/* * Copyright © 2024 Hexastack. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3) with the following additional terms: * 1. The name "Hexabot" is a trademark of Hexastack. You may not use this name in derivative works without express written permission. * 2. All derivative works must include clear attribution to the original creator and software, Hexastack and Hexabot, in a prominent location (e.g., in the software's "About" section, documentation, and README file). * 3. SaaS Restriction: This software, or any derivative of it, may not be used to offer a competing product or service (SaaS) without prior written consent from Hexastack. Offering the software as a service or using it in a commercial cloud environment without express permission is strictly prohibited. */ import { IBlockAttributes } from "@/types/block.types"; import { ButtonType, FileType, OutgoingMessageFormat, PayloadType, QuickReplyType, StdOutgoingListMessage, } from "@/types/message.types"; export const SIMPLE_TEXT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: ["Hi"], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, effects: [], }, message: ["Hi back !"], starts_conversation: false, }; export const ATTACHMENT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: ["image"], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, effects: [], }, message: { attachment: { type: FileType.unknown, payload: { attachment_id: undefined }, }, quickReplies: [], }, starts_conversation: true, }; export const QUICK_REPLIES_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: ["colors"], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, effects: [], }, message: { text: "What's your favorite color?", quickReplies: [ { content_type: QuickReplyType.text, title: "Green", payload: "Green", }, { content_type: QuickReplyType.text, title: "Yellow", payload: "Yellow", }, { content_type: QuickReplyType.text, title: "Red", payload: "Red" }, ], }, starts_conversation: false, }; export const BUTTONS_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: ["about"], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, effects: [], }, message: { text: "What would you like to know about us?", buttons: [ { type: ButtonType.postback, title: "Vision", payload: "Vision" }, { type: ButtonType.postback, title: "Values", payload: "Values" }, { type: ButtonType.postback, title: "Approach", payload: "Approach", }, ], }, starts_conversation: false, }; export const LIST_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: ["coffee"], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, content: { display: OutgoingMessageFormat.list, limit: 2, entity: null, fields: { title: "title", subtitle: "", image_url: "", url: "", action_title: "", }, top_element_style: "compact", buttons: [ { title: "View", type: ButtonType.web_url, messenger_extensions: true, webview_height_ratio: "tall", url: "", }, ], }, effects: [], }, message: { elements: [] } as unknown as StdOutgoingListMessage, starts_conversation: false, }; export const CUSTOM_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: Partial = { patterns: [ { label: "User location", value: "", type: PayloadType.location, }, ], capture_vars: [], options: { typing: 0, fallback: { active: false, max_attempts: 1, message: [] }, effects: [], }, starts_conversation: false, message: { plugin: "storelocator", args: { fallback_msg: ["Sorry but no data is available for the moment :("], max_results: 3, btn_title: "Go !", }, }, }; export const ZOOM_LEVEL = { minimum: 15, maximum: 280, step: 10, };