# package_type returns the packaging type (deb or rpm) for the specfied distribution.
# An error is returned if the ditribution is unsupported.
function package_type() {
    local pkg_type
    case ${1} in
    amazonlinux*) pkg_type=rpm
    centos*) pkg_type=rpm
    debian*) pkg_type=deb
    fedora*) pkg_type=rpm
    opensuse-leap*) pkg_type=rpm
    ubuntu*) pkg_type=deb
    *) exit 1
    echo "${pkg_type}"

function get_artifactory_repository() {
    local pkg_type=$(package_type $1)

    case ${pkg_type} in
    deb) echo "sw-gpu-cloudnative-debian-local"
    rpm) echo "sw-gpu-cloudnative-rpm-local"
    *) echo "sw-gpu-cloudnative-generic-local"