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{"version":3,"file":"codemirror_commands-MgxtVkrD.js","sources":["../node_modules/@codemirror/commands/dist/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["import { Annotation, Facet, combineConfig, StateField, Transaction, ChangeSet, ChangeDesc, EditorSelection, StateEffect, Text, findClusterBreak, countColumn, CharCategory } from '@codemirror/state';\nimport { EditorView, Direction } from '@codemirror/view';\nimport { IndentContext, getIndentation, indentString, matchBrackets, syntaxTree, getIndentUnit, indentUnit } from '@codemirror/language';\nimport { NodeProp } from '@lezer/common';\n\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection. Will use line comments\nif available, otherwise falling back to block comments.\n*/\nconst toggleComment = target => {\n let { state } = target, line = state.doc.lineAt(state.selection.main.from), config = getConfig(target.state, line.from);\n return config.line ? toggleLineComment(target) : config.block ? toggleBlockCommentByLine(target) : false;\n};\nfunction command(f, option) {\n return ({ state, dispatch }) => {\n if (state.readOnly)\n return false;\n let tr = f(option, state);\n if (!tr)\n return false;\n dispatch(state.update(tr));\n return true;\n };\n}\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection using line comments.\nThe line comment syntax is taken from the\n[`commentTokens`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.CommentTokens) [language\ndata](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.languageDataAt).\n*/\nconst toggleLineComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\n/**\nComment the current selection using line comments.\n*/\nconst lineComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */);\n/**\nUncomment the current selection using line comments.\n*/\nconst lineUncomment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeLineComment, 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */);\n/**\nComment or uncomment the current selection using block comments.\nThe block comment syntax is taken from the\n[`commentTokens`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#commands.CommentTokens) [language\ndata](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.languageDataAt).\n*/\nconst toggleBlockComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\n/**\nComment the current selection using block comments.\n*/\nconst blockComment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 1 /* CommentOption.Comment */);\n/**\nUncomment the current selection using block comments.\n*/\nconst blockUncomment = /*@__PURE__*/command(changeBlockComment, 2 /* CommentOption.Uncomment */);\n/**\nComment or uncomment the lines around the current selection using\nblock comments.\n*/\nconst toggleBlockCommentByLine = /*@__PURE__*/command((o, s) => changeBlockComment(o, s, selectedLineRanges(s)), 0 /* CommentOption.Toggle */);\nfunction getConfig(state, pos) {\n let data = state.languageDataAt(\"commentTokens\", pos);\n return data.length ? data[0] : {};\n}\nconst SearchMargin = 50;\n/**\nDetermines if the given range is block-commented in the given\nstate.\n*/\nfunction findBlockComment(state, { open, close }, from, to) {\n let textBefore = state.sliceDoc(from - SearchMargin, from);\n let textAfter = state.sliceDoc(to, to + SearchMargin);\n let spaceBefore = /\\s*$/.exec(textBefore)[0].length, spaceAfter = /^\\s*/.exec(textAfter)[0].length;\n let beforeOff = textBefore.length - spaceBefore;\n if (textBefore.slice(beforeOff - open.length, beforeOff) == open &&\n textAfter.slice(spaceAfter, spaceAfter + close.length) == close) {\n return { open: { pos: from - spaceBefore, margin: spaceBefore && 1 },\n close: { pos: to + spaceAfter, margin: spaceAfter && 1 } };\n }\n let startText, endText;\n if (to - from <= 2 * SearchMargin) {\n startText = endText = state.sliceDoc(from, to);\n }\n else {\n startText = state.sliceDoc(from, from + SearchMargin);\n endText = state.sliceDoc(to - SearchMargin, to);\n }\n let start