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synced 2025-03-23 14:27:58 +00:00
chore: format
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,39 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [0.3.33] - 2024-10-24
### Added
- **🏆 Evaluation Leaderboard**: Easily track your performance through a new leaderboard system where your ratings contribute to a real-time ranking based on the Elo system. Sibling responses (regenerations, many model chats) are required for your ratings to count in the leaderboard. Additionally, you can opt-in to share your feedback history and be part of the community-wide leaderboard. Expect further improvements as we refine the algorithm—help us build the best community leaderboard!
- **⚔️ Arena Model Evaluation**: Enable blind A/B testing of models directly from Admin Settings > Evaluation for a true side-by-side comparison. Ideal for pinpointing the best model for your needs.
- **🎯 Topic-Based Leaderboard**: Discover more accurate rankings with experimental topic-based reranking, which adjusts leaderboard standings based on tag similarity in feedback. Get more relevant insights based on specific topics!
- **📁 Folders Support for Chats**: Organize your chats better by grouping them into folders. Drag and drop chats between folders and export them seamlessly for easy sharing or analysis.
- **📤 Easy Chat Import via Drag & Drop**: Save time by simply dragging and dropping chat exports (JSON) directly onto the sidebar to import them into your workspace—streamlined, efficient, and intuitive!
- **📚 Enhanced Knowledge Collection**: Now, you can reference individual files from a knowledge collection—ideal for more precise Retrieval-Augmented Generations (RAG) queries and document analysis.
- **🏷️ Enhanced Tagging System**: Tags now take up less space! Utilize the new 'tag:' query system to manage, search, and organize your conversations more effectively without cluttering the interface.
- **🧠 Auto-Tagging for Chats**: Your conversations are now automatically tagged for improved organization, mirroring the efficiency of auto-generated titles.
- **🔍 Backend Chat Query System**: Chat filtering has become more efficient, now handled through the backend\*\* instead of your browser, improving search performance and accuracy.
- **🎮 Revamped Playground**: Experience a refreshed and optimized Playground for smoother testing, tweaks, and experimentation of your models and tools.
- **🧩 Token-Based Text Splitter**: Introducing token-based text splitting (tiktoken), giving you more precise control over how text is processed. Previously, only character-based splitting was available.
- **🔢 Ollama Batch Embeddings**: Leverage new batch embedding support for improved efficiency and performance with Ollama embedding models.
- **🔍 Enhanced Add Text Content Modal**: Enjoy a cleaner, more intuitive workflow for adding and curating knowledge content with an upgraded input modal from our Knowledge workspace.
- **🖋️ Rich Text Input for Chats**: Make your chat inputs more dynamic with support for rich text formatting. Your conversations just got a lot more polished and professional.
- **⚡ Faster Whisper Model Configurability**: Customize your local faster whisper model directly from the WebUI.
- **☁️ Experimental S3 Support**: Enable stateless WebUI instances with S3 support, greatly enhancing scalability and balancing heavy workloads.
- **🔕 Disable Update Toast**: Now you can streamline your workspace even further—choose to disable update notifications for a more focused experience.
- **🌟 RAG Citation Relevance Percentage**: Easily assess citation accuracy with the addition of relevance percentages in RAG results.
- **⚙️ Mermaid Copy Button**: Mermaid diagrams now come with a handy copy button, simplifying the extraction and use of diagram contents directly in your workflow.
- **🎨 UI Redesign**: Major interface redesign that will make navigation smoother, keep your focus where it matters, and ensure a modern look.
### Fixed
- **🎙️ Voice Note Mic Stopping Issue**: Fixed the issue where the microphone stayed active after ending a voice note recording, ensuring your audio workflow runs smoothly.
### Removed
- **👋 Goodbye Sidebar Tags**: Sidebar tag clutter is gone. We’ve shifted tag buttons to more effective query-based tag filtering for a sleeker, more agile interface.
## [0.3.32] - 2024-10-06
### Added
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "ليس لديه محادثات.",
"Hello, {{name}}": " {{name}} مرحبا",
"Help": "مساعدة",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "أخفاء",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "كيف استطيع مساعدتك اليوم؟",
@ -744,6 +745,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "الى كتابة المحادثه",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "няма разговори.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Здравей, {{name}}",
"Help": "Помощ",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Скрий",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Как мога да ви помогна днес?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "към чат входа.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "কোন কনভার্সেশন আছে না।",
"Hello, {{name}}": "হ্যালো, {{name}}",
"Help": "সহায়তা",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "লুকান",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "আপনাকে আজ কিভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারি?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "চ্যাট ইনপুটে",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "no té converses.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hola, {{name}}",
"Help": "Ajuda",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Amaga",
"Hide Model": "Amagar el model",
"How can I help you today?": "Com et puc ajudar avui?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Per accedir a la WebUI, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador. Els administradors poden gestionar els estats dels usuaris des del tauler d'administració.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "Per adjuntar la base de coneixement aquí, afegiu-la primer a l'espai de treball \"Coneixement\".",
"to chat input.": "a l'entrada del xat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Per seleccionar accions aquí, afegeix-les primer a l'espai de treball \"Funcions\".",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Per seleccionar filtres aquí, afegeix-los primer a l'espai de treball \"Funcions\".",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Per seleccionar kits d'eines aquí, afegeix-los primer a l'espai de treball \"Eines\".",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Maayong buntag, {{name}}",
"Help": "",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Tagoa",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Unsaon nako pagtabang kanimo karon?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sa entrada sa iring.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "har ingen samtaler.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hej {{name}}",
"Help": "Hjælp",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Skjul",
"Hide Model": "Skjul model",
"How can I help you today?": "Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe dig i dag?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "For at få adgang til WebUI skal du kontakte administratoren. Administratorer kan administrere brugerstatus fra administrationspanelet.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "For at vedhæfte vidensbase her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Viden\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"to chat input.": "til chatinput.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For at vælge handlinger her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Funktioner\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For at vælge filtre her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Funktioner\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "For at vælge værktøjssæt her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Værktøjer\"-arbejdsområdet.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "hat keine Unterhaltungen.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hallo, {{name}}",
"Help": "Hilfe",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Verbergen",
"Hide Model": "Modell ausblenden",
"How can I help you today?": "Wie kann ich Ihnen heute helfen?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Um auf das WebUI zugreifen zu können, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen Administrator. Administratoren können den Benutzerstatus über das Admin-Panel verwalten.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "zum Eingabefeld der Unterhaltung.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Um Filter auszuwählen, fügen Sie diese zunächst dem Arbeitsbereich „Funktionen“ hinzu.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Um Toolkits auszuwählen, fügen Sie sie zunächst dem Arbeitsbereich „Werkzeuge“ hinzu.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Much helo, {{name}}",
"Help": "",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Hide",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "How can I halp u today?",
@ -742,6 +743,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "to chat input. Very chat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "",
"Hello, {{name}}": "",
"Help": "",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "",
"Hello, {{name}}": "",
"Help": "",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "no tiene conversaciones.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hola, {{name}}",
"Help": "Ayuda",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Esconder",
"Hide Model": "Esconder Modelo",
"How can I help you today?": "¿Cómo puedo ayudarte hoy?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Para acceder al interfaz de usuario web, por favor contacte al administrador. Los administradores pueden administrar los estados de los usuarios desde el panel de administración.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "Para adjuntar la base de conocimientos aquí, agreguelas al área de trabajo \"Conocimiento\" primero.",
"to chat input.": "a la entrada del chat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Para seleccionar acciones aquí, agreguelas al área de trabajo \"Funciones\" primero.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Para seleccionar filtros aquí, agreguelos al área de trabajo \"Funciones\" primero.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Para seleccionar herramientas aquí, agreguelas al área de trabajo \"Herramientas\" primero.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "ندارد.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "سلام، {{name}}",
"Help": "کمک",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "پنهان",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "امروز چطور می توانم کمک تان کنم؟",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "در ورودی گپ.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "ei ole keskusteluja.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Terve, {{name}}",
"Help": "Apua",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Piilota",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Kuinka voin auttaa tänään?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "keskustelusyötteeseen.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "n'a aucune conversation.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Bonjour, {{name}}.",
"Help": "Aide",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Cacher",
"Hide Model": "Masquer le modèle",
"How can I help you today?": "Comment puis-je vous être utile aujourd'hui ?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Pour accéder à l'interface Web, veuillez contacter l'administrateur. Les administrateurs peuvent gérer les statuts des utilisateurs depuis le panneau d'administration.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "à l'entrée de discussion.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Pour sélectionner des filtres ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Fonctions ». ",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Pour sélectionner des toolkits ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Outils ». ",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "n'a aucune conversation.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Bonjour, {{name}}.",
"Help": "Aide",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Cacher",
"Hide Model": "Masquer le modèle",
"How can I help you today?": "Comment puis-je vous être utile aujourd'hui ?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Pour accéder à l'interface Web, veuillez contacter l'administrateur. Les administrateurs peuvent gérer les statuts des utilisateurs depuis le panneau d'administration.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "Pour attacher une base de connaissances ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Connaissances ».",
"to chat input.": "Vers la zone de chat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Pour sélectionner des actions ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Fonctions ».",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Pour sélectionner des filtres ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Fonctions ». ",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Pour sélectionner des toolkits ici, ajoutez-les d'abord à l'espace de travail « Outils ». ",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "אין שיחות.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "שלום, {{name}}",
"Help": "עזרה",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "הסתר",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "כיצד אוכל לעזור לך היום?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "לקלטת שיחה.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "कोई बातचीत नहीं है",
"Hello, {{name}}": "नमस्ते, {{name}}",
"Help": "मदद",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "छुपाएं",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "आज मैं आपकी कैसे मदद कर सकता हूँ?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "इनपुट चैट करने के लिए.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "nema razgovora.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Bok, {{name}}",
"Help": "Pomoć",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Sakrij",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Kako vam mogu pomoći danas?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Za pristup WebUI-u obratite se administratoru. Administratori mogu upravljati statusima korisnika s Admin panela.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "u unos razgovora.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "tidak memiliki percakapan.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Halo, {{name}}",
"Help": "Bantuan",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Sembunyikan",
"Hide Model": "Sembunyikan Model",
"How can I help you today?": "Ada yang bisa saya bantu hari ini?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Untuk mengakses WebUI, hubungi administrator. Admin dapat mengelola status pengguna dari Panel Admin.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "Untuk memasukkan input obrolan.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Untuk memilih filter di sini, tambahkan filter ke ruang kerja \"Fungsi\" terlebih dahulu.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Untuk memilih perangkat di sini, tambahkan ke ruang kerja \"Alat\" terlebih dahulu.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "níl aon chomhráite aige.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Dia duit, {{name}}",
"Help": "Cabhair",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Folaigh",
"Hide Model": "Folaigh Múnla",
"How can I help you today?": "Conas is féidir liom cabhrú leat inniu?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Chun rochtain a fháil ar an WebUI, déan teagmháil leis an riarthóir le do thoil. Is féidir le riarthóirí stádas úsáideora a bhainistiú ón bPainéal Riaracháin.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "chun ionchur comhrá.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Chun gníomhartha a roghnú anseo, cuir iad leis an spás oibre “Feidhmeanna” ar dtús.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Chun scagairí a roghnú anseo, cuir iad leis an spás oibre “Feidhmeanna” ar dtús.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Chun trealamh uirlisí a roghnú anseo, cuir iad leis an spás oibre “Uirlisí” ar dtús.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "non ha conversazioni.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Ciao, {{name}}",
"Help": "Aiuto",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Nascondi",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Come posso aiutarti oggi?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "all'input della chat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "対話はありません。",
"Hello, {{name}}": "こんにちは、{{name}} さん",
"Help": "ヘルプ",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "非表示",
"Hide Model": "モデルを隠す",
"How can I help you today?": "今日はどのようにお手伝いしましょうか?",
@ -739,6 +740,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "チャット入力へ。",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "არა უფლება ჩაწერა",
"Hello, {{name}}": "გამარჯობა, {{name}}",
"Help": "დახმარება",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "დამალვა",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "როგორ შემიძლია დაგეხმარო დღეს?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ჩატში",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "대화가 없습니다.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "안녕하세요, {{name}}",
"Help": "도움말",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "숨기기",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "오늘 어떻게 도와드릴까요?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "WebUI에 접속하려면 관리자에게 문의하십시오. 관리자는 관리자 패널에서 사용자 상태를 관리할 수 있습니다.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "채팅 입력으로.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "여기서 도구를 선택하려면, \"도구\" 워크스페이스에 먼저 추가하세요.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "neturi pokalbių",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Sveiki, {{name}}",
"Help": "Pagalba",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Paslėpti",
"Hide Model": "Paslėpti modelį",
"How can I help you today?": "Kuo galėčiau Jums padėti ?",
@ -742,6 +743,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Norėdami prieiti prie programos, susisiekite su administratoriumi, kuris Jus patvirtins.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "į pokalbio įvestį",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Norėdami pasirinkti veiksmus, pirmiausia pridėkite juos funkcijų nuostatuose",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Norėdami pasirinkti filtrus, pirmiausia pridėkite juos funkcijų nuostatuose",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Norėdami pasirinkti įrankius, pirmiausia pridėkite juos prie įrankių nuostatuose",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "tidak mempunyai perbualan.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hello, {{name}}",
"Help": "Bantuan",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Sembunyi",
"Hide Model": "Sembunyikan Model",
"How can I help you today?": "Bagaimana saya boleh membantu anda hari ini?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Untuk mengakses WebUI , sila hubungi pentadbir. Pentadbir boleh menguruskan status pengguna daripada Panel Pentadbiran",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "untuk input perbualan.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Untuk memilih tindakan di sini, tambahkannya pada ruang kerja \"Functions\" dahulu.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Untuk memilih tapisan di sini, tambahkannya pada ruang kerja \"Functions\" dahulu.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Untuk memilih kit alatan di sini, tambahkannya pada ruang kerja \"Tools\" dahulu.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "har ingen samtaler.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hei, {{name}}",
"Help": "Hjelp",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Skjul",
"Hide Model": "Skjul modell",
"How can I help you today?": "Hvordan kan jeg hjelpe deg i dag?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "For å få tilgang til WebUI, vennligst kontakt administratoren. Administratorer kan administrere brukerstatus fra Admin-panelet.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "til chatinput.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For å velge handlinger her, legg dem til i \"Funksjoner\"-arbeidsområdet først.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For å velge filtre her, legg dem til i \"Funksjoner\"-arbeidsområdet først.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "For å velge verktøysett her, legg dem til i \"Verktøy\"-arbeidsområdet først.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "heeft geen gesprekken.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hallo, {{name}}",
"Help": "Help",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Verberg",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Hoe kan ik je vandaag helpen?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "naar chat input.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "ਕੋਈ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।",
"Hello, {{name}}": "ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ, {{name}}",
"Help": "ਮਦਦ",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "ਲੁਕਾਓ",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "ਮੈਂ ਅੱਜ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਮਦਦ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ ਹਾਂ?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਇਨਪੁਟ ਲਈ।",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "nie ma rozmów.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Witaj, {{name}}",
"Help": "Pomoc",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Ukryj",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Jak mogę Ci dzisiaj pomóc?",
@ -742,6 +743,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "do pola wprowadzania czatu.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "não tem conversas.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Olá, {{name}}",
"Help": "Ajuda",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Ocultar",
"Hide Model": "Ocultar Modelo",
"How can I help you today?": "Como posso ajudar você hoje?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Para acessar a WebUI, entre em contato com o administrador. Os administradores podem gerenciar os status dos usuários no Painel de Administração.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para entrada de chat.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Para selecionar ações aqui, adicione-os ao espaço de trabalho \"Ações\" primeiro.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Para selecionar filtros aqui, adicione-os ao espaço de trabalho \"Funções\" primeiro.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Para selecionar kits de ferramentas aqui, adicione-os ao espaço de trabalho \"Ferramentas\" primeiro.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "não possui conversas.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Olá, {{name}}",
"Help": "Ajuda",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Ocultar",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Como posso ajudá-lo hoje?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Para aceder ao WebUI, entre em contato com o administrador. Os administradores podem gerir o status dos utilizadores no Painel de Administração.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para a entrada da conversa.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "nu are conversații.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Salut, {{name}}",
"Help": "Ajutor",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Ascunde",
"Hide Model": "Ascunde Modelul",
"How can I help you today?": "Cum te pot ajuta astăzi?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Pentru a accesa WebUI, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul. Administratorii pot gestiona statusurile utilizatorilor din Panoul de Administrare.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "către câmpul de intrare al conversației.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Pentru a selecta acțiuni aici, adăugați-le mai întâi în spațiul de lucru \"Funcții\".",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Pentru a selecta filtrele aici, adăugați-le mai întâi în spațiul de lucru \"Funcții\".",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Pentru a selecta kiturile de instrumente aici, adăugați-le mai întâi în spațiul de lucru \"Instrumente\".",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "не имеет разговоров.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Привет, {{name}}",
"Help": "Помощь",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Скрыть",
"Hide Model": "Скрыть модель",
"How can I help you today?": "Чем я могу помочь вам сегодня?",
@ -742,6 +743,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Чтобы получить доступ к WebUI, пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору. Администраторы могут управлять статусами пользователей из панели администратора.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "в чате.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Чтобы выбрать действия, сначала добавьте их в \"Функции\" рабочего пространства.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Чтобы выбрать фильтры, сначала добавьте их в \"Функции\" рабочего пространства.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Чтобы выбрать инструменты, сначала добавьте их в \"Инструменты\" рабочего пространства.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "нема разговора.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Здраво, {{name}}",
"Help": "Помоћ",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Сакриј",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Како могу да вам помогнем данас?",
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "у унос ћаскања.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "har inga samtal.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hej, {{name}}",
"Help": "Hjälp",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Dölj",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Hur kan jag hjälpa dig idag?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "För att få tillgång till WebUI, kontakta administratören. Administratörer kan hantera behörigheter från administrationspanelen.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "till chattinmatning.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Om du vill välja verktygslådor här måste du först lägga till dem i arbetsytan \"Verktyg\".",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "ไม่มีการสนทนา",
"Hello, {{name}}": "สวัสดี, {{name}}",
"Help": "ช่วยเหลือ",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "ซ่อน",
"Hide Model": "ซ่อนโมเดล",
"How can I help you today?": "วันนี้ฉันจะช่วยอะไรคุณได้บ้าง?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "ในการเข้าถึง WebUI โปรดติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ ผู้ดูแลระบบสามารถจัดการสถานะผู้ใช้จากแผงควบคุมผู้ดูแลระบบ",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ไปยังช่องใส่ข้อความแชท",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "ในการเลือกฟิลเตอร์ที่นี่ ให้เพิ่มไปยังพื้นที่ทำงาน \"ฟังก์ชัน\" ก่อน",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "ในการเลือกชุดเครื่องมือที่นี่ ให้เพิ่มไปยังพื้นที่ทำงาน \"เครื่องมือ\" ก่อน",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "",
"Hello, {{name}}": "",
"Help": "",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "",
"Hide Model": "",
"How can I help you today?": "",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "hiç konuşması yok.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Merhaba, {{name}}",
"Help": "Yardım",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Gizle",
"Hide Model": "Modeli Gizle",
"How can I help you today?": "Bugün size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "WebUI'ye erişmek için lütfen yöneticiyle iletişime geçin. Yöneticiler kullanıcı durumlarını Yönetici Panelinden yönetebilir.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sohbet girişine.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Burada eylemleri seçmek için öncelikle bunları \"İşlevler\" çalışma alanına ekleyin.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Filtreleri burada seçmek için öncelikle bunları \"İşlevler\" çalışma alanına ekleyin.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Araçları burada seçmek için öncelikle bunları \"Araçlar\" çalışma alanına ekleyin.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "не має розмов.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Привіт, {{name}}",
"Help": "Допоможіть",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Приховати",
"Hide Model": "Приховати модель",
"How can I help you today?": "Чим я можу допомогти вам сьогодні?",
@ -742,6 +743,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Щоб отримати доступ до веб-інтерфейсу, зверніться до адміністратора. Адміністратори можуть керувати статусами користувачів з Панелі адміністратора.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "Щоб прикріпити базу знань тут, спочатку додайте їх до робочого простору \"Знання\".",
"to chat input.": "в чаті.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Щоб вибрати дії тут, спочатку додайте їх до робочої області \"Функції\".",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Щоб обрати фільтри тут, спочатку додайте їх до робочої області \"Функції\".",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Щоб обрати тут набори інструментів, спочатку додайте їх до робочої області \"Інструменти\".",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "không có hội thoại",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Xin chào {{name}}",
"Help": "Trợ giúp",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "Ẩn",
"Hide Model": "Ẩn mô hình",
"How can I help you today?": "Tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn hôm nay?",
@ -739,6 +740,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Để truy cập vui lòng liên hệ với quản trị viên.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "đến đầu vào trò chuyện.",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Để chọn các tác vụ, bạn phải thêm chúng vào workspace \"Functions\" trước.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "Để chọn các filters, bạn phải thêm chúng vào workspace \"Functions\" trước.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Để chọn các tookits, bạn phải thêm chúng vào workspace \"Tools\" trước.",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "没有对话。",
"Hello, {{name}}": "您好,{{name}}",
"Help": "帮助",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "隐藏",
"Hide Model": "隐藏",
"How can I help you today?": "有什么我能帮您的吗?",
@ -739,6 +740,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "请联系管理员以访问。管理员可以在后台管理面板中管理用户状态。",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "要在这里附加知识库,请先将其添加到工作空间中的“知识库”。",
"to chat input.": "到对话输入。",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "要在这里选择自动化,请先将其添加到工作空间中的“函数”。",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "要在这里选择过滤器,请先将其添加到工作空间中的“函数”。",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "要在这里选择工具包,请先将其添加到工作空间中的“工具”。",
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
"has no conversations.": "沒有對話。",
"Hello, {{name}}": "您好,{{name}}",
"Help": "說明",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hide": "隱藏",
"Hide Model": "隱藏模型",
"How can I help you today?": "今天我能為您做些什麼?",
@ -740,6 +741,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "若要存取 WebUI,請聯絡管理員。管理員可以從管理面板管理使用者狀態。",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "要在此處附加知識庫,請先將它們新增到「知識」工作區。",
"to chat input.": "到對話輸入。",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇動作,請先將它們新增到「函式」工作區。",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇篩選器,請先將它們新增到「函式」工作區。",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇工具包,請先將它們新增到「工具」工作區。",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user