import type { PathWatcherEvent, WebContainer } from '@webcontainer/api'; import { getEncoding } from 'istextorbinary'; import { map, type MapStore } from 'nanostores'; import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; import * as nodePath from 'node:path'; import { bufferWatchEvents } from '~/utils/buffer'; import { WORK_DIR } from '~/utils/constants'; import { computeFileModifications } from '~/utils/diff'; import { createScopedLogger } from '~/utils/logger'; import { unreachable } from '~/utils/unreachable'; const logger = createScopedLogger('FilesStore'); const utf8TextDecoder = new TextDecoder('utf8', { fatal: true }); export interface File { type: 'file'; content: string; isBinary: boolean; } export interface Folder { type: 'folder'; } type Dirent = File | Folder; export type FileMap = Record<string, Dirent | undefined>; export class FilesStore { #webcontainer: Promise<WebContainer>; /** * Tracks the number of files without folders. */ #size = 0; /** * @note Keeps track all modified files with their original content since the last user message. * Needs to be reset when the user sends another message and all changes have to be submitted * for the model to be aware of the changes. */ #modifiedFiles: Map<string, string> = ?? new Map(); /** * Map of files that matches the state of WebContainer. */ files: MapStore<FileMap> = ?? map({}); get filesCount() { return this.#size; } constructor(webcontainerPromise: Promise<WebContainer>) { this.#webcontainer = webcontainerPromise; if ( { = this.files; = this.#modifiedFiles; } this.#init(); } getFile(filePath: string) { const dirent = this.files.get()[filePath]; if (dirent?.type !== 'file') { return undefined; } return dirent; } getFileModifications() { return computeFileModifications(this.files.get(), this.#modifiedFiles); } resetFileModifications() { this.#modifiedFiles.clear(); } async saveFile(filePath: string, content: string) { const webcontainer = await this.#webcontainer; try { const relativePath = nodePath.relative(webcontainer.workdir, filePath); if (!relativePath) { throw new Error(`EINVAL: invalid file path, write '${relativePath}'`); } const oldContent = this.getFile(filePath)?.content; if (!oldContent) { unreachable('Expected content to be defined'); } await webcontainer.fs.writeFile(relativePath, content); if (!this.#modifiedFiles.has(filePath)) { this.#modifiedFiles.set(filePath, oldContent); } // we immediately update the file and don't rely on the `change` event coming from the watcher this.files.setKey(filePath, { type: 'file', content, isBinary: false });'File updated'); } catch (error) { logger.error('Failed to update file content\n\n', error); throw error; } } async #init() { const webcontainer = await this.#webcontainer; webcontainer.internal.watchPaths( { include: [`${WORK_DIR}/**`], exclude: ['**/node_modules', '.git'], includeContent: true }, bufferWatchEvents(100, this.#processEventBuffer.bind(this)), ); } #processEventBuffer(events: Array<[events: PathWatcherEvent[]]>) { const watchEvents = events.flat(2); for (const { type, path, buffer } of watchEvents) { // remove any trailing slashes const sanitizedPath = path.replace(/\/+$/g, ''); switch (type) { case 'add_dir': { // we intentionally add a trailing slash so we can distinguish files from folders in the file tree this.files.setKey(sanitizedPath, { type: 'folder' }); break; } case 'remove_dir': { this.files.setKey(sanitizedPath, undefined); for (const [direntPath] of Object.entries(this.files)) { if (direntPath.startsWith(sanitizedPath)) { this.files.setKey(direntPath, undefined); } } break; } case 'add_file': case 'change': { if (type === 'add_file') { this.#size++; } let content = ''; /** * @note This check is purely for the editor. The way we detect this is not * bullet-proof and it's a best guess so there might be false-positives. * The reason we do this is because we don't want to display binary files * in the editor nor allow to edit them. */ const isBinary = isBinaryFile(buffer); if (!isBinary) { content = this.#decodeFileContent(buffer); } this.files.setKey(sanitizedPath, { type: 'file', content, isBinary }); break; } case 'remove_file': { this.#size--; this.files.setKey(sanitizedPath, undefined); break; } case 'update_directory': { // we don't care about these events break; } } } } #decodeFileContent(buffer?: Uint8Array) { if (!buffer || buffer.byteLength === 0) { return ''; } try { return utf8TextDecoder.decode(buffer); } catch (error) { console.log(error); return ''; } } } function isBinaryFile(buffer: Uint8Array | undefined) { if (buffer === undefined) { return false; } return getEncoding(convertToBuffer(buffer), { chunkLength: 100 }) === 'binary'; } /** * Converts a `Uint8Array` into a Node.js `Buffer` by copying the prototype. * The goal is to avoid expensive copies. It does create a new typed array * but that's generally cheap as long as it uses the same underlying * array buffer. */ function convertToBuffer(view: Uint8Array): Buffer { const buffer = new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset, view.byteLength); Object.setPrototypeOf(buffer, Buffer.prototype); return buffer as Buffer; }