/* * Copyright © 2024 Hexastack. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3) with the following additional terms: * 1. The name "Hexabot" is a trademark of Hexastack. You may not use this name in derivative works without express written permission. * 2. All derivative works must include clear attribution to the original creator and software, Hexastack and Hexabot, in a prominent location (e.g., in the software's "About" section, documentation, and README file). */ import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { EventEmitter2 } from '@nestjs/event-emitter'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document, Model, Query, UpdateQuery, UpdateWithAggregationPipeline, } from 'mongoose'; import { BaseRepository } from '@/utils/generics/base-repository'; import { TFilterQuery } from '@/utils/types/filter.types'; import { SubscriberUpdateDto } from '../dto/subscriber.dto'; import { Subscriber, SUBSCRIBER_POPULATE, SubscriberDocument, SubscriberFull, SubscriberPopulate, } from '../schemas/subscriber.schema'; @Injectable() export class SubscriberRepository extends BaseRepository< Subscriber, SubscriberPopulate, SubscriberFull > { constructor( readonly eventEmitter: EventEmitter2, @InjectModel(Subscriber.name) readonly model: Model, ) { super(eventEmitter, model, Subscriber, SUBSCRIBER_POPULATE, SubscriberFull); } /** * Emits events related to the creation of a new subscriber. * * @param created - The newly created subscriber document. */ async postCreate(created: SubscriberDocument): Promise { this.eventEmitter.emit( 'hook:stats:entry', 'new_users', 'New users', created, ); } /** * Emits events before updating a subscriber. Specifically handles the * assignment of the subscriber and triggers appropriate events. * * @param _query - The Mongoose query object for finding and updating a subscriber. * @param criteria - The filter criteria used to find the subscriber. * @param updates - The update data, which may include fields like `assignedTo`. */ async preUpdate( _query: Query< Document, Document, unknown, Subscriber, 'findOneAndUpdate' >, criteria: TFilterQuery, updates: | UpdateWithAggregationPipeline | UpdateQuery>, ): Promise { const subscriberUpdates: SubscriberUpdateDto = updates?.['$set']; const oldSubscriber = await this.findOne(criteria); if (subscriberUpdates.assignedTo !== oldSubscriber?.assignedTo) { this.eventEmitter.emit( 'hook:subscriber:assign', subscriberUpdates, oldSubscriber, ); if (!(subscriberUpdates.assignedTo && oldSubscriber?.assignedTo)) { this.eventEmitter.emit( 'hook:analytics:passation', oldSubscriber, !!subscriberUpdates?.assignedTo, ); } } } /** * Constructs a query to find a subscriber by their foreign ID. * * @param id - The foreign ID of the subscriber. * * @returns The constructed query object. */ findByForeignIdQuery(id: string) { return this.findQuery( { foreign_id: id }, { skip: 0, limit: 1, sort: ['lastvisit', 'desc'] }, ); } /** * Finds a single subscriber by his foreign ID (channel's id). * * @param id - The foreign ID of the subscriber. * * @returns The found subscriber entity. */ async findOneByForeignId(id: string): Promise { const query = this.findByForeignIdQuery(id); const [result] = await this.execute(query, Subscriber); return result; } /** * Finds a subscriber by their foreign ID and populates related fields such as `labels` and `assignedTo`. * * @param id - The foreign ID of the subscriber. * * @returns The found subscriber entity with populated fields. */ async findOneByForeignIdAndPopulate(id: string): Promise { const query = this.findByForeignIdQuery(id).populate(this.populate); const [result] = await this.execute(query, this.clsPopulate); return result; } /** * Updates a subscriber's information based on their foreign ID. * * @param id - The foreign ID of the subscriber. * @param updates - The update data to apply to the subscriber. * * @returns The updated subscriber entity. */ async updateOneByForeignIdQuery( id: string, updates: SubscriberUpdateDto, ): Promise { return await this.updateOne({ foreign_id: id }, updates); } /** * Unassigns a subscriber by their foreign ID by setting the `assignedTo` field to `null`. * * @param foreignId - The foreign ID of the subscriber. * * @returns The updated subscriber entity. */ async handBackByForeignIdQuery(foreignId: string): Promise { return await this.updateOne( { foreign_id: foreignId, assignedTo: { $ne: null }, }, { assignedTo: null, }, ); } /** * Assigns a subscriber to a new user by their foreign ID. * * @param foreignId The foreign ID of the subscriber. * @param userId The ID of the user to assign the subscriber to. * * @returns The updated subscriber entity. */ async handOverByForeignIdQuery( foreignId: string, userId: string, ): Promise { return await this.updateOne( { foreign_id: foreignId, assignedTo: { $ne: userId }, }, { assignedTo: userId, }, ); } }