mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 22:49:22 +00:00
chore: format
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"format:backend": "black . --exclude \".venv/|/venv/\"",
"i18n:parse": "i18next --config i18next-parser.config.ts && prettier --write \"src/lib/i18n/**/*.{js,json}\"",
"cy:open": "cypress open",
"test:frontend": "vitest",
"test:frontend": "vitest --passWithNoTests",
"pyodide:fetch": "node scripts/prepare-pyodide.js"
"devDependencies": {
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "لوحة التحكم",
"Admin Settings": "اعدادات المشرف",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "التعليمات المتقدمة",
"Advanced Params": "المعلمات المتقدمة",
"all": "الكل",
@ -517,7 +518,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "الى كتابة المحادثه",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "اليوم",
"Toggle settings": "فتح وأغلاق الاعدادات",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Панел на Администратор",
"Admin Settings": "Настройки на Администратор",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Разширени Параметри",
"Advanced Params": "Разширени параметри",
"all": "всички",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "към чат входа.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "днес",
"Toggle settings": "Toggle settings",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "এডমিন প্যানেল",
"Admin Settings": "এডমিন সেটিংস",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "এডভান্সড প্যারামিটার্স",
"Advanced Params": "অ্যাডভান্সড প্যারাম",
"all": "সব",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "চ্যাট ইনপুটে",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "আজ",
"Toggle settings": "সেটিংস টোগল",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Panell d'Administració",
"Admin Settings": "Configuració d'Administració",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Paràmetres Avançats",
"Advanced Params": "Paràmetres avançats",
"all": "tots",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "a l'entrada del xat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Avui",
"Toggle settings": "Commuta configuracions",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Admin Panel",
"Admin Settings": "Mga setting sa administratibo",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "advanced settings",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "tanan",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sa entrada sa iring.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "I-toggle ang mga setting",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Admin Panel",
"Admin Settings": "Admin Einstellungen",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Erweiterte Parameter",
"Advanced Params": "Erweiterte Parameter",
"all": "Alle",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "to chat input.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Heute",
"Toggle settings": "Einstellungen umschalten",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Admin Panel",
"Admin Settings": "Admin Settings",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Advanced Parameters",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "all",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "to chat input. Very chat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "Toggle settings much toggle",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "",
"Admin Settings": "",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "",
"Admin Settings": "",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Panel de Administración",
"Admin Settings": "Configuración de Administrador",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Parámetros Avanzados",
"Advanced Params": "Parámetros avanzados",
"all": "todo",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "a la entrada del chat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoy",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configuración",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "پنل مدیریت",
"Admin Settings": "تنظیمات مدیریت",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "پارامترهای پیشرفته",
"Advanced Params": "پارام های پیشرفته",
"all": "همه",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "در ورودی گپ.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "امروز",
"Toggle settings": "نمایش/عدم نمایش تنظیمات",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Hallintapaneeli",
"Admin Settings": "Hallinta-asetukset",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Edistyneet parametrit",
"Advanced Params": "Edistyneet parametrit",
"all": "kaikki",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "keskustelusyötteeseen.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Tänään",
"Toggle settings": "Kytke asetukset",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Panneau d'administration",
"Admin Settings": "Paramètres d'administration",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Paramètres avancés",
"Advanced Params": "Params avancés",
"all": "tous",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "à l'entrée du chat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Aujourd'hui",
"Toggle settings": "Basculer les paramètres",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Panneau d'Administration",
"Admin Settings": "Paramètres d'Administration",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Paramètres Avancés",
"Advanced Params": "Params Avancés",
"all": "tous",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "à l'entrée du chat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Aujourd'hui",
"Toggle settings": "Basculer les paramètres",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "לוח בקרה למנהל",
"Admin Settings": "הגדרות מנהל",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "פרמטרים מתקדמים",
"Advanced Params": "פרמטרים מתקדמים",
"all": "הכל",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "לקלטת שיחה.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "היום",
"Toggle settings": "החלפת מצב של הגדרות",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "व्यवस्थापक पैनल",
"Admin Settings": "व्यवस्थापक सेटिंग्स",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "उन्नत पैरामीटर",
"Advanced Params": "उन्नत परम",
"all": "सभी",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "इनपुट चैट करने के लिए.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "आज",
"Toggle settings": "सेटिंग्स टॉगल करें",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "Admin",
"Admin Panel": "Admin ploča",
"Admin Settings": "Admin postavke",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Napredni parametri",
"Advanced Params": "Napredni parametri",
"all": "sve",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Za pristup WebUI-u obratite se administratoru. Administratori mogu upravljati statusima korisnika s Admin panela.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "Da biste ovdje dodali dokumente, prvo ih prenesite u radni prostor \"Dokumenti\".",
"to chat input.": "u unos razgovora.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "Da biste omogućili pristup alatima za korisnike, moraju se pojedinačno dodijeliti željenom modelu u radnoj ploči.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Danas",
"Toggle settings": "Prebaci postavke",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Pannello di amministrazione",
"Admin Settings": "Impostazioni amministratore",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Parametri avanzati",
"Advanced Params": "Parametri avanzati",
"all": "tutti",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "all'input della chat.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Oggi",
"Toggle settings": "Attiva/disattiva impostazioni",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "管理者パネル",
"Admin Settings": "管理者設定",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "詳細パラメーター",
"Advanced Params": "高度なパラメータ",
"all": "すべて",
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "チャット入力へ。",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "今日",
"Toggle settings": "設定を切り替え",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "ადმინ პანელი",
"Admin Settings": "ადმინისტრატორის ხელსაწყოები",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "დამატებითი პარამეტრები",
"Advanced Params": "მოწინავე პარამები",
"all": "ყველა",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ჩატში",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "დღეს",
"Toggle settings": "პარამეტრების გადართვა",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "관리자 패널",
"Admin Settings": "관리자 설정",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "고급 매개변수",
"Advanced Params": "고급 매개 변수",
"all": "모두",
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "채팅 입력으로.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "오늘",
"Toggle settings": "설정 전환",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Administratorių panelė",
"Admin Settings": "Administratorių nustatymai",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Gilieji nustatymai",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "visi",
@ -515,7 +516,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "į pokalbio įvestį",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Šiandien",
"Toggle settings": "Atverti/užverti parametrus",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Administrasjonspanel",
"Admin Settings": "Administrasjonsinnstillinger",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Avanserte parametere",
"Advanced Params": "Avanserte parametere",
"all": "alle",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "til chatinput.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "I dag",
"Toggle settings": "Veksle innstillinger",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Administratieve Paneel",
"Admin Settings": "Administratieve Settings",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Geavanceerde Parameters",
"Advanced Params": "Geavanceerde parameters",
"all": "alle",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "naar chat input.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Vandaag",
"Toggle settings": "Wissel instellingen",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ ਪੈਨਲ",
"Admin Settings": "ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "ਉੱਚ ਸਤਰ ਦੇ ਪੈਰਾਮੀਟਰ",
"Advanced Params": "ਐਡਵਾਂਸਡ ਪਰਮਜ਼",
"all": "ਸਾਰੇ",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਇਨਪੁਟ ਲਈ।",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "ਅੱਜ",
"Toggle settings": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਟੌਗਲ ਕਰੋ",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Panel administracyjny",
"Admin Settings": "Ustawienia administratora",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Zaawansowane parametry",
"Advanced Params": "Zaawansowane parametry",
"all": "wszyscy",
@ -515,7 +516,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "do pola wprowadzania czatu.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Dzisiaj",
"Toggle settings": "Przełącz ustawienia",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Painel do Administrador",
"Admin Settings": "Configurações do Administrador",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Parâmetros Avançados",
"Advanced Params": "Params Avançados",
"all": "todos",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para a entrada de bate-papo.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoje",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configurações",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "Admin",
"Admin Panel": "Painel do Administrador",
"Admin Settings": "Configurações do Administrador",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Parâmetros Avançados",
"Advanced Params": "Params Avançados",
"all": "todos",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Para aceder ao WebUI, entre em contato com o administrador. Os administradores podem gerir o status dos utilizadores no Painel de Administração.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para a entrada da conversa.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoje",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configurações",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Панель админ",
"Admin Settings": "Настройки админ",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Расширенные Параметры",
"Advanced Params": "Расширенные параметры",
"all": "всё",
@ -515,7 +516,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "в чате.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Сегодня",
"Toggle settings": "Переключить настройки",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Админ табла",
"Admin Settings": "Админ подешавања",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Напредни параметри",
"Advanced Params": "Напредни парамови",
"all": "сви",
@ -514,7 +515,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "у унос ћаскања.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Данас",
"Toggle settings": "Пребаци подешавања",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Administrationspanel",
"Admin Settings": "Administratörsinställningar",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Avancerade parametrar",
"Advanced Params": "Avancerade parametrar",
"all": "alla",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "till chattinmatning.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Idag",
"Toggle settings": "Växla inställningar",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "",
"Admin Settings": "",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "",
"Advanced Params": "",
"all": "",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "Yönetici Paneli",
"Admin Settings": "Yönetici Ayarları",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Gelişmiş Parametreler",
"Advanced Params": "Gelişmiş Parametreler",
"all": "tümü",
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sohbet girişine.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Bugün",
"Toggle settings": "Ayarları Aç/Kapat",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "Адмін",
"Admin Panel": "Адмін-панель",
"Admin Settings": "Налаштування адміністратора",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Розширені параметри",
"Advanced Params": "Розширені параметри",
"all": "всі",
@ -515,7 +516,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Щоб отримати доступ до веб-інтерфейсу, зверніться до адміністратора. Адміністратори можуть керувати статусами користувачів з Панелі адміністратора.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "в чаті.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Сьогодні",
"Toggle settings": "Переключити налаштування",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "Quản trị",
"Admin Panel": "Trang Quản trị",
"Admin Settings": "Cài đặt hệ thống",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "Các tham số Nâng cao",
"Advanced Params": "Các tham số Nâng cao",
"all": "tất cả",
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Để truy cập vui lòng liên hệ với quản trị viên.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "Để thêm tài liệu, trước tiên hãy upload chúng lên khu vực \"Tài liệu\".",
"to chat input.": "đến đầu vào trò chuyện.",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hôm nay",
"Toggle settings": "Bật/tắt cài đặt",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "管理员联系方式",
"Admin Panel": "管理员面板",
"Admin Settings": "管理员设置",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "高级参数",
"Advanced Params": "高级参数",
"all": "所有",
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "请联系管理员以访问。管理员可以在后台管理面板中管理用户状态。",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "要在此处添加文档,请先将它们上传到工作空间中的“文档”内。",
"to chat input.": "到对话输入。",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "为了让用户可以使用工具,须在模型工作空间中将工具分别分配给所需的模型。",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "今天",
"Toggle settings": "切换设置",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"Admin": "",
"Admin Panel": "管理員控制台",
"Admin Settings": "管理設定",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "",
"Advanced Parameters": "進階參數",
"Advanced Params": "進階參數",
"all": "所有",
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "到聊天輸入框來啟動此命令。",
"To enable tool access for users, tools must be assigned individually to the desired model within the models workspace.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "今天",
"Toggle settings": "切換設定",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user