import streamlit as st import wave # from ASR import recognize import requests import pyaudio import numpy as np import base64 import io import os import time import tempfile import librosa import traceback from pydub import AudioSegment from utils.vad import get_speech_timestamps, collect_chunks, VadOptions API_URL = os.getenv("API_URL", "") # recording parameters IN_FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 IN_CHANNELS = 1 IN_RATE = 24000 IN_CHUNK = 1024 IN_SAMPLE_WIDTH = 2 VAD_STRIDE = 0.5 # playing parameters OUT_FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 OUT_CHANNELS = 1 OUT_RATE = 24000 OUT_SAMPLE_WIDTH = 2 OUT_CHUNK = 5760 # Initialize chat history if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] def run_vad(ori_audio, sr): _st = time.time() try: audio = np.frombuffer(ori_audio, dtype=np.int16) audio = audio.astype(np.float32) / 32768.0 sampling_rate = 16000 if sr != sampling_rate: audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=sampling_rate) vad_parameters = {} vad_parameters = VadOptions(**vad_parameters) speech_chunks = get_speech_timestamps(audio, vad_parameters) audio = collect_chunks(audio, speech_chunks) duration_after_vad = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate if sr != sampling_rate: # resample to original sampling rate vad_audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sampling_rate, target_sr=sr) else: vad_audio = audio vad_audio = np.round(vad_audio * 32768.0).astype(np.int16) vad_audio_bytes = vad_audio.tobytes() return duration_after_vad, vad_audio_bytes, round(time.time() - _st, 4) except Exception as e: msg = f"[asr vad error] audio_len: {len(ori_audio)/(sr*2):.3f} s, trace: {traceback.format_exc()}" print(msg) return -1, ori_audio, round(time.time() - _st, 4) def warm_up(): frames = b"\x00\x00" * 1024 * 2 # 1024 frames of 2 bytes each dur, frames, tcost = run_vad(frames, 16000) print(f"warm up done, time_cost: {tcost:.3f} s") def save_tmp_audio(audio_bytes): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False) as tmpfile: file_name = audio = AudioSegment( data=audio_bytes, sample_width=OUT_SAMPLE_WIDTH, frame_rate=OUT_RATE, channels=OUT_CHANNELS, ) audio.export(file_name, format="wav") return file_name def speaking(status): # Initialize PyAudio p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # Open PyAudio stream stream = format=OUT_FORMAT, channels=OUT_CHANNELS, rate=OUT_RATE, output=True ) audio_buffer = io.BytesIO() wf =, "wb") wf.setnchannels(IN_CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(IN_SAMPLE_WIDTH) wf.setframerate(IN_RATE) total_frames = b"".join(st.session_state.frames) dur = len(total_frames) / (IN_RATE * IN_CHANNELS * IN_SAMPLE_WIDTH) status.warning(f"Speaking... recorded audio duration: {dur:.3f} s") wf.writeframes(total_frames) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False) as tmpfile: with open(, "wb") as f: f.write(audio_buffer.getvalue()) file_name = with st.chat_message("user"):, format="audio/wav", loop=False, autoplay=False) st.session_state.messages.append( {"role": "assistant", "content": file_name, "type": "audio"} ) st.session_state.frames = [] audio_bytes = audio_buffer.getvalue() base64_encoded = str(base64.b64encode(audio_bytes), encoding="utf-8") files = {"audio": base64_encoded} output_audio_bytes = b"" with, json=files, stream=True) as response: try: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=OUT_CHUNK): if chunk: # Convert chunk to numpy array output_audio_bytes += chunk audio_data = np.frombuffer(chunk, dtype=np.int8) # Play audio stream.write(audio_data) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error during audio streaming: {e}") out_file = save_tmp_audio(output_audio_bytes) with st.chat_message("assistant"):, format="audio/wav", loop=False, autoplay=False) st.session_state.messages.append( {"role": "assistant", "content": out_file, "type": "audio"} ) wf.close() # Close PyAudio stream and terminate PyAudio stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate() st.session_state.speaking = False st.session_state.recording = True def recording(status): audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = format=IN_FORMAT, channels=IN_CHANNELS, rate=IN_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=IN_CHUNK, ) temp_audio = b"" vad_audio = b"" start_talking = False last_temp_audio = None st.session_state.frames = [] while st.session_state.recording: status.success("Listening...") audio_bytes = temp_audio += audio_bytes if len(temp_audio) > IN_SAMPLE_WIDTH * IN_RATE * IN_CHANNELS * VAD_STRIDE: dur_vad, vad_audio_bytes, time_vad = run_vad(temp_audio, IN_RATE) print(f"duration_after_vad: {dur_vad:.3f} s, time_vad: {time_vad:.3f} s") if dur_vad > 0.2 and not start_talking: if last_temp_audio is not None: st.session_state.frames.append(last_temp_audio) start_talking = True if start_talking: st.session_state.frames.append(temp_audio) if dur_vad < 0.1 and start_talking: st.session_state.recording = False print(f"speech end detected. excit") last_temp_audio = temp_audio temp_audio = b"" stream.stop_stream() stream.close() audio.terminate() def main(): st.title("Chat Mini-Omni Demo") status = st.empty() if "warm_up" not in st.session_state: warm_up() st.session_state.warm_up = True if "start" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.start = False if "recording" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.recording = False if "speaking" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.speaking = False if "frames" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.frames = [] if not st.session_state.start: status.warning("Click Start to chat") start_col, stop_col, _ = st.columns([0.2, 0.2, 0.6]) start_button = start_col.button("Start", key="start_button") # stop_button = stop_col.button("Stop", key="stop_button") if start_button: time.sleep(1) st.session_state.recording = True st.session_state.start = True for message in st.session_state.messages: with st.chat_message(message["role"]): if message["type"] == "msg": st.markdown(message["content"]) elif message["type"] == "img": st.image(message["content"], width=300) elif message["type"] == "audio": message["content"], format="audio/wav", loop=False, autoplay=False ) while st.session_state.start: if st.session_state.recording: recording(status) if not st.session_state.recording and st.session_state.start: st.session_state.speaking = True speaking(status) # if stop_button: # status.warning("Stopped, click Start to chat") # st.session_state.start = False # st.session_state.recording = False # st.session_state.frames = [] # break if __name__ == "__main__": main()