import { motion, type Variants } from 'framer-motion'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; import { Dialog, DialogButton, DialogDescription, DialogRoot, DialogTitle } from '~/components/ui/Dialog'; import { IconButton } from '~/components/ui/IconButton'; import { ThemeSwitch } from '~/components/ui/ThemeSwitch'; import { db, deleteById, getAll, chatId, type ChatHistoryItem, useChatHistory } from '~/lib/persistence'; import { cubicEasingFn } from '~/utils/easings'; import { logger } from '~/utils/logger'; import { HistoryItem } from './HistoryItem'; import { binDates } from './date-binning'; const menuVariants = { closed: { opacity: 0, visibility: 'hidden', left: '-150px', transition: { duration: 0.2, ease: cubicEasingFn } }, open: { opacity: 1, visibility: 'initial', left: 0, transition: { duration: 0.2, ease: cubicEasingFn } } } satisfies Variants; type DialogContent = { type: 'delete'; item: ChatHistoryItem } | null; export function Menu() { const { duplicateCurrentChat } = useChatHistory(); const menuRef = useRef(null); const [list, setList] = useState([]); const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const [dialogContent, setDialogContent] = useState(null); const loadEntries = useCallback(() => { if (db) { getAll(db) .then((list) => list.filter((item) => item.urlId && item.description)) .then(setList) .catch((error) => toast.error(error.message)); } }, []); const deleteItem = useCallback((event: React.UIEvent, item: ChatHistoryItem) => { event.preventDefault(); if (db) { deleteById(db, .then(() => { loadEntries(); if (chatId.get() === { // hard page navigation to clear the stores window.location.pathname = '/'; } }) .catch((error) => { toast.error('Failed to delete conversation'); logger.error(error); }); } }, []); const closeDialog = () => { setDialogContent(null); }; useEffect(() => { if (open) { loadEntries(); } }, [open]); useEffect(() => { const enterThreshold = 40; const exitThreshold = 40; function onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent) { if (event.pageX < enterThreshold) { setOpen(true); } if (menuRef.current && event.clientX > menuRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().right + exitThreshold) { setOpen(false); } } window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); return () => { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); }; }, []); const handleDeleteClick = (event: React.UIEvent, item: ChatHistoryItem) => { event.preventDefault(); setDialogContent({ type: 'delete', item }); }; const handleDuplicate = async (id: string) => { await duplicateCurrentChat(id); loadEntries(); // Reload the list after duplication }; return (
{/* Placeholder */}
Your Chats
{list.length === 0 &&
No previous conversations
} {binDates(list).map(({ category, items }) => (
{ => ( handleDeleteClick(event, item)} onDuplicate={() => handleDuplicate(} /> ))}
))} {dialogContent?.type === 'delete' && ( <> Delete Chat?

You are about to delete {dialogContent.item.description}.

Are you sure you want to delete this chat?

Cancel { deleteItem(event, dialogContent.item); closeDialog(); }} > Delete
); }