/* * Copyright © 2024 Hexastack. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3) with the following additional terms: * 1. The name "Hexabot" is a trademark of Hexastack. You may not use this name in derivative works without express written permission. * 2. All derivative works must include clear attribution to the original creator and software, Hexastack and Hexabot, in a prominent location (e.g., in the software's "About" section, documentation, and README file). */ import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { EventEmitter2 } from '@nestjs/event-emitter'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { Socket, io } from 'socket.io-client'; import { LoggerService } from '@/logger/logger.service'; import { closeInMongodConnection, rootMongooseTestModule, } from '@/utils/test/test'; import { SocketEventDispatcherService } from './services/socket-event-dispatcher.service'; import { WebsocketGateway } from './websocket.gateway'; describe('WebsocketGateway', () => { let gateway: WebsocketGateway; let app: INestApplication; let ioClient: Socket; beforeAll(async () => { // Instantiate the app const testingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ WebsocketGateway, LoggerService, EventEmitter2, SocketEventDispatcherService, ], imports: [ rootMongooseTestModule(({ uri, dbName }) => { process.env.MONGO_URI = uri; process.env.MONGO_DB = dbName; return Promise.resolve(); }), ], }).compile(); app = testingModule.createNestApplication(); // Get the gateway instance from the app instance gateway = app.get(WebsocketGateway); // Create a new client that will interact with the gateway ioClient = io('http://localhost:3000', { autoConnect: false, transports: ['websocket', 'polling'], }); app.listen(3000); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.close(); await closeInMongodConnection(); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(gateway).toBeDefined(); }); it('should connect successfully', async () => { ioClient.connect(); await new Promise((resolve) => { // ioClient.on('connect', () => { // console.log('connected'); // }); ioClient.on('message', (data) => { expect(data.statusCode).toBe(200); resolve(); }); }); ioClient.disconnect(); }); it('should emit "OK" on "healthcheck"', async () => { ioClient.connect(); await new Promise((resolve) => { ioClient.on('connect', () => { ioClient.emit('healthcheck', 'Hello world!'); ioClient.on('event', (data) => { expect(data).toBe('OK'); resolve(); }); }); }); ioClient.disconnect(); }); });