chore: format

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Jaeryang Baek 2024-12-25 09:38:51 -07:00
parent cd367534b7
commit b5bb853c66
50 changed files with 136 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "توليد الصور (تجريبي)",
"Image Generation Engine": "محرك توليد الصور",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "إعدادات الصورة",
"Images": "الصور",
"Import Chats": "استيراد الدردشات",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Генерация на изображения (Експериментално)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Двигател за генериране на изображения",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Настройки на изображения",
"Images": "Изображения",
"Import Chats": "Импортване на чатове",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "ইমেজ জেনারেশন (পরিক্ষামূলক)",
"Image Generation Engine": "ইমেজ জেনারেশন ইঞ্জিন",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "ছবির সেটিংসমূহ",
"Images": "ছবিসমূহ",
"Import Chats": "চ্যাটগুলি ইমপোর্ট করুন",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Afirmo que he llegit i entenc les implicacions de la meva acció. Soc conscient dels riscos associats a l'execució de codi arbitrari i he verificat la fiabilitat de la font.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Despertar la curiositat",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generació d'imatges (Experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motor de generació d'imatges",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Preferències d'imatges",
"Images": "Imatges",
"Import Chats": "Importar xats",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Pagmugna og hulagway (Eksperimento)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Makina sa paghimo og imahe",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Mga Setting sa Imahen",
"Images": "Mga hulagway",
"Import Chats": "Import nga mga chat",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Beru na vědomí, že jsem si přečetl a chápu důsledky svých činů. Jsem si vědom rizik spojených s vykonáváním libovolného kódu a ověřil jsem důvěryhodnost zdroje.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generování obrázků (experimentální)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Engine pro generování obrázků",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Nastavení obrázku",
"Images": "Obrázky",
"Import Chats": "Importovat konverzace",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Jeg anerkender, at jeg har læst og forstået konsekvenserne af min handling. Jeg er opmærksom på de risici, der er forbundet med at udføre vilkårlig kode, og jeg har verificeret kildens troværdighed.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Billedgenerering (eksperimentel)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Billedgenereringsengine",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Billedindstillinger",
"Images": "Billeder",
"Import Chats": "Importer chats",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Ich bestätige, dass ich gelesen habe und die Auswirkungen meiner Aktion verstehe. Mir sind die Risiken bewusst, die mit der Ausführung beliebigen Codes verbunden sind, und ich habe die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Quelle überprüft.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Neugier entfachen",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Bildgenerierung (experimentell)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Bildgenerierungs-Engine",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Bildeinstellungen",
"Images": "Bilder",
"Import Chats": "Unterhaltungen importieren",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Image Wow (Much Experiment)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Image Engine",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Settings for Wowmage",
"Images": "Wowmages",
"Import Chats": "Import Barks",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Αναγνωρίζω ότι έχω διαβάσει και κατανοώ τις συνέπειες της ενέργειάς μου. Γνωρίζω τους κινδύνους που σχετίζονται με την εκτέλεση αυθαίρετου κώδικα και έχω επαληθεύσει την αξιοπιστία της πηγής.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Ξύπνημα της περιέργειας",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Δημιουργία Εικόνας (Πειραματικό)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Μηχανή Δημιουργίας Εικόνας",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Εικόνας",
"Images": "Εικόνες",
"Import Chats": "Εισαγωγή Συνομιλιών",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "",
"Image Generation Engine": "",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "",
"Images": "",
"Import Chats": "",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "",
"Image Generation Engine": "",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "",
"Images": "",
"Import Chats": "",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Aseguro que he leído y entiendo las implicaciones de mi acción. Estoy consciente de los riesgos asociados con la ejecución de código arbitrario y he verificado la confianza de la fuente.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generación de imágenes (experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motor de generación de imágenes",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Ajustes de la Imágen",
"Images": "Imágenes",
"Import Chats": "Importar chats",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Onartzen dut irakurri dudala eta nire ekintzaren ondorioak ulertzen ditudala. Kode arbitrarioa exekutatzearekin lotutako arriskuez jabetzen naiz eta iturriaren fidagarritasuna egiaztatu dut.",
"ID": "IDa",
"Ignite curiosity": "Piztu jakin-mina",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Irudi Sorkuntza (Esperimentala)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Irudi Sorkuntza Motorea",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Irudi Ezarpenak",
"Images": "Irudiak",
"Import Chats": "Inportatu Txatak",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "تولید تصویر (آزمایشی)",
"Image Generation Engine": "موتور تولید تصویر",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "تنظیمات تصویر",
"Images": "تصاویر",
"Import Chats": "درون\u200cریزی گفتگوها",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Vahvistan, että olen lukenut ja ymmärrän toimintani seuraukset. Olen tietoinen mielivaltaisen koodin suorittamiseen liittyvistä riskeistä ja olen varmistanut lähteen luotettavuuden.",
"ID": "Tunnus",
"Ignite curiosity": "Sytytä uteliaisuus",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Kuvagenerointi (kokeellinen)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Kuvagenerointimoottori",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Kuva-asetukset",
"Images": "Kuvat",
"Import Chats": "Tuo keskustelut",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Génération d'images (expérimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Moteur de génération d'images",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Paramètres de l'image",
"Images": "Images",
"Import Chats": "Importer les discussions",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Je reconnais avoir lu et compris les implications de mes actions. Je suis conscient des risques associés à l'exécution d'un code arbitraire et j'ai vérifié la fiabilité de la source.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Éveiller la curiosité",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Génération d'images (expérimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Moteur de génération d'images",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Paramètres de génération d'images",
"Images": "Images",
"Import Chats": "Importer les conversations",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "יצירת תמונות (ניסיוני)",
"Image Generation Engine": "מנוע יצירת תמונות",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "הגדרות תמונה",
"Images": "תמונות",
"Import Chats": "יבוא צ'אטים",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "छवि निर्माण (प्रायोगिक)",
"Image Generation Engine": "छवि निर्माण इंजन",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "छवि सेटिंग्स",
"Images": "इमेजिस",
"Import Chats": "चैट आयात करें",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generiranje slika (eksperimentalno)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Stroj za generiranje slika",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Postavke slike",
"Images": "Slike",
"Import Chats": "Uvoz razgovora",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Elismerem, hogy elolvastam és megértem a cselekedetem következményeit. Tisztában vagyok a tetszőleges kód végrehajtásával járó kockázatokkal, és ellenőriztem a forrás megbízhatóságát.",
"ID": "Azonosító",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Képgenerálás (kísérleti)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Képgenerálási motor",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Kép beállítások",
"Images": "Képek",
"Import Chats": "Beszélgetések importálása",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Pembuatan Gambar (Eksperimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Mesin Pembuat Gambar",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Pengaturan Gambar",
"Images": "Gambar",
"Import Chats": "Impor Obrolan",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Admhaím gur léigh mé agus tuigim impleachtaí mo ghníomhaíochta. Táim ar an eolas faoi na rioscaí a bhaineann le cód treallach a fhorghníomhú agus tá iontaofacht na foinse fíoraithe agam.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Las fiosracht",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Giniúint Íomhá (Turgnaimh)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Inneall Giniúna Íomh",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Socruithe Íomhá",
"Images": "Íomhánna",
"Import Chats": "Comhráite iompórtá",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generazione di immagini (sperimentale)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motore di generazione immagini",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Impostazioni immagine",
"Images": "Immagini",
"Import Chats": "Importa chat",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "画像生成 (実験的)",
"Image Generation Engine": "画像生成エンジン",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "画像設定",
"Images": "画像",
"Import Chats": "チャットをインポート",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "სურათების გენერაცია (ექსპერიმენტული)",
"Image Generation Engine": "სურათის გენერაციის ძრავა",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "სურათის პარამეტრები",
"Images": "სურათები",
"Import Chats": "მიმოწერების იმპორტი",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "이미지 생성(실험적)",
"Image Generation Engine": "이미지 생성 엔진",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "이미지 설정",
"Images": "이미지",
"Import Chats": "채팅 가져오기",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Suprantu veiksmų ir kodo vykdymo rizikas.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Vaizdų generavimas (eksperimentinis)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Vaizdų generavimo variklis",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Vaizdų nustatymai",
"Images": "Vaizdai",
"Import Chats": "Importuoti pokalbius",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Saya mengakui bahawa saya telah membaca dan saya memahami implikasi tindakan saya. Saya sedar tentang risiko yang berkaitan dengan melaksanakan kod sewenang-wenangnya dan saya telah mengesahkan kebolehpercayaan sumber tersebut.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Penjanaan Imej (Percubaan)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Enjin Penjanaan Imej",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Tetapan Imej",
"Images": "Imej",
"Import Chats": "Import Perbualan",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Jeg bekrefter at jeg har lest og forstår konsekvensene av mine handlinger. Jeg er klar over risikoen forbundet med å kjøre vilkårlig kode, og jeg har verifisert kildens pålitelighet.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Vekk nysgjerrigheten",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Bildegenerering (eksperimentell)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Bildegenereringsmotor",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Bildeinnstillinger",
"Images": "Bilder",
"Import Chats": "Importer chatter",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Ik bevestig dat ik de implicaties van mijn actie heb gelezen en begrepen. Ik ben me bewust van de risico's die gepaard gaan met het uitvoeren van willekeurige code en ik heb de betrouwbaarheid van de bron gecontroleerd.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Wakker nieuwsgierigheid aan",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Afbeeldingsgeneratie (Experimenteel)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Afbeeldingsgeneratie Engine",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Afbeeldingsinstellingen",
"Images": "Afbeeldingen",
"Import Chats": "Importeer Chats",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜਨਰੇਸ਼ਨ (ਪਰਮਾਣੂਕ੍ਰਿਤ)",
"Image Generation Engine": "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜਨਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਇੰਜਣ",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ",
"Images": "ਚਿੱਤਰ",
"Import Chats": "ਗੱਲਾਂ ਆਯਾਤ ਕਰੋ",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generowanie obrazu (eksperymentalne)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Silnik generowania obrazu",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Ustawienia obrazu",
"Images": "Obrazy",
"Import Chats": "Importuj czaty",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Eu reconheço que li e entendi as implicações da minha ação. Estou ciente dos riscos associados à execução de código arbitrário e verifiquei a confiabilidade da fonte.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "Desperte a curiosidade",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Geração de Imagem (Experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motor de Geração de Imagem",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Configurações de Imagem",
"Images": "Imagens",
"Import Chats": "Importar Chats",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Geração de Imagens (Experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Mecanismo de Geração de Imagens",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Configurações da Imagem",
"Images": "Imagens",
"Import Chats": "Importar Conversas",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Recunosc că am citit și înțeleg implicațiile acțiunii mele. Sunt conștient de riscurile asociate cu executarea codului arbitrar și am verificat fiabilitatea sursei.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generare Imagine (Experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motor de Generare a Imaginilor",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Setări Imagine",
"Images": "Imagini",
"Import Chats": "Importă Conversațiile",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Я подтверждаю, что прочитал и осознаю последствия своих действий. Я осознаю риски, связанные с выполнением произвольного кода, и я проверил достоверность источника.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "Разожгите любопытство",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Генерация изображений (Экспериментально)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Механизм генерации изображений",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Настройки изображения",
"Images": "Изображения",
"Import Chats": "Импортировать Чаты",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Beriem na vedomie, že som si prečítal a chápem dôsledky svojich činov. Som si vedomý rizík spojených s vykonávaním ľubovoľného kódu a overil som dôveryhodnosť zdroja.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generovanie obrázkov (experimentálne)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Engine na generovanie obrázkov",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Nastavenia obrázka",
"Images": "Obrázky",
"Import Chats": "Importovať konverzácie",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Стварање слика (експериментално)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Мотор за стварање слика",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Подешавања слике",
"Images": "Слике",
"Import Chats": "Увези ћаскања",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Bildgenerering (experimentell)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Bildgenereringsmotor",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Bildinställningar",
"Images": "Bilder",
"Import Chats": "Importera chattar",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "ฉันรับทราบว่าฉันได้อ่านและเข้าใจผลกระทบของการกระทำของฉัน ฉันทราบถึงความเสี่ยงที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการเรียกใช้โค้ดโดยพลการและฉันได้ตรวจสอบความน่าเชื่อถือของแหล่งที่มาแล้ว",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "การสร้างภาพ (การทดลอง)",
"Image Generation Engine": "เครื่องยนต์การสร้างภาพ",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "การตั้งค่าภาพ",
"Images": "ภาพ",
"Import Chats": "นำเข้าการสนทนา",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "",
"Image Generation Engine": "",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "",
"Images": "",
"Import Chats": "",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Eylemimin sonuçlarını okuduğumu ve anladığımı kabul ediyorum. Rastgele kod çalıştırmayla ilgili risklerin farkındayım ve kaynağın güvenilirliğini doğruladım.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "Merak uyandırın",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Görüntü Oluşturma (Deneysel)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Görüntü Oluşturma Motoru",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Görüntü Ayarları",
"Images": "Görüntüler",
"Import Chats": "Sohbetleri İçe Aktar",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Я підтверджую, що прочитав і розумію наслідки своїх дій. Я усвідомлюю ризики, пов'язані з виконанням довільного коду, і перевірив надійність джерела.",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "Запаліть цікавість",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Генерування зображень (експериментально)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Механізм генерації зображень",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Налаштування зображення",
"Images": "Зображення",
"Import Chats": "Імпорт чатів",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "میں اقرار کرتا ہوں کہ میں نے پڑھ لیا ہے اور میں اپنی کارروائی کے مضمرات سمجھتا ہوں میں اس بات سے واقف ہوں کہ بلاوجہ کوڈ چلانے کے ساتھ منسلک خطرات ہوتے ہیں اور میں نے ماخذ کی اعتمادیت کی تصدیق کی ہے",
"ID": "شناخت",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "تصویر کی تخلیق (تجرباتی)",
"Image Generation Engine": "امیج جنریشن انجن",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "تصویری ترتیبات",
"Images": "تصاویر",
"Import Chats": "چیٹس درآمد کریں",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Tôi thừa nhận rằng tôi đã đọc và tôi hiểu ý nghĩa của hành động của mình. Tôi nhận thức được những rủi ro liên quan đến việc thực thi mã tùy ý và tôi đã xác minh độ tin cậy của nguồn.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Tạo ảnh (thử nghiệm)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Công cụ tạo ảnh",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "Cài đặt ảnh",
"Images": "Hình ảnh",
"Import Chats": "Nạp lại nội dung chat",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "我已阅读并理解我的行为所带来的影响,明白执行任意代码所涉及的风险。且我已验证代码来源可信度。",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "点燃好奇心",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "图像生成(实验性)",
"Image Generation Engine": "图像生成引擎",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "图像设置",
"Images": "图像",
"Import Chats": "导入对话记录",

View File

@ -482,8 +482,10 @@
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "我確認已閱讀並理解我的操作所帶來的影響。我了解執行任意程式碼的相關風險,並已驗證來源的可信度。",
"ID": "ID",
"Ignite curiosity": "點燃好奇心",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "圖片生成(實驗性功能)",
"Image Generation Engine": "圖片生成引擎",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Settings": "圖片設定",
"Images": "圖片",
"Import Chats": "匯入對話紀錄",

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ function escapeRegExp(string: string): string {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
export const replaceTokens = (content, sourceIds, char, user) => {
const charToken = /{{char}}/gi;
const userToken = /{{user}}/gi;
@ -190,72 +189,67 @@ export const canvasPixelTest = () => {
return true;
export const compressImage = async (imageUrl, maxWidth, maxHeight) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
let width = img.width;
let height = img.height;
export const compressImage = async (imageUrl, maxWidth, maxHeight) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
let width = img.width;
let height = img.height;
// Maintain aspect ratio while resizing
// Maintain aspect ratio while resizing
if (maxWidth && maxHeight) {
// Resize with both dimensions defined (preserves aspect ratio)
if (maxWidth && maxHeight) {
// Resize with both dimensions defined (preserves aspect ratio)
if (width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight) {
if (width / height > maxWidth / maxHeight) {
height = Math.round((maxWidth * height) / width);
width = maxWidth;
} else {
width = Math.round((maxHeight * width) / height);
height = maxHeight;
} else if (maxWidth) {
// Only maxWidth defined
if (width / height > maxWidth / maxHeight) {
height = Math.round((maxWidth * height) / width);
width = maxWidth;
} else {
width = Math.round((maxHeight * width) / height);
height = maxHeight;
} else if (maxWidth) {
// Only maxWidth defined
if (width <= maxWidth) {
height = Math.round((maxWidth * height) / width);
width = maxWidth;
} else if (maxHeight) {
// Only maxHeight defined
height = Math.round((maxWidth * height) / width);
width = maxWidth;
} else if (maxHeight) {
// Only maxHeight defined
if (height <= maxHeight) {
width = Math.round((maxHeight * width) / height);
height = maxHeight;
width = Math.round((maxHeight * width) / height);
height = maxHeight;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
// Get compressed image URL
const compressedUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
img.onerror = (error) => reject(error);
img.src = imageUrl;
// Get compressed image URL
const compressedUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
img.onerror = (error) => reject(error);
img.src = imageUrl;
export const generateInitialsImage = (name) => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');