refac: latex

This commit is contained in:
Timothy J. Baek 2024-08-14 16:07:39 +02:00
parent 0ec1f9e331
commit 6aefc79807
3 changed files with 120 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -37,10 +37,7 @@
{:else if token.type === 'inlineKatex'}
{#if token.text}
displayMode={token?.displayMode ?? false}
<KatexRenderer content={revertSanitizedResponseContent(token.text)} displayMode={false} />
{:else if token.type === 'text'}

View File

@ -116,6 +116,13 @@
displayMode={token?.displayMode ?? false}
{:else if token.type === 'blockKatex'}
{#if token.text}
displayMode={token?.displayMode ?? false}
{:else if token.type === 'space'}

View File

@ -1,83 +1,129 @@
import katex from 'katex';
const inlineRule =
const inlineRuleNonStandard = /^(\${1,2})(?!\$)((?:\\.|[^\\\n])*?(?:\\.|[^\\\n\$]))\1/; // Non-standard, even if there are no spaces before and after $ or $$, try to parse
{ left: '$$', right: '$$', display: false },
{ left: '$', right: '$', display: false },
{ left: '\\pu{', right: '}', display: false },
{ left: '\\ce{', right: '}', display: false },
{ left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false },
{ left: '( ', right: ' )', display: false },
{ left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true },
{ left: '[', right: ']', display: true }
const blockRule = /^(\${1,2})\n((?:\\[^]|[^\\])+?)\n\1(?:\n|$)/;
// const DELIMITER_LIST = [
// { left: '$$', right: '$$', display: false },
// { left: '$', right: '$', display: false },
// ];
export default function (options = {}) {
return {
extensions: [
inlineKatex(options, createRenderer(options, false)),
blockKatex(options, createRenderer(options, true))
// const inlineRule = /^(\${1,2})(?!\$)((?:\\.|[^\\\n])*?(?:\\.|[^\\\n\$]))\1(?=[\s?!\.,:?!。,:]|$)/;
// const blockRule = /^(\${1,2})\n((?:\\[^]|[^\\])+?)\n\1(?:\n|$)/;
let inlinePatterns = [];
let blockPatterns = [];
function escapeRegex(string) {
return string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
function generateRegexRules(delimiters) {
delimiters.forEach(delimiter => {
const { left, right } = delimiter;
// Ensure regex-safe delimiters
const escapedLeft = escapeRegex(left);
const escapedRight = escapeRegex(right);
// Inline pattern - Capture group $1, token content, followed by end delimiter and normal punctuation marks.
// Example: $text$
// Block pattern - Starts and ends with the delimiter on new lines. Example:
// $$\ncontent here\n$$
const inlineRule = new RegExp(`^(${inlinePatterns.join('|')})(?=[\\s?!.,:?!。,:]|$)`, 'u');
const blockRule = new RegExp(`^(${blockPatterns.join('|')})(?:\n|$)`, 'u');
return { inlineRule, blockRule };
const { inlineRule, blockRule } = generateRegexRules(DELIMITER_LIST);
export default function(options = {}) {
return {
extensions: [
inlineKatex(options, createRenderer(options, false)),
blockKatex(options, createRenderer(options, true)),
function createRenderer(options, newlineAfter) {
return (token) =>
katex.renderToString(token.text, { ...options, displayMode: token.displayMode }) +
(newlineAfter ? '\n' : '');
return (token) => katex.renderToString(token.text, { ...options, displayMode: token.displayMode }) + (newlineAfter ? '\n' : '');
function inlineKatex(options, renderer) {
const nonStandard = options && options.nonStandard;
const ruleReg = nonStandard ? inlineRuleNonStandard : inlineRule;
return {
name: 'inlineKatex',
level: 'inline',
start(src) {
let index;
let indexSrc = src;
const ruleReg = inlineRule;
return {
name: 'inlineKatex',
level: 'inline',
start(src) {
let index;
let indexSrc = src;
while (indexSrc) {
index = indexSrc.indexOf('$');
if (index === -1) {
const f = nonStandard ? index > -1 : index === 0 || indexSrc.charAt(index - 1) === ' ';
if (f) {
const possibleKatex = indexSrc.substring(index);
while (indexSrc) {
index = indexSrc.indexOf('$');
if (index === -1) {
const f = index === 0 || indexSrc.charAt(index - 1) === ' ';
if (f) {
const possibleKatex = indexSrc.substring(index);
if (possibleKatex.match(ruleReg)) {
return index;
if (possibleKatex.match(ruleReg)) {
return index;
indexSrc = indexSrc.substring(index + 1).replace(/^\$+/, '');
tokenizer(src, tokens) {
const match = src.match(ruleReg);
if (match) {
return {
type: 'inlineKatex',
raw: match[0],
text: match[2].trim(),
displayMode: match[1].length === 2
indexSrc = indexSrc.substring(index + 1).replace(/^\$+/, '');
tokenizer(src, tokens) {
const match = src.match(ruleReg);
if (match) {
const text = match.slice(2).filter((item) => item).find((item) => item.trim());
return {
type: 'inlineKatex',
raw: match[0],
text: text,
function blockKatex(options, renderer) {
return {
name: 'blockKatex',
level: 'block',
tokenizer(src, tokens) {
const match = src.match(blockRule);
if (match) {
return {
type: 'blockKatex',
raw: match[0],
text: match[2].trim(),
displayMode: match[1].length === 2
return {
name: 'blockKatex',
level: 'block',
tokenizer(src, tokens) {
const match = src.match(blockRule);
if (match) {
return {
type: 'blockKatex',
raw: match[0],
text: match[0],