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This commit is contained in:
lzhi 2024-05-22 00:53:31 +08:00
parent f9ef1ea404
commit 3e33ab3cda
4 changed files with 36 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class ModelParams(ParamGroup):
def extract(self, args):
从args对象中提取出与 ModelParams类中定义的参数相匹配的值,并将它们封装到一个新的 GroupParams 对象中
args: 存储着 命令行和main中预设的参数
args: 存储着 命令行和main中预设的参数
g = super().extract(args) # 返回的GroupParams对象
g.source_path = os.path.abspath(g.source_path) # 更新为绝对路径

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@ -17,22 +17,30 @@ from utils.sh_utils import eval_sh
def render(viewpoint_camera, pc : GaussianModel, pipe, bg_color : torch.Tensor, scaling_modifier = 1.0, override_color = None):
Render the scene.
Background tensor (bg_color) must be on GPU!
渲染场景 将高斯分布的点投影到2D屏幕上来生成渲染图像
viewpoint_camera: 训练相机集合
pc: 高斯模型
pipe: 管道相关参数
bg_color: Background tensor 必须 on GPU
# Create zero tensor. We will use it to make pytorch return gradients of the 2D (screen-space) means
# 创建一个与输入点云(高斯模型)大小相同的 零tensor用于记录屏幕空间中的点的位置。这个张量将用于计算对于屏幕空间坐标的梯度
screenspace_points = torch.zeros_like(pc.get_xyz, dtype=pc.get_xyz.dtype, requires_grad=True, device="cuda") + 0
# 尝试保留张量的梯度。这是为了确保可以在反向传播过程中计算对于屏幕空间坐标的梯度
# Set up rasterization configuration
# 计算视场的 tan 值,这将用于设置光栅化配置
tanfovx = math.tan(viewpoint_camera.FoVx * 0.5)
tanfovy = math.tan(viewpoint_camera.FoVy * 0.5)
# 设置光栅化的配置,包括图像的大小、视场的 tan 值、背景颜色、视图矩阵viewmatrix、投影矩阵projmatrix等
raster_settings = GaussianRasterizationSettings(
@ -45,18 +53,19 @@ def render(viewpoint_camera, pc : GaussianModel, pipe, bg_color : torch.Tensor,
# 创建一个高斯光栅化器对象,用于将高斯分布投影到屏幕上
rasterizer = GaussianRasterizer(raster_settings=raster_settings)
# 获取高斯模型的三维坐标、屏幕空间坐标、透明度
means3D = pc.get_xyz
means2D = screenspace_points
opacity = pc.get_opacity
# If precomputed 3d covariance is provided, use it. If not, then it will be computed from
# scaling / rotation by the rasterizer.
# If precomputed 3d covariance is provided, use it. If not, then it will be computed from scaling / rotation by the rasterizer.
# 如果提供了预先计算的3D协方差矩阵则使用它。否则它将由光栅化器根据尺度和旋转进行计算
scales = None
rotations = None
cov3D_precomp = None
@ -68,21 +77,28 @@ def render(viewpoint_camera, pc : GaussianModel, pipe, bg_color : torch.Tensor,
# If precomputed colors are provided, use them. Otherwise, if it is desired to precompute colors
# from SHs in Python, do it. If not, then SH -> RGB conversion will be done by rasterizer.
# 如果提供了预先计算的颜色则使用它们。否则如果希望在Python中从球谐函数中预计算颜色请执行此操作。如果没有则颜色将通过光栅化器进行从球谐函数到RGB的转换
shs = None
colors_precomp = None
if override_color is None:
if pipe.convert_SHs_python:
# 将SH特征的形状调整为batch_size * num_points3(max_sh_degree+1)**2
shs_view = pc.get_features.transpose(1, 2).view(-1, 3, (pc.max_sh_degree+1)**2)
# 计算相机中心到每个点的方向向量,并归一化
dir_pp = (pc.get_xyz - viewpoint_camera.camera_center.repeat(pc.get_features.shape[0], 1))
# 计算相机中心到每个点的方向向量,并归一化
dir_pp_normalized = dir_pp/dir_pp.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
# 使用SH特征将方向向量转换为RGB颜色
sh2rgb = eval_sh(pc.active_sh_degree, shs_view, dir_pp_normalized)
# 将RGB颜色的范围限制在0到1之间
colors_precomp = torch.clamp_min(sh2rgb + 0.5, 0.0)
shs = pc.get_features
colors_precomp = override_color
# Rasterize visible Gaussians to image, obtain their radii (on screen).
# Rasterize visible Gaussians to image, obtain their radii (on screen).
# 调用光栅化器,将高斯分布投影到屏幕上,获得渲染图像和每个高斯分布在屏幕上的半径
rendered_image, radii = rasterizer(
means3D = means3D,
means2D = means2D,

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@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ except ImportError:
def training(dataset, opt, pipe, testing_iterations, saving_iterations, checkpoint_iterations, checkpoint, debug_from):
dataset: 只存储与Moedl相关参数的args
opt: 优化相关参数
pipe: 管道相关参数
checkpoint: 已训练模型的路径
debug_from: 从哪一个迭代开始debug
dataset: 只存储与Moedl相关参数的args
opt: 优化相关参数
pipe: 管道相关参数
checkpoint: 已训练模型的路径
debug_from: 从哪一个迭代开始debug
first_iter = 0
# 创建保存结果的文件夹并保存模型相关的参数到cfg_args文件尝试创建tensorboard_writer记录训练过程
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def training(dataset, opt, pipe, testing_iterations, saving_iterations, checkpoi
bg = torch.rand((3), device="cuda") if opt.random_background else background
# 渲染当前视角的图像
render_pkg = render(viewpoint_cam, gaussians, pipe, bg)
render_pkg = render(viewpoint_cam, gaussians, pipe, bg, return_depth=True, return_normal=True)
image, viewspace_point_tensor, visibility_filter, radii = render_pkg["render"], render_pkg["viewspace_points"], render_pkg["visibility_filter"], render_pkg["radii"]
# Loss

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@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ def strip_lowerdiag(L):
def strip_symmetric(sym):
:param sym: 协方差矩阵
:return: 对称部分
sym: 协方差矩阵
return: 对称部分
return strip_lowerdiag(sym)
@ -129,10 +129,9 @@ def build_rotation(r):
def build_scaling_rotation(s, r):
:param s: 尺度参数
:param r: 旋转参数
:return: 尺度-旋转矩阵
s: 尺度参数
r: 旋转参数
return: 尺度-旋转矩阵
L = torch.zeros((s.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=torch.float, device="cuda") # 初始化尺度矩阵
R = build_rotation(r) # 四元数 -> 旋转矩阵