mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 23:19:32 +00:00
chore: format
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "جميع المستخدمين",
"Allow": "يسمح",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "يستطيع حذف المحادثات",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "الأحرف الأبجدية الرقمية والواصلات",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "تضمين محرك النموذج",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "تم تعيين نموذج التضمين على \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "تمكين مشاركة المجتمع",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "تفعيل عمليات التسجيل الجديدة",
"Enable Web Search": "تمكين بحث الويب",
"Enabled": "",
@ -565,7 +568,6 @@
"Set Voice": "ضبط الصوت",
"Settings": "الاعدادات",
"Settings saved successfully!": "تم حفظ الاعدادات بنجاح",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "كشاركة",
"Share Chat": "مشاركة الدردشة",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI شارك في مجتمع",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Всички Потребители",
"Allow": "Позволи",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Позволи Изтриване на Чат",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "алфанумерични знаци и тире",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Модел за вграждане",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Модел за вграждане е настроен на \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Разрешаване на споделяне в общност",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Вклюване на Нови Потребители",
"Enable Web Search": "Разрешаване на търсене в уеб",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Задай Глас",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Настройките са запазени успешно!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Подели",
"Share Chat": "Подели Чат",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Споделите с OpenWebUI Общността",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "সব ইউজার",
"Allow": "অনুমোদন",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "চ্যাট ডিলিট করতে দিন",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "ইংরেজি অক্ষর, সংখ্যা এবং হাইফেন",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "ইমেজ ইমেবডিং মডেল ইঞ্জিন",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "ইমেজ ইমেবডিং মডেল সেট করা হয়েছে - \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "সম্প্রদায় শেয়ারকরণ সক্ষম করুন",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "নতুন সাইনআপ চালু করুন",
"Enable Web Search": "ওয়েব অনুসন্ধান সক্ষম করুন",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "কন্ঠস্বর নির্ধারণ করুন",
"Settings": "সেটিংসমূহ",
"Settings saved successfully!": "সেটিংগুলো সফলভাবে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "শেয়ার করুন",
"Share Chat": "চ্যাট শেয়ার করুন",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI কমিউনিটিতে শেয়ার করুন",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Tots els usuaris",
"Allow": "Permetre",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Permetre la supressió del xat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Permetre veus no locals",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Permetre la ubicació de l'usuari",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Permetre la interrupció de la veu en una trucada",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caràcters alfanumèrics i guions",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor de model d'incrustació",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Model d'incrustació configurat a \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Activar l'ús compartit amb la comunitat",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Permetre nous registres",
"Enable Web Search": "Activar la cerca web",
"Enabled": "Habilitat",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Establir la veu",
"Settings": "Preferències",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Les preferències s'han desat correctament",
"Settings updated successfully": "Les preferències s'han actualitzat correctament",
"Share": "Compartir",
"Share Chat": "Compartir el xat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Compartir amb la comunitat OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Ang tanan nga mga tiggamit",
"Allow": "Sa pagtugot",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Tugoti nga mapapas ang mga chat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alphanumeric nga mga karakter ug hyphen",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "I-enable ang bag-ong mga rehistro",
"Enable Web Search": "",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Ibutang ang tingog",
"Settings": "Mga setting",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Malampuson nga na-save ang mga setting!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "",
"Share Chat": "",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Ipakigbahin sa komunidad sa OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Alle Benutzer",
"Allow": "Erlauben",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Unterhaltungen löschen erlauben",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Nicht-lokale Stimmen erlauben",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Standort freigeben",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Unterbrechung durch Stimme im Anruf zulassen",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alphanumerische Zeichen und Bindestriche",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding-Modell-Engine",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding-Modell auf \"{{embedding_model}}\" gesetzt",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Community-Freigabe aktivieren",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Registrierung erlauben",
"Enable Web Search": "Websuche aktivieren",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Stimme festlegen",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"Share": "Teilen",
"Share Chat": "Unterhaltung teilen",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Mit OpenWebUI Community teilen",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "All Users",
"Allow": "Allow",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Allow Delete Chats",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "so alpha, many hyphen",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Enable New Bark Ups",
"Enable Web Search": "",
"Enabled": "",
@ -563,7 +566,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Set Voice so speak",
"Settings": "Settings much settings",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Settings saved successfully! Very success!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "",
"Share Chat": "",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Share to OpenWebUI Community much community",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "",
"Allow": "",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "",
"Enable Web Search": "",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "",
"Settings": "",
"Settings saved successfully!": "",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "",
"Share Chat": "",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "",
"Allow": "",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "",
"Enable Web Search": "",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "",
"Settings": "",
"Settings saved successfully!": "",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "",
"Share Chat": "",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Todos los Usuarios",
"Allow": "Permitir",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Permitir Borrar Chats",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Permitir voces no locales",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Permitir Ubicación del Usuario",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Permitir interrupción de voz en llamada",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor de Modelo de Embedding",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modelo de Embedding configurado a \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Habilitar el uso compartido de la comunidad",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Habilitar Nuevos Registros",
"Enable Web Search": "Habilitar la búsqueda web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Establecer la voz",
"Settings": "Configuración",
"Settings saved successfully!": "¡Configuración guardada con éxito!",
"Settings updated successfully": "¡Configuración actualizada con éxito!",
"Share": "Compartir",
"Share Chat": "Compartir Chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Compartir con la comunidad OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "همه کاربران",
"Allow": "اجازه دادن",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "اجازه حذف گپ",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "حروف الفبایی و خط فاصله",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "محرک مدل پیدائش",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "مدل پیدائش را به \"{{embedding_model}}\" تنظیم کنید",
"Enable Community Sharing": "فعالسازی اشتراک انجمن",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "فعال کردن ثبت نام\u200cهای جدید",
"Enable Web Search": "فعالسازی جستجوی وب",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "تنظیم صدا",
"Settings": "تنظیمات",
"Settings saved successfully!": "تنظیمات با موفقیت ذخیره شد!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "اشتراک\u200cگذاری",
"Share Chat": "اشتراک\u200cگذاری چت",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "اشتراک گذاری با OpenWebUI Community",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Kaikki käyttäjät",
"Allow": "Salli",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Salli keskustelujen poisto",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "kirjaimia, numeroita ja väliviivoja",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Upotusmallin moottori",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "\"{{embedding_model}}\" valittu upotusmalliksi",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Ota yhteisön jakaminen käyttöön",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Salli uudet rekisteröitymiset",
"Enable Web Search": "Ota verkkohaku käyttöön",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Aseta puheääni",
"Settings": "Asetukset",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Asetukset tallennettu onnistuneesti!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Jaa",
"Share Chat": "Jaa keskustelu",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Jaa OpenWebUI-yhteisöön",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Tous les Utilisateurs",
"Allow": "Autoriser",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Autoriser la suppression de l'historique de chat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Autoriser les voix non locales",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Autoriser l'emplacement de l'utilisateur",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Autoriser l'interruption vocale pendant un appel",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caractères alphanumériques et tirets",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Moteur de modèle d'encodage",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modèle d'encodage défini sur « {{embedding_model}} »",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Activer le partage communautaire",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Activer les nouvelles inscriptions",
"Enable Web Search": "Activer la recherche sur le Web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Définir la voix",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Paramètres enregistrés avec succès !",
"Settings updated successfully": "Les paramètres ont été mis à jour avec succès",
"Share": "Partager",
"Share Chat": "Partage de conversation",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Partager avec la communauté OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Tous les Utilisateurs",
"Allow": "Autoriser",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Autoriser la suppression de l'historique de chat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Autoriser les voix non locales",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Autoriser l'emplacement de l'utilisateur",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Autoriser l'interruption vocale pendant un appel",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caractères alphanumériques et tirets",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Moteur de modèle d'encodage",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modèle d'encodage défini sur « {{embedding_model}} »",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Activer le partage communautaire",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Activer les nouvelles inscriptions",
"Enable Web Search": "Activer la recherche web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Définir la voix",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Paramètres enregistrés avec succès !",
"Settings updated successfully": "Les paramètres ont été mis à jour avec succès",
"Share": "Partager",
"Share Chat": "Partage de conversation",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Partager avec la communauté OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "כל המשתמשים",
"Allow": "אפשר",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "אפשר מחיקת צ'אט",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "תווים אלפאנומריים ומקפים",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "מנוע מודל הטמעה",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "מודל ההטמעה הוגדר ל-\"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "הפיכת שיתוף קהילה לזמין",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "אפשר הרשמות חדשות",
"Enable Web Search": "הפיכת חיפוש באינטרנט לזמין",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "הגדר קול",
"Settings": "הגדרות",
"Settings saved successfully!": "ההגדרות נשמרו בהצלחה!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "שתף",
"Share Chat": "שתף צ'אט",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "שתף לקהילת OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "सभी उपयोगकर्ता",
"Allow": "अनुमति दें",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "चैट हटाने की अनुमति दें",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्ण और हाइफ़न",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "एंबेडिंग मॉडल इंजन",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "एम्बेडिंग मॉडल को \"{{embedding_model}}\" पर सेट किया गया",
"Enable Community Sharing": "समुदाय साझाकरण सक्षम करें",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "नए साइन अप सक्रिय करें",
"Enable Web Search": "वेब खोज सक्षम करें",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "आवाज सेट करें",
"Settings": "सेटिंग्स",
"Settings saved successfully!": "सेटिंग्स सफलतापूर्वक सहेजी गईं!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "साझा करें",
"Share Chat": "चैट साझा करें",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI समुदाय में साझा करें",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Svi korisnici",
"Allow": "Dopusti",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Dopusti brisanje razgovora",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Dopusti nelokalne glasove",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alfanumerički znakovi i crtice",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding model pogon",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding model postavljen na \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Omogući zajedničko korištenje zajednice",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Omogući nove prijave",
"Enable Web Search": "Omogući pretraživanje weba",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Postavi glas",
"Settings": "Postavke",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Postavke su uspješno spremljene!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Postavke uspješno ažurirane",
"Share": "Podijeli",
"Share Chat": "Podijeli razgovor",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Podijeli u OpenWebUI zajednici",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Semua Pengguna",
"Allow": "Mengizinkan",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Izinkan Penghapusan Obrolan",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Izinkan suara non-lokal",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Izinkan Lokasi Pengguna",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Izinkan Gangguan Suara dalam Panggilan",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "karakter alfanumerik dan tanda hubung",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Mesin Model Penyematan",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Model penyematan diatur ke \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Aktifkan Berbagi Komunitas",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Aktifkan Pendaftaran Baru",
"Enable Web Search": "Aktifkan Pencarian Web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Mengatur Suara",
"Settings": "Pengaturan",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Pengaturan berhasil disimpan!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Pengaturan berhasil diperbarui",
"Share": "Berbagi",
"Share Chat": "Bagikan Obrolan",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Bagikan ke Komunitas OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Tutti gli utenti",
"Allow": "Consenti",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Consenti l'eliminazione della chat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caratteri alfanumerici e trattini",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motore del modello di embedding",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modello di embedding impostato su \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Abilita la condivisione della community",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Abilita nuove iscrizioni",
"Enable Web Search": "Abilita ricerca Web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Imposta voce",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Impostazioni salvate con successo!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Condividi",
"Share Chat": "Condividi chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Condividi con la comunità OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "すべてのユーザー",
"Allow": "許可",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "チャットの削除を許可",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "英数字とハイフン",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "埋め込みモデルエンジン",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "埋め込みモデルを\"{{embedding_model}}\"に設定しました",
"Enable Community Sharing": "コミュニティ共有の有効化",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "新規登録を有効化",
"Enable Web Search": "Web 検索を有効にする",
"Enabled": "",
@ -560,7 +563,6 @@
"Set Voice": "音声を設定",
"Settings": "設定",
"Settings saved successfully!": "設定が正常に保存されました!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "共有",
"Share Chat": "チャットを共有",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI コミュニティに共有",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "ყველა მომხმარებელი",
"Allow": "ნების დართვა",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "მიმოწერის წაშლის დაშვება",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "ალფანუმერული სიმბოლოები და დეფისები",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "ჩასმის ძირითადი პროგრამა",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "ჩასმის ძირითადი პროგრამა ჩართულია \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "საზოგადოების გაზიარების ჩართვა",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "ახალი რეგისტრაციების ჩართვა",
"Enable Web Search": "ვებ ძიების ჩართვა",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "ხმის დაყენება",
"Settings": "ხელსაწყოები",
"Settings saved successfully!": "პარამეტრები წარმატებით განახლდა!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "გაზიარება",
"Share Chat": "გაზიარება",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "გააზიარე OpenWebUI საზოგადოებაში ",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "모든 사용자",
"Allow": "허용",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "채팅 삭제 허용",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "외부 음성 허용",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "사용자 위치 활용 허용",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "영문자, 숫자, 하이픈",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "임베딩 모델 엔진",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "임베딩 모델을 \"{{embedding_model}}\"로 설정함",
"Enable Community Sharing": "커뮤니티 공유 활성화",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "새 회원가입 활성화",
"Enable Web Search": "웹 검색 활성화",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "음성 설정",
"Settings": "설정",
"Settings saved successfully!": "설정이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다!",
"Settings updated successfully": "설정이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.",
"Share": "공유",
"Share Chat": "채팅 공유",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI 커뮤니티에 공유",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Visi naudotojai",
"Allow": "Leisti",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Leisti pokalbių ištrynimą",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Leisti nelokalius balsus",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Leisti naudotojo vietos matymą",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Leisti pertraukimą skambučio metu",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "skaičiai, raidės ir brūkšneliai",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding modelio variklis",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding modelis nustatytas kaip\"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Leisti dalinimąsi su bendruomene",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Aktyvuoti naujas registracijas",
"Enable Web Search": "Leisti paiešką internete",
"Enabled": "Leisti",
@ -563,7 +566,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Numatyti balsą",
"Settings": "Nustatymai",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Parametrai sėkmingai išsaugoti!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Nustatymai atnaujinti sėkmingai",
"Share": "Dalintis",
"Share Chat": "Dalintis pokalbiu",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Dalintis su OpenWebUI bendruomene",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Semua Pengguna",
"Allow": "Benarkan",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Benarkan Penghapusan Perbualan",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Benarkan suara bukan tempatan ",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Benarkan Lokasi Pengguna",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Benarkan gangguan suara dalam panggilan",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "aksara alfanumerik dan tanda sempang",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Enjin Model Benamkan",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Model Benamkan ditetapkan kepada \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Benarkan Perkongsian Komuniti",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Benarkan Pendaftaran Baharu",
"Enable Web Search": "Benarkan Carian Web",
"Enabled": "Dibenarkan",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Tetapan Suara",
"Settings": "Tetapan",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Tetapan berjaya disimpan!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Tetapan berjaya dikemas kini",
"Share": "Kongsi",
"Share Chat": "Kongsi Perbualan",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Kongsi kepada Komuniti OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Alle brukere",
"Allow": "Tillat",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Tillat sletting av chatter",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Tillat ikke-lokale stemmer",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Aktiver stedstjenester",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Muliggjør stemmeavbrytelse i samtale",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alfanumeriske tegn og bindestreker",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding-modellmotor",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding-modell satt til \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Aktiver deling i fellesskap",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Aktiver nye registreringer",
"Enable Web Search": "Aktiver websøk",
"Enabled": "Aktivert",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Sett stemme",
"Settings": "Innstillinger",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Innstillinger lagret!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Innstillinger oppdatert",
"Share": "Del",
"Share Chat": "Del chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Del med OpenWebUI-fellesskapet",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Alle Gebruikers",
"Allow": "Toestaan",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Sta Chat Verwijdering toe",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alfanumerieke karakters en streepjes",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding Model Engine",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding model ingesteld op \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Delen via de community inschakelen",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Schakel Nieuwe Registraties in",
"Enable Web Search": "Zoeken op het web inschakelen",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Stel Stem in",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Instellingen succesvol opgeslagen!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Deel Chat",
"Share Chat": "Deel Chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Deel naar OpenWebUI Community",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "ਸਾਰੇ ਉਪਭੋਗਤਾ",
"Allow": "ਅਨੁਮਤੀ",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਮਿਟਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਆਗਿਆ ਦਿਓ",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "ਅਲਫ਼ਾਨਯੂਮੈਰਿਕ ਅੱਖਰ ਅਤੇ ਹਾਈਫਨ",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "ਐਮਬੈੱਡਿੰਗ ਮਾਡਲ ਇੰਜਣ",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "ਐਮਬੈੱਡਿੰਗ ਮਾਡਲ ਨੂੰ \"{{embedding_model}}\" 'ਤੇ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ",
"Enable Community Sharing": "ਕਮਿਊਨਿਟੀ ਸ਼ੇਅਰਿੰਗ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰੋ",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "ਨਵੇਂ ਸਾਈਨ ਅਪ ਯੋਗ ਕਰੋ",
"Enable Web Search": "ਵੈੱਬ ਖੋਜ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰੋ",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "ਆਵਾਜ਼ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰੋ",
"Settings": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ",
"Settings saved successfully!": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਸਫਲਤਾਪੂਰਵਕ ਸੰਭਾਲੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰੋ",
"Share Chat": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਸਾਂਝੀ ਕਰੋ",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "ਓਪਨਵੈਬਯੂਆਈ ਕਮਿਊਨਿਟੀ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰੋ",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"Allow": "Pozwól",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Pozwól na usuwanie czatu",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "znaki alfanumeryczne i myślniki",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Silnik modelu osadzania",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Model osadzania ustawiono na \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Włączanie udostępniania społecznościowego",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Włącz nowe rejestracje",
"Enable Web Search": "Włączanie wyszukiwania w Internecie",
"Enabled": "",
@ -563,7 +566,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Ustaw głos",
"Settings": "Ustawienia",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Ustawienia zapisane pomyślnie!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Udostępnij",
"Share Chat": "Udostępnij czat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Dziel się z społecznością OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Todos os Usuários",
"Allow": "Permitir",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Permitir Exclusão de Chats",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Permitir vozes não locais",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Permitir Localização do Usuário",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Permitir Interrupção de Voz na Chamada",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caracteres alfanuméricos e hífens",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor do Modelo de Embedding",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modelo de embedding definido para \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Ativar Compartilhamento Comunitário",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Ativar Novos Cadastros",
"Enable Web Search": "Ativar Pesquisa na Web",
"Enabled": "Ativado",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Definir Voz",
"Settings": "Configurações",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Configurações salvas com sucesso!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Configurações atualizadas com sucesso",
"Share": "Compartilhar",
"Share Chat": "Compartilhar Chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Compartilhar com a Comunidade OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Todos os utilizadores",
"Allow": "Permitir",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Permitir Exclusão de Conversa",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Permitir vozes não locais",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caracteres alfanuméricos e hífens",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor de Modelo de Embedding",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modelo de Embedding definido como \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Active a Partilha da Comunidade",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Ativar Novas Inscrições",
"Enable Web Search": "Ativar pesquisa na Web",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Definir Voz",
"Settings": "Configurações",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Configurações guardadas com sucesso!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Configurações atualizadas com sucesso",
"Share": "Partilhar",
"Share Chat": "Partilhar Conversa",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Partilhar com a Comunidade OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Toți Utilizatorii",
"Allow": "Permite",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Permite Ștergerea Conversațiilor",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Permite voci non-locale",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Permite Localizarea Utilizatorului",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Permite Întreruperea Vocii în Apel",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "caractere alfanumerice și cratime",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor de Model de Încapsulare",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Modelul de încapsulare setat la \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Activează Partajarea Comunitară",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Activează Înscrierile Noi",
"Enable Web Search": "Activează Căutarea pe Web",
"Enabled": "Activat",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Setează Voce",
"Settings": "Setări",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Setările au fost salvate cu succes!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Setările au fost actualizate cu succes",
"Share": "Partajează",
"Share Chat": "Partajează Conversația",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Partajează cu Comunitatea OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Все пользователи",
"Allow": "Разрешить",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Разрешить удаление чата",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Разрешить не локальные голоса",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Разрешить доступ к местоположению пользователя",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Разрешить прерывание голоса во время вызова",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "буквенно цифровые символы и дефисы",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Движок модели встраивания",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Модель встраивания установлена в \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Включить совместное использование",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Разрешить новые регистрации",
"Enable Web Search": "Включить поиск в Интернете",
"Enabled": "Включено",
@ -563,7 +566,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Установить голос",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Настройки успешно сохранены!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Настройки успешно обновлены",
"Share": "Поделиться",
"Share Chat": "Поделиться чатом",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Поделиться с сообществом OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Сви корисници",
"Allow": "Дозволи",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Дозволи брисање ћаскања",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "алфанумерички знакови и цртице",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Мотор модела уградње",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Модел уградње подешен на \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Омогући дељење заједнице",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Омогући нове пријаве",
"Enable Web Search": "Омогући Wеб претрагу",
"Enabled": "",
@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Подеси глас",
"Settings": "Подешавања",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Подешавања успешно сачувана!",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "Подели",
"Share Chat": "Подели ћаскање",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Подели са OpenWebUI заједницом",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Alla användare",
"Allow": "Tillåt",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Tillåt chattborttagning",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Tillåt icke-lokala röster",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alfanumeriska tecken och bindestreck",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Motor för inbäddningsmodell",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Inbäddningsmodell inställd på \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Aktivera community-delning",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Aktivera nya registreringar",
"Enable Web Search": "Aktivera webbsökning",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Ange röst",
"Settings": "Inställningar",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Inställningar sparades framgångsrikt!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Inställningar uppdaterades framgångsrikt",
"Share": "Dela",
"Share Chat": "Dela chatt",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Dela till OpenWebUI Community",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "ผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด",
"Allow": "อนุญาต",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "อนุญาตการลบการสนทนา",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "อนุญาตเสียงที่ไม่ใช่ท้องถิ่น",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "อนุญาตตำแหน่งผู้ใช้",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "อนุญาตการแทรกเสียงในสาย",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "อักขระตัวเลขและขีดกลาง",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "เครื่องยนต์โมเดลการฝัง",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "ตั้งค่าโมเดลการฝังเป็น \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "เปิดใช้งานการแชร์ในชุมชน",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "เปิดใช้งานการสมัครใหม่",
"Enable Web Search": "เปิดใช้งานการค้นหาเว็บ",
"Enabled": "เปิดใช้งาน",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "ตั้งค่าเสียง",
"Settings": "การตั้งค่า",
"Settings saved successfully!": "บันทึกการตั้งค่าเรียบร้อยแล้ว!",
"Settings updated successfully": "อัปเดตการตั้งค่าเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
"Share": "แชร์",
"Share Chat": "แชร์แชท",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "แชร์ไปยังชุมชน OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "",
"Allow": "",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "",
"Enable Web Search": "",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "",
"Settings": "",
"Settings saved successfully!": "",
"Settings updated successfully": "",
"Share": "",
"Share Chat": "",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Tüm Kullanıcılar",
"Allow": "İzin ver",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Sohbet Silmeye İzin Ver",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Yerel olmayan seslere izin verin",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Kullanıcı Konumuna İzin Ver",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Aramada Ses Kesintisine İzin Ver",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "alfanumerik karakterler ve tireler",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Gömme Modeli Motoru",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Gömme modeli \"{{embedding_model}}\" olarak ayarlandı",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Topluluk Paylaşımını Etkinleştir",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Yeni Kayıtları Etkinleştir",
"Enable Web Search": "Web Aramasını Etkinleştir",
"Enabled": "",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Ses Ayarla",
"Settings": "Ayarlar",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Ayarlar başarıyla kaydedildi!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Ayarlar başarıyla güncellendi",
"Share": "Paylaş",
"Share Chat": "Sohbeti Paylaş",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "OpenWebUI Topluluğu ile Paylaş",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Всі користувачі",
"Allow": "Дозволити",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Дозволити видалення чату",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Дозволити не локальні голоси",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Доступ до місцезнаходження",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Дозволити переривання голосу під час виклику",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "алфавітно-цифрові символи та дефіси",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Рушій моделі вбудовування ",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Встановлена модель вбудовування \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Увімкнути спільний доступ",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Дозволити нові реєстрації",
"Enable Web Search": "Увімкнути веб-пошук",
"Enabled": "Увімкнено",
@ -563,7 +566,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Встановити голос",
"Settings": "Налаштування",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Налаштування успішно збережено!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Налаштування успішно оновлені",
"Share": "Поділитися",
"Share Chat": "Поділитися чатом",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Поділитися зі спільнотою OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "Danh sách người sử dụng",
"Allow": "Cho phép",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Cho phép Xóa nội dung chat",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Cho phép giọng nói không bản xứ",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "Cho phép sử dụng vị trí người dùng",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Cho phép gián đoạn giọng nói trong cuộc gọi",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "ký tự số và gạch nối",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "Trình xử lý embedding",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Mô hình embedding đã được thiết lập thành \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Kích hoạt Chia sẻ Cộng đồng",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Cho phép đăng ký mới",
"Enable Web Search": "Kích hoạt tìm kiếm Web",
"Enabled": "Đã bật",
@ -560,7 +563,6 @@
"Set Voice": "Đặt Giọng nói",
"Settings": "Cài đặt",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Cài đặt đã được lưu thành công!",
"Settings updated successfully": "Các cài đặt đã được cập nhật thành công",
"Share": "Chia sẻ",
"Share Chat": "Chia sẻ Chat",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Chia sẻ đến Cộng đồng OpenWebUI",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "所有用户",
"Allow": "允许",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "允许删除聊天记录",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "允许调用非本地音色",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "允许获取您的位置",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "允许通话中的打断语音",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "字母数字字符和连字符",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "语义向量模型引擎",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "语义向量模型设置为 \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "启用分享至社区",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "允许新用户注册",
"Enable Web Search": "启用网络搜索",
"Enabled": "启用",
@ -560,7 +563,6 @@
"Set Voice": "设置音色",
"Settings": "设置",
"Settings saved successfully!": "设置已保存",
"Settings updated successfully": "设置成功更新",
"Share": "分享",
"Share Chat": "分享对话",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "分享到 OpenWebUI 社区",
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
"All Users": "所有使用者",
"Allow": "允許",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "允許刪除對話紀錄",
"Allow Chat Editing": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "允許非本機語音",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "允許使用者位置",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "允許在通話中打斷語音",
"alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "英文字母、數字和連字號",
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@
"Embedding Model Engine": "嵌入模型引擎",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "嵌入模型已設定為 \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable Community Sharing": "啟用社群分享",
"Enable Message Rating": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "允許新使用者註冊",
"Enable Web Search": "啟用網頁搜尋",
"Enabled": "已啟用",
@ -561,7 +564,6 @@
"Set Voice": "設定語音",
"Settings": "設定",
"Settings saved successfully!": "設定已成功儲存",
"Settings updated successfully": "設定已成功更新",
"Share": "分享",
"Share Chat": "分享對話",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "分享到 OpenWebUI 社群",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user