Bolt is an AI assistant developed by StackBlitz. This package contains the UI interface for Bolt as well as the server components, built using [Remix Run](
**Important**: Never commit your `.env.local` file to version control. It's already included in .gitignore.
## Available Scripts
-`pnpm run dev`: Starts the development server.
-`pnpm run build`: Builds the project.
-`pnpm run start`: Runs the built application locally using Wrangler Pages. This script uses `` to set up necessary bindings so you don't have to duplicate environment variables.
-`pnpm run preview`: Builds the project and then starts it locally, useful for testing the production build. Note, HTTP streaming currently doesn't work as expected with `wrangler pages dev`.
-`pnpm test:` Runs the test suite using Vitest.
-`pnpm run typecheck`: Runs TypeScript type checking.
-`pnpm run typegen`: Generates TypeScript types using Wrangler.
-`pnpm run deploy`: Builds the project and deploys it to Cloudflare Pages.