/* * Copyright © 2024 Hexastack. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3) with the following additional terms: * 1. The name "Hexabot" is a trademark of Hexastack. You may not use this name in derivative works without express written permission. * 2. All derivative works must include clear attribution to the original creator and software, Hexastack and Hexabot, in a prominent location (e.g., in the software's "About" section, documentation, and README file). */ import path from 'path'; import { CacheModule } from '@nestjs/cache-manager'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/order import { MailerModule } from '@nestjs-modules/mailer'; import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core'; import { EventEmitterModule } from '@nestjs/event-emitter'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/order import { MjmlAdapter } from '@nestjs-modules/mailer/dist/adapters/mjml.adapter'; import { CsrfGuard, CsrfModule } from '@tekuconcept/nestjs-csrf'; import { redisStore } from 'cache-manager-redis-yet'; import { AcceptLanguageResolver, I18nOptions, QueryResolver, } from 'nestjs-i18n'; import SMTPTransport from 'nodemailer/lib/smtp-transport'; import { RedisClientOptions } from 'redis'; import { AnalyticsModule } from './analytics/analytics.module'; import { AppController } from './app.controller'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { AttachmentModule } from './attachment/attachment.module'; import { ChannelModule } from './channel/channel.module'; import { ChatModule } from './chat/chat.module'; import { CmsModule } from './cms/cms.module'; import { config } from './config'; import extraModules from './extra'; import { HelperModule } from './helper/helper.module'; import { I18nModule } from './i18n/i18n.module'; import { LoggerModule } from './logger/logger.module'; import { NlpModule } from './nlp/nlp.module'; import { PluginsModule } from './plugins/plugins.module'; import { SettingModule } from './setting/setting.module'; import { Ability } from './user/guards/ability.guard'; import { UserModule } from './user/user.module'; import idPlugin from './utils/schema-plugin/id.plugin'; import { WebsocketModule } from './websocket/websocket.module'; const i18nOptions: I18nOptions = { fallbackLanguage: 'en', loaderOptions: { path: path.join(__dirname, '/config/i18n/'), watch: true, }, resolvers: [ { use: QueryResolver, options: ['lang'] }, AcceptLanguageResolver, ], }; @Module({ imports: [ ...(config.emails.isEnabled ? [ MailerModule.forRoot({ transport: new SMTPTransport({ ...config.emails.smtp, logger: true, debug: false, }), template: { adapter: new MjmlAdapter('ejs', { inlineCssEnabled: false }), dir: './src/templates', options: { context: { appName: config.parameters.appName, appUrl: config.frontendPath, }, }, }, defaults: { from: config.emails.from }, }), ] : []), MongooseModule.forRoot(config.mongo.uri, { dbName: config.mongo.dbName, connectionFactory: (connection) => { connection.plugin(idPlugin); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires connection.plugin(require('mongoose-lean-virtuals')); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires connection.plugin(require('mongoose-lean-getters')); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires connection.plugin(require('mongoose-lean-defaults').default); return connection; }, }), NlpModule, CmsModule, UserModule, SettingModule, AttachmentModule, AnalyticsModule, ChatModule, ChannelModule, PluginsModule, HelperModule, LoggerModule, WebsocketModule, EventEmitterModule.forRoot({ // set this to `true` to use wildcards wildcard: true, // the delimiter used to segment namespaces delimiter: ':', // set this to `true` if you want to emit the newListener event newListener: false, // set this to `true` if you want to emit the removeListener event removeListener: false, // the maximum amount of listeners that can be assigned to an event maxListeners: 10, // show event name in memory leak message when more than maximum amount of listeners is assigned verboseMemoryLeak: false, // disable throwing uncaughtException if an error event is emitted and it has no listeners ignoreErrors: false, }), CsrfModule, I18nModule.forRoot(i18nOptions), config.cache.type === 'redis' ? CacheModule.register({ isGlobal: true, store: redisStore, socket: { host: config.cache.host, port: config.cache.port, }, ttl: config.cache.ttl, max: config.cache.max, }) : CacheModule.register({ isGlobal: true, ttl: config.cache.ttl, max: config.cache.max, }), ...extraModules, ], controllers: [AppController], providers: [ { provide: APP_GUARD, useClass: Ability }, { provide: APP_GUARD, useClass: CsrfGuard }, AppService, ], }) export class HexabotModule {}