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synced 2025-03-14 07:48:23 +00:00
517 lines
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517 lines
15 KiB
import { atom, map, type MapStore, type ReadableAtom, type WritableAtom } from 'nanostores';
import type { EditorDocument, ScrollPosition } from '~/components/editor/codemirror/CodeMirrorEditor';
import { ActionRunner } from '~/lib/runtime/action-runner';
import type { ActionCallbackData, ArtifactCallbackData } from '~/lib/runtime/message-parser';
import { webcontainer } from '~/lib/webcontainer';
import type { ITerminal } from '~/types/terminal';
import { unreachable } from '~/utils/unreachable';
import { EditorStore } from './editor';
import { FilesStore, type FileMap } from './files';
import { PreviewsStore } from './previews';
import { TerminalStore } from './terminal';
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import { Octokit, type RestEndpointMethodTypes } from '@octokit/rest';
import * as nodePath from 'node:path';
import { extractRelativePath } from '~/utils/diff';
import { description } from '~/lib/persistence';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
export interface ArtifactState {
id: string;
title: string;
type?: string;
closed: boolean;
runner: ActionRunner;
export type ArtifactUpdateState = Pick<ArtifactState, 'title' | 'closed'>;
type Artifacts = MapStore<Record<string, ArtifactState>>;
export type WorkbenchViewType = 'code' | 'preview';
export class WorkbenchStore {
#previewsStore = new PreviewsStore(webcontainer);
#filesStore = new FilesStore(webcontainer);
#editorStore = new EditorStore(this.#filesStore);
#terminalStore = new TerminalStore(webcontainer);
artifacts: Artifacts = import.meta.hot?.data.artifacts ?? map({});
showWorkbench: WritableAtom<boolean> = import.meta.hot?.data.showWorkbench ?? atom(false);
currentView: WritableAtom<WorkbenchViewType> = import.meta.hot?.data.currentView ?? atom('code');
unsavedFiles: WritableAtom<Set<string>> = import.meta.hot?.data.unsavedFiles ?? atom(new Set<string>());
modifiedFiles = new Set<string>();
artifactIdList: string[] = [];
#globalExecutionQueue = Promise.resolve();
constructor() {
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.data.artifacts = this.artifacts;
import.meta.hot.data.unsavedFiles = this.unsavedFiles;
import.meta.hot.data.showWorkbench = this.showWorkbench;
import.meta.hot.data.currentView = this.currentView;
addToExecutionQueue(callback: () => Promise<void>) {
this.#globalExecutionQueue = this.#globalExecutionQueue.then(() => callback());
get previews() {
return this.#previewsStore.previews;
get files() {
return this.#filesStore.files;
get currentDocument(): ReadableAtom<EditorDocument | undefined> {
return this.#editorStore.currentDocument;
get selectedFile(): ReadableAtom<string | undefined> {
return this.#editorStore.selectedFile;
get firstArtifact(): ArtifactState | undefined {
return this.#getArtifact(this.artifactIdList[0]);
get filesCount(): number {
return this.#filesStore.filesCount;
get showTerminal() {
return this.#terminalStore.showTerminal;
get boltTerminal() {
return this.#terminalStore.boltTerminal;
toggleTerminal(value?: boolean) {
attachTerminal(terminal: ITerminal) {
attachBoltTerminal(terminal: ITerminal) {
onTerminalResize(cols: number, rows: number) {
this.#terminalStore.onTerminalResize(cols, rows);
setDocuments(files: FileMap) {
if (this.#filesStore.filesCount > 0 && this.currentDocument.get() === undefined) {
// we find the first file and select it
for (const [filePath, dirent] of Object.entries(files)) {
if (dirent?.type === 'file') {
setShowWorkbench(show: boolean) {
setCurrentDocumentContent(newContent: string) {
const filePath = this.currentDocument.get()?.filePath;
if (!filePath) {
const originalContent = this.#filesStore.getFile(filePath)?.content;
const unsavedChanges = originalContent !== undefined && originalContent !== newContent;
this.#editorStore.updateFile(filePath, newContent);
const currentDocument = this.currentDocument.get();
if (currentDocument) {
const previousUnsavedFiles = this.unsavedFiles.get();
if (unsavedChanges && previousUnsavedFiles.has(currentDocument.filePath)) {
const newUnsavedFiles = new Set(previousUnsavedFiles);
if (unsavedChanges) {
} else {
setCurrentDocumentScrollPosition(position: ScrollPosition) {
const editorDocument = this.currentDocument.get();
if (!editorDocument) {
const { filePath } = editorDocument;
this.#editorStore.updateScrollPosition(filePath, position);
setSelectedFile(filePath: string | undefined) {
async saveFile(filePath: string) {
const documents = this.#editorStore.documents.get();
const document = documents[filePath];
if (document === undefined) {
await this.#filesStore.saveFile(filePath, document.value);
const newUnsavedFiles = new Set(this.unsavedFiles.get());
async saveCurrentDocument() {
const currentDocument = this.currentDocument.get();
if (currentDocument === undefined) {
await this.saveFile(currentDocument.filePath);
resetCurrentDocument() {
const currentDocument = this.currentDocument.get();
if (currentDocument === undefined) {
const { filePath } = currentDocument;
const file = this.#filesStore.getFile(filePath);
if (!file) {
async saveAllFiles() {
for (const filePath of this.unsavedFiles.get()) {
await this.saveFile(filePath);
getFileModifcations() {
return this.#filesStore.getFileModifications();
resetAllFileModifications() {
abortAllActions() {
// TODO: what do we wanna do and how do we wanna recover from this?
addArtifact({ messageId, title, id, type }: ArtifactCallbackData) {
const artifact = this.#getArtifact(messageId);
if (artifact) {
if (!this.artifactIdList.includes(messageId)) {
this.artifacts.setKey(messageId, {
closed: false,
runner: new ActionRunner(webcontainer, () => this.boltTerminal),
updateArtifact({ messageId }: ArtifactCallbackData, state: Partial<ArtifactUpdateState>) {
const artifact = this.#getArtifact(messageId);
if (!artifact) {
this.artifacts.setKey(messageId, { ...artifact, ...state });
addAction(data: ActionCallbackData) {
// this._addAction(data);
this.addToExecutionQueue(() => this._addAction(data));
async _addAction(data: ActionCallbackData) {
const { messageId } = data;
const artifact = this.#getArtifact(messageId);
if (!artifact) {
unreachable('Artifact not found');
return artifact.runner.addAction(data);
runAction(data: ActionCallbackData, isStreaming: boolean = false) {
if (isStreaming) {
this._runAction(data, isStreaming);
} else {
this.addToExecutionQueue(() => this._runAction(data, isStreaming));
async _runAction(data: ActionCallbackData, isStreaming: boolean = false) {
const { messageId } = data;
const artifact = this.#getArtifact(messageId);
if (!artifact) {
unreachable('Artifact not found');
const action = artifact.runner.actions.get()[data.actionId];
if (action.executed) {
if (data.action.type === 'file') {
const wc = await webcontainer;
const fullPath = nodePath.join(wc.workdir, data.action.filePath);
if (this.selectedFile.value !== fullPath) {
if (this.currentView.value !== 'code') {
const doc = this.#editorStore.documents.get()[fullPath];
if (!doc) {
await artifact.runner.runAction(data, isStreaming);
this.#editorStore.updateFile(fullPath, data.action.content);
if (!isStreaming) {
await artifact.runner.runAction(data);
} else {
await artifact.runner.runAction(data);
#getArtifact(id: string) {
const artifacts = this.artifacts.get();
return artifacts[id];
async downloadZip() {
const zip = new JSZip();
const files = this.files.get();
// Get the project name from the description input, or use a default name
const projectName = (description.value ?? 'project').toLocaleLowerCase().split(' ').join('_');
// Generate a simple 6-character hash based on the current timestamp
const timestampHash = Date.now().toString(36).slice(-6);
const uniqueProjectName = `${projectName}_${timestampHash}`;
for (const [filePath, dirent] of Object.entries(files)) {
if (dirent?.type === 'file' && !dirent.isBinary) {
const relativePath = extractRelativePath(filePath);
// split the path into segments
const pathSegments = relativePath.split('/');
// if there's more than one segment, we need to create folders
if (pathSegments.length > 1) {
let currentFolder = zip;
for (let i = 0; i < pathSegments.length - 1; i++) {
currentFolder = currentFolder.folder(pathSegments[i])!;
currentFolder.file(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1], dirent.content);
} else {
// if there's only one segment, it's a file in the root
zip.file(relativePath, dirent.content);
// Generate the zip file and save it
const content = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' });
saveAs(content, `${uniqueProjectName}.zip`);
async syncFiles(targetHandle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle) {
const files = this.files.get();
const syncedFiles = [];
for (const [filePath, dirent] of Object.entries(files)) {
if (dirent?.type === 'file' && !dirent.isBinary) {
const relativePath = extractRelativePath(filePath);
const pathSegments = relativePath.split('/');
let currentHandle = targetHandle;
for (let i = 0; i < pathSegments.length - 1; i++) {
currentHandle = await currentHandle.getDirectoryHandle(pathSegments[i], { create: true });
// create or get the file
const fileHandle = await currentHandle.getFileHandle(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1], {
create: true,
// write the file content
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
await writable.write(dirent.content);
await writable.close();
return syncedFiles;
async pushToGitHub(repoName: string, githubUsername?: string, ghToken?: string) {
try {
// Use cookies if username and token are not provided
const githubToken = ghToken || Cookies.get('githubToken');
const owner = githubUsername || Cookies.get('githubUsername');
if (!githubToken || !owner) {
throw new Error('GitHub token or username is not set in cookies or provided.');
// Initialize Octokit with the auth token
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: githubToken });
// Check if the repository already exists before creating it
let repo: RestEndpointMethodTypes['repos']['get']['response']['data'];
try {
const resp = await octokit.repos.get({ owner, repo: repoName });
repo = resp.data;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error && 'status' in error && error.status === 404) {
// Repository doesn't exist, so create a new one
const { data: newRepo } = await octokit.repos.createForAuthenticatedUser({
name: repoName,
private: false,
auto_init: true,
repo = newRepo;
} else {
console.log('cannot create repo!');
throw error; // Some other error occurred
// Get all files
const files = this.files.get();
if (!files || Object.keys(files).length === 0) {
throw new Error('No files found to push');
// Create blobs for each file
const blobs = await Promise.all(
Object.entries(files).map(async ([filePath, dirent]) => {
if (dirent?.type === 'file' && dirent.content) {
const { data: blob } = await octokit.git.createBlob({
owner: repo.owner.login,
repo: repo.name,
content: Buffer.from(dirent.content).toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64',
return { path: extractRelativePath(filePath), sha: blob.sha };
return null;
const validBlobs = blobs.filter(Boolean); // Filter out any undefined blobs
if (validBlobs.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No valid files to push');
// Get the latest commit SHA (assuming main branch, update dynamically if needed)
const { data: ref } = await octokit.git.getRef({
owner: repo.owner.login,
repo: repo.name,
ref: `heads/${repo.default_branch || 'main'}`, // Handle dynamic branch
const latestCommitSha = ref.object.sha;
// Create a new tree
const { data: newTree } = await octokit.git.createTree({
owner: repo.owner.login,
repo: repo.name,
base_tree: latestCommitSha,
tree: validBlobs.map((blob) => ({
path: blob!.path,
mode: '100644',
type: 'blob',
sha: blob!.sha,
// Create a new commit
const { data: newCommit } = await octokit.git.createCommit({
owner: repo.owner.login,
repo: repo.name,
message: 'Initial commit from your app',
tree: newTree.sha,
parents: [latestCommitSha],
// Update the reference
await octokit.git.updateRef({
owner: repo.owner.login,
repo: repo.name,
ref: `heads/${repo.default_branch || 'main'}`, // Handle dynamic branch
sha: newCommit.sha,
alert(`Repository created and code pushed: ${repo.html_url}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error pushing to GitHub:', error);
throw error; // Rethrow the error for further handling
export const workbenchStore = new WorkbenchStore();