Make sure you have a **.env** file created under the \`docker/\` folder. You can either copy .env.example or run \`make init\` to create that file. The **.env** file contains environment variables that we use for configuring the Hexabot instance.
You have two options for handling email functionality during development:
1.**Without SMTP**:\
You can run the app without using SMTP by setting the environment variable `EMAIL_SMTP_ENABLED=false`. Simply run `make start` and invite a user. The app will behave as though it is sending emails, but nothing will happen in the background.
2.**Using smtp4dev for Testing**:\
We use `smtp4dev` for email testing in the development environment. To use this service, run the app with `make start SMTP4DEV=1`. Then, invite a user or reset a password and check whether emails are received in the smtp4dev UI interface at [http://localhost:9002/](http://localhost:9002/). This also applies to other scenarios like the confirmation email after signup and the password reset email.
**SMTP Config (Local Dev)**
For local development with `smtp4dev`, configure the following environment variables:
Email templates are located in the `api/src/templates` folder. These templates are written in **MJML syntax** (you can read more about [MJML here](
## **Translations**
Email strings are translated using the i18n system. You can find the translation files in the `api/src/config/i18n` folder.