{ "message": { "bad_request": "400 BAD REQUEST", "unable_to_process_request": "Unable to process request", "not_found": "404 NOT FOUND", "unable_to_locate_resource": "Unable to locate the requested resource on the server", "connection_refused": "Connection refused", "lost_connection": "Unable to reach the server. You may have lost your internet connection.", "forbidden": "403 FORBIDDEN ACCESS", "action_not_permitted": "You are not permitted to execute this action", "unable_to_save": "Unable to perform save", "server_error": "500 SERVER ERROR", "internal_server_error": "Oops! Something went wrong ... the server may had encountered an internal error. Please contact our support team if needed.", "loading": "Loading...", "save_in_progress": "Save in progress", "full_name_is_required": "First and last name are required", "first_name_is_required": "First name is required", "last_name_is_required": "Last name is required", "username_is_required": "Username is required", "email_is_invalid": "E-mail is invalid", "email_is_required": "E-mail is required", "thank_you": "Thank you!", "get_back_asap": "We will get back to you as soon as possible.", "password_is_required": "Password is required", "password2_is_required": "Please retype your password", "password_min_length": "Password must be at least 8 characters", "password_match": "The two passwords do not match", "at_least_one_role_is_required": "At least one role is required", "login_success": "You can now sign in to your account", "confirm_required": "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to you! You can sign in but your account must be confirmed later on.", "login_failure": "Unable to login! Please check if your credentials are correct.", "logout_success": "You have been logged out successfully!", "reset_success": "Your reset request has been successful! You will receive an email containing a reset link. Please check your inbox.", "reset_newpass_success": "Your new password has been updated! You can log now using your new password.", "reset_confirm_success": "Thank you! Your account has been confirmed.", "avatar_update": "Update your avatar by uploading your own photo. Avatar must be in JPG/PNG format.", "avatar_failure_format": "Invalid format! The image must be in a JPEG(jpg) format", "avatar_failure_size": "Invalid size! The image must have a size less than 2MB", "account_update": "Update full name, email address and password by using the form below:", "edit_account_email": "A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.", "new_password": "To change the current password, enter the new password in both fields.", "account_update_success": "Account has been updated successfully", "account_disabled": "Your account has been disabled!", "success_invitation_sent": "Invitation to join has been successfully sent.", "item_delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "item_delete_success": "Item has been deleted successfully", "success_save": "Changes has been saved!", "no_result_found": "No result found", "successful_request": "The request was successful", "patterns_is_invalid": "Please make sure that all patterns values are filled.", "capture_vars_is_invalid": "Be sure to configure all capture variables.", "fallback_is_invalid": "Fallback messages cannot be empty.", "text_message_is_invalid": "Text messages cannot be empty.", "element_buttons_is_invalid": "An element button title cannot be empty.", "quick_replies_is_invalid": "Make sure to fill all quick replies titles/payloads!", "buttons_is_invalid": "Make sure to fill all buttons titles/payloads!", "custom_code_is_invalid": "Custom code seems to contain some errors.", "attachment_failure_format": "Attachment has invalid format", "drop_file_here": "Drop file here or click to upload", "file_max_size": "File must have a size less than 25MB", "attachment_failure_size": "Invalid size! File must have a size less than 25MB", "upload_failed": "Unable to upload the file!", "value_is_required": "NLP Value is required", "nlp_entity_name_is_invalid": "NLP Entity name format is invalid! Only `A-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed.", "nlp_unable_to_guess": "Unable to predict any meaning from the sentence.", "nlp_success_trained": "NLP Model has been successfully trained!", "no_user": "There are no subscribers at the moment.", "no_user_assigned": "No one is assigned to you.", "no_user_handledby_chatbot": "No one is handled currently by the chatbot", "no_message_to_display": "No messages to display", "title_is_required": "Title is required", "url_is_required": "Url is required", "url_is_invalid": "The provided URL is invalid", "payload_is_required": "Payload is required", "no_data_to_display": "No data to display", "label_is_required": "Label is required", "roles_is_required": "Roles are required", "name_is_required": "Name is required", "context_vars_name_is_invalid": "Context Vars name format is invalid! Only `a-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed.", "subtitle_is_required": "Subtitle is required", "category_is_required": "Category is required", "attachment_is_required": "Attachment is required", "success_import": "Content has been successfuly imported!", "attachment_not_synced": "- Pending Sync. -", "success_translation_refresh": "Translations has been successfully refreshed!", "message_tag_is_required": "You need to specify a message tag.", "block_is_required": "You must select the message block that will be sent as a broadcast message.", "notification_type_is_required": "Please choose a notification type", "setting_success_update": "Settings has been successfully updated!", "labels_are_required": "You need to add at least one Label", "type_is_required": "Type is required", "permission_already_exists": "Permission already exists", "network_error": "Network error. Please try again later", "content_is_required": "Content is required", "message_is_required": "Message is required", "context_var_is_required": "You need to add a context variable", "invalid_list_limit": "List limit must be >=2 and <= 4", "no_content_type": "No content type available, please create one first", "invalid_max_fallback_attempt_limit": "Max fallback attempt limit must have positive value", "regex_is_invalid": "Regex is invalid", "attachment_not_found": "Attachment is not found", "title_length_exceeded": "You have reached the maximum length" }, "menu": { "terms": "Terms of Use", "policy": "Privacy Policy", "login": "Login", "register": "Sign Up", "logout": "Logout", "account": "Account", "edit_account": "Edit Account", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "visual_editor": "Visual Editor", "nlp": "NLP", "nlp_entities": "NLP Entities", "inbox": "Inbox", "categories": "Categories", "context_vars": "Context Vars", "persistent_menu": "Persistent Menu", "manage_content": "Manage Content", 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"new_nlp_entity": "New NLP Entity", "edit_nlp_entity": "Edit NLP Entity", "nlp_entity_values": "NLP Values", "new_nlp_entity_value": "New NLP Value", "evaluation_report": "Evaluation Report", "edit_nlp_sample": "Edit NLP Sample", "edit_nlp_value": "Edit NLP Value", "context_vars": "Context Vars", "new_context_var": "New Context Variable", "edit_context_var": "Edit Context Variable", "manage_persistent_menu": "Manage Persistent Menu", "add_menu_item": "Add Menu Item", "edit_menu_item": "Edit Menu Item", "content": "Content", "categories": "Categories", "new_category": "New Category", "edit_category": "Edit Category", "new_content": "New Content", "edit_content": "Edit Content", "entities": "Content Types", "new_content_type": "New Content Type", "edit_content_type": "Edit Content Type", "manage_fields": "Manage Fields", "nodes": "Content", "new_node": "New Content", "edit_node": "Edit Content", "import": "Bulk Import", "media_library": "Media Library", "translations": "Translations", "update_translation": "Update Translation", "broadcast": "Broadcast", "supported_message_types": "Supported Message Types", "new_broadcast_message": "New Broadcast Message", "edit_broadcast_message": "Edit Broadcast Message", "labels": "Labels", "new_label": "New Label", "edit_label": "Edit Label", "subscribers": "Subscribers", "manage_labels": "Manage Labels", "users": "Users", "manage_roles": "Manage Roles", "roles": "Roles", "edit_role": "Edit Role", "new_role": "New Role", "requestlog": "Request Log", "manage_permissions": "Manage permissions", "invite_new_user": "Invite new user to join", "active_users": "Active users", "inbox": "Inbox", "all_messages": "All Messages", "handled_by_me": "Assigned to me", "handled_by_chatbot": "Others", "settings": "Settings", "facebook_settings": "Facebook", "messenger": "Facebook Messenger", "msbot": "Microsoft Bot Connector", "offline": "Web Channel", "twitter": "Twitter", "dimelo": "Dimelo", "email_settings": "Email", "contact": "Contact Infos", "chatbot_settings": "Chatbot", "nlp_settings": "NLP Provider", "contact_infos": "Contact Infos", "event_log": "Events Log", "log_entry": "Log entry", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "warning": "Warning", "live_chat_tester": "Live Chat Tester", "live-chat-tester": "Live Chat Tester" }, "label": { "terms": "I have read and approve the terms and conditions.", "block_name": "Block's name", "starts_conversation": "Entrypoint", "capture_context_var": "Capture a context variable?", "capture_context_vars": "Capture context variables?", "block_event_type": "Type of event", "patterns": "Patterns", "no_patterns": "- No patterns -", "text_patterns": " Text Patterns", "triggers": "Triggers", "payloads": "Payloads", "general_payloads": "General Payloads", "capture": "Capture?", "context_var": "Context Var", "text_message": "Text message", "postback_payload": "Payload", "get_started": "Get Started", "view_more": "View More", "user_location": "User location", "messages": "Messages", "is_regex": "Is Regex?", "message": "Message", "no_message": "- No message -", "plugin": "Plugin", "postback": "Postback", "quick_reply": "Quick Reply", "attachment": "Attachment", "text": "Text", "string": "Text Input", "location": "Location", "user_phone_number": "User phone number", "user_email": "User email address", "image": "Image", "video": "Video", "audio": "Audio", "file": "File", "upload_from_computer": "Upload From Computer", "element_default_action": "Element Default Action", "element_buttons": "Element Buttons", "list_bottom_buttons": "List Bottom Buttons", "webview": "Webview", "large": "Large", "compact": "Compact", "full": "Full", "tall": "Tall", "top_element_style": "Top Element Style", "content": "Content", "content_limit": "Limit", "content_categories": "Categories", "load_more": "Enable `View More` Button?", "options": "Options", "seconds": "Seconds", "typing_indicator": "Typing indicator", "effects": "Apply plugin effects", "enable_fallback": "Enable Fallback?", "max_fallback_attempts": "Max Fallback Attempts", "fallback_block": "Fallback Block", "fallback_message": "Fallback Message", "labeled_with": "Target users with labels?", "assign_labels": "Assign labels", "replacement_tokens": "Replacement Tokens", "built_in": "Built-in", "assign_to": "Takeover By", "assigned_to": "Assigned To", "user_first_name": "First Name", "user_last_name": "Last Name", "user_location_lat": "Latitude", "user_location_lon": "Longitude", "user_location_country": "Country", "user_location_state": "State", "user_location_zipcode": "Zipcode", "user_location_streetName": "Street Name", "from_channels": "Target channels", "messenger": "Facebook/Messenger", "msbot": "Microsoft Bot Connector", "offline": "Canal Web", "twitter": "Twitter", "dimelo": "Dimelo", "simple_text": "Simple Text", "quick_replies": "Quick Replies", "buttons": "Buttons", "web_url": "Web URL", "payload": "Payload", "menu_payloads": "Menu Payloads", "button_payloads": "Button Payloads", "content_payloads": "Content Payloads", 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"message_tag_non_promotional_subscription": "Non Promotional Subscription", "message_block": "Message Block", "notification_type": "Notification Type", "notification_type_regular": "Regular", "notification_type_silent_push": "Silent Push", "notification_type_no_push": "No Push", "pending": "Pending", "sent": "Sent", "message_creative_id": "Creative ID", "broadcast_id": "Broadcast ID", "label_id": "Label ID", "user_count": "User Count", "msg_read": "Read", "msg_delivered": "Delivered", "email": "E-mail", "roles": "Roles", "ipAddress": "IP", "method": "HTTP", "model": "DB Model", "body": "Body", "datetime": "Date/Time", "action": "Action", "relation": "Relation", "read": "Read", "create": "Create", "update": "Update", "delete": "Delete", "role": "Role", "owner": "Owner", "app_secret": "Facebook App Secret", "access_token": "Facebook Page Access Token", "verify_token": "Webhook Verification Token", "client_id": "Client ID", "client_secret": "Client Secret", "app_id": "ID of the Facebook Application", "page_id": "ID of the Facebook Page", "user_fields": "User fields to be retrieved (comma seperated)", "mode": "Mode", "mode_options": { "emulator": "Emulator", "live": "Live" }, "get_started_button": "Enable `Get Started` button", "composer_input_disabled": "Disable composer input", "greeting_text": "Greeting Text", "provider": "Provider", "provider_options": { "wit": "Wit.ai", "rasa": "Rasa NLU" }, "languages": "Available Languages", "default_lang": "Default Language", "default_lang_options": { "fr": "Français", "en": "English", "ar": "Arabic", "tn": "Tunisian" }, "token": "API Access Token", "endpoint": "API Endpoint URL", "threshold": "Fallback Threshold", "from": "Sender e-mail", "mailer": "Mailer", "mailer_options": { "sendmail": "Sendmail", "smtp": "SMTP Server" }, "host": "SMTP Host", "port": "Port", "secure": "Use SSL ?", "auth_user": "User", "auth_pass": "Password", "contact_email_recipient": "Contact Email Recipient", "company_name": "Your company's name", "company_phone": "Phone number", "company_email": "Email address", "company_address1": "Address", "company_address2": "Address 2", "company_city": "City", "company_zipcode": "Zipcode", "company_state": "State", "company_country": "Country", "global_fallback": "Enable Global Fallback?", "secret": "Secret", "verification_token": "Verification Token", "allowed_domains": "Allowed Domains", "start_button": "Enable `Get Started`", "input_disabled": "Disable Input", "persistent_menu": "Display Persistent Menu", "greeting_message": "Greeting Message", "theme_color": "Widget Theme", "theme_color_options": { "orange": "Orange", "red": "Red", "green": "Green", "blue": "Blue", "dark": "Dark" }, "window_title": "Chat Window Title", "avatar_url": "Chatbot Avatar URL", "show_emoji": "Enable Emoji Picker", "show_file": "Enable Attachment Uploader", "show_location": "Enable Geolocation Share", "allowed_upload_size": "Max Upload Size (in bytes)", "allowed_upload_types": "Allowed Upload Mime Types (comma seperated)", "tw_consumer_key": "Consumer Key", "tw_consumer_secret": "Consumer Secret", "tw_access_token": "Access Token", "tw_access_token_secret": "Access Token Secret", "tw_greeting_text": "Greeting Text", "d_api_url": "API URL", "d_access_token": "API Access Token", "d_verify_token": "API Verify Token", "d_attachment_fallback_id": "Attachment Fallback ID", "d_url_fallback": "URL Fallback", "d_supported_domain_id": "Supported Domain ID", "d_agent_category_id": "Category IDs when handed-over", "d_admin_user": "On handover, assign to (admin user ID)", "d_test_identities": "Identity IDs used for testing", "d_supported_sources": "Supported Sources", "channel": "Channel", "entry": "Entry content", "thumbnail": "Thumbnail", "bytes": "Bytes", "kb": "KB", "mb": "MB", "gb": "GB", "or": "OR", "click_or_dragndrop_to_upload": "Click or Drag & Drop to upload a file", "button_block_message_label": "What would you like to know about us", "menu": "Menu", "total": "Total", "general": "General", "other": "Other", "no_data": " No data" }, "placeholder": { "your_username": "Your username", "your_email": "Your E-mail address", "your_password": "Your password", "username": "Username", "email": "E-mail address", "full_name": "First and last name", "password": "Password", "password2": "Confirm your password", "timezone": "Timezone", "language": "Language", "date_format": "Date format", "first_name": "First name", "last_name": "Last name", "search": "Search", "type_message": "Type your message ...", "keywords": "Keywords", "label": "Label", "type": "Type", "name": "Name", "entities": "Entities", "block_name": "Block's name", "select": "Select", "unselect": "Unselect", "title": "Title", "url": "URL", "payload": "Payload", "user_says": "User says ...", "select_or_create": "Select or Create new", "nlp_sample_text": "Start typing what the user would say ...", "filter_by_label": "Filter by labels", "start_date": "Start Date", "end_date": "End Date", "nlp_value": "value", "type_message_here": "Type message here ...." }, "button": { "login": "Sign In", "register": "Sign Up", "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous", "trash": "Trash", "last_created": "Last created", "last_modified": "Last modified", "rename": "Rename", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "remove": "Remove", "remove_permanently": "Remove", "restore": "Restore", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "submit": "Submit", "cancel": "Cancel", "add": "Add", "done": "Done", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "ok": "OK", "load_more": "Load more ...", "details": "Details", "reset": "Reset", "append": "Append", "delete": "Delete", "download": "Download", "invite": "Invite", "send": "Send", "fields": "Fields", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "manage": "Manage", "view": "View", "close": "Close", "validate": "Validate", "back": "Back", "values": "Values", "labels": "Manage Labels", "load_previous_messages": "Load previous messages", "roles": "Manage roles", "permissions": "Permissions", "requestlog": "Request Log", "guess": "Guess", "content": "Content", "takeover": "Take over", "handback": "Hand back", "assign": "Assign", "select_some_text": "Select some part of the text to add an entity", "add_nlp_entity": "Add an entity for \"{{0}}\"", "train": "Launch Training", "evaluate": "Evaluate", "refresh": "Refresh", "channel_sync": "Sync. Channels", "select": "Select", "unselect": "Unselect", "media_library": "Media Library", "manage_roles": "Manage Roles", "connect_with_sso": "Connect with SSO", "add_pattern": "Add pattern" }, "input": { "search": "Search" }, "link": { "reset": "Forgot your password?" }, "help": { "verify_token": "Token that you will returned to Facebook as part of the verification of the Webhook URL.", "composer_input_disabled": "This means your bot can only be interacted with via the persistent menu, postbacks, buttons, and webviews.", "get_started_button": "A bot's welcome screen can display a Get Started button. When this button is tapped, the Messenger Platform will send a postback event to your webhook (Payload = `GET_STARTED`).", "greeting_text": "The greeting property of your bot's Messenger profile allows you to specify the greeting message people will see on the welcome screen of your bot. The welcome screen is displayed for people interacting with your bot for the first time.", "global_fallback": "Global fallback allows you to send custom messages when user entry does not match any of the block messages.", "fallback_message": "If no fallback block is selected, then one of these messages will be sent.", "endpoint": "URL to which HTTP NLP requests are posted and that depends on the type of provider.", "token": "Every API request must contain an Authorize HTTP header with a token.", "threshold": "Threshold above which the chatbot will use its prediction (min=0 & max=1)", "app_id": "Mandatory only if you intend to use Facebook Analytics", "page_id": "Mandatory only if you intend to use Facebook Analytics", "nlp_train": "You can train your chatbot by adding more examples", "hit_enter_to_create": "Hit `enter` to create new", "nlp_precision": "Given an entity, precision is likelihood to make the right prediction.", "nlp_recall": "Recall is the likelihood to predict an entity out of all entities.", "nlp_f1score": "The F1 score can be interpreted as a weighted average of the precision and recall", "nlp_accuracy": "Accuracy score is the proportion of the correctly classified samples.", "message_tag_shipping_update": "The shipping_update tag may only be used to provide a shipping status notification for a product that has already been purchased. For example, when the product is shipped, in-transit, delivered, or delayed. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_reservation_update": "The reservation_update tag may only be used to confirm updates to an existing reservation. For example, when there is a change in itinerary, location, or a cancellation (such as when a hotel booking is canceled, a car rental pick-up time changes, or a room upgrade is confirmed). This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_issue_resolution": "The issue_resolution tag may only be used to respond to a customer service issue surfaced in a Messenger conversation after a transaction has taken place. This tag is intended for use cases where the business requires more than 24 hours to resolve an issue and needs to give someone a status update and/or gather additional information. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements, nor can businesses use the tag to proactively message people to solicit feedback).", "message_tag_appointment_update": "The appointment_update tag may only be used to provide updates about an existing appointment. For example, when there is a change in time, a location update or a cancellation (such as when a spa treatment is canceled, a real estate agent needs to meet you at a new location or a dental office proposes a new appointment time). This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_game_event": "The game_event tag may only be used to provide an update on user progression, a global event in a game or a live sporting event. For example, when a person\u2019s crops are ready to be collected, their building is finished, their daily tournament is about to start or their favorite soccer team is about to play. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_transportation_update": "The transportation_update tag may only be used to confirm updates to an existing reservation. For example, when there is a change in status of any flight, train or ferry reservation (such as \u201cride canceled\u201d, \u201ctrip started\u201d or \u201cferry arrived\u201d). This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_feature_functionality_update": "The feature_functionality_update tag may only be used to provide an update on new features or functionality that become available in a bot. For example, announcing the ability to talk to a live agent in a bot, or that the bot has a new skill. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_ticket_update": "The ticket_update tag may only be used to notify the message recipient of updates or reminders pertaining to an event for which the person has already confirmed attendance. For example, when you want to send a message about a change in time, a location update, a cancellation or a reminder for an upcoming event (such as when a concert is canceled, the venue has changed or a refund opportunity is available). This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: daily deals, coupons and discounts, or sale announcements).", "message_tag_account_update": "The ACCOUNT_UPDATE tag may only be used to confirm updates to a user's account setting. For example, when there is a change in account settings and preferences of a user profile, notification of a password change, or membership expiration. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: promotion for signups, new account creations, or deals to extend subscriptions).", "message_tag_payment_update": "The PAYMENT_UPDATE tag may be used to provide payment updates to existing transactions. For example, it can be used to send a receipt, out-of-stock, auction ended, refund, or a status change in an existing purchase transaction. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: any cross-sell / up-sell promotions, coupons, or deals to extend subscriptions).", "message_tag_personal_finance_update": "The PERSONAL_FINANCE_UPDATE tag may be used to confirm a user's financial activity. For example, it can be used to send notifications on bill pay reminders, scheduled payments, receipts of payment, transfer of funds, or other transactional activities in financial services. This tag cannot be used for use cases beyond those listed above or for promotional content (ex: promotion for signups, or offers such as free trials for any financial products).", "message_tag_pairing_update": "The pairing_update tag can be used to notify the message recipient that a pairing has been identified based on the recipient's prior request. Examples: Match has been confirmed in a dating app. User has confirmed an open parking spot for someone who previously requested one.", "message_tag_application_update": "The application_update tag can be used to notify the message recipient of an update on the status of their application. Examples: Application is being reviewed. Application has been rejected.", "message_tag_confirmed_event_reminder": "The confirmed_event_reminder tag can be used to send the message recipient reminders of a scheduled event for which a person is going to attend. Examples: Upcoming classes or events that a person has signed up for. Confirmation of attendance to an accepted event or appointment.", "message_tag_community_alert": "The community_alert tag can be used to notify the message recipient of utility alerts, or safety checks in your community. Examples: Request a safety check. Notify of an emergency or utility alerts.", "message_tag_non_promotional_subscription": "The non_promotional_subscription tag can be used to send non-promotional messages under the News, Productivity, and Personal Trackers categories described in the Messenger Platform's subscription messaging policy. You can apply for access to use this tag under the Page Settings > Messenger Platform. Use Cases: News. Productivity. Personal Trackers.", "supported_message_type_non_promotional_subscription": "All message types and templates are supported, as long as the message adheres to the Messenger Platform's subscription messaging policy.", "supported_message_type_issue_resolution": "Generic template and text messages are supported.", "supported_message_type_others": "Only generic template messages are supported.", "notification_type_regular": "Sound/Vibration", "notification_type_silent_push": "On-screen notification only", "notification_type_no_push": "No notification" }, "charts": { "messages": "Messages", "conversations": "Conversations", "audience": "Audience", "popular_blocks": "Popular Blocks", "no_data": "There is not enough data for now", "loading": "Loading", "desc": { "messages": "Shows the amount of incoming and outgoing messages handled by your chatbot. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "conversations": "Compares between new conversations and old ones. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "audience": "Describes user's engagement by highlighting returning users vs new users. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results.", "popular_blocks": "Highlights the blocks that were tiggered the most. Please consider clicking on the legends to filter the results." }, "legends": { "all_messages": "All Messages", "incoming": "Incoming", "outgoing": "Outgoing", "new_conversations": "New Conversations", "existing_conversations": "Existing Conversations", "new_users": "New Users", "returning_users": "Returning Users", "retention": "Retention" }, "error": "Error" }, "datetime": { "created_at": "{{val, datetime, dateFormat}}", "updated_at": "{{val, datetime, dateFormat}}" }, "visual_editor": { "zoom": { "in": "Zoom In", "out": "Zoom Out", "reset": "Reset zoom to default", "fitScreen": "Fit to screen" } } }