/* * Copyright © 2024 Hexastack. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3) with the following additional terms: * 1. The name "Hexabot" is a trademark of Hexastack. You may not use this name in derivative works without express written permission. * 2. All derivative works must include clear attribution to the original creator and software, Hexastack and Hexabot, in a prominent location (e.g., in the software's "About" section, documentation, and README file). * 3. SaaS Restriction: This software, or any derivative of it, may not be used to offer a competing product or service (SaaS) without prior written consent from Hexastack. Offering the software as a service or using it in a commercial cloud environment without express permission is strictly prohibited. */ import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; import Launcher from './components/Launcher'; import UserSubscription from './components/UserSubscription'; import ChatProvider from './providers/ChatProvider'; import { ColorProvider } from './providers/ColorProvider'; import { Config, ConfigProvider } from './providers/ConfigProvider'; import { SettingsProvider } from './providers/SettingsProvider'; import { SocketProvider } from './providers/SocketProvider'; import { TranslationProvider } from './providers/TranslationProvider'; import WidgetProvider, { WidgetContextType } from './providers/WidgetProvider'; import './UiChatWidget.css'; import { ConnectionState } from './types/state.types'; type UiChatWidgetProps = PropsWithChildren<{ CustomLauncher?: (props: { widget: WidgetContextType }) => JSX.Element; CustomHeader?: () => JSX.Element; CustomAvatar?: () => JSX.Element; PreChat?: React.FC; PostChat?: React.FC; config: Config; }>; function UiChatWidget({ CustomHeader, CustomAvatar, config, }: UiChatWidgetProps) { return ( ); } export default UiChatWidget;