2024-12-03 03:23:22 +05:30

27 lines
780 B

echo "🔍 Running pre-commit hook to check the code looks good... 🔍"
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # Load nvm if you're using i
echo "Running typecheck..."
which pnpm
if ! pnpm typecheck; then
echo "❌ Type checking failed! Please review TypeScript types."
echo "Once you're done, don't forget to add your changes to the commit! 🚀"
echo "Typecheck exit code: $?"
exit 1
echo "Running lint..."
if ! pnpm lint; then
echo "❌ Linting failed! 'pnpm lint:check' will help you fix the easy ones."
echo "Once you're done, don't forget to add your beautification to the commit! 🤩"
echo "lint exit code: $?"
exit 1
echo "👍 All good! Committing changes..."