2024-09-10 09:50:11 +00:00
"name" : "hexabot-ui" ,
"private" : true ,
"version" : "2.0.0" ,
"description" : "Hexabot is a solution for creating and managing chatbots across multiple channels, leveraging AI for advanced conversational capabilities. It provides a user-friendly interface for building, training, and deploying chatbots with integrated support for various messaging platforms." ,
"author" : "Hexastack" ,
"license" : "AGPL-3.0-only" ,
"scripts" : {
"dev" : "next dev -p 8081" ,
"build" : "next build" ,
"start" : "next start" ,
"lint" : "next lint" ,
"lint:fix" : "next lint --fix" ,
"typecheck" : "tsc --noEmit --downlevelIteration"
} ,
"dependencies" : {
"@chatscope/chat-ui-kit-react" : "^2.0.3" ,
"@chatscope/chat-ui-kit-styles" : "^1.4.0" ,
"@emotion/react" : "^11.11.4" ,
"@emotion/styled" : "^11.11.5" ,
"@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" : "^6.5.2" ,
"@fortawesome/react-fontawesome" : "^0.2.0" ,
"@mui/icons-material" : "^5.15.16" ,
"@mui/material" : "^5.15.16" ,
"@mui/x-data-grid" : "^7.3.2" ,
"@projectstorm/react-canvas-core" : "^7.0.3" ,
"@projectstorm/react-diagrams" : "^7.0.4" ,
"@types/qs" : "^6.9.15" ,
2024-09-30 09:35:08 +00:00
"axios" : "^1.7.7" ,
2024-09-10 09:50:11 +00:00
"eazychart-css" : "^0.2.1-alpha.0" ,
"eazychart-react" : "^0.8.0-alpha.0" ,
2024-10-12 18:43:34 +00:00
"hexabot-chat-widget" : "*" ,
2024-10-18 07:39:27 +00:00
"i18next-http-backend" : "^2.6.2" ,
2024-09-29 06:56:25 +00:00
"next" : "^14.2.13" ,
2024-09-10 09:50:11 +00:00
"next-transpile-modules" : "^10.0.1" ,
"normalizr" : "^3.6.2" ,
"notistack" : "^3.0.1" ,
"qs" : "^6.12.1" ,
"react" : "^18" ,
"react-dom" : "^18" ,
"react-hook-form" : "^7.51.5" ,
"react-i18next" : "^14.1.1" ,
"react-query" : "^3.39.3" ,
"socket.io-client" : "^4.7.5"
} ,
" d e v D e p e n d e n c i e s " : {
"@types/node" : "20.12.12" ,
"@types/random-seed" : "^0.3.5" ,
"@types/react" : "18.3.2" ,
"@types/react-dom" : "^18" ,
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin" : "^6.0.0" ,
"eslint" : "^8.42.0" ,
"eslint-config-next" : "14.2.3" ,
"eslint-import-resolver-typescript" : "~3.6.1" ,
2024-10-19 11:12:32 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-license-header" : "^0.6.1" ,
2024-09-10 09:50:11 +00:00
"random-seed" : "^0.3.0" ,
"typescript" : "^5.5.3"
} ,
"engines" : {
"node" : "^18.17.0"