To ensure Hexabot runs smoothly, you'll need the following:
* **Docker:** We recommend using Docker to start the app since multiple services are required (MongoDB, Redis, Prometheus, etc.). All the necessary Docker Compose files are located in the docker folder.
* **Node.js:** For development purposes, ensure you have Node.js >= v18.17.0 installed. We recommend using nvm (Node Version Manager) to easily manage and update your Node.js versions.
* The first time you run the app, Docker will take some time to build all the required Docker images cache the layers.
* The "**--services**" allows you to add additional services coma seperated. For each service, there needs to be a Docker compose file under the "**docker/**" directory. For instance, if you do "**--services nginx**" you will need to have a docker compose file for that service "**docker/docker-compose.nginx.yml**"