fix: update readme and remove makefile

This commit is contained in:
Mohamed Marrouchi 2024-10-02 17:01:55 +01:00
parent 6fc19c2e98
commit 3cd9b7c10e
6 changed files with 31 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -82,5 +82,5 @@ jobs:
cd /home/***/hexabot
git checkout release
git pull origin release
make stop NLU=1
make start NLU=1
npx hexabot stop --enable=nlu
npx hexabot start --enable=nlu

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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# Makefile
FOLDER := ./docker
# The services that can be toggled
SERVICES := nginx nlu smtp4dev
# Function to dynamically add Docker Compose files based on enabled services
define compose_files
$(foreach service,$(SERVICES),$(if $($(shell echo $(service) | tr a-z A-Z)), -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.$(service).yml))
# Function to dynamically add Docker Compose dev files based on enabled services and file existence
define compose_dev_files
$(foreach service,$(SERVICES), \
$(if $($(shell echo $(service) | tr a-z A-Z)), \
$(if $(shell [ -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.$(service).dev.yml ] && echo yes), -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.$(service).dev.yml)))
# Function to dynamically add Docker Compose dev files based on enabled services and file existence
define compose_prod_files
$(foreach service,$(SERVICES), \
$(if $($(shell echo $(service) | tr a-z A-Z)), \
$(if $(shell [ -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.$(service).prod.yml ] && echo yes), -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.$(service).dev.yml)))
# Ensure .env file exists and matches .env.example
@if [ ! -f "$(FOLDER)/.env" ]; then \
echo "Error: .env file does not exist. Creating one now from .env.example ..."; \
cp $(FOLDER)/.env.example $(FOLDER)/.env; \
@echo "Checking .env file for missing variables..."
@awk -F '=' 'NR==FNR {a[$$1]; next} !($$1 in a) {print "Missing env var: " $$1}' $(FOLDER)/.env $(FOLDER)/.env.example
cp $(FOLDER)/.env.example $(FOLDER)/.env
# Start command: runs docker-compose with the main file and any additional service files
start: check-env
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml $(call compose_files) up -d
# Dev command: runs docker-compose with the main file, dev file, and any additional service dev files (if they exist)
dev: check-env
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml -f $(FOLDER)/ $(call compose_files) $(call compose_dev_files) up --build -d
# Start command: runs docker-compose with the main file and any additional service files
start-prod: check-env
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml -f $(FOLDER)/ $(call compose_files) $(call compose_prod_files) up -d
# Stop command: stops the running containers
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml -f $(FOLDER)/ $(call compose_files) $(call compose_dev_files) $(call compose_prod_files) down
# Destroy command: stops the running containers and removes the volumes
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml -f $(FOLDER)/ $(call compose_files) $(call compose_dev_files) $(call compose_prod_files) down -v
# Migrate command:
@docker compose -f $(FOLDER)/docker-compose.yml -f $(FOLDER)/ $(call compose_files) $(call compose_dev_files) up --no-deps -d database-init

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@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
## Description
[Hexabot]( Community Edition is an open-source chatbot solution that allows users to create and manage AI-powered, multi-channel, and multilingual chatbots with ease. Hexabot is designed for flexibility and customization, offering powerful text-to-action capabilities. Originally a closed-source project (version 1), we've now open-sourced version 2 to contribute to the community and enable developers to customize and extend the platform with extensions.
[Hexabot]( is an open-source chatbot solution that allows users to create and manage AI-powered, multi-channel, and multilingual chatbots with ease. Hexabot is designed for flexibility and customization, offering powerful text-to-action capabilities. Originally a closed-source project (version 1), we've now open-sourced version 2 to contribute to the community and enable developers to customize and extend the platform with extensions.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Hexabot - Create&#0032;exceptional&#0032;chatbot&#0032;experiences&#0046;&#0032;100&#0037;&#0032;Open&#0032;Source&#0046; | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a>
## Features
- **Analytics Dashboard:** Monitor chatbot interactions and performance with insightful metrics and visualizations.
@ -43,24 +45,36 @@ To ensure Hexabot runs smoothly, you'll need the following:
$ git clone
2. **Environment Setup:** To configure the environment variables, use the Makefile at the root folder for initialization:
2. **Install:**
$ make init
$ npm install
3. **Environment Setup:** To configure the environment variables, use the following command at the root folder for initialization:
$ npx hexabot init
This will copy the `.env.example` file to `.env` in the `./docker` directory if the file does not already exist.
3. **Running the Application:** Once your environment is set up, you can start the app. Use either of the following commands:
4. **Running the Application:** Once your environment is set up, you can start the app. Use either of the following commands:
$ make start
$ npx hexabot start
or for development mode:
$ make dev
$ npx hexabot dev
You can also enable services such as the NLU engine or Nginx :
$ npx hexabot --enable=nlu
**Note:** The first time you run the app, Docker will take some time to download all the required images.
@ -76,17 +90,16 @@ Live Chat Widget is accessible via http://localhost:5173
## Commands
- `make init` : Copies the .env.example file to .env in the ./docker directory if .env does not exist. This is usually used for initial setup.
- `make dev` : Starts all configured Docker services in development mode. It first checks the .env file for completeness against .env.example and builds the docker images locally.
- `make start` : Starts all configured Docker services by loading all images from Docker Hub. This target also checks the .env file for required variables.
- `make stop` : Stops all running Docker services defined in the compose files.
- `make destroy` : Stops all services and removes all volumes associated with the Docker compose setup, ensuring a clean state.
- `make check-env` : Checks if the ./docker/.env file exists and contains all the necessary environment variables as defined in ./docker/.env.example. If the file does not exist, it is created from the example. It also lists missing variables if any.
- `npx hexabot init` : Copies the .env.example file to .env in the ./docker directory if .env does not exist. This is usually used for initial setup.
- `npx hexabot dev` : Starts all configured Docker services in development mode. It first checks the .env file for completeness against .env.example and builds the docker images locally.
- `npx hexabot start` : Starts all configured Docker services by loading all images from Docker Hub. This target also checks the .env file for required variables.
- `npx hexabot stop` : Stops all running Docker services defined in the compose files.
- `npx hexabot destroy` : Stops all services and removes all volumes associated with the Docker compose setup, ensuring a clean state.
Example on how to start the stack by adding the Nginx service :
make start NGINX=1
npx hexabot start --enable=nginx
## Documentation
@ -105,6 +118,8 @@ You can also find specific documentation for different components of the project
We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you want to report a bug, suggest new features, or submit a pull request, your input is valuable to us.
Please refer to our contribution policy first : [How to contribute to Hexabot](./
[![Contributor Covenant](](./
Feel free to join us on [Discord](

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@ -8,6 +8,5 @@ node_modules

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@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
"test:debug": "node --inspect-brk -r tsconfig-paths/register -r ts-node/register node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand",
"test:e2e": "jest --config ./test/jest-e2e.json",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"containers:restart": "cd .. && make init && make stop && make start",
"containers:rebuild": "cd .. && make init && make destroy && make start",
"reset": "npm install && npm run containers:restart",
"reset:hard": "npm clean-install && npm run containers:rebuild",
"migrate": "./node_modules/ts-migrate-mongoose/dist/cjs/bin.js --config-path ./migrations/config/migrate.ts",

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ MONGO_PASSWORD=dev_only
# SMTP Config (for local dev env, use smtp4dev by doing `make start SMTP4DEV=1`)
# SMTP Config (for local dev env, use smtp4dev by doing `npx hexabot start --enable=smtp4dev`)