/* * Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. */ #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "dxcore.h" // We define log_write as an empty macro to allow dxcore to remain unchanged. #define log_write(...) // We define the following macros to allow dxcore to remain largely unchanged. #define log_info(msg) log_write('I', __FILE__, __LINE__, msg) #define log_warn(msg) log_write('W', __FILE__, __LINE__, msg) #define log_err(msg) log_write('E', __FILE__, __LINE__, msg) #define log_infof(fmt, ...) log_write('I', __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define log_warnf(fmt, ...) log_write('W', __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define log_errf(fmt, ...) log_write('E', __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define DXCORE_MAX_PATH 260 /* * List of components we expect to find in the driver store that we need to mount */ static const char * const dxcore_nvidia_driver_store_components[] = { "libcuda.so.1.1", /* Core library for cuda support */ "libcuda_loader.so", /* Core library for cuda support on WSL */ "libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.1", /* Core library for PTX Jit support */ "libnvidia-ml.so.1", /* Core library for nvml */ "libnvidia-ml_loader.so", /* Core library for nvml on WSL */ "nvidia-smi", /* nvidia-smi binary*/ "nvcubins.bin", /* Binary containing GPU code for cuda */ }; /* * List of functions and structures we need to communicate with libdxcore. * Documentation on these functions can be found on docs.microsoft.com in d3dkmthk. */ struct dxcore_enumAdapters2; struct dxcore_enumAdapters3; struct dxcore_queryAdapterInfo; typedef int(*pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters2)(struct dxcore_enumAdapters2* pParams); typedef int(*pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters3)(struct dxcore_enumAdapters3* pParams); typedef int(*pfnDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo)(struct dxcore_queryAdapterInfo* pParams); struct dxcore_lib { void* hDxcoreLib; pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters2 pDxcoreEnumAdapters2; pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters3 pDxcoreEnumAdapters3; pfnDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo pDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo; }; struct dxcore_adapterInfo { unsigned int hAdapter; struct dxcore_luid AdapterLuid; unsigned int NumOfSources; unsigned int bPresentMoveRegionsPreferred; }; struct dxcore_enumAdapters2 { unsigned int NumAdapters; struct dxcore_adapterInfo *pAdapters; }; #define ENUMADAPTER3_FILTER_COMPUTE_ONLY (0x0000000000000001) struct dxcore_enumAdapters3 { unsigned long long Filter; unsigned int NumAdapters; struct dxcore_adapterInfo *pAdapters; }; enum dxcore_kmtqueryAdapterInfoType { DXCORE_QUERYDRIVERVERSION = 13, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY = 48, }; enum dxcore_queryregistry_type { DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_DRIVERSTOREPATH = 2, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_DRIVERIMAGEPATH = 3, }; enum dxcore_queryregistry_status { DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 1, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS_FAIL = 2, }; struct dxcore_queryregistry_info { enum dxcore_queryregistry_type QueryType; unsigned int QueryFlags; wchar_t ValueName[DXCORE_MAX_PATH]; unsigned int ValueType; unsigned int PhysicalAdapterIndex; unsigned int OutputValueSize; enum dxcore_queryregistry_status Status; union { unsigned long long OutputQword; wchar_t Output; }; }; struct dxcore_queryAdapterInfo { unsigned int hAdapter; enum dxcore_kmtqueryAdapterInfoType Type; void *pPrivateDriverData; unsigned int PrivateDriverDataSize; }; static int dxcore_query_adapter_info_helper(struct dxcore_lib* pLib, unsigned int hAdapter, enum dxcore_kmtqueryAdapterInfoType type, void* pPrivateDriverDate, unsigned int privateDriverDataSize) { struct dxcore_queryAdapterInfo queryAdapterInfo = { 0 }; queryAdapterInfo.hAdapter = hAdapter; queryAdapterInfo.Type = type; queryAdapterInfo.pPrivateDriverData = pPrivateDriverDate; queryAdapterInfo.PrivateDriverDataSize = privateDriverDataSize; return pLib->pDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo(&queryAdapterInfo); } static int dxcore_query_adapter_wddm_version(struct dxcore_lib* pLib, unsigned int hAdapter, unsigned int* version) { return dxcore_query_adapter_info_helper(pLib, hAdapter, DXCORE_QUERYDRIVERVERSION, (void*)version, sizeof(*version)); } static int dxcore_query_adapter_driverstore(struct dxcore_lib* pLib, unsigned int hAdapter, char** ppDriverStorePath) { struct dxcore_queryregistry_info params = {0}; struct dxcore_queryregistry_info* pValue = NULL; wchar_t* pOutput; size_t outputSizeInBytes; size_t outputSize; params.QueryType = DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_DRIVERSTOREPATH; if (dxcore_query_adapter_info_helper(pLib, hAdapter, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY, (void*)¶ms, sizeof(params))) { log_err("Failed to query driver store path size for the WDDM Adapter"); return (-1); } if (params.OutputValueSize > DXCORE_MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t)) { log_err("The driver store path size returned by dxcore is not valid"); return (-1); } outputSizeInBytes = (size_t)params.OutputValueSize; outputSize = outputSizeInBytes / sizeof(wchar_t); pValue = calloc(sizeof(struct dxcore_queryregistry_info) + outputSizeInBytes + sizeof(wchar_t), 1); if (!pValue) { log_err("Out of memory while allocating temp buffer to query adapter info"); return (-1); } pValue->QueryType = DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY_DRIVERSTOREPATH; pValue->OutputValueSize = (unsigned int)outputSizeInBytes; if (dxcore_query_adapter_info_helper(pLib, hAdapter, DXCORE_QUERYREGISTRY, (void*)pValue, (unsigned int)(sizeof(struct dxcore_queryregistry_info) + outputSizeInBytes))) { log_err("Failed to query driver store path data for the WDDM Adapter"); free(pValue); return (-1); } pOutput = (wchar_t*)(&pValue->Output); // Make sure no matter what happened the wchar_t string is null terminated pOutput[outputSize] = L'\0'; // Convert the output into a regular c string *ppDriverStorePath = (char*)calloc(outputSize + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!*ppDriverStorePath) { log_err("Out of memory while allocating the buffer for the driver store path"); free(pValue); return (-1); } wcstombs(*ppDriverStorePath, pOutput, outputSize); free(pValue); return 0; } static void dxcore_add_adapter(struct dxcore_context* pCtx, struct dxcore_lib* pLib, struct dxcore_adapterInfo *pAdapterInfo) { unsigned int wddmVersion = 0; char* driverStorePath = NULL; log_infof("Creating a new WDDM Adapter for hAdapter:%x luid:%llx", pAdapterInfo->hAdapter, *((unsigned long long*)&pAdapterInfo->AdapterLuid)); if (dxcore_query_adapter_wddm_version(pLib, pAdapterInfo->hAdapter, &wddmVersion)) { log_err("Failed to query the WDDM version for the specified adapter. Skipping it."); return; } if (wddmVersion < 2700) { log_err("Found a WDDM adapter running a driver with pre-WDDM 2.7 . Skipping it."); return; } if (dxcore_query_adapter_driverstore(pLib, pAdapterInfo->hAdapter, &driverStorePath)) { log_err("Failed to query driver store path for the WDDM Adapter . Skipping it."); return; } // We got all the info we needed. Adding it to the tracking structure. { struct dxcore_adapter* newList; newList = realloc(pCtx->adapterList, sizeof(struct dxcore_adapter) * (pCtx->adapterCount + 1)); if (!newList) { log_err("Out of memory when trying to add a new WDDM Adapter to the list of valid adapters"); free(driverStorePath); return; } pCtx->adapterList = newList; pCtx->adapterList[pCtx->adapterCount].hAdapter = pAdapterInfo->hAdapter; pCtx->adapterList[pCtx->adapterCount].pDriverStorePath = driverStorePath; pCtx->adapterList[pCtx->adapterCount].wddmVersion = wddmVersion; pCtx->adapterCount++; } log_infof("Adding new adapter via dxcore hAdapter:%x luid:%llx wddm version:%d", pAdapterInfo->hAdapter, *((unsigned long long*)&pAdapterInfo->AdapterLuid), wddmVersion); } static int dxcore_enum_adapters3(struct dxcore_context* pCtx, struct dxcore_lib* pLib) { struct dxcore_enumAdapters3 params = {0}; unsigned int adapterIndex = 0; // Include compute-only in addition to display+compute adapters params.Filter = ENUMADAPTER3_FILTER_COMPUTE_ONLY; params.NumAdapters = 0; params.pAdapters = NULL; if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters3(¶ms)) { log_err("Failed to enumerate adapters via enumAdapers3"); return 1; } params.pAdapters = malloc(sizeof(struct dxcore_adapterInfo) * params.NumAdapters); if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters3(¶ms)) { free(params.pAdapters); log_err("Failed to enumerate adapters via enumAdapers3"); return 1; } for (adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < params.NumAdapters; adapterIndex++) { dxcore_add_adapter(pCtx, pLib, ¶ms.pAdapters[adapterIndex]); } free(params.pAdapters); return 0; } static int dxcore_enum_adapters2(struct dxcore_context* pCtx, struct dxcore_lib* pLib) { struct dxcore_enumAdapters2 params = {0}; unsigned int adapterIndex = 0; params.NumAdapters = 0; params.pAdapters = NULL; if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters2(¶ms)) { log_err("Failed to enumerate adapters via enumAdapters2"); return 1; } params.pAdapters = malloc(sizeof(struct dxcore_adapterInfo) * params.NumAdapters); if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters2(¶ms)) { free(params.pAdapters); log_err("Failed to enumerate adapters via enumAdapters2"); return 1; } for (adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < params.NumAdapters; adapterIndex++) { dxcore_add_adapter(pCtx, pLib, ¶ms.pAdapters[adapterIndex]); } free(params.pAdapters); return 0; } static void dxcore_enum_adapters(struct dxcore_context* pCtx, struct dxcore_lib* pLib) { int status; if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters3) { status = dxcore_enum_adapters3(pCtx, pLib); if (status == 0) { return; } } // Fall back to EnumAdapters2 if the OS doesn't support EnumAdapters3 if (pLib->pDxcoreEnumAdapters2) { status = dxcore_enum_adapters2(pCtx, pLib); if (status == 0) { return; } } log_err("Failed to enumerate adapters via dxcore"); } int dxcore_init_context(struct dxcore_context* pCtx) { struct dxcore_lib lib = {0}; pCtx->initialized = 0; pCtx->adapterCount = 0; pCtx->adapterList = NULL; lib.hDxcoreLib = dlopen("libdxcore.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib.hDxcoreLib) { goto error; } lib.pDxcoreEnumAdapters2 = (pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters2)dlsym(lib.hDxcoreLib, "D3DKMTEnumAdapters2"); lib.pDxcoreEnumAdapters3 = (pfnDxcoreEnumAdapters3)dlsym(lib.hDxcoreLib, "D3DKMTEnumAdapters3"); if (!lib.pDxcoreEnumAdapters2 && !lib.pDxcoreEnumAdapters3) { log_err("dxcore library is present but the symbols D3DKMTEnumAdapters2 and D3DKMTEnumAdapters3 are missing"); goto error; } lib.pDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo = (pfnDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo)dlsym(lib.hDxcoreLib, "D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo"); if (!lib.pDxcoreQueryAdapterInfo) { log_err("dxcore library is present but the symbol D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo is missing"); goto error; } dxcore_enum_adapters(pCtx, &lib); log_info("dxcore layer initialized successfully"); pCtx->initialized = 1; dlclose(lib.hDxcoreLib); return 0; error: dxcore_deinit_context(pCtx); if (lib.hDxcoreLib) dlclose(lib.hDxcoreLib); return (-1); } static void dxcore_deinit_adapter(struct dxcore_adapter* pAdapter) { if (!pAdapter) return; free(pAdapter->pDriverStorePath); } void dxcore_deinit_context(struct dxcore_context* pCtx) { unsigned int adapterIndex = 0; if (!pCtx) return; for (adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < pCtx->adapterCount; adapterIndex++) { dxcore_deinit_adapter(&pCtx->adapterList[adapterIndex]); } free(pCtx->adapterList); pCtx->initialized = 0; }