{ "message": { "duplicate_error": "Duplicate entry. Please choose a unique value.", "bad_request": "400 BAD REQUEST", "unable_to_process_request": "Unable to process request", "not_found": "404 NOT FOUND", "unable_to_locate_resource": "Unable to locate the requested resource on the server", "connection_refused": "Connection refused", "lost_connection": "Unable to reach the server. You may have lost your internet connection.", "forbidden": "403 FORBIDDEN ACCESS", "action_not_permitted": "You are not permitted to execute this action", "unable_to_save": "Unable to perform save", "server_error": "500 SERVER ERROR", "internal_server_error": "Oops! Something went wrong ... the server may had encountered an internal error. Please contact our support team if needed.", "loading": "Loading...", "save_in_progress": "Save in progress", "full_name_is_required": "First and last name are required", "first_name_is_required": "First name is required", "last_name_is_required": "Last name is required", "username_is_required": "Username is required", "email_is_invalid": "E-mail is invalid", "email_is_required": "E-mail is required", "thank_you": "Thank you!", "get_back_asap": "We will get back to you as soon as possible.", "password_is_required": "Password is required", "password2_is_required": "Please retype your password", "password_min_length": "Password must be at least 8 characters", "password_match": "The two passwords do not match", "at_least_one_role_is_required": "At least one role is required", "login_success": "You can now sign in to your account", "confirm_required": "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to you! You can sign in but your account must be confirmed later on.", "login_failure": "Unable to login! Please check if your credentials are correct.", "logout_success": "You have been logged out successfully!", "reset_success": "Your reset request has been successful! You will receive an email containing a reset link. Please check your inbox.", "reset_newpass_success": "Your new password has been updated! You can log now using your new password.", "reset_confirm_success": "Thank you! Your account has been confirmed.", "avatar_update": "Update your avatar by uploading your own photo. Avatar must be in JPG/PNG format.", "avatar_failure_format": "Invalid format! The image must be in a JPEG(jpg) format", "avatar_failure_size": "Invalid size! The image must have a size less than 2MB", "account_update": "Update full name, email address and password by using the form below:", "edit_account_email": "A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.", "new_password": "To change the current password, enter the new password in both fields.", "account_update_success": "Account has been updated successfully", "account_disabled": "Your account has been either disabled or is pending confirmation.", "success_invitation_sent": "Invitation to join has been successfully sent.", "item_delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "item_selected_delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this selected item?", "items_selected_delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete those {{0}} selected items?", "item_delete_success": "Item has been deleted successfully", "success_save": "Changes has been saved!", "no_result_found": "No result found", "successful_request": "The request was successful", "patterns_is_invalid": "Please make sure that all patterns values are filled.", "capture_vars_is_invalid": "Be sure to configure all capture variables.", "fallback_is_invalid": "Fallback messages cannot be empty.", "text_message_is_invalid": "Text messages cannot be empty.", "element_buttons_is_invalid": "An element button title cannot be empty.", "quick_replies_is_invalid": "Make sure to fill all quick replies titles/payloads!", "buttons_is_invalid": "Make sure to fill all buttons titles/payloads!", "custom_code_is_invalid": "Custom code seems to contain some errors.", "attachment_failure_format": "Attachment has invalid format", "drop_file_here": "Drop file here or click to upload", "file_max_size": "The file exceeds the maximum allowed size. Please ensure your file is within the size limit and try again.", "attachment_failure_size": "The file exceeds the maximum allowed size. Please ensure your file is within the size limit and try again.", "upload_failed": "Unable to upload the file!", "value_is_required": "NLU Value is required", "nlp_entity_name_is_invalid": "NLU Entity name format is invalid! Only `A-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed.", "nlp_unable_to_guess": "Unable to predict any meaning from the sentence.", "nlp_success_trained": "NLU Model has been successfully trained!", "no_user": "There are no subscribers at the moment.", "no_user_assigned": "No one is assigned to you.", "no_user_handledby_chatbot": "No one is handled currently by the chatbot", "no_message_to_display": "No messages to display", "title_is_required": "Title is required", "url_is_required": "Url is required", "url_is_invalid": "The provided URL is invalid", "payload_is_required": "Payload is required", "no_data_to_display": "No data to display", "label_is_required": "Label is required", "roles_is_required": "Roles are required", "name_is_required": "Name is required", "context_vars_name_is_invalid": "Context Vars name format is invalid! Only `a-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed.", "subtitle_is_required": "Subtitle is required", "category_is_required": "Flow is required", "attachment_is_required": "Attachment is required", "success_import": "Content has been successfully imported!", "import_failed": "Import failed", "import_duplicated_data": "Data already exists", "attachment_not_synced": "- Pending Sync. -", "success_translation_refresh": "Translations has been successfully refreshed!", "message_tag_is_required": "You need to specify a message tag.", "block_is_required": "You must select the message block that will be sent as a broadcast message.", "notification_type_is_required": "Please choose a notification type", "setting_success_update": "Settings has been successfully updated!", "labels_are_required": "You need to add at least one Label", "type_is_required": "Type is required", "permission_already_exists": "Permission already exists", "button_block_message_label": "What would you like to know about us?", "network_error": "Network error. Please try again later", "content_is_required": "Content is required", "message_is_required": "Message is required", "context_var_is_required": "You need to add a context variable", "invalid_list_limit": "List limit must be >=2 and <= 4", "no_content_type": "No content type available, please create one first", "invalid_max_fallback_attempt_limit": "Max fallback attempt limit must have positive value", "regex_is_invalid": "Regex is invalid", "regex_is_empty": "Regex cannot be empty", "attachment_not_found": "Attachment is not found", "title_length_exceeded": "You have reached the maximum length", "no_label_found": "No label found", "code_is_required": "Language code is required", "text_is_required": "Text is required", "invalid_file_type": "Invalid file type. Please select a file in the supported format.", "select_category": "Select a flow", "logout_failed": "Something went wrong during logout", "duplicate_labels_not_allowed": "Duplicate labels are not allowed", "duplicate_block_error": "Something went wrong while duplicating block" }, "menu": { "terms": "Terms of Use", "policy": "Privacy Policy", "login": "Login", "register": "Sign Up", "logout": "Logout", "account": "Account", "edit_account": "Edit Account", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "visual_editor": "Visual Editor", "nlp": "NLU", "nlp_entities": "NLU Entities", "inbox": "Inbox", "categories": "Flows", "context_vars": "Context Vars", "persistent_menu": "Persistent Menu", "manage_content": "Manage Content", "cms": "Knowledge Base", "nodes": "Content", "entities": "Content types", "languages": "Languages", "manage_localization": "Manage Localization", "translations": "Translations", "import": "Bulk Import", "media_library": "Media Library", "broadcast": "Broadcast", "labels": "Labels", 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"capture_context_vars": "Capture context variables?", "block_event_type": "Type of event", "patterns": "Patterns", "no_patterns": "- No triggers -", "no_quick_replies": "- No quick replies -", "text_patterns": " Text Patterns", "triggers": "Triggers", "payloads": "Payloads", "general_payloads": "General Payloads", "capture": "Capture?", "context_var": "Context Var", "text_message": "Text message", "postback_payload": "Payload", "get_started": "Get Started", "view_more": "View More", "user_location": "User location", "messages": "Messages", "is_regex": "Is Regex?", "message": "Message", "no_message": "- No message -", "plugin": "Plugin", "postback": "Postback", "quick_reply": "Quick Reply", "attachment": "Attachment", "text": "Text", "string": "Text Input", "location": "Location", "user_phone_number": "User phone number", "user_email": "User email address", "image": "Image", "video": "Video", "audio": "Audio", "file": "File", "upload_from_computer": "Upload From Computer", 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"full_name": "First and last name", "password": "Password", "password2": "Confirm your password", "timezone": "Timezone", "language": "Language", "date_format": "Date format", "first_name": "First name", "last_name": "Last name", "search": "Search", "type_message": "Type your message ...", "keywords": "Keywords", "label": "Label", "type": "Type", "name": "Name", "entities": "Entities", "block_name": "Block's name", "select": "Select", "unselect": "Unselect", "title": "Title", "url": "URL", "payload": "Payload", "user_says": "User says ...", "select_or_create": "Select or Create new", "nlp_sample_text": "Start typing what the user would say ...", "filter_by_label": "Filter by labels", "start_date": "Start Date", "end_date": "End Date", "nlp_value": "Value", "type_message_here": "Type message here ....", "mark_as_default": "By Default" }, "button": { "login": "Sign In", "register": "Sign Up", "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous", "trash": "Trash", "last_created": "Last created", "last_modified": "Last modified", "rename": "Rename", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "remove": "Remove", "move": "Move", "remove_permanently": "Remove", "restore": "Restore", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "submit": "Submit", "cancel": "Cancel", "add": "Add", "done": "Done", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "ok": "OK", "load_more": "Load more ...", "details": "Details", "reset": "Reset", "append": "Append", "delete": "Delete", "download": "Download", "invite": "Invite", "send": "Send", "fields": "Fields", "upload": "Upload", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "manage": "Manage", "view": "View", "close": "Close", "validate": "Validate", "back": "Back", "values": "Values", "labels": "Manage Labels", "load_previous_messages": "Load previous messages", "roles": "Manage roles", "permissions": "Permissions", "requestlog": "Request Log", "guess": "Guess", "content": "Content", "takeover": "Take over", "handback": "Hand back", "assign": "Assign", "select_some_text": "Select some part of the text to 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Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "conversations": "Compares between new conversations and old ones. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "audience": "Describes user's engagement by highlighting returning users vs new users. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "popular_blocks": "Highlights the blocks that were tiggered the most. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results." }, "legends": { "all_messages": "All Messages", "incoming": "Incoming", "outgoing": "Outgoing", "new_conversations": "New Conversations", "existing_conversations": "Existing Conversations", "new_users": "New Users", "returning_users": "Returning Users", "retention": "Retention" }, "error": "Error" }, "datetime": { "created_at": "{{val, datetime, dateFormat}}", "updated_at": "{{val, datetime, dateFormat}}" }, "visual_editor": { "zoom": { "in": "Zoom In", "out": "Zoom Out", "reset": "Reset zoom to default", "fitScreen": "Fit to screen" } } }