name: Mark Stale Issues and Pull Requests

    - cron: '0 2 * * *'  # Runs daily at 2:00 AM UTC
  workflow_dispatch:  # Allows manual triggering of the workflow

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Mark stale issues and pull requests
        uses: actions/stale@v8
          repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          stale-issue-message: "This issue has been marked as stale due to inactivity. If no further activity occurs, it will be closed in 7 days."
          stale-pr-message: "This pull request has been marked as stale due to inactivity. If no further activity occurs, it will be closed in 7 days."
          days-before-stale: 10            # Number of days before marking an issue or PR as stale
          days-before-close: 4             # Number of days after being marked stale before closing
          stale-issue-label: "stale"       # Label to apply to stale issues
          stale-pr-label: "stale"          # Label to apply to stale pull requests
          exempt-issue-labels: "pinned,important" # Issues with these labels won't be marked stale
          exempt-pr-labels: "pinned,important"    # PRs with these labels won't be marked stale
          operations-per-run: 75           # Limits the number of actions per run to avoid API rate limits