05)
+- New pens: MomentsPen, StatisticsPen, RecordingPen, and TeePen.
+- [misc] Added new ``fontTools.misc.symfont`` module, for symbolic font
+ statistical analysis; requires ``sympy`` (http://www.sympy.org/en/index.html)
+- [varLib] Added experimental ``fontTools.varLib.interpolatable`` module for
+ finding wrong contour order between different masters
+- [varLib] designspace.load() now returns a dictionary, instead of a tuple,
+ and supports element (#864); the 'masters' item was renamed 'sources',
+ like the element in the designspace document
+- [ttLib] Fixed issue with recalculating ``head`` modified timestamp when
+ saving CFF fonts
+- [ttLib] In TupleVariation, round deltas before compiling (#861, fixed #592)
+- [feaLib] Ignore duplicate glyphs in classes used as MarkFilteringSet and
+ MarkAttachmentType (#863)
+- [merge] Changed the ``gasp`` table merge logic so that only the one from
+ the first font is retained, similar to other hinting tables (#862)
+- [Tests] Added tests for the ``varLib`` package, as well as test fonts
+ from the "Annotated OpenType Specification" (AOTS) to exercise ``ttLib``'s
+ table readers/writers ()
+3.7.2 (released 2017-02-17)
+- [subset] Keep advance widths when stripping ".notdef" glyph outline in
+ CID-keyed CFF fonts (#845)
+- [feaLib] Zero values now produce the same results as makeotf (#633, #848)
+- [feaLib] More compact encoding for “Contextual positioning with in-line
+ single positioning rules” (#514)
+3.7.1 (released 2017-02-15)
+- [subset] Fixed issue with ``--no-hinting`` option whereby advance widths in
+ Type 2 charstrings were also being stripped (#709, #343)
+- [feaLib] include statements now resolve relative paths like makeotf (#838)
+- [feaLib] table ``name`` now handles Unicode codepoints beyond the Basic
+ Multilingual Plane, also supports old-style MacOS platform encodings (#842)
+- [feaLib] correctly escape string literals when emitting feature syntax (#780)
+3.7.0 (released 2017-02-11)
+- [ttx, mtiLib] Preserve ordering of glyph alternates in GSUB type 3 (#833).
+- [feaLib] Glyph names can have dashes, as per new AFDKO syntax v1.20 (#559).
+- [feaLib] feaLib.Parser now needs the font's glyph map for parsing.
+- [varLib] Fix regression where GPOS values were stored as 0.
+- [varLib] Allow merging of class-based kerning when ClassDefs are different
+3.6.3 (released 2017-02-06)
+- [varLib] Fix building variation of PairPosFormat2 (b5c34ce).
+- Populate defaults even for otTables that have postRead (e45297b).
+- Fix compiling of MultipleSubstFormat1 with zero 'out' glyphs (b887860).
+3.6.2 (released 2017-01-30)
+- [varLib.merger] Fixed "TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no
+ initial value" (3717dc6).
+3.6.1 (released 2017-01-28)
+- [py23] Fixed unhandled exception occurring at interpreter shutdown in
+ the "last resort" logging handler (972b3e6).
+- [agl] Ensure all glyph names are of native 'str' type; avoid mixing
+ 'str' and 'unicode' in TTFont.glyphOrder (d8c4058).
+- Fixed inconsistent title levels in README.rst that caused PyPI to
+ incorrectly render the reStructuredText page.
+3.6.0 (released 2017-01-26)
+- [varLib] Refactored and improved the variation-font-building process.
+- Assembly code in the fpgm, prep, and glyf tables is now indented in
+ XML output for improved readability. The ``instruction`` element is
+ written as a simple tag if empty (#819).
+- [ttx] Fixed 'I/O operation on closed file' error when dumping
+ multiple TTXs to standard output with the '-o -' option.
+- The unit test modules (``*_test.py``) have been moved outside of the
+ fontTools package to the Tests folder, thus they are no longer
+ installed (#811).
+3.5.0 (released 2017-01-14)
+- Font tables read from XML can now be written back to XML with no
+ loss.
+- GSUB/GPOS LookupType is written out in XML as an element, not
+ comment. (#792)
+- When parsing cmap table, do not store items mapped to glyph id 0.
+ (#790)
+- [otlLib] Make ClassDef sorting deterministic. Fixes #766 (7d1ddb2)
+- [mtiLib] Added unit tests (#787)
+- [cvar] Implemented cvar table
+- [gvar] Renamed GlyphVariation to TupleVariation to match OpenType
+ terminology.
+- [otTables] Handle gracefully empty VarData.Item array when compiling
+ XML. (#797)
+- [varLib] Re-enabled generation of ``HVAR`` table for fonts with
+ TrueType outlines; removed ``--build-HVAR`` command-line option.
+- [feaLib] The parser can now be extended to support non-standard
+ statements in FEA code by using a customized Abstract Syntax Tree.
+ See, for example, ``feaLib.builder_test.test_extensions`` and
+ baseClass.feax (#794, fixes #773).
+- [feaLib] Added ``feaLib`` command to the 'fonttools' command-line
+ tool; applies a feature file to a font. ``fonttools feaLib -h`` for
+ help.
+- [pens] The ``T2CharStringPen`` now takes an optional
+ ``roundTolerance`` argument to control the rounding of coordinates
+ (#804, fixes #769).
+- [ci] Measure test coverage on all supported python versions and OSes,
+ combine coverage data and upload to
+ https://codecov.io/gh/fonttools/fonttools (#786)
+- [ci] Configured Travis and Appveyor for running tests on Python 3.6
+ (#785, 55c03bc)
+- The manual pages installation directory can be customized through
+ ``FONTTOOLS_MANPATH`` environment variable (#799, fixes #84).
+- [Snippets] Added otf2ttf.py, for converting fonts from CFF to
+ TrueType using the googlei18n/cu2qu module (#802)
+3.4.0 (released 2016-12-21)
+- [feaLib] Added support for generating FEA text from abstract syntax
+ tree (AST) objects (#776). Thanks @mhosken
+- Added ``agl.toUnicode`` function to convert AGL-compliant glyph names
+ to Unicode strings (#774)
+- Implemented MVAR table (b4d5381)
+3.3.1 (released 2016-12-15)
+- [setup] We no longer use versioneer.py to compute fonttools version
+ from git metadata, as this has caused issues for some users (#767).
+ Now we bump the version strings manually with a custom ``release``
+ command of setup.py script.
+3.3.0 (released 2016-12-06)
+- [ttLib] Implemented STAT table from OpenType 1.8 (#758)
+- [cffLib] Fixed decompilation of CFF fonts containing non-standard
+ key/value pairs in FontDict (issue #740; PR #744)
+- [py23] minor: in ``round3`` function, allow the second argument to be
+ ``None`` (#757)
+- The standalone ``sstruct`` and ``xmlWriter`` modules, deprecated
+ since vesion 3.2.0, have been removed. They can be imported from the
+ ``fontTools.misc`` package.
+3.2.3 (released 2016-12-02)
+- [py23] optimized performance of round3 function; added backport for
+ py35 math.isclose() (9d8dacb)
+- [subset] fixed issue with 'narrow' (UCS-2) Python 2 builds and
+ ``--text``/``--text-file`` options containing non-BMP chararcters
+ (16d0e5e)
+- [varLib] fixed issuewhen normalizing location values (8fa2ee1, #749)
+- [inspect] Made it compatible with both python2 and python3 (167ee60,
+ #748). Thanks @pnemade
+3.2.2 (released 2016-11-24)
+- [varLib] Do not emit null axes in fvar (1bebcec). Thanks @robmck-ms
+- [varLib] Handle fonts without GPOS (7915a45)
+- [merge] Ignore LangSys if None (a11bc56)
+- [subset] Fix subsetting MathVariants (78d3cbe)
+- [OS/2] Fix "Private Use (plane 15)" range (08a0d55). Thanks @mashabow
+3.2.1 (released 2016-11-03)
+- [OS/2] fix checking ``fsSelection`` bits matching ``head.macStyle``
+ bits
+- [varLib] added ``--build-HVAR`` option to generate ``HVAR`` table for
+ fonts with TrueType outlines. For ``CFF2``, it is enabled by default.
+3.2.0 (released 2016-11-02)
+- [varLib] Improve support for OpenType 1.8 Variable Fonts:
+- Implement GDEF's VariationStore
+- Implement HVAR/VVAR tables
+- Partial support for loading MutatorMath .designspace files with
+ varLib.designspace module
+- Add varLib.models with Variation fonts interpolation models
+- Implement GSUB/GPOS FeatureVariations
+- Initial support for interpolating and merging OpenType Layout tables
+ (see ``varLib.interpolate_layout`` and ``varLib.merger`` modules)
+- [API change] Change version to be an integer instead of a float in
+ XML output for GSUB, GPOS, GDEF, MATH, BASE, JSTF, HVAR, VVAR, feat,
+ hhea and vhea tables. Scripts that set the Version for those to 1.0
+ or other float values also need fixing. A warning is emitted when
+ code or XML needs fix.
+- several bug fixes to the cffLib module, contributed by Adobe's
+ @readroberts
+- The XML output for CFF table now has a 'major' and 'minor' elements
+ for specifying whether it's version 1.0 or 2.0 (support for CFF2 is
+ coming soon)
+- [setup.py] remove undocumented/deprecated ``extra_path`` Distutils
+ argument. This means that we no longer create a "FontTools" subfolder
+ in site-packages containing the actual fontTools package, as well as
+ the standalone xmlWriter and sstruct modules. The latter modules are
+ also deprecated, and scheduled for removal in upcoming releases.
+ Please change your import statements to point to from fontTools.misc
+ import xmlWriter and from fontTools.misc import sstruct.
+- [scripts] Add a 'fonttools' command-line tool that simply runs
+ ``fontTools.*`` sub-modules: e.g. ``fonttools ttx``,
+ ``fonttools subset``, etc.
+- [hmtx/vmts] Read advance width/heights as unsigned short (uint16);
+ automatically round float values to integers.
+- [ttLib/xmlWriter] add 'newlinestr=None' keyword argument to
+ ``TTFont.saveXML`` for overriding os-specific line endings (passed on
+ to ``XMLWriter`` instances).
+- [versioning] Use versioneer instead of ``setuptools_scm`` to
+ dynamically load version info from a git checkout at import time.
+- [feaLib] Support backslash-prefixed glyph names.
+3.1.2 (released 2016-09-27)
+- restore Makefile as an alternative way to build/check/install
+- README.md: update instructions for installing package from source,
+ and for running test suite
+- NEWS: Change log was out of sync with tagged release
+3.1.1 (released 2016-09-27)
+- Fix ``ttLibVersion`` attribute in TTX files still showing '3.0'
+ instead of '3.1'.
+- Use ``setuptools_scm`` to manage package versions.
+3.1.0 (released 2016-09-26)
+- [feaLib] New library to parse and compile Adobe FDK OpenType Feature
+ files.
+- [mtiLib] New library to parse and compile Monotype 'FontDame'
+ OpenType Layout Tables files.
+- [voltLib] New library to parse Microsoft VOLT project files.
+- [otlLib] New library to work with OpenType Layout tables.
+- [varLib] New library to work with OpenType Font Variations.
+- [pens] Add ttGlyphPen to draw to TrueType glyphs, and t2CharStringPen
+ to draw to Type 2 Charstrings (CFF); add areaPen and perimeterPen.
+- [ttLib.tables] Implement 'meta' and 'trak' tables.
+- [ttx] Add --flavor option for compiling to 'woff' or 'woff2'; add
+ ``--with-zopfli`` option to use Zopfli to compress WOFF 1.0 fonts.
+- [subset] Support subsetting 'COLR'/'CPAL' and 'CBDT'/'CBLC' color
+ fonts tables, and 'gvar' table for variation fonts.
+- [Snippets] Add ``symfont.py``, for symbolic font statistics analysis;
+ interpolatable.py, a preliminary script for detecting interpolation
+ errors; ``{merge,dump}_woff_metadata.py``.
+- [classifyTools] Helpers to classify things into classes.
+- [CI] Run tests on Windows, Linux and macOS using Appveyor and Travis
+ CI; check unit test coverage with Coverage.py/Coveralls; automatic
+ deployment to PyPI on tags.
+- [loggingTools] Use Python built-in logging module to print messages.
+- [py23] Make round() behave like Python 3 built-in round(); define
+ round2() and round3().
+3.0 (released 2015-09-01)
+- Add Snippet scripts for cmap subtable format conversion, printing
+ GSUB/GPOS features, building a GX font from two masters
+- TTX WOFF2 support and a ``-f`` option to overwrite output file(s)
+- Support GX tables: ``avar``, ``gvar``, ``fvar``, ``meta``
+- Support ``feat`` and gzip-compressed SVG tables
+- Upgrade Mac East Asian encodings to native implementation if
+ available
+- Add Roman Croatian and Romanian encodings, codecs for mac-extended
+ East Asian encodings
+- Implement optimal GLYF glyph outline packing; disabled by default
+2.5 (released 2014-09-24)
+- Add a Qt pen
+- Add VDMX table converter
+- Load all OpenType sub-structures lazily
+- Add support for cmap format 13.
+- Add pyftmerge tool
+- Update to Unicode 6.3.0d3
+- Add pyftinspect tool
+- Add support for Google CBLC/CBDT color bitmaps, standard EBLC/EBDT
+ embedded bitmaps, and ``SVG`` table (thanks to Read Roberts at Adobe)
+- Add support for loading, saving and ttx'ing WOFF file format
+- Add support for Microsoft COLR/CPAL layered color glyphs
+- Support PyPy
+- Support Jython, by replacing numpy with array/lists modules and
+ removed it, pure-Python StringIO, not cStringIO
+- Add pyftsubset and Subsetter object, supporting CFF and TTF
+- Add to ttx args for -q for quiet mode, -z to choose a bitmap dump
+ format
+2.4 (released 2013-06-22)
+- Option to write to arbitrary files
+- Better dump format for DSIG
+- Better detection of OTF XML
+- Fix issue with Apple's kern table format
+- Fix mangling of TT glyph programs
+- Fix issues related to mona.ttf
+- Fix Windows Installer instructions
+- Fix some modern MacOS issues
+- Fix minor issues and typos
+2.3 (released 2009-11-08)
+- TrueType Collection (TTC) support
+- Python 2.6 support
+- Update Unicode data to 5.2.0
+- Couple of bug fixes
+2.2 (released 2008-05-18)
+- ClearType support
+- cmap format 1 support
+- PFA font support
+- Switched from Numeric to numpy
+- Update Unicode data to 5.1.0
+- Update AGLFN data to 1.6
+- Many bug fixes
+2.1 (released 2008-01-28)
+- Many years worth of fixes and features
+2.0b2 (released 2002-??-??)
+- Be "forgiving" when interpreting the maxp table version field:
+ interpret any value as 1.0 if it's not 0.5. Fixes dumping of these
+ GPL fonts: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/pds.cgi?ports/chinese/wangttf
+- Fixed ttx -l: it turned out this part of the code didn't work with
+ Python 2.2.1 and earlier. My bad to do most of my testing with a
+ different version than I shipped TTX with :-(
+- Fixed bug in ClassDef format 1 subtable (Andreas Seidel bumped into
+ this one).
+2.0b1 (released 2002-09-10)
+- Fixed embarrassing bug: the master checksum in the head table is now
+ calculated correctly even on little-endian platforms (such as Intel).
+- Made the cmap format 4 compiler smarter: the binary data it creates
+ is now more or less as compact as possible. TTX now makes more
+ compact data than in any shipping font I've tested it with.
+- Dump glyph names as a separate "GlyphOrder" pseudo table as opposed
+ to as part of the glyf table (obviously needed for CFF-OTF's).
+- Added proper support for the CFF table.
+- Don't barf on empty tables (questionable, but "there are font out
+ there...")
+- When writing TT glyf data, align glyphs on 4-byte boundaries. This
+ seems to be the current recommendation by MS. Also: don't barf on
+ fonts which are already 4-byte aligned.
+- Windows installer contributed bu Adam Twardoch! Yay!
+- Changed the command line interface again, now by creating one new
+ tool replacing the old ones: ttx It dumps and compiles, depending on
+ input file types. The options have changed somewhat.
+- The -d option is back (output dir)
+- ttcompile's -i options is now called -m (as in "merge"), to avoid
+ clash with dump's -i.
+- The -s option ("split tables") no longer creates a directory, but
+ instead outputs a small .ttx file containing references to the
+ individual table files. This is not a true link, it's a simple file
+ name, and the referenced file should be in the same directory so
+ ttcompile can find them.
+- compile no longer accepts a directory as input argument. Instead it
+ can parse the new "mini-ttx" format as output by "ttx -s".
+- all arguments are input files
+- Renamed the command line programs and moved them to the Tools
+ subdirectory. They are now installed by the setup.py install script.
+- Added OpenType support. BASE, GDEF, GPOS, GSUB and JSTF are (almost)
+ fully supported. The XML output is not yet final, as I'm still
+ considering to output certain subtables in a more human-friendly
+ manner.
+- Fixed 'kern' table to correctly accept subtables it doesn't know
+ about, as well as interpreting Apple's definition of the 'kern' table
+ headers correctly.
+- Fixed bug where glyphnames were not calculated from 'cmap' if it was
+ (one of the) first tables to be decompiled. More specifically: it
+ cmap was the first to ask for a glyphID -> glyphName mapping.
+- Switched XML parsers: use expat instead of xmlproc. Should be faster.
+- Removed my UnicodeString object: I now require Python 2.0 or up,
+ which has unicode support built in.
+- Removed assert in glyf table: redundant data at the end of the table
+ is now ignored instead of raising an error. Should become a warning.
+- Fixed bug in hmtx/vmtx code that only occured if all advances were
+ equal.
+- Fixed subtle bug in TT instruction disassembler.
+- Couple of fixes to the 'post' table.
+- Updated OS/2 table to latest spec.
+1.0b1 (released 2001-08-10)
+- Reorganized the command line interface for ttDump.py and
+ ttCompile.py, they now behave more like "normal" command line tool,
+ in that they accept multiple input files for batch processing.
+- ttDump.py and ttCompile.py don't silently override files anymore, but
+ ask before doing so. Can be overridden by -f.
+- Added -d option to both ttDump.py and ttCompile.py.
+- Installation is now done with distutils. (Needs work for environments
+ without compilers.)
+- Updated installation instructions.
+- Added some workarounds so as to handle certain buggy fonts more
+ gracefully.
+- Updated Unicode table to Unicode 3.0 (Thanks Antoine!)
+- Included a Python script by Adam Twardoch that adds some useful stuff
+ to the Windows registry.
+- Moved the project to SourceForge.
+1.0a6 (released 2000-03-15)
+- Big reorganization: made ttLib a subpackage of the new fontTools
+ package, changed several module names. Called the entire suite
+ "FontTools"
+- Added several submodules to fontTools, some new, some older.
+- Added experimental CFF/GPOS/GSUB support to ttLib, read-only (but XML
+ dumping of GPOS/GSUB is for now disabled)
+- Fixed hdmx endian bug
+- Added -b option to ttCompile.py, it disables recalculation of
+ bounding boxes, as requested by Werner Lemberg.
+- Renamed tt2xml.pt to ttDump.py and xml2tt.py to ttCompile.py
+- Use ".ttx" as file extension instead of ".xml".
+- TTX is now the name of the XML-based *format* for TT fonts, and not
+ just an application.
+Never released
+- More tables supported: hdmx, vhea, vmtx
+1.0a3 & 1.0a4
+Never released
+- fixed most portability issues
+- retracted the "Euro_or_currency" change from 1.0a2: it was
+ nonsense!
+1.0a2 (released 1999-05-02)
+- binary release for MacOS
+- genenates full FOND resources: including width table, PS font name
+ info and kern table if applicable.
+- added cmap format 4 support. Extra: dumps Unicode char names as XML
+ comments!
+- added cmap format 6 support
+- now accepts true type files starting with "true" (instead of just
+ 0x00010000 and "OTTO")
+- 'glyf' table support is now complete: I added support for composite
+ scale, xy-scale and two-by-two for the 'glyf' table. For now,
+ component offset scale behaviour defaults to Apple-style. This only
+ affects the (re)calculation of the glyph bounding box.
+- changed "Euro" to "Euro_or_currency" in the Standard Apple Glyph
+ order list, since we cannot tell from the 'post' table which is
+ meant. I should probably doublecheck with a Unicode encoding if
+ available. (This does not affect the output!)
+Fixed bugs: - 'hhea' table is now recalculated correctly - fixed wrong
+assumption about sfnt resource names
+1.0a1 (released 1999-04-27)
+- initial binary release for MacOS
diff --git a/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl b/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46492d9af
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5db6a5b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: kiwisolver
+Version: 1.4.5
+Summary: A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
+Author-email: The Nucleic Development Team
+Maintainer-email: "Matthieu C. Dartiailh"
+License: =========================
+ The Kiwi licensing terms
+ =========================
+ Kiwi is licensed under the terms of the Modified BSD License (also known as
+ New or Revised BSD), as follows:
+ Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+ other materials provided with the distribution.
+ Neither the name of the Nucleic Development Team nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ software without specific prior written permission.
+ About Kiwi
+ ----------
+ Chris Colbert began the Kiwi project in December 2013 in an effort to
+ create a blisteringly fast UI constraint solver. Chris is still the
+ project lead.
+ The Nucleic Development Team is the set of all contributors to the Nucleic
+ project and its subprojects.
+ The core team that coordinates development on GitHub can be found here:
+ http://github.com/nucleic. The current team consists of:
+ * Chris Colbert
+ Our Copyright Policy
+ --------------------
+ Nucleic uses a shared copyright model. Each contributor maintains copyright
+ over their contributions to Nucleic. But, it is important to note that these
+ contributions are typically only changes to the repositories. Thus, the Nucleic
+ source code, in its entirety is not the copyright of any single person or
+ institution. Instead, it is the collective copyright of the entire Nucleic
+ Development Team. If individual contributors want to maintain a record of what
+ changes/contributions they have specific copyright on, they should indicate
+ their copyright in the commit message of the change, when they commit the
+ change to one of the Nucleic repositories.
+ With this in mind, the following banner should be used in any source code file
+ to indicate the copyright and license terms:
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
+ #
+ # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+ #
+ # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Project-URL: homepage, https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi
+Project-URL: documentation, https://kiwisolver.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+Project-URL: repository, https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi
+Project-URL: changelog, https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/blob/main/releasenotes.rst
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
+License-File: LICENSE
+Requires-Dist: typing-extensions ; python_version < "3.8"
+Welcome to Kiwi
+.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/nucleic/kiwi.svg?branch=main
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/nucleic/kiwi
+.. image:: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg
+ :target: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/actions
+.. image:: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/workflows/Documentation%20building/badge.svg
+ :target: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/actions
+.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/nucleic/kiwi/branch/main/graph/badge.svg
+ :target: https://codecov.io/gh/nucleic/kiwi
+.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/kiwisolver/badge/?version=latest
+ :target: https://kiwisolver.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
+ :alt: Documentation Status
+Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving
+algorithm. Kiwi is an implementation of the algorithm based on the
+`seminal Cassowary paper `_.
+It is *not* a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi has been designed
+from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Kiwi ranges from 10x to 500x
+faster than the original Cassowary solver with typical use cases gaining a 40x
+improvement. Memory savings are consistently > 5x.
+In addition to the C++ solver, Kiwi ships with hand-rolled Python bindings for
+Python 3.7+.
diff --git a/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl b/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e50e47e42
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..738b7977d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/matplotlib-3.5.2-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: matplotlib
+Version: 3.5.2
+Summary: Python plotting package
+Home-page: https://matplotlib.org
+Download-URL: https://matplotlib.org/users/installing.html
+Author: John D. Hunter, Michael Droettboom
+Author-email: matplotlib-users@python.org
+License: PSF
+Project-URL: Documentation, https://matplotlib.org
+Project-URL: Source Code, https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
+Project-URL: Bug Tracker, https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues
+Project-URL: Forum, https://discourse.matplotlib.org/
+Project-URL: Donate, https://numfocus.org/donate-to-matplotlib
+Platform: any
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Framework :: Matplotlib
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
+Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Requires-Dist: cycler >=0.10
+Requires-Dist: fonttools >=4.22.0
+Requires-Dist: kiwisolver >=1.0.1
+Requires-Dist: numpy >=1.17
+Requires-Dist: packaging >=20.0
+Requires-Dist: pillow >=6.2.0
+Requires-Dist: pyparsing >=2.2.1
+Requires-Dist: python-dateutil >=2.7
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+.. _AzurePipelines: https://dev.azure.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/_build/latest?definitionId=1&branchName=master
+.. |AppVeyor| image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/matplotlib/matplotlib?branch=master&svg=true
+.. _AppVeyor: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/matplotlib/matplotlib
+.. |Codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/github/matplotlib/matplotlib/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github
+.. _Codecov: https://codecov.io/github/matplotlib/matplotlib?branch=master
+.. |LGTM| image:: https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/python/github/matplotlib/matplotlib.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18
+.. _LGTM: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/matplotlib/matplotlib
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+.. _DiscourseBadge: https://discourse.matplotlib.org
+.. |Gitter| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/matplotlib/matplotlib.svg
+.. _Gitter: https://gitter.im/matplotlib/matplotlib
+.. |GitHubIssues| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/issue_tracking-github-blue.svg
+.. _GitHubIssues: https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues
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+.. _PyPi: https://badge.fury.io/py/matplotlib
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+.. _NUMFocus: https://numfocus.org
+.. image:: https://matplotlib.org/_static/logo2.svg
+Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and
+interactive visualizations in Python.
+Check out our `home page `_ for more information.
+.. image:: https://matplotlib.org/_static/readme_preview.png
+Matplotlib produces publication-quality figures in a variety of hardcopy
+formats and interactive environments across platforms. Matplotlib can be used
+in Python scripts, the Python and IPython shell, web application servers, and
+various graphical user interface toolkits.
+For installation instructions and requirements, see the `install documentation
+`_ or
+`installing.rst `_ in the source.
+You've discovered a bug or something else you want to change - excellent!
+You've worked out a way to fix it – even better!
+You want to tell us about it – best of all!
+Start at the `contributing guide
+`Discourse `_ is the discussion forum for
+general questions and discussions and our recommended starting point.
+Our active mailing lists (which are mirrored on Discourse) are:
+* `Users `_ mailing
+ list: matplotlib-users@python.org
+* `Announcement
+ `_ mailing
+ list: matplotlib-announce@python.org
+* `Development `_
+ mailing list: matplotlib-devel@python.org
+Gitter_ is for coordinating development and asking questions directly related
+to contributing to matplotlib.
+Citing Matplotlib
+If Matplotlib contributes to a project that leads to publication, please
+acknowledge this by citing Matplotlib.
+`A ready-made citation entry `_ is
+Research notice
+Please note that this repository is participating in a study into
+sustainability of open source projects. Data will be gathered about this
+repository for approximately the next 12 months, starting from June 2021.
+Data collected will include number of contributors, number of PRs, time taken
+to close/merge these PRs, and issues closed.
+For more information, please visit `the informational page
+ `__ or download the
+`participant information sheet
diff --git a/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl b/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b32b29db6
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71fc86766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/matplotlib_pyodide-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: matplotlib-pyodide
+Version: 0.2.1
+Summary: HTML5 backends for Matplotlib compatible with Pyodide
+Author: Pyodide developers
+License: Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
+ ==================================
+ 1. Definitions
+ --------------
+ 1.1. "Contributor"
+ means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
+ the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+ 1.2. "Contributor Version"
+ means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
+ by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
+ 1.3. "Contribution"
+ means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+ 1.4. "Covered Software"
+ means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
+ the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
+ Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
+ including portions thereof.
+ 1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
+ means
+ (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
+ in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+ (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
+ version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
+ terms of a Secondary License.
+ 1.6. "Executable Form"
+ means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+ 1.7. "Larger Work"
+ means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
+ a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+ 1.8. "License"
+ means this document.
+ 1.9. "Licensable"
+ means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
+ whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
+ all of the rights conveyed by this License.
+ 1.10. "Modifications"
+ means any of the following:
+ (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
+ deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
+ Software; or
+ (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
+ Software.
+ 1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
+ means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
+ process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
+ Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
+ License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
+ made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
+ Contributor Version.
+ 1.12. "Secondary License"
+ means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
+ Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
+ Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
+ licenses.
+ 1.13. "Source Code Form"
+ means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+ 1.14. "You" (or "Your")
+ means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+ License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
+ controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
+ purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
+ or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
+ whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
+ fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
+ ownership of such entity.
+ 2. License Grants and Conditions
+ --------------------------------
+ 2.1. Grants
+ Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+ non-exclusive license:
+ (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+ Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+ modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+ Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
+ as part of a Larger Work; and
+ (b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
+ for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
+ Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+ 2.2. Effective Date
+ The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
+ become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
+ distributes such Contribution.
+ 2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+ The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
+ this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
+ distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
+ Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
+ Contributor:
+ (a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
+ or
+ (b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
+ modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+ Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+ Version); or
+ (c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
+ its Contributions.
+ This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
+ or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
+ the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+ 2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+ No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+ distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
+ License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
+ permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
+ 2.5. Representation
+ Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
+ Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
+ to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+ 2.6. Fair Use
+ This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
+ applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
+ equivalents.
+ 2.7. Conditions
+ Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
+ in Section 2.1.
+ 3. Responsibilities
+ -------------------
+ 3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+ All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+ Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
+ the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
+ Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
+ License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
+ attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
+ Form.
+ 3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+ If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+ (a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
+ Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
+ the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
+ Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
+ than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
+ (b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
+ License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
+ license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
+ the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+ 3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+ You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+ provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
+ the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
+ Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
+ Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
+ License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
+ under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
+ the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
+ Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
+ License(s).
+ 3.4. Notices
+ You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
+ (including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
+ or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
+ the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
+ the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+ 3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+ You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+ Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
+ behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
+ such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
+ You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+ liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+ disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+ jurisdiction.
+ 4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
+ License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
+ statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
+ the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
+ describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
+ be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
+ Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
+ or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
+ recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
+ 5. Termination
+ --------------
+ 5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
+ if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
+ compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
+ Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
+ Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
+ ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
+ non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
+ come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
+ Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
+ notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
+ first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
+ from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
+ Your receipt of the notice.
+ 5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+ infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
+ counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
+ directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
+ You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
+ 2.1 of this License shall terminate.
+ 5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
+ end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
+ have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
+ prior to termination shall survive termination.
+ ************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * 6. Disclaimer of Warranty *
+ * ------------------------- *
+ * *
+ * Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" *
+ * basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or *
+ * statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the *
+ * Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a *
+ * particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the *
+ * quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. *
+ * Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You *
+ * (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, *
+ * repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an *
+ * essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is *
+ * authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. *
+ * *
+ ************************************************************************
+ ************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * 7. Limitation of Liability *
+ * -------------------------- *
+ * *
+ * Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort *
+ * (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any *
+ * Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as *
+ * permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, *
+ * special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character *
+ * including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of *
+ * goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any *
+ * and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
+ * shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This *
+ * limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or *
+ * personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the *
+ * extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some *
+ * jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of *
+ * incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and *
+ * limitation may not apply to You. *
+ * *
+ ************************************************************************
+ 8. Litigation
+ -------------
+ Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
+ courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
+ place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
+ jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
+ Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
+ cross-claims or counter-claims.
+ 9. Miscellaneous
+ ----------------
+ This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
+ matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+ unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+ necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
+ that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
+ shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
+ 10. Versions of the License
+ ---------------------------
+ 10.1. New Versions
+ Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+ 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+ publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+ distinguishing version number.
+ 10.2. Effect of New Versions
+ You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
+ of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
+ or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+ steward.
+ 10.3. Modified Versions
+ If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+ create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
+ modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
+ any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
+ such modified license differs from this License).
+ 10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
+ Licenses
+ If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
+ Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
+ notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
+ Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+ -------------------------------------------
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
+ file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
+ file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
+ for such a notice.
+ You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+ Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+Project-URL: Homepage, https://github.com/pyodide/matplotlib-pyodide
+Project-URL: Bug Tracker, https://github.com/pyodide/matplotlib-pyodide/issues
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Requires-Python: >=3.10
+Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: test
+Requires-Dist: pytest-pyodide ==0.52.2 ; extra == 'test'
+Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'test'
+Requires-Dist: build ==0.10 ; extra == 'test'
+# matplotlib-pyodide
+[![PyPI Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/matplotlib-pyodide.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib-pyodide/)
+HTML5 backends for Matplotlib compatible with Pyodide
+This package includes two matplotlib backends,
+ - the `wasm_backend` which from allows rendering the Agg buffer as static images into an HTML canvas
+ - an interactive HTML5 canvas backend `html5_canvas_backend` described in
+ [this blog post](https://blog.pyodide.org/posts/canvas-renderer-matplotlib-in-pyodide/)
+## Installation
+This package will be installed as a dependency when you load `matplotlib` in Pyodide.
+## Usage
+To change the backend in matplotlib,
+ - for the wasm backend,
+ ```py
+ import matplotlib
+ matplotlib.use("module://matplotlib_pyodide.wasm_backend")
+ ```
+ - for the interactive HTML5 backend;
+ ```py
+ import matplotlib
+ matplotlib.use("module://matplotlib_pyodide.html5_canvas_backend")
+ ```
+By default, matplotlib figures will be rendered inside a div that's appended to the end of `document.body`.
+You can override this behavior by setting `document.pyodideMplTarget` to an HTML element. If you had an HTML
+element with id "target", you could configure the backend to render visualizations inside it with this code:
+document.pyodideMplTarget = document.getElementById('target')
+For more information see the [matplotlib documentation](https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/explain/backends.html).
+## License
+pyodide-cli uses the [Mozilla Public License Version
diff --git a/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl b/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d3b2403a
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fddcff33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-emscripten_3_1_52_wasm32.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: pillow
+Version: 10.2.0
+Summary: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
+Author-email: "Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex)"
+License: HPND
+Project-URL: Changelog, https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/CHANGES.rst
+Project-URL: Documentation, https://pillow.readthedocs.io
+Project-URL: Funding, https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/pypi-pillow?utm_source=pypi-pillow&utm_medium=pypi
+Project-URL: Homepage, https://python-pillow.org
+Project-URL: Mastodon, https://fosstodon.org/@pillow
+Project-URL: Release notes, https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/releasenotes/index.html
+Project-URL: Source, https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow
+Project-URL: Twitter, https://twitter.com/PythonPillow
+Keywords: Imaging
+Classifier: Development Status :: 6 - Mature
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
+Classifier: Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
+Requires-Python: >=3.8
+Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: docs
+Requires-Dist: furo ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: olefile ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx >=2.4 ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx-copybutton ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx-inline-tabs ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx-removed-in ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinxext-opengraph ; extra == 'docs'
+Provides-Extra: fpx
+Requires-Dist: olefile ; extra == 'fpx'
+Provides-Extra: mic
+Requires-Dist: olefile ; extra == 'mic'
+Provides-Extra: tests
+Requires-Dist: check-manifest ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: coverage ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: defusedxml ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: markdown2 ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: olefile ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: packaging ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pyroma ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'tests'
+Requires-Dist: pytest-timeout ; extra == 'tests'
+Provides-Extra: typing
+Requires-Dist: typing-extensions ; (python_version < "3.10") and extra == 'typing'
+Provides-Extra: xmp
+Requires-Dist: defusedxml ; extra == 'xmp'
+# Pillow
+## Python Imaging Library (Fork)
+Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by [Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) and
+PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and Contributors.
+As of 2019, Pillow development is
+[supported by Tidelift](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/pypi-pillow?utm_source=pypi-pillow&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=enterprise).
+ docs
+ tests
+ package
+ social
+## Overview
+The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.
+This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.
+The core image library is designed for fast access to data stored in a few basic pixel formats. It should provide a solid foundation for a general image processing tool.
+## More Information
+- [Documentation](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/)
+ - [Installation](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)
+ - [Handbook](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/handbook/index.html)
+- [Contribute](https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)
+ - [Issues](https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues)
+ - [Pull requests](https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/pulls)
+- [Release notes](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/releasenotes/index.html)
+- [Changelog](https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/CHANGES.rst)
+ - [Pre-fork](https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/CHANGES.rst#pre-fork)
+## Report a Vulnerability
+To report a security vulnerability, please follow the procedure described in the [Tidelift security policy](https://tidelift.com/docs/security).
diff --git a/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl b/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c623c32f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata b/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbad8472c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/pyodide/pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: pyparsing
+Version: 3.1.1
+Summary: pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars
+Author-email: Paul McGuire
+Requires-Python: >=3.6.8
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Compilers
+Classifier: Topic :: Text Processing
+Classifier: Typing :: Typed
+Requires-Dist: railroad-diagrams ; extra == "diagrams"
+Requires-Dist: jinja2 ; extra == "diagrams"
+Project-URL: Homepage, https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/
+Provides-Extra: diagrams
+PyParsing -- A Python Parsing Module
+|Version| |Build Status| |Coverage| |License| |Python Versions| |Snyk Score|
+The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and
+executing simple grammars, vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the
+use of regular expressions. The pyparsing module provides a library of
+classes that client code uses to construct the grammar directly in
+Python code.
+*[Since first writing this description of pyparsing in late 2003, this
+technique for developing parsers has become more widespread, under the
+name Parsing Expression Grammars - PEGs. See more information on PEGs*
+`here `__
+Here is a program to parse ``"Hello, World!"`` (or any greeting of the form
+``"salutation, addressee!"``):
+.. code:: python
+ from pyparsing import Word, alphas
+ greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!"
+ hello = "Hello, World!"
+ print(hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello))
+The program outputs the following::
+ Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!']
+The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the
+self-explanatory class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operator
+The parsed results returned from ``parseString()`` is a collection of type
+``ParseResults``, which can be accessed as a
+nested list, a dictionary, or an object with named attributes.
+The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically
+vexing when writing text parsers:
+- extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle ``"Hello,World!"``, ``"Hello , World !"``, etc.)
+- quoted strings
+- embedded comments
+The examples directory includes a simple SQL parser, simple CORBA IDL
+parser, a config file parser, a chemical formula parser, and a four-
+function algebraic notation parser, among many others.
+There are many examples in the online docstrings of the classes
+and methods in pyparsing. You can find them compiled into `online docs `__. Additional
+documentation resources and project info are listed in the online
+`GitHub wiki `__. An
+entire directory of examples can be found `here `__.
+MIT License. See header of the `pyparsing __init__.py `__ file.
+See `CHANGES `__ file.
+.. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg
+ :target: https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/actions/workflows/ci.yml
+.. |Coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/pyparsing/pyparsing/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
+ :target: https://codecov.io/gh/pyparsing/pyparsing
+.. |Version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pyparsing?style=flat-square
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/pyparsing/
+ :alt: Version
+.. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/pyparsing.svg?style=flat-square
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/pyparsing/
+ :alt: License
+.. |Python Versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pyparsing.svg?style=flat-square
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-liquid/
+ :alt: Python versions
+.. |Snyk Score| image:: https://snyk.io//advisor/python/pyparsing/badge.svg
+ :target: https://snyk.io//advisor/python/pyparsing
+ :alt: pyparsing