mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 18:38:44 +00:00
chore: format
This commit is contained in:
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "ليس صحيحا من حيث الواقع",
"Not factually correct": "ليس صحيحا من حيث الواقع",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ملاحظة: إذا قمت بتعيين الحد الأدنى من النقاط، فلن يؤدي البحث إلا إلى إرجاع المستندات التي لها نقاط أكبر من أو تساوي الحد الأدنى من النقاط.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ملاحظة: إذا قمت بتعيين الحد الأدنى من النقاط، فلن يؤدي البحث إلا إلى إرجاع المستندات التي لها نقاط أكبر من أو تساوي الحد الأدنى من النقاط.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "إشعارات",
"Notifications": "إشعارات",
"November": "نوفمبر",
"November": "نوفمبر",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Не е фактологически правилно",
"Not factually correct": "Не е фактологически правилно",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Забележка: Ако зададете минимален резултат, търсенето ще върне само документи с резултат, по-голям или равен на минималния резултат.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Забележка: Ако зададете минимален резултат, търсенето ще върне само документи с резултат, по-голям или равен на минималния резултат.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Десктоп Известия",
"Notifications": "Десктоп Известия",
"November": "Ноември",
"November": "Ноември",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "তথ্যগত দিক থেকে সঠিক নয়",
"Not factually correct": "তথ্যগত দিক থেকে সঠিক নয়",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "দ্রষ্টব্য: আপনি যদি ন্যূনতম স্কোর সেট করেন তবে অনুসন্ধানটি কেবলমাত্র ন্যূনতম স্কোরের চেয়ে বেশি বা সমান স্কোর সহ নথিগুলি ফেরত দেবে।",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "দ্রষ্টব্য: আপনি যদি ন্যূনতম স্কোর সেট করেন তবে অনুসন্ধানটি কেবলমাত্র ন্যূনতম স্কোরের চেয়ে বেশি বা সমান স্কোর সহ নথিগুলি ফেরত দেবে।",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "নোটিফিকেশনসমূহ",
"Notifications": "নোটিফিকেশনসমূহ",
"November": "নভেম্বর",
"November": "নভেম্বর",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "No és clarament correcte",
"Not factually correct": "No és clarament correcte",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Si s'estableix una puntuació mínima, la cerca només retornarà documents amb una puntuació major o igual a la puntuació mínima.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Si s'estableix una puntuació mínima, la cerca només retornarà documents amb una puntuació major o igual a la puntuació mínima.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notificacions",
"Notifications": "Notificacions",
"November": "Novembre",
"November": "Novembre",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Mga pahibalo sa desktop",
"Notifications": "Mga pahibalo sa desktop",
"November": "",
"November": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Ikke faktuelt korrekt",
"Not factually correct": "Ikke faktuelt korrekt",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Bemærk: Hvis du angiver en minimumscore, returnerer søgningen kun dokumenter med en score, der er større end eller lig med minimumscoren.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Bemærk: Hvis du angiver en minimumscore, returnerer søgningen kun dokumenter med en score, der er større end eller lig med minimumscoren.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifikationer",
"Notifications": "Notifikationer",
"November": "November",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Nicht sachlich korrekt",
"Not factually correct": "Nicht sachlich korrekt",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Hinweis: Wenn Sie eine Mindestpunktzahl festlegen, werden in der Suche nur Dokumente mit einer Punktzahl größer oder gleich der Mindestpunktzahl zurückgegeben.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Hinweis: Wenn Sie eine Mindestpunktzahl festlegen, werden in der Suche nur Dokumente mit einer Punktzahl größer oder gleich der Mindestpunktzahl zurückgegeben.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"Notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"November": "November",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"November": "",
"November": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "",
"Notifications": "",
"November": "",
"November": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "",
"Notifications": "",
"November": "",
"November": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "No es correcto en todos los aspectos",
"Not factually correct": "No es correcto en todos los aspectos",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Si estableces una puntuación mínima, la búsqueda sólo devolverá documentos con una puntuación mayor o igual a la puntuación mínima.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Si estableces una puntuación mínima, la búsqueda sólo devolverá documentos con una puntuación mayor o igual a la puntuación mínima.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notificaciones",
"Notifications": "Notificaciones",
"November": "Noviembre",
"November": "Noviembre",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "اشتباهی فکری نیست",
"Not factually correct": "اشتباهی فکری نیست",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "توجه: اگر حداقل نمره را تعیین کنید، جستجو تنها اسنادی را با نمره بیشتر یا برابر با حداقل نمره باز می گرداند.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "توجه: اگر حداقل نمره را تعیین کنید، جستجو تنها اسنادی را با نمره بیشتر یا برابر با حداقل نمره باز می گرداند.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "اعلان",
"Notifications": "اعلان",
"November": "نوامبر",
"November": "نوامبر",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Ei faktisesti oikein",
"Not factually correct": "Ei faktisesti oikein",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Huom: Jos asetat vähimmäispisteet, haku palauttaa vain asiakirjat, joiden pisteet ovat suurempia tai yhtä suuria kuin vähimmäispistemäärä.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Huom: Jos asetat vähimmäispisteet, haku palauttaa vain asiakirjat, joiden pisteet ovat suurempia tai yhtä suuria kuin vähimmäispistemäärä.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"Notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"November": "marraskuu",
"November": "marraskuu",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Non factuellement correct",
"Not factually correct": "Non factuellement correct",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Note : Si vous définissez un score minimum, seuls les documents ayant un score supérieur ou égal à ce score minimum seront retournés par la recherche.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Note : Si vous définissez un score minimum, seuls les documents ayant un score supérieur ou égal à ce score minimum seront retournés par la recherche.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"November": "Novembre",
"November": "Novembre",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Non factuellement correct",
"Not factually correct": "Non factuellement correct",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Note : Si vous définissez un score minimum, seuls les documents ayant un score supérieur ou égal à ce score minimum seront retournés par la recherche.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Note : Si vous définissez un score minimum, seuls les documents ayant un score supérieur ou égal à ce score minimum seront retournés par la recherche.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"November": "Novembre",
"November": "Novembre",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "לא נכון מבחינה עובדתית",
"Not factually correct": "לא נכון מבחינה עובדתית",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "הערה: אם תקבע ציון מינימלי, החיפוש יחזיר רק מסמכים עם ציון שגבוה או שווה לציון המינימלי.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "הערה: אם תקבע ציון מינימלי, החיפוש יחזיר רק מסמכים עם ציון שגבוה או שווה לציון המינימלי.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "התראות",
"Notifications": "התראות",
"November": "נובמבר",
"November": "נובמבר",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "तथ्यात्मक रूप से सही नहीं है",
"Not factually correct": "तथ्यात्मक रूप से सही नहीं है",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ध्यान दें: यदि आप न्यूनतम स्कोर निर्धारित करते हैं, तो खोज केवल न्यूनतम स्कोर से अधिक या उसके बराबर स्कोर वाले दस्तावेज़ वापस लाएगी।",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ध्यान दें: यदि आप न्यूनतम स्कोर निर्धारित करते हैं, तो खोज केवल न्यूनतम स्कोर से अधिक या उसके बराबर स्कोर वाले दस्तावेज़ वापस लाएगी।",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "सूचनाएं",
"Notifications": "सूचनाएं",
"November": "नवंबर",
"November": "नवंबर",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Nije činjenično točno",
"Not factually correct": "Nije činjenično točno",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Napomena: Ako postavite minimalnu ocjenu, pretraga će vratiti samo dokumente s ocjenom većom ili jednakom minimalnoj ocjeni.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Napomena: Ako postavite minimalnu ocjenu, pretraga će vratiti samo dokumente s ocjenom većom ili jednakom minimalnoj ocjeni.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Obavijesti",
"Notifications": "Obavijesti",
"November": "Studeni",
"November": "Studeni",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Tidak benar secara faktual",
"Not factually correct": "Tidak benar secara faktual",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Catatan: Jika Anda menetapkan skor minimum, pencarian hanya akan mengembalikan dokumen dengan skor yang lebih besar atau sama dengan skor minimum.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Catatan: Jika Anda menetapkan skor minimum, pencarian hanya akan mengembalikan dokumen dengan skor yang lebih besar atau sama dengan skor minimum.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"Notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"November": "November",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Níl sé ceart go fírineach",
"Not factually correct": "Níl sé ceart go fírineach",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nóta: Má shocraíonn tú íosscór, ní thabharfaidh an cuardach ach doiciméid a bhfuil scór níos mó ná nó cothrom leis an scór íosta ar ais.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nóta: Má shocraíonn tú íosscór, ní thabharfaidh an cuardach ach doiciméid a bhfuil scór níos mó ná nó cothrom leis an scór íosta ar ais.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Fógraí",
"Notifications": "Fógraí",
"November": "Samhain",
"November": "Samhain",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Non corretto dal punto di vista fattuale",
"Not factually correct": "Non corretto dal punto di vista fattuale",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: se imposti un punteggio minimo, la ricerca restituirà solo i documenti con un punteggio maggiore o uguale al punteggio minimo.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: se imposti un punteggio minimo, la ricerca restituirà solo i documenti con un punteggio maggiore o uguale al punteggio minimo.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifiche desktop",
"Notifications": "Notifiche desktop",
"November": "Novembre",
"November": "Novembre",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "実事上正しくない",
"Not factually correct": "実事上正しくない",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:最小スコアを設定した場合、検索は最小スコア以上のスコアを持つドキュメントのみを返します。",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:最小スコアを設定した場合、検索は最小スコア以上のスコアを持つドキュメントのみを返します。",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "デスクトップ通知",
"Notifications": "デスクトップ通知",
"November": "11月",
"November": "11月",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "არ ვეთანხმები პირდაპირ ვერც ვეთანხმები",
"Not factually correct": "არ ვეთანხმები პირდაპირ ვერც ვეთანხმები",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "შენიშვნა: თუ თქვენ დააყენებთ მინიმალურ ქულას, ძებნა დააბრუნებს მხოლოდ დოკუმენტებს მინიმალური ქულის მეტი ან ტოლი ქულით.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "შენიშვნა: თუ თქვენ დააყენებთ მინიმალურ ქულას, ძებნა დააბრუნებს მხოლოდ დოკუმენტებს მინიმალური ქულის მეტი ან ტოლი ქულით.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "შეტყობინება",
"Notifications": "შეტყობინება",
"November": "ნოემბერი",
"November": "ნოემბერი",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "사실상 맞지 않음",
"Not factually correct": "사실상 맞지 않음",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "참고: 최소 점수를 설정하면, 검색 결과로 최소 점수 이상의 점수를 가진 문서만 반환합니다.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "참고: 최소 점수를 설정하면, 검색 결과로 최소 점수 이상의 점수를 가진 문서만 반환합니다.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "알림",
"Notifications": "알림",
"November": "11월",
"November": "11월",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Faktiškai netikslu",
"Not factually correct": "Faktiškai netikslu",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Jei turite minimalų įvertį, paieška gražins tik tą informaciją, kuri viršyje šį įvertį",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Jei turite minimalų įvertį, paieška gražins tik tą informaciją, kuri viršyje šį įvertį",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Pranešimai",
"Notifications": "Pranešimai",
"November": "lapkritis",
"November": "lapkritis",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Tidak tepat secara fakta",
"Not factually correct": "Tidak tepat secara fakta",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Jika anda menetapkan skor minimum, carian hanya akan mengembalikan dokumen dengan skor lebih besar daripada atau sama dengan skor minimum.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Jika anda menetapkan skor minimum, carian hanya akan mengembalikan dokumen dengan skor lebih besar daripada atau sama dengan skor minimum.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"Notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"November": "November",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Uriktig informasjon",
"Not factually correct": "Uriktig informasjon",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Merk: Hvis du setter en minimums poengsum, vil søket kun returnere dokumenter med en poengsum som er større enn eller lik minimums poengsummen.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Merk: Hvis du setter en minimums poengsum, vil søket kun returnere dokumenter med en poengsum som er større enn eller lik minimums poengsummen.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Varsler",
"Notifications": "Varsler",
"November": "november",
"November": "november",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Feitelijk niet juist",
"Not factually correct": "Feitelijk niet juist",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Opmerking: Als u een minimumscore instelt, levert de zoekopdracht alleen documenten op met een score groter dan of gelijk aan de minimumscore.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Opmerking: Als u een minimumscore instelt, levert de zoekopdracht alleen documenten op met een score groter dan of gelijk aan de minimumscore.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Desktop Notificaties",
"Notifications": "Desktop Notificaties",
"November": "November",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "ਤੱਥਕ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹੀ ਨਹੀਂ",
"Not factually correct": "ਤੱਥਕ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹੀ ਨਹੀਂ",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ਨੋਟ: ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਸਕੋਰ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਖੋਜ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਉਹੀ ਡਾਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਵਾਪਸ ਕਰੇਗੀ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਸਕੋਰ ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਸਕੋਰ ਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਹੋਵੇ।",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "ਨੋਟ: ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਸਕੋਰ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਖੋਜ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਉਹੀ ਡਾਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਵਾਪਸ ਕਰੇਗੀ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਸਕੋਰ ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਸਕੋਰ ਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਹੋਵੇ।",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "ਸੂਚਨਾਵਾਂ",
"Notifications": "ਸੂਚਨਾਵਾਂ",
"November": "ਨਵੰਬਰ",
"November": "ਨਵੰਬਰ",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Nie zgodne z faktami",
"Not factually correct": "Nie zgodne z faktami",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Uwaga: Jeśli ustawisz minimalny wynik, szukanie zwróci jedynie dokumenty z wynikiem większym lub równym minimalnemu.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Uwaga: Jeśli ustawisz minimalny wynik, szukanie zwróci jedynie dokumenty z wynikiem większym lub równym minimalnemu.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"Notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"November": "Listopad",
"November": "Listopad",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Não está factualmente correto",
"Not factually correct": "Não está factualmente correto",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Se você definir uma pontuação mínima, a pesquisa retornará apenas documentos com pontuação igual ou superior à pontuação mínima.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Se você definir uma pontuação mínima, a pesquisa retornará apenas documentos com pontuação igual ou superior à pontuação mínima.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notificações",
"Notifications": "Notificações",
"November": "Novembro",
"November": "Novembro",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Não é correto em termos factuais",
"Not factually correct": "Não é correto em termos factuais",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Se você definir uma pontuação mínima, a pesquisa só retornará documentos com uma pontuação maior ou igual à pontuação mínima.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Nota: Se você definir uma pontuação mínima, a pesquisa só retornará documentos com uma pontuação maior ou igual à pontuação mínima.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notificações da Área de Trabalho",
"Notifications": "Notificações da Área de Trabalho",
"November": "Novembro",
"November": "Novembro",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Nu este corect din punct de vedere factual",
"Not factually correct": "Nu este corect din punct de vedere factual",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Notă: Dacă setați un scor minim, căutarea va returna doar documente cu un scor mai mare sau egal cu scorul minim.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Notă: Dacă setați un scor minim, căutarea va returna doar documente cu un scor mai mare sau egal cu scorul minim.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notificări",
"Notifications": "Notificări",
"November": "Noiembrie",
"November": "Noiembrie",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Не соответствует действительности",
"Not factually correct": "Не соответствует действительности",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Обратите внимание: Если вы установите минимальный балл, поиск будет возвращать только документы с баллом больше или равным минимальному баллу.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Обратите внимание: Если вы установите минимальный балл, поиск будет возвращать только документы с баллом больше или равным минимальному баллу.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Уведомления",
"Notifications": "Уведомления",
"November": "Ноябрь",
"November": "Ноябрь",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Није чињенично тачно",
"Not factually correct": "Није чињенично тачно",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Напомена: ако подесите најмањи резултат, претрага ће вратити само документе са резултатом већим или једнаким најмањем резултату.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Напомена: ако подесите најмањи резултат, претрага ће вратити само документе са резултатом већим или једнаким најмањем резултату.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Обавештења",
"Notifications": "Обавештења",
"November": "Новембар",
"November": "Новембар",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Inte faktiskt korrekt",
"Not factually correct": "Inte faktiskt korrekt",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Obs: Om du anger en tröskel kommer sökningen endast att returnera dokument med ett betyg som är större än eller lika med tröskeln.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Obs: Om du anger en tröskel kommer sökningen endast att returnera dokument med ett betyg som är större än eller lika med tröskeln.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Notifikationer",
"Notifications": "Notifikationer",
"November": "november",
"November": "november",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "ไม่ถูกต้องตามข้อเท็จจริง",
"Not factually correct": "ไม่ถูกต้องตามข้อเท็จจริง",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "หมายเหตุ: หากคุณตั้งค่าคะแนนขั้นต่ำ การค้นหาจะคืนเอกสารที่มีคะแนนมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับคะแนนขั้นต่ำเท่านั้น",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "หมายเหตุ: หากคุณตั้งค่าคะแนนขั้นต่ำ การค้นหาจะคืนเอกสารที่มีคะแนนมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับคะแนนขั้นต่ำเท่านั้น",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "การแจ้งเตือน",
"Notifications": "การแจ้งเตือน",
"November": "พฤศจิกายน",
"November": "พฤศจิกายน",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not factually correct": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "",
"Notifications": "",
"November": "",
"November": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Gerçeklere göre doğru değil",
"Not factually correct": "Gerçeklere göre doğru değil",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Not: Minimum bir skor belirlerseniz, arama yalnızca minimum skora eşit veya daha yüksek bir skora sahip belgeleri getirecektir.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Not: Minimum bir skor belirlerseniz, arama yalnızca minimum skora eşit veya daha yüksek bir skora sahip belgeleri getirecektir.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Bildirimler",
"Notifications": "Bildirimler",
"November": "Kasım",
"November": "Kasım",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Не відповідає дійсності",
"Not factually correct": "Не відповідає дійсності",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Примітка: Якщо ви встановите мінімальну кількість балів, пошук поверне лише документи з кількістю балів, більшою або рівною мінімальній кількості балів.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Примітка: Якщо ви встановите мінімальну кількість балів, пошук поверне лише документи з кількістю балів, більшою або рівною мінімальній кількості балів.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Сповіщення",
"Notifications": "Сповіщення",
"November": "Листопад",
"November": "Листопад",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "Không chính xác so với thực tế",
"Not factually correct": "Không chính xác so với thực tế",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Lưu ý: Nếu bạn đặt điểm (Score) tối thiểu thì tìm kiếm sẽ chỉ trả về những tài liệu có điểm lớn hơn hoặc bằng điểm tối thiểu.",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Lưu ý: Nếu bạn đặt điểm (Score) tối thiểu thì tìm kiếm sẽ chỉ trả về những tài liệu có điểm lớn hơn hoặc bằng điểm tối thiểu.",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "Thông báo trên máy tính (Notification)",
"Notifications": "Thông báo trên máy tính (Notification)",
"November": "Tháng 11",
"November": "Tháng 11",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "事实并非如此",
"Not factually correct": "事实并非如此",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:如果设置了最低分数,搜索只会返回分数大于或等于最低分数的文档。",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:如果设置了最低分数,搜索只会返回分数大于或等于最低分数的文档。",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "桌面通知",
"Notifications": "桌面通知",
"November": "十一月",
"November": "十一月",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
"Not factually correct": "與事實不符",
"Not factually correct": "與事實不符",
"Not helpful": "",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:如果您設定了最低分數,則搜尋只會回傳分數大於或等於最低分數的文件。",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:如果您設定了最低分數,則搜尋只會回傳分數大於或等於最低分數的文件。",
"Notes": "",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Notifications": "通知",
"November": "11 月",
"November": "11 月",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user