This change uses functionality from the CDI package to determine
the minimum required CDI spec version. This allows for a spec with
the widest compatibility to be specified.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds an --nvidia-ctk-path to the nvidia-ctk cdi generate
command. This ensures that the executable path for the generated
hooks can be specified consistently.
Since the NVIDIA Container Runtime already allows for the executable
path to be specified in the config the utility code to update the
LDCache and create other nvidia-ctk hooks are also updated.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change refactors the generation of CDI specifications
to use discoverers and generate the CDI specifications from these
discoverers. This allows for better reuse.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change replaces the `--json` flag of the nvidia-ctk cdi generate
command with a --format flag that accepts a string format of either
json or yaml.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change generates one or more createContainer hooks for ensuring
that subfolders in /dev have the required permissions in the container.
As an example, a user requires read permissions to the /dev/nvidia-caps
in addition to including the specific caps devices under this folder.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds an nvidia-ctk hook chmod command that can be used
to update the permissions for paths in the container.
This prepends the container root to the paths to allow these to be
updated by runtime executables.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change ensures that the CDI spec mounts the ipc sockets with the
noexec flag to allow these to function in rootless mode with podman.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change updates the docker config update for simplicitly.
This also allows for the API to match the crio update code.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This adds support for updating crio configs (instead of installing hooks)
and adds crio support to the nvidia-ctk runtime configure command.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change includes meta devices (e.g. /dev/nvidiactl) in the
generated CDI spec. Missing device nodes are ignored.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change generates a v0.4.0 CDI spec instead of a v0.5.0 spec.
This allows older versions of podman, for example, to be used.
This requires that the device names do not start on a numeric character
and that the HostPath for a device is unspecified.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds functionality to generate CDI specifications
for all devices detected on the system. A specification containing
all GPUs and MIG devices is generated. All libraries on the host
ldcache that have an NVIDIA Driver Version suffix are included as
are the required binaries and IPC sockets.
A hook (based on the nvidia-ctk hook subcommand) to update the ldcache
in the container for the libraries being injected is also added to the
CDI specificiation.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds a `runtime configure` command to the nvidia-ctk CLI. This
command is currently limited to configuring the docker config on the
system by modifying the daemon.json config file associated with docker.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds version output to the nvidia-continer-runtime,
nvidia-container-toolkit, and nvidia-ctk CLIs. The same version
is used in all cases and includes a version string and a git
revision if set.
The construction of the version string mirrors what is done in runc.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>
This change adds an nvidia-ctk CLI that is used as the basis for
utilities related to the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
Signed-off-by: Evan Lezar <>