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synced 2025-03-23 06:16:54 +00:00
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214 lines
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import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react';
import { AnimatePresence, motion } from 'framer-motion';
import { computed } from 'nanostores';
import { memo, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { createHighlighter, type BundledLanguage, type BundledTheme, type HighlighterGeneric } from 'shiki';
import type { ActionState } from '~/lib/runtime/action-runner';
import { workbenchStore } from '~/lib/stores/workbench';
import { classNames } from '~/utils/classNames';
import { cubicEasingFn } from '~/utils/easings';
const highlighterOptions = {
langs: ['shell'],
themes: ['light-plus', 'dark-plus'],
const shellHighlighter: HighlighterGeneric<BundledLanguage, BundledTheme> =
import.meta.hot?.data.shellHighlighter ?? (await createHighlighter(highlighterOptions));
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.data.shellHighlighter = shellHighlighter;
interface ArtifactProps {
messageId: string;
export const Artifact = memo(({ messageId }: ArtifactProps) => {
const userToggledActions = useRef(false);
const [showActions, setShowActions] = useState(false);
const artifacts = useStore(workbenchStore.artifacts);
const artifact = artifacts[messageId];
const actions = useStore(
computed(artifact.runner.actions, (actions) => {
return Object.values(actions);
const toggleActions = () => {
userToggledActions.current = true;
useEffect(() => {
if (actions.length && !showActions && !userToggledActions.current) {
}, [actions]);
return (
<div className="artifact border border-bolt-elements-borderColor flex flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-lg w-full transition-border duration-150">
<div className="flex">
className="flex items-stretch bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-background hover:bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-backgroundHover w-full overflow-hidden"
onClick={() => {
const showWorkbench = workbenchStore.showWorkbench.get();
<div className="px-5 p-3.5 w-full text-left">
<div className="w-full text-bolt-elements-textPrimary font-medium leading-5 text-sm">{artifact?.title}</div>
<div className="w-full w-full text-bolt-elements-textSecondary text-xs mt-0.5">Click to open Workbench</div>
<div className="bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-borderColor w-[1px]" />
{actions.length && (
initial={{ width: 0 }}
animate={{ width: 'auto' }}
exit={{ width: 0 }}
transition={{ duration: 0.15, ease: cubicEasingFn }}
className="bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-background hover:bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-backgroundHover"
<div className="p-4">
<div className={showActions ? 'i-ph:caret-up-bold' : 'i-ph:caret-down-bold'}></div>
{showActions && actions.length > 0 && (
initial={{ height: 0 }}
animate={{ height: 'auto' }}
exit={{ height: '0px' }}
transition={{ duration: 0.15 }}
<div className="bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-borderColor h-[1px]" />
<div className="p-5 text-left bg-bolt-elements-actions-background">
<ActionList actions={actions} />
interface ShellCodeBlockProps {
classsName?: string;
code: string;
function ShellCodeBlock({ classsName, code }: ShellCodeBlockProps) {
return (
className={classNames('text-xs', classsName)}
__html: shellHighlighter.codeToHtml(code, {
lang: 'shell',
theme: 'dark-plus',
interface ActionListProps {
actions: ActionState[];
const actionVariants = {
hidden: { opacity: 0, y: 20 },
visible: { opacity: 1, y: 0 },
const ActionList = memo(({ actions }: ActionListProps) => {
return (
<motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} transition={{ duration: 0.15 }}>
<ul className="list-none space-y-2.5">
{actions.map((action, index) => {
const { status, type, content } = action;
const isLast = index === actions.length - 1;
return (
duration: 0.2,
ease: cubicEasingFn,
<div className="flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm">
<div className={classNames('text-lg', getIconColor(action.status))}>
{status === 'running' ? (
<div className="i-svg-spinners:90-ring-with-bg"></div>
) : status === 'pending' ? (
<div className="i-ph:circle-duotone"></div>
) : status === 'complete' ? (
<div className="i-ph:check"></div>
) : status === 'failed' || status === 'aborted' ? (
<div className="i-ph:x"></div>
) : null}
{type === 'file' ? (
Create{' '}
<code className="bg-bolt-elements-artifacts-inlineCode-background text-bolt-elements-artifacts-inlineCode-text px-1.5 py-1 rounded-md">
) : type === 'shell' ? (
<div className="flex items-center w-full min-h-[28px]">
<span className="flex-1">Run command</span>
) : null}
{type === 'shell' && (
classsName={classNames('mt-1', {
'mb-3.5': !isLast,
function getIconColor(status: ActionState['status']) {
switch (status) {
case 'pending': {
return 'text-bolt-elements-textTertiary';
case 'running': {
return 'text-bolt-elements-loader-progress';
case 'complete': {
return 'text-bolt-elements-icon-success';
case 'aborted': {
return 'text-bolt-elements-textSecondary';
case 'failed': {
return 'text-bolt-elements-icon-error';
default: {
return undefined;