The [Hexabot]( Live Chat Widget is a React-based embeddable widget that allows users to integrate real-time chat functionality into their websites. It connects to the Hexabot API and facilitates seamless interaction between end-users and chatbots across multiple channels.
### Key Features
* **Real-Time Chat:** Engage in real-time conversations with users directly through your website.
* **Customizable:** Easily customize the widget's appearance and behavior to fit your brand and website.
* **Multi-Channel Support:** Integrates with multiple messaging platforms through the Hexabot API.
* **Embeddable:** Simple to embed and integrate into any web page with just a few lines of code.
### Directory Structure
The Hexabot Live Chat Widget is organized into the following directory structure, under `src` we have:
* **src/assets:** Static assets like icons, fonts, and images used in the widget.
* **src/components:** Reusable React components that make up the chat widget interface, such as message bubbles, input fields, and buttons.
* **src/constants:** Hard coded values that are used like colors.
* **src/hooks:** Custom React hooks for managing widget state and handling side effects like API calls or real-time events.
* **src/services:** Handles external services, such as communication with the Hexabot API or other third-party integrations.
* **src/styles:** Contains the styling for the widget, including CSS or SCSS files used to define the look and feel of the chat interface.
* **src/providers:** Context providers for managing global state, such as user session, chat messages, and widget configurations.
* **src/translations:** Contains transalation of a couple of strings.
* **src/types:** Defines the typescript interfaces, types, and enums used.
* **src/utils:** Utility functions and helpers used throughout the widget, such as formatting, validations, or data transformations.
* **/public:** Contains static files that are publicly accessible. This includes the main HTML template where the widget is embedded for local development.
### Run the Live Chat Widget
#### Dev Mode
To run the widget in development mode, execute the following command at the project root level:
npm run dev:widget
The live chat widget will be accessible at http://localhost:5173.
#### Build for Production
To build the widget for production, execute the following command at the widget folder level:
npm run build
This will generate a production-ready build in the dist folder.
### Embed Chat Widget
Once the widget is built, you can easily embed it into any webpage. Here's an example of how to add it to your website: