import { createCookieSessionStorage, redirect, type Session as RemixSession } from '@remix-run/cloudflare'; import { decodeJwt } from 'jose'; import { CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_ORIGIN } from '~/lib/constants'; import { request as doRequest } from '~/lib/fetch'; import { logger } from '~/utils/logger'; import type { Identity } from '~/lib/analytics'; import { decrypt, encrypt } from '~/lib/crypto'; const DEV_SESSION_SECRET = import.meta.env.DEV ? 'LZQMrERo3Ewn/AbpSYJ9aw==' : undefined; const DEV_PAYLOAD_SECRET = import.meta.env.DEV ? '2zAyrhjcdFeXk0YEDzilMXbdrGAiR+8ACIUgFNfjLaI=' : undefined; const TOKEN_KEY = 't'; const EXPIRES_KEY = 'e'; const USER_ID_KEY = 'u'; const SEGMENT_KEY = 's'; const AVATAR_KEY = 'a'; const ENCRYPTED_KEY = 'd'; interface PrivateSession { [TOKEN_KEY]: string; [EXPIRES_KEY]: number; [USER_ID_KEY]?: string; [SEGMENT_KEY]?: string; } interface PublicSession { [ENCRYPTED_KEY]: string; [AVATAR_KEY]?: string; } export interface Session { userId?: string; segmentWriteKey?: string; avatar?: string; } export async function isAuthenticated(request: Request, env: Env) { const { session, sessionStorage } = await getSession(request, env); const sessionData: PrivateSession | null = await decryptSessionData(env, session.get(ENCRYPTED_KEY)); const header = async (cookie: Promise) => ({ headers: { 'Set-Cookie': await cookie } }); const destroy = () => header(sessionStorage.destroySession(session)); if (sessionData?.[TOKEN_KEY] == null) { return { session: null, response: await destroy() }; } const expiresAt = sessionData[EXPIRES_KEY] ?? 0; if ( < expiresAt) { return { session: getSessionData(session, sessionData) }; } logger.debug('Renewing token'); let data: Awaited> | null = null; try { data = await refreshToken(sessionData[TOKEN_KEY]); } catch (error) { // we can ignore the error here because it's handled below logger.error(error); } if (data != null) { const expiresAt = cookieExpiration(data.expires_in, data.created_at); const newSessionData = { ...sessionData, [EXPIRES_KEY]: expiresAt }; const encryptedData = await encryptSessionData(env, newSessionData); session.set(ENCRYPTED_KEY, encryptedData); return { session: getSessionData(session, newSessionData), response: await header(sessionStorage.commitSession(session)), }; } else { return { session: null, response: await destroy() }; } } export async function createUserSession( request: Request, env: Env, tokens: { refresh: string; expires_in: number; created_at: number }, identity?: Identity, ): Promise { const { session, sessionStorage } = await getSession(request, env); const expiresAt = cookieExpiration(tokens.expires_in, tokens.created_at); const sessionData: PrivateSession = { [TOKEN_KEY]: tokens.refresh, [EXPIRES_KEY]: expiresAt, [USER_ID_KEY]: identity?.userId ?? undefined, [SEGMENT_KEY]: identity?.segmentWriteKey ?? undefined, }; const encryptedData = await encryptSessionData(env, sessionData); session.set(ENCRYPTED_KEY, encryptedData); session.set(AVATAR_KEY, identity?.avatar); return { headers: { 'Set-Cookie': await sessionStorage.commitSession(session, { maxAge: 3600 * 24 * 30, // 1 month }), }, }; } function getSessionStorage(cloudflareEnv: Env) { return createCookieSessionStorage({ cookie: { name: '__session', httpOnly: true, path: '/', secrets: [DEV_SESSION_SECRET || cloudflareEnv.SESSION_SECRET], secure: import.meta.env.PROD, }, }); } export async function logout(request: Request, env: Env) { const { session, sessionStorage } = await getSession(request, env); const sessionData = await decryptSessionData(env, session.get(ENCRYPTED_KEY)); if (sessionData) { revokeToken(sessionData[TOKEN_KEY]); } return redirect('/login', { headers: { 'Set-Cookie': await sessionStorage.destroySession(session), }, }); } export function validateAccessToken(access: string) { const jwtPayload = decodeJwt(access); return jwtPayload.bolt === true; } function getSessionData(session: RemixSession, data: PrivateSession): Session { return { userId: data?.[USER_ID_KEY], segmentWriteKey: data?.[SEGMENT_KEY], avatar: session.get(AVATAR_KEY), }; } async function getSession(request: Request, env: Env) { const sessionStorage = getSessionStorage(env); const cookie = request.headers.get('Cookie'); return { session: await sessionStorage.getSession(cookie), sessionStorage }; } async function refreshToken(refresh: string): Promise<{ expires_in: number; created_at: number }> { const response = await doRequest(`${CLIENT_ORIGIN}/oauth/token`, { method: 'POST', body: urlParams({ grant_type: 'refresh_token', client_id: CLIENT_ID, refresh_token: refresh }), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, }); const body = await response.json(); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Unable to refresh token\n${response.status} ${JSON.stringify(body)}`); } const { access_token: access } = body; if (!validateAccessToken(access)) { throw new Error('User is no longer authorized for Bolt'); } return body; } function cookieExpiration(expireIn: number, createdAt: number) { return (expireIn + createdAt - 10 * 60) * 1000; } async function revokeToken(refresh?: string) { if (refresh == null) { return; } try { const response = await doRequest(`${CLIENT_ORIGIN}/oauth/revoke`, { method: 'POST', body: urlParams({ token: refresh, token_type_hint: 'refresh_token', client_id: CLIENT_ID, }), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Unable to revoke token: ${response.status}`); } } catch (error) { logger.debug(error); return; } } function urlParams(data: Record) { const encoded = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { encoded.append(key, value); } return encoded; } async function decryptSessionData(env: Env, encryptedData?: string) { const decryptedData = encryptedData ? await decrypt(payloadSecret(env), encryptedData) : undefined; const sessionData: PrivateSession | null = JSON.parse(decryptedData ?? 'null'); return sessionData; } async function encryptSessionData(env: Env, sessionData: PrivateSession) { return await encrypt(payloadSecret(env), JSON.stringify(sessionData)); } function payloadSecret(env: Env) { return DEV_PAYLOAD_SECRET || env.PAYLOAD_SECRET; }