// Code generated by moq; DO NOT EDIT.
// github.com/matryer/moq

package constraints

import (

// Ensure, that ConstraintMock does implement Constraint.
// If this is not the case, regenerate this file with moq.
var _ Constraint = &ConstraintMock{}

// ConstraintMock is a mock implementation of Constraint.
//	func TestSomethingThatUsesConstraint(t *testing.T) {
//		// make and configure a mocked Constraint
//		mockedConstraint := &ConstraintMock{
//			AssertFunc: func() error {
//				panic("mock out the Assert method")
//			},
//			StringFunc: func() string {
//				panic("mock out the String method")
//			},
//		}
//		// use mockedConstraint in code that requires Constraint
//		// and then make assertions.
//	}
type ConstraintMock struct {
	// AssertFunc mocks the Assert method.
	AssertFunc func() error

	// StringFunc mocks the String method.
	StringFunc func() string

	// calls tracks calls to the methods.
	calls struct {
		// Assert holds details about calls to the Assert method.
		Assert []struct {
		// String holds details about calls to the String method.
		String []struct {
	lockAssert sync.RWMutex
	lockString sync.RWMutex

// Assert calls AssertFunc.
func (mock *ConstraintMock) Assert() error {
	callInfo := struct {
	mock.calls.Assert = append(mock.calls.Assert, callInfo)
	if mock.AssertFunc == nil {
		var (
			errOut error
		return errOut
	return mock.AssertFunc()

// AssertCalls gets all the calls that were made to Assert.
// Check the length with:
//	len(mockedConstraint.AssertCalls())
func (mock *ConstraintMock) AssertCalls() []struct {
} {
	var calls []struct {
	calls = mock.calls.Assert
	return calls

// String calls StringFunc.
func (mock *ConstraintMock) String() string {
	callInfo := struct {
	mock.calls.String = append(mock.calls.String, callInfo)
	if mock.StringFunc == nil {
		var (
			sOut string
		return sOut
	return mock.StringFunc()

// StringCalls gets all the calls that were made to String.
// Check the length with:
//	len(mockedConstraint.StringCalls())
func (mock *ConstraintMock) StringCalls() []struct {
} {
	var calls []struct {
	calls = mock.calls.String
	return calls