diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aa6f305..5631eb3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -382,9 +382,24 @@ SIBR has many other functionalities, please see the [documentation](https://sibr
-## Preprocessing your own Scenes
+## Processing your own Scenes
-Our rasterization requires a SIMPLE_PINHOLE or PINHOLE camera model for COLMAP data. We provide a converter script ```convert.py```, to extract undistorted images and SfM information. Optionally, you can use ImageMagick to resize the undistorted images. This rescaling is similar to MipNeRF360, i.e., it creates images with 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 the original resolution in corresponding folders. To use them, please first install a recent version of COLMAP (ideally CUDA-powered) and ImageMagick. Put the images you want to use in a directory ```/input```.
+Our COLMAP loaders expect the following dataset structure in the source path location:
+| |---
+| |---
+| |---...
+ |---0
+ |---cameras.bin | cameras.txt
+ |---images.bin | images.txt
+ |---points3D.bin | points3D.txt
+For rasterization, the camera models must be either a SIMPLE_PINHOLE or PINHOLE camera. We provide a converter script ```convert.py```, to extract undistorted images and SfM information from input images. Optionally, you can use ImageMagick to resize the undistorted images. This rescaling is similar to MipNeRF360, i.e., it creates images with 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 the original resolution in corresponding folders. To use them, please first install a recent version of COLMAP (ideally CUDA-powered) and ImageMagick. Put the images you want to use in a directory ```/input```.