#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function assert_usage() { echo "Incorrect arguments: $*" echo "$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT [SHA]" echo "\tPACKAGE_REPO_ROOT: The path to the libnvidia-container repository" echo "\tSHA: The SHA / reference to release. [Default: HEAD]" exit 1 } set -e SCRIPTS_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"/../scripts && pwd )" PROJECT_ROOT="$( cd ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/.. && pwd )" if [[ $# -lt 1 || $# -gt 2 ]]; then assert_usage $* fi PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT=$1 if [[ ! -d ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} ]]; then echo "The specified PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT '${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT}' must exist" exit 1 fi : ${REFERENCE:="HEAD"} if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then REFERENCE=$2 fi eval $(${SCRIPTS_DIR}/get-component-versions.sh) TAG=v"${NVIDIA_CONTAINER_TOOLKIT_PACKAGE_VERSION}" SHA=$(git rev-parse --short=8 ${REFERENCE}) REPO="experimental" if [[ ${TAG/rc./} == ${TAG} ]]; then REPO="stable" fi PACKAGE_CACHE=release-${TAG}-${REPO} echo "Fetching packages with SHA '${SHA}' as tag '${TAG}' to ${PACKAGE_CACHE}" IMAGE_NAME="registry.gitlab.com/nvidia/container-toolkit/container-toolkit/staging/container-toolkit" IMAGE_TAG=${SHA}-packaging ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/pull-packages.sh \ ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG} \ ${PACKAGE_CACHE} : ${ALL_RPMS:="$(find ${PACKAGE_CACHE} -name "*.rpm" -exec basename {} \; | sort | uniq)"} : ${ALL_DEBS:="$(find ${PACKAGE_CACHE} -name "*.deb" -exec basename {} \; | sort | uniq)"} PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT=$(cd "${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT}" && pwd) echo "Updating ${REPO} repo at ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT}" docker build \ -t nvidia/toolkit-deb-pkg-signer \ -f ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/Dockerfile.sign.deb \ ${SCRIPTS_DIR} docker build \ -t nvidia/toolkit-rpm-pkg-signer \ -f ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/Dockerfile.sign.rpm \ ${SCRIPTS_DIR} function sync() { local target=$1 local src_root=$2 local dst_root=$3 local src_dist=${target%-*} local dst_dist=${src_dist/amazonlinux/amzn} local pkg_type case ${src_dist} in amazonlinux*) pkg_type=rpm ;; centos*) pkg_type=rpm ;; debian*) pkg_type=deb ;; opensuse-leap*) pkg_type=rpm ;; ubuntu*) pkg_type=deb ;; *) echo "ERROR: unexpected distribution ${src_dist}" ;; esac local arch=${target##*-} local dst_arch=${arch} case ${src_dist} in ubuntu*) dst_arch=${arch//ppc64le/ppc64el} esac local src=${src_root}/${src_dist}/${arch} local dst=${dst_root}/${dst_dist}/${dst_arch} if [[ ! -d ${src} || -z $(ls ${src}/*.${pkg_type}) ]]; then echo "Skipping ${src}" return fi mkdir -p ${dst} for f in $(ls ${src}/libnvidia-container*.${pkg_type} ${src}/nvidia-container-toolkit*.${pkg_type}); do df=${dst}/$(basename ${f}) df_stable=${df//"/experimental/"/"/stable/"} if [[ -f "${df}" ]]; then echo "${df} already exists; skipping" elif [[ ${REPO} == "experimental" && -f ${df_stable} ]]; then echo "${df_stable} already exists; skipping" else cp ${f} ${df} fi done if [[ ${REPO} == "stable" ]]; then cp ${src}/nvidia-container-runtime*.${pkg_type} ${dst} cp ${src}/nvidia-docker*.${pkg_type} ${dst} fi } # This list represents the distribution-architecture pairs that are actually published # to the relevant repositories. This targets forwarded to the build-all-components script # can be overridden by specifying command line arguments. all=( amazonlinux2-aarch64 amazonlinux2-x86_64 centos7-ppc64le centos7-x86_64 centos8-aarch64 centos8-ppc64le centos8-x86_64 debian10-amd64 debian9-amd64 opensuse-leap15.1-x86_64 ubuntu16.04-amd64 ubuntu16.04-ppc64le ubuntu18.04-amd64 ubuntu18.04-arm64 ubuntu18.04-ppc64le ) targets=${all[@]} _current_branch=$(git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [[ x"${_current_branch}" != x"gh-pages" ]]; then echo "It is expected that the gh-pages branch be checked out" exit 1 fi : ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE:="origin"} _remote_name=$( git remote -v | grep "git@gitlab.com:nvidia/container-toolkit/libnvidia-container.git (push)" | cut -d$'\t' -f1 ) if [[ x"${_remote_name}" != x"${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}" ]]; then echo "Identified ${_remote_name} as git@gitlab.com:nvidia/container-toolkit/libnvidia-container.git remote." echo "Set UPSTREAM_REMOTE=${_remote_name} instead of ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}" fi : ${UPSTREAM_REFERENCE:="${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}/gh-pages"} git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} reset --hard ${UPSTREAM_REFERENCE} git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} clean -fdx ${REPO} for target in ${targets[@]}; do sync ${target} ${PACKAGE_CACHE} ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT}/${REPO} done git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} add ${REPO} if [[ ${REPO} == "stable" ]]; then # Stable release git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} commit -s -F- <<EOF Add packages for NVIDIA Container Toolkit ${TAG} release These include: * libnvidia-container* ${LIBNVIDIA_CONTAINER_PACKAGE_VERSION} * nvidia-container-toolkit ${NVIDIA_CONTAINER_TOOLKIT_PACKAGE_VERSION} * nvidia-container-runtime ${NVIDIA_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_VERSION} * nvidia-docker ${NVIDIA_DOCKER_PACKAGE_VERSION} EOF else # Experimental / release candidate release git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} commit -s -F- <<EOF Add packages for NVIDIA Container Toolkit ${TAG} ${REPO} release These include: * libnvidia-container* ${LIBNVIDIA_CONTAINER_PACKAGE_VERSION} * nvidia-container-toolkit ${NVIDIA_CONTAINER_TOOLKIT_PACKAGE_VERSION} EOF fi : ${MASTER_KEY_PATH:? Path to master key MASTER_KEY_PATH must be set} : ${SUB_KEY_PATH:? Path to sub key SUB_KEY_PATH must be set} : ${GPG_LOCAL_USER:? GPG_LOCAL_USER must be set} : ${GNUPG_CONF:=$(mktemp -d -t nvidia-container-toolkit-package-XXXXXXXXXX)} function sign() { local pkg_type=$1 docker run -it --rm \ -e ALL_DEBS="${ALL_DEBS}" \ -e ALL_RPMS="${ALL_RPMS}" \ -e GPG_LOCAL_USER="${GPG_LOCAL_USER}" \ -e TARGETS="${targets}" \ -v ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT}/${REPO}:/sign-packages \ -v ${MASTER_KEY_PATH}:/keys/master.key:ro \ -v ${SUB_KEY_PATH}:/keys/sub.key:ro \ -v ${SCRIPTS_DIR}:/helpers \ -w /sign-packages \ nvidia/toolkit-${pkg_type}-pkg-signer \ bash -x -c " export GPG_TTY=\$(tty); gpg --import /keys/master.key; gpg --import /keys/sub.key; /helpers/packages-sign-all.sh; " } sign deb git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} add ${REPO} git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} commit -s -m "TOFIX: Sign deb packages for ${TAG} in ${REPO}" sign rpm git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} add ${REPO} git -C ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} commit -s -m "TOFIX: Sign rpm packages for ${TAG} in ${REPO}" echo "To publish changes, go to ${PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT} and run: " echo " git rebase -i ${UPSTREAM_REFERENCE}"