mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 11:22:31 +00:00
Merge pull request #5640 from open-webui/messages-render-optimisation
refac: messages render optimisation
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
import { PaneGroup, Pane, PaneResizer } from 'paneforge';
import { getContext, onDestroy, onMount, tick } from 'svelte';
const i18n: Writable<i18nType> = getContext('i18n');
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
@ -67,11 +69,9 @@
import Navbar from '$lib/components/layout/Navbar.svelte';
import ChatControls from './ChatControls.svelte';
import EventConfirmDialog from '../common/ConfirmDialog.svelte';
import EllipsisVertical from '../icons/EllipsisVertical.svelte';
const i18n: Writable<i18nType> = getContext('i18n');
export let chatIdProp = '';
let loaded = false;
const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
let controlPane;
@ -89,9 +89,10 @@
let eventConfirmationInputValue = '';
let eventCallback = null;
let chatIdUnsubscriber: Unsubscriber | undefined;
let selectedModels = [''];
let atSelectedModel: Model | undefined;
let selectedModelIds = [];
$: selectedModelIds = atSelectedModel !== undefined ? [atSelectedModel.id] : selectedModels;
@ -102,35 +103,17 @@
let tags = [];
let title = '';
let prompt = '';
let chatFiles = [];
let files = [];
let messages = [];
let history = {
messages: {},
currentId: null
// Chat Input
let prompt = '';
let chatFiles = [];
let files = [];
let params = {};
let chatIdUnsubscriber: Unsubscriber | undefined;
$: if (history.currentId !== null) {
let _messages = [];
let currentMessage = history.messages[history.currentId];
while (currentMessage) {
_messages.unshift({ ...currentMessage });
currentMessage =
currentMessage.parentId !== null ? history.messages[currentMessage.parentId] : null;
// This is most likely causing the performance issue
messages = _messages;
} else {
messages = [];
$: if (chatIdProp) {
(async () => {
@ -227,8 +210,6 @@
} else {
console.log('Unknown message type', data);
messages = messages;
@ -310,6 +291,9 @@
const chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-textarea');
onDestroy(() => {
@ -331,7 +315,6 @@
autoScroll = true;
title = '';
messages = [];
history = {
messages: {},
currentId: null
@ -428,8 +411,8 @@
autoScroll = true;
await tick();
if (messages.length > 0) {
history.messages[messages.at(-1).id].done = true;
if (history.currentId) {
history.messages[history.currentId].done = true;
await tick();
@ -448,8 +431,12 @@
const createMessagesList = (responseMessageId) => {
if (responseMessageId === null) {
return [];
const message = history.messages[responseMessageId];
if (message.parentId) {
if (message?.parentId) {
return [...createMessagesList(message.parentId), message];
} else {
return [message];
@ -510,6 +497,8 @@
const chatActionHandler = async (chatId, actionId, modelId, responseMessageId, event = null) => {
const messages = createMessagesList(responseMessageId);
const res = await chatAction(localStorage.token, actionId, {
model: modelId,
messages: messages.map((m) => ({
@ -575,6 +564,7 @@
const submitPrompt = async (userPrompt, { _raw = false } = {}) => {
let _responses = [];
console.log('submitPrompt', $chatId);
const messages = createMessagesList(history.currentId);
selectedModels = selectedModels.map((modelId) =>
$models.map((m) => m.id).includes(modelId) ? modelId : ''
@ -668,8 +658,34 @@
parentId: string,
{ modelId = null, modelIdx = null, newChat = false } = {}
) => {
let _responses: string[] = [];
// Create new chat if newChat is true and first user message
if (
newChat &&
history.messages[history.currentId].parentId === null &&
history.messages[history.currentId].role === 'user'
) {
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) {
chat = await createNewChat(localStorage.token, {
id: $chatId,
title: $i18n.t('New Chat'),
models: selectedModels,
system: $settings.system ?? undefined,
params: params,
history: history,
tags: [],
timestamp: Date.now()
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage));
await chatId.set(chat.id);
} else {
await chatId.set('local');
await tick();
let _responses: string[] = [];
// If modelId is provided, use it, else use selected model
let selectedModelIds = modelId
? [modelId]
@ -714,38 +730,14 @@
await tick();
// Create new chat if only one message in messages
if (newChat && messages.length == 2) {
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) {
chat = await createNewChat(localStorage.token, {
id: $chatId,
title: $i18n.t('New Chat'),
models: selectedModels,
system: $settings.system ?? undefined,
params: params,
messages: messages,
history: history,
tags: [],
timestamp: Date.now()
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage));
await chatId.set(chat.id);
} else {
await chatId.set('local');
await tick();
const _chatId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($chatId));
await Promise.all(
selectedModelIds.map(async (modelId, _modelIdx) => {
console.log('modelId', modelId);
const model = $models.filter((m) => m.id === modelId).at(0);
if (model) {
const messages = createMessagesList(parentId);
// If there are image files, check if model is vision capable
const hasImages = messages.some((message) =>
message.files?.some((file) => file.type === 'image')
@ -844,7 +836,7 @@
: undefined,
.filter((message) => message?.content?.trim())
.map((message) => {
@ -895,7 +887,7 @@
messages = messages; // Trigger Svelte update
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
...(userMessage?.files ?? []).filter((item) =>
@ -969,7 +961,7 @@
const { value, done } = await reader.read();
if (done || stopResponseFlag || _chatId !== $chatId) {
responseMessage.done = true;
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
if (stopResponseFlag) {
controller.abort('User: Stop Response');
@ -1036,7 +1028,7 @@
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
} else {
responseMessage.done = true;
@ -1059,7 +1051,8 @@
eval_count: data.eval_count,
eval_duration: data.eval_duration
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
if ($settings.notificationEnabled && !document.hasFocus()) {
const notification = new Notification(`${model.id}`, {
@ -1128,7 +1121,7 @@
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
await saveChatHandler(_chatId);
@ -1161,7 +1154,8 @@
if (messages.length == 2 && messages.at(1).content !== '' && selectedModels[0] === model.id) {
const messages = createMessagesList(responseMessageId);
if (messages.length == 2 && messages.at(-1).content !== '' && selectedModels[0] === model.id) {
window.history.replaceState(history.state, '', `/c/${_chatId}`);
const _title = await generateChatTitle(userPrompt);
await setChatTitle(_chatId, _title);
@ -1189,7 +1183,7 @@
messages = messages; // Trigger Svelte update
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
...(userMessage?.files ?? []).filter((item) =>
@ -1240,7 +1234,7 @@
: undefined,
.filter((message) => message?.content?.trim())
.map((message, idx, arr) => ({
@ -1318,7 +1312,7 @@
if (done || stopResponseFlag || _chatId !== $chatId) {
responseMessage.done = true;
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
if (stopResponseFlag) {
controller.abort('User: Stop Response');
@ -1373,7 +1367,7 @@
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
if (autoScroll) {
@ -1414,7 +1408,7 @@
await saveChatHandler(_chatId);
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
stopResponseFlag = false;
await tick();
@ -1445,9 +1439,9 @@
const messages = createMessagesList(responseMessageId);
if (messages.length == 2 && selectedModels[0] === model.id) {
window.history.replaceState(history.state, '', `/c/${_chatId}`);
const _title = await generateChatTitle(userPrompt);
await setChatTitle(_chatId, _title);
@ -1497,7 +1491,7 @@
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
const stopResponse = () => {
@ -1508,7 +1502,7 @@
const regenerateResponse = async (message) => {
if (messages.length != 0) {
if (history.currentId) {
let userMessage = history.messages[message.parentId];
let userPrompt = userMessage.content;
@ -1526,11 +1520,11 @@
const continueGeneration = async () => {
const continueResponse = async () => {
const _chatId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($chatId));
if (messages.length != 0 && messages.at(-1).done == true) {
if (history.currentId && history.messages[history.currentId].done == true) {
const responseMessage = history.messages[history.currentId];
responseMessage.done = false;
await tick();
@ -1558,6 +1552,53 @@
const mergeResponses = async (messageId, responses, _chatId) => {
console.log('mergeResponses', messageId, responses);
const message = history.messages[messageId];
const mergedResponse = {
status: true,
content: ''
message.merged = mergedResponse;
history.messages[messageId] = message;
try {
const [res, controller] = await generateMoACompletion(
if (res && res.ok && res.body) {
const textStream = await createOpenAITextStream(res.body, $settings.splitLargeChunks);
for await (const update of textStream) {
const { value, done, citations, error, usage } = update;
if (error || done) {
if (mergedResponse.content == '' && value == '\n') {
} else {
mergedResponse.content += value;
history.messages[messageId] = message;
if (autoScroll) {
await saveChatHandler(_chatId);
} else {
} catch (e) {
const generateChatTitle = async (userPrompt) => {
if ($settings?.title?.auto ?? true) {
const title = await generateTitle(
@ -1600,7 +1641,7 @@
description: $i18n.t('Generating search query')
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
const prompt = userMessage.content;
let searchQuery = await generateSearchQuery(
@ -1620,7 +1661,7 @@
action: 'web_search',
description: $i18n.t('No search query generated')
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
@ -1629,7 +1670,7 @@
action: 'web_search',
description: $i18n.t(`Searching "{{searchQuery}}"`, { searchQuery })
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
const results = await runWebSearch(localStorage.token, searchQuery).catch((error) => {
@ -1657,8 +1698,7 @@
type: 'web_search_results',
urls: results.filenames
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
} else {
done: true,
@ -1666,7 +1706,7 @@
action: 'web_search',
description: 'No search results found'
messages = messages;
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
@ -1680,9 +1720,8 @@
if ($chatId == _chatId) {
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) {
chat = await updateChatById(localStorage.token, _chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history,
models: selectedModels,
history: history,
params: params,
files: chatFiles
@ -1692,52 +1731,6 @@
const mergeResponses = async (messageId, responses, _chatId) => {
console.log('mergeResponses', messageId, responses);
const message = history.messages[messageId];
const mergedResponse = {
status: true,
content: ''
message.merged = mergedResponse;
messages = messages;
try {
const [res, controller] = await generateMoACompletion(
if (res && res.ok && res.body) {
const textStream = await createOpenAITextStream(res.body, $settings.splitLargeChunks);
for await (const update of textStream) {
const { value, done, citations, error, usage } = update;
if (error || done) {
if (mergedResponse.content == '' && value == '\n') {
} else {
mergedResponse.content += value;
messages = messages;
if (autoScroll) {
await saveChatHandler(_chatId);
} else {
} catch (e) {
@ -1788,11 +1781,11 @@
<Navbar {chat} {title} bind:selectedModels shareEnabled={messages.length > 0} {initNewChat} />
<Navbar {chat} {title} bind:selectedModels shareEnabled={!!history.currentId} {initNewChat} />
<PaneGroup direction="horizontal" class="w-full h-full">
<Pane defaultSize={50} class="h-full flex w-full relative">
{#if $banners.length > 0 && messages.length === 0 && !$chatId && selectedModels.length <= 1}
{#if $banners.length > 0 && !history.currentId && !$chatId && selectedModels.length <= 1}
<div class="absolute top-3 left-0 right-0 w-full z-20">
<div class=" flex flex-col gap-1 w-full">
{#each $banners.filter( (b) => (b.dismissible ? !JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dismissedBannerIds') ?? '[]').includes(b.id) : true) ) as banner}
@ -1834,15 +1827,13 @@
bottomPadding={files.length > 0}
@ -1850,13 +1841,13 @@
<div class="">
availableToolIds={selectedModelIds.reduce((a, e, i, arr) => {
const model = $models.find((m) => m.id === e);
@ -61,15 +61,14 @@
let user = null;
let chatInputPlaceholder = '';
export let files = [];
export let history;
export let prompt = '';
export let files = [];
export let availableToolIds = [];
export let selectedToolIds = [];
export let webSearchEnabled = false;
export let prompt = '';
export let messages = [];
let visionCapableModels = [];
$: visionCapableModels = [...(atSelectedModel ? [atSelectedModel] : selectedModels)].filter(
(model) => $models.find((m) => m.id === model)?.info?.meta?.capabilities?.vision ?? true
@ -272,7 +271,7 @@
<div class=" -mb-0.5 mx-auto inset-x-0 bg-transparent flex justify-center">
<div class="flex flex-col max-w-6xl px-2.5 md:px-6 w-full">
<div class="relative">
{#if autoScroll === false && messages.length > 0}
{#if autoScroll === false && history?.currentId}
class=" absolute -top-12 left-0 right-0 flex justify-center z-30 pointer-events-none"
@ -692,7 +691,7 @@
<div class="self-end mb-2 flex space-x-1 mr-1">
{#if messages.length == 0 || messages.at(-1).done == true}
{#if !history?.currentId || history.messages[history.currentId]?.done == true}
<Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Record voice')}>
@ -744,7 +743,7 @@
<div class="flex items-end w-10">
{#if messages.length == 0 || messages.at(-1).done == true}
{#if !history.currentId || history.messages[history.currentId]?.done == true}
{#if prompt === ''}
<div class=" flex items-center mb-1">
<Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Call')}>
@ -7,31 +7,45 @@
import { getChatList, updateChatById } from '$lib/apis/chats';
import { copyToClipboard, findWordIndices } from '$lib/utils';
import UserMessage from './Messages/UserMessage.svelte';
import ResponseMessage from './Messages/ResponseMessage.svelte';
import Placeholder from './Messages/Placeholder.svelte';
import MultiResponseMessages from './Messages/MultiResponseMessages.svelte';
import Message from './Messages/Message.svelte';
const i18n = getContext('i18n');
export let chatId = '';
export let readOnly = false;
export let user = $_user;
export let prompt;
export let history = {};
export let selectedModels;
let messages = [];
export let sendPrompt: Function;
export let continueGeneration: Function;
export let continueResponse: Function;
export let regenerateResponse: Function;
export let mergeResponses: Function;
export let chatActionHandler: Function;
export let showMessage: Function = () => {};
export let user = $_user;
export let prompt;
export let processing = '';
export let readOnly = false;
export let bottomPadding = false;
export let autoScroll;
export let history = {};
export let messages = [];
export let selectedModels;
$: if (history.currentId) {
let _messages = [];
let message = history.messages[history.currentId];
while (message) {
_messages.unshift({ ...message });
message = message.parentId !== null ? history.messages[message.parentId] : null;
messages = _messages;
} else {
messages = [];
$: if (autoScroll && bottomPadding) {
(async () => {
@ -45,56 +59,9 @@
element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;
const copyToClipboardWithToast = async (text) => {
const res = await copyToClipboard(text);
if (res) {
toast.success($i18n.t('Copying to clipboard was successful!'));
const confirmEditMessage = async (messageId, content, submit = true) => {
if (submit) {
let userPrompt = content;
let userMessageId = uuidv4();
let userMessage = {
id: userMessageId,
parentId: history.messages[messageId].parentId,
childrenIds: [],
role: 'user',
content: userPrompt,
...(history.messages[messageId].files && { files: history.messages[messageId].files }),
models: selectedModels
let messageParentId = history.messages[messageId].parentId;
if (messageParentId !== null) {
history.messages[messageParentId].childrenIds = [
history.messages[userMessageId] = userMessage;
history.currentId = userMessageId;
await tick();
await sendPrompt(userPrompt, userMessageId);
} else {
history.messages[messageId].content = content;
const updateChatHistory = async () => {
await tick();
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
const updateChatMessages = async () => {
await tick();
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
@ -102,49 +69,6 @@
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage));
const confirmEditResponseMessage = async (messageId, content) => {
history.messages[messageId].originalContent = history.messages[messageId].content;
history.messages[messageId].content = content;
await updateChatMessages();
const saveNewResponseMessage = async (message, content) => {
const responseMessageId = uuidv4();
const parentId = message.parentId;
const responseMessage = {
id: responseMessageId,
parentId: parentId,
childrenIds: [],
content: content,
timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) // Unix epoch
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
history.currentId = responseMessageId;
// Append messageId to childrenIds of parent message
if (parentId !== null) {
history.messages[parentId].childrenIds = [
await updateChatMessages();
const rateMessage = async (messageId, rating) => {
history.messages[messageId].annotation = {
rating: rating
await updateChatMessages();
const showPreviousMessage = async (message) => {
if (message.parentId !== null) {
let messageId =
@ -243,7 +167,89 @@
const deleteMessageHandler = async (messageId) => {
const rateMessage = async (messageId, rating) => {
history.messages[messageId].annotation = {
rating: rating
await updateChatHistory();
const editMessage = async (messageId, content, submit = true) => {
if (history.messages[messageId].role === 'user') {
if (submit) {
// New user message
let userPrompt = content;
let userMessageId = uuidv4();
let userMessage = {
id: userMessageId,
parentId: history.messages[messageId].parentId,
childrenIds: [],
role: 'user',
content: userPrompt,
...(history.messages[messageId].files && { files: history.messages[messageId].files }),
models: selectedModels
let messageParentId = history.messages[messageId].parentId;
if (messageParentId !== null) {
history.messages[messageParentId].childrenIds = [
history.messages[userMessageId] = userMessage;
history.currentId = userMessageId;
await tick();
await sendPrompt(userPrompt, userMessageId);
} else {
// Edit user message
history.messages[messageId].content = content;
await updateChatHistory();
} else {
if (submit) {
// New response message
const responseMessageId = uuidv4();
const message = history.messages[messageId];
const parentId = message.parentId;
const responseMessage = {
id: responseMessageId,
parentId: parentId,
childrenIds: [],
content: content,
timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) // Unix epoch
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage;
history.currentId = responseMessageId;
// Append messageId to childrenIds of parent message
if (parentId !== null) {
history.messages[parentId].childrenIds = [
await updateChatHistory();
} else {
// Edit response message
history.messages[messageId].originalContent = history.messages[messageId].content;
history.messages[messageId].content = content;
await updateChatHistory();
const deleteMessage = async (messageId) => {
const messageToDelete = history.messages[messageId];
const parentMessageId = messageToDelete.parentId;
const childMessageIds = messageToDelete.childrenIds ?? [];
@ -278,15 +284,12 @@
showMessage({ id: parentMessageId });
// Update the chat
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
await updateChatHistory();
<div class="h-full flex">
{#if messages.length == 0}
{#if Object.keys(history?.messages ?? {}).length == 0}
submitPrompt={async (p) => {
@ -327,100 +330,26 @@
<div class="w-full pt-2">
{#key chatId}
<div class="w-full">
{#each messages as message, messageIdx (message.id)}
<div class=" w-full {messageIdx === messages.length - 1 ? ' pb-12' : ''}">
class="flex flex-col justify-between px-5 mb-3 {($settings?.widescreenMode ?? null)
? 'max-w-full'
: 'max-w-5xl'} mx-auto rounded-lg group"
{#if message.role === 'user'}
on:delete={() => deleteMessageHandler(message.id)}
isFirstMessage={messageIdx === 0}
siblings={message.parentId !== null
? (history.messages[message.parentId]?.childrenIds ?? [])
: (Object.values(history.messages)
.filter((message) => message.parentId === null)
.map((message) => message.id) ?? [])}
{:else if (history.messages[message.parentId]?.models?.length ?? 1) === 1}
{#key message.id}
siblings={history.messages[message.parentId]?.childrenIds ?? []}
isLastMessage={messageIdx + 1 === messages.length}
on:action={async (e) => {
console.log('action', e);
if (typeof e.detail === 'string') {
await chatActionHandler(chatId, e.detail, message.model, message.id);
} else {
const { id, event } = e.detail;
await chatActionHandler(chatId, id, message.model, message.id, event);
on:save={async (e) => {
console.log('save', e);
const message = e.detail;
history.messages[message.id] = message;
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
{#key message.parentId}
isLastMessage={messageIdx + 1 === messages.length}
on:action={async (e) => {
console.log('action', e);
if (typeof e.detail === 'string') {
await chatActionHandler(chatId, e.detail, message.model, message.id);
} else {
const { id, event } = e.detail;
await chatActionHandler(chatId, id, message.model, message.id, event);
on:change={async () => {
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
on:scroll={() => {
if (autoScroll) {
const element = document.getElementById('messages-container');
autoScroll =
@ -431,12 +360,9 @@
<div class="pb-12" />
{#if bottomPadding}
<div class=" pb-6" />
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ __builtins__.input = input`);
$: if (token.raw) {
$: if (token) {
if (lang === 'mermaid' && (token?.raw ?? '').slice(-4).includes('```')) {
(async () => {
await drawMermaidDiagram();
@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ __builtins__.input = input`);
onMount(async () => {
console.log('codeblock', lang, code);
if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark')) {
startOnLoad: true,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<!-- {JSON.stringify(tokens)} -->
{#each tokens as token, tokenIdx}
{#each tokens as token, tokenIdx (tokenIdx)}
{#if token.type === 'hr'}
<hr />
{:else if token.type === 'heading'}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner';
import { tick, getContext, onMount, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const i18n = getContext('i18n');
import { settings } from '$lib/stores';
import { copyToClipboard } from '$lib/utils';
import MultiResponseMessages from './MultiResponseMessages.svelte';
import ResponseMessage from './ResponseMessage.svelte';
import UserMessage from './UserMessage.svelte';
import { updateChatById } from '$lib/apis/chats';
export let chatId;
export let idx = 0;
export let history;
export let messageId;
export let user;
export let updateChatHistory;
export let chatActionHandler;
export let showPreviousMessage;
export let showNextMessage;
export let editMessage;
export let deleteMessage;
export let rateMessage;
export let regenerateResponse;
export let continueResponse;
// MultiResponseMessages
export let mergeResponses;
export let autoScroll = false;
export let readOnly = false;
onMount(() => {
console.log('message', idx);
class="flex flex-col justify-between px-5 mb-3 w-full {($settings?.widescreenMode ?? null)
? 'max-w-full'
: 'max-w-5xl'} mx-auto rounded-lg group"
{#if history.messages[messageId]}
{#if history.messages[messageId].role === 'user'}
isFirstMessage={idx === 0}
siblings={history.messages[messageId].parentId !== null
? (history.messages[history.messages[messageId].parentId]?.childrenIds ?? [])
: (Object.values(history.messages)
.filter((message) => message.parentId === null)
.map((message) => message.id) ?? [])}
on:delete={() => deleteMessage(messageId)}
{:else if (history.messages[history.messages[messageId].parentId]?.models?.length ?? 1) === 1}
isLastMessage={messageId === history.currentId}
siblings={history.messages[history.messages[messageId].parentId]?.childrenIds ?? []}
on:action={async (e) => {
console.log('action', e);
const message = history.messages[messageId];
if (typeof e.detail === 'string') {
await chatActionHandler(chatId, e.detail, message.model, message.id);
} else {
const { id, event } = e.detail;
await chatActionHandler(chatId, id, message.model, message.id, event);
on:update={async (e) => {
console.log('update', e);
on:save={async (e) => {
console.log('save', e);
const message = e.detail;
if (message) {
history.messages[message.id] = message;
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
history: history
} else {
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
history: history
isLastMessage={messageId === history?.currentId}
on:action={async (e) => {
console.log('action', e);
const message = history.messages[messageId];
if (typeof e.detail === 'string') {
await chatActionHandler(chatId, e.detail, message.model, message.id);
} else {
const { id, event } = e.detail;
await chatActionHandler(chatId, id, message.model, message.id, event);
on:update={async (e) => {
console.log('update', e);
on:save={async (e) => {
console.log('save', e);
const message = e.detail;
if (message) {
history.messages[message.id] = message;
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
history: history
} else {
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
history: history
on:change={async () => {
await tick();
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
history: history
@ -20,39 +20,36 @@
const i18n = getContext('i18n');
export let chatId;
export let history;
export let messages = [];
export let messageIdx;
export let messageId;
export let parentMessage;
export let isLastMessage;
export let readOnly = false;
export let updateChatMessages: Function;
export let confirmEditResponseMessage: Function;
export let editMessage: Function;
export let rateMessage: Function;
export let copyToClipboard: Function;
export let continueGeneration: Function;
export let mergeResponses: Function;
export let continueResponse: Function;
export let regenerateResponse: Function;
export let saveNewResponseMessage: Function;
export let mergeResponses: Function;
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
let currentMessageId;
let groupedMessages = {};
let groupedMessagesIdx = {};
let parentMessage;
let groupedMessageIds = {};
let groupedMessageIdsIdx = {};
$: if (parentMessage) {
let message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
$: if (history.messages) {
if (JSON.stringify(message) !== JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId])) {
message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
const showPreviousMessage = (modelIdx) => {
groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] = Math.max(0, groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] - 1);
let messageId = groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages[groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx]].id;
groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] = Math.max(0, groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] - 1);
let messageId = groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messages[groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx]].id;
let messageChildrenIds = history.messages[messageId].childrenIds;
@ -67,12 +64,12 @@
const showNextMessage = (modelIdx) => {
groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] = Math.min(
groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages.length - 1,
groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] + 1
groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] = Math.min(
groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messages.length - 1,
groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] + 1
let messageId = groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages[groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx]].id;
let messageId = groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messages[groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx]].id;
let messageChildrenIds = history.messages[messageId].childrenIds;
@ -87,33 +84,43 @@
const initHandler = async () => {
await tick();
currentMessageId = messages[messageIdx].id;
groupedMessages = parentMessage?.models.reduce((a, model, modelIdx) => {
currentMessageId = messageId;
parentMessage = history.messages[messageId].parentId
? history.messages[history.messages[messageId].parentId]
: null;
groupedMessageIds = parentMessage?.models.reduce((a, model, modelIdx) => {
// Find all messages that are children of the parent message and have the same model
let modelMessages = parentMessage?.childrenIds
let modelMessageIds = parentMessage?.childrenIds
.map((id) => history.messages[id])
.filter((m) => m?.modelIdx === modelIdx);
.filter((m) => m?.modelIdx === modelIdx)
.map((m) => m.id);
if (modelMessages.length === 0) {
modelMessages = parentMessage?.childrenIds
// Legacy support for messages that don't have a modelIdx
// Find all messages that are children of the parent message and have the same model
if (modelMessageIds.length === 0) {
let modelMessages = parentMessage?.childrenIds
.map((id) => history.messages[id])
.filter((m) => m?.model === model);
modelMessages.forEach((m) => {
m.modelIdx = modelIdx;
modelMessageIds = modelMessages.map((m) => m.id);
return {
[modelIdx]: { messages: modelMessages }
[modelIdx]: { messageIds: modelMessageIds }
}, {});
groupedMessagesIdx = parentMessage?.models.reduce((a, model, modelIdx) => {
const idx = groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages.findIndex((m) => m.id === currentMessageId);
groupedMessageIdsIdx = parentMessage?.models.reduce((a, model, modelIdx) => {
const idx = groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messageIds.findIndex((id) => id === messageId);
if (idx !== -1) {
return {
@ -126,14 +133,19 @@
}, {});
console.log(groupedMessageIds, groupedMessageIdsIdx);
await tick();
const mergeResponsesHandler = async () => {
const responses = Object.keys(groupedMessages).map((modelIdx) => {
const { messages } = groupedMessages[modelIdx];
return messages[groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx]].content;
const responses = Object.keys(groupedMessageIds).map((modelIdx) => {
const { messageIds } = groupedMessageIds[modelIdx];
return messages[groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx]].content;
mergeResponses(currentMessageId, responses, chatId);
mergeResponses(messageId, responses, chatId);
onMount(async () => {
@ -141,20 +153,21 @@
{#if parentMessage}
class="flex snap-x snap-mandatory overflow-x-auto scrollbar-hidden"
{#key currentMessageId}
{#each Object.keys(groupedMessages) as modelIdx}
{#if groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] !== undefined && groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages.length > 0}
{#each Object.keys(groupedMessageIds) as modelIdx}
{#if groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] !== undefined && groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messageIds.length > 0}
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-no-static-element-interactions -->
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events -->
{@const message = groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages[groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx]]}
{@const _messageId =
class=" snap-center w-full max-w-full m-1 border {history.messages[currentMessageId]
class=" snap-center w-full max-w-full m-1 border {history.messages[messageId]
?.modelIdx == modelIdx
? `border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-800 border-[1.5px] ${
$mobile ? 'min-w-full' : 'min-w-[32rem]'
@ -163,17 +176,13 @@
$mobile ? 'min-w-full' : 'min-w-80'
}`} transition-all p-5 rounded-2xl"
on:click={() => {
if (currentMessageId != message.id) {
currentMessageId = message.id;
let messageId = message.id;
let messageChildrenIds = history.messages[messageId].childrenIds;
if (messageId != _messageId) {
let messageChildrenIds = history.messages[_messageId].childrenIds;
while (messageChildrenIds.length !== 0) {
messageId = messageChildrenIds.at(-1);
messageChildrenIds = history.messages[messageId].childrenIds;
messageChildrenIds = history.messages[_messageId].childrenIds;
history.currentId = messageId;
history.currentId = _messageId;
@ -181,54 +190,49 @@
{#key history.currentId}
{#if message}
siblings={groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages.map((m) => m.id)}
showPreviousMessage={() => showPreviousMessage(modelIdx)}
showNextMessage={() => showNextMessage(modelIdx)}
regenerateResponse={async (message) => {
await tick();
groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx] = groupedMessages[modelIdx].messages.length - 1;
groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx] =
groupedMessageIds[modelIdx].messageIds.length - 1;
on:action={async (e) => {
dispatch('action', e.detail);
on:save={async (e) => {
console.log('save', e);
const message = e.detail;
history.messages[message.id] = message;
await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, {
messages: messages,
history: history
on:update={async (e) => {
dispatch('update', e.detail);
on:save={async (e) => {
dispatch('save', e.detail);
{#if !readOnly && isLastMessage}
{#if !Object.keys(groupedMessages).find((modelIdx) => {
const { messages } = groupedMessages[modelIdx];
return !messages[groupedMessagesIdx[modelIdx]]?.done ?? false;
{#if !Object.keys(groupedMessageIds).find((modelIdx) => {
const { messageIds } = groupedMessageIds[modelIdx];
const _messageId = messageIds[groupedMessageIdsIdx[modelIdx]];
return !history.messages[_messageId]?.done ?? false;
<div class="flex justify-end">
<div class="w-full">
{#if history.messages[currentMessageId]?.merged?.status}
{@const message = history.messages[currentMessageId]?.merged}
{#if history.messages[messageId]?.merged?.status}
{@const message = history.messages[messageId]?.merged}
<div class="w-full rounded-xl pl-5 pr-2 py-2">
@ -274,3 +278,4 @@
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import { synthesizeOpenAISpeech } from '$lib/apis/audio';
import { imageGenerations } from '$lib/apis/images';
import {
copyToClipboard as _copyToClipboard,
@ -76,25 +77,30 @@
annotation?: { type: string; rating: number };
export let message: MessageType;
export let history;
export let messageId;
let message: MessageType = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
$: if (history.messages) {
if (JSON.stringify(message) !== JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId])) {
message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
export let siblings;
export let isLastMessage = true;
export let readOnly = false;
export let updateChatMessages: Function;
export let confirmEditResponseMessage: Function;
export let saveNewResponseMessage: Function = () => {};
export let showPreviousMessage: Function;
export let showNextMessage: Function;
export let editMessage: Function;
export let rateMessage: Function;
export let copyToClipboard: Function;
export let continueGeneration: Function;
export let continueResponse: Function;
export let regenerateResponse: Function;
export let isLastMessage = true;
export let readOnly = false;
let model = null;
$: model = $models.find((m) => m.id === message.model);
@ -111,6 +117,13 @@
let showRateComment = false;
const copyToClipboard = async (text) => {
const res = await _copyToClipboard(text);
if (res) {
toast.success($i18n.t('Copying to clipboard was successful!'));
const playAudio = (idx: number) => {
return new Promise<void>((res) => {
speakingIdx = idx;
@ -260,11 +273,7 @@
const editMessageConfirmHandler = async () => {
if (editedContent === '') {
editedContent = ' ';
confirmEditResponseMessage(message.id, editedContent);
editMessage(message.id, editedContent ? editedContent : '', false);
edit = false;
editedContent = '';
@ -272,8 +281,8 @@
await tick();
const saveNewMessageHandler = async () => {
saveNewResponseMessage(message, editedContent);
const saveAsCopyHandler = async () => {
editMessage(message.id, editedContent ? editedContent : '');
edit = false;
editedContent = '';
@ -313,6 +322,8 @@
onMount(async () => {
console.log('ResponseMessage mounted');
await tick();
@ -424,7 +435,7 @@
class=" px-4 py-2 bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 border dark:border-gray-700 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-200 transition rounded-3xl"
on:click={() => {
{$i18n.t('Save As Copy')}
@ -909,7 +920,7 @@
? 'visible'
: 'invisible group-hover:visible'} p-1.5 hover:bg-black/5 dark:hover:bg-white/5 rounded-lg dark:hover:text-white hover:text-black transition regenerate-response-button"
on:click={() => {
(model?.actions ?? [])
.filter((action) => action?.__webui__ ?? false)
@ -1028,8 +1039,7 @@
on:submit={(e) => {
(model?.actions ?? [])
.filter((action) => action?.__webui__ ?? false)
.forEach((action) => {
@ -1,38 +1,58 @@
<script lang="ts">
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner';
import { tick, createEventDispatcher, getContext, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { models, settings } from '$lib/stores';
import { user as _user } from '$lib/stores';
import {
copyToClipboard as _copyToClipboard,
} from '$lib/utils';
import { tick, createEventDispatcher, getContext } from 'svelte';
import Name from './Name.svelte';
import ProfileImage from './ProfileImage.svelte';
import { models, settings } from '$lib/stores';
import Tooltip from '$lib/components/common/Tooltip.svelte';
import { user as _user } from '$lib/stores';
import { getFileContentById } from '$lib/apis/files';
import FileItem from '$lib/components/common/FileItem.svelte';
import { marked } from 'marked';
import { processResponseContent, replaceTokens } from '$lib/utils';
import MarkdownTokens from './Markdown/MarkdownTokens.svelte';
import Markdown from './Markdown.svelte';
const i18n = getContext('i18n');
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
export let user;
export let message;
export let siblings;
export let isFirstMessage: boolean;
export let readOnly: boolean;
export let confirmEditMessage: Function;
export let history;
export let messageId;
export let siblings;
export let showPreviousMessage: Function;
export let showNextMessage: Function;
export let copyToClipboard: Function;
export let editMessage: Function;
export let isFirstMessage: boolean;
export let readOnly: boolean;
let edit = false;
let editedContent = '';
let messageEditTextAreaElement: HTMLTextAreaElement;
let message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
$: if (history.messages) {
if (JSON.stringify(message) !== JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId])) {
message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history.messages[messageId]));
const copyToClipboard = async (text) => {
const res = await _copyToClipboard(text);
if (res) {
toast.success($i18n.t('Copying to clipboard was successful!'));
const editMessageHandler = async () => {
edit = true;
editedContent = message.content;
@ -46,7 +66,7 @@
const editMessageConfirmHandler = async (submit = true) => {
confirmEditMessage(message.id, editedContent, submit);
editMessage(message.id, editedContent, submit);
edit = false;
editedContent = '';
@ -60,6 +80,10 @@
const deleteMessageHandler = async () => {
dispatch('delete', message.id);
onMount(() => {
console.log('UserMessage mounted');
<div class=" flex w-full user-message" dir={$settings.chatDirection} id="message-{message.id}">
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
bottomPadding={files.length > 0}
sendPrompt={() => {}}
continueGeneration={() => {}}
continueResponse={() => {}}
regenerateResponse={() => {}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user