Stijnus 999d87b1e8 beta New control panel
# Tab Management System Implementation

## What's Been Implemented
1. Complete Tab Management System with:
   - Drag and drop functionality for reordering tabs
   - Visual feedback during drag operations
   - Smooth animations and transitions
   - Dark mode support
   - Search functionality for tabs
   - Reset to defaults option

2. Developer Mode Features:
   - Shows ALL available tabs in developer mode
   - Maintains tab order across modes
   - Proper visibility toggles
   - Automatic inclusion of developer-specific tabs

3. User Mode Features:
   - Shows only user-configured tabs
   - Maintains separate tab configurations
   - Proper visibility management

## Key Components
- `TabManagement.tsx`: Main management interface
- `ControlPanel.tsx`: Main panel with tab display
- Integration with tab configuration store
- Proper type definitions and interfaces

## Technical Features
- React DnD for drag and drop
- Framer Motion for animations
- TypeScript for type safety
- UnoCSS for styling
- Toast notifications for user feedback

## Next Steps
1. Testing:
   - Test tab visibility in both modes
   - Verify drag and drop persistence
   - Check dark mode compatibility
   - Verify search functionality
   - Test reset functionality

2. Potential Improvements:
   - Add tab grouping functionality
   - Implement tab pinning
   - Add keyboard shortcuts
   - Improve accessibility
   - Add tab descriptions
   - Add tab icons customization

3. Documentation:
   - Add inline code comments
   - Create user documentation
   - Document API interfaces
   - Add setup instructions

4. Future Features:
   - Tab export/import
   - Custom tab creation
   - Tab templates
   - User preferences sync
   - Tab statistics

## Known Issues to Address
1. Ensure all tabs are visible in developer mode
2. Improve drag and drop performance
3. Better state persistence
4. Enhanced error handling
5. Improved type safety

## Usage Instructions
1. Switch to developer mode to see all available tabs
2. Use drag and drop to reorder tabs
3. Toggle visibility using switches
4. Use search to filter tabs
5. Reset to defaults if needed

## Technical Debt
1. Refactor tab configuration store
2. Improve type definitions
3. Add proper error boundaries
4. Implement proper loading states
5. Add comprehensive testing

## Security Considerations
1. Validate tab configurations
2. Sanitize user input
3. Implement proper access control
4. Add audit logging
5. Secure state management
2025-02-01 18:01:34 +01:00

307 lines
9.5 KiB

import { atom, map } from 'nanostores';
import { workbenchStore } from './workbench';
import { PROVIDER_LIST } from '~/utils/constants';
import type { IProviderConfig } from '~/types/model';
import type { TabVisibilityConfig, TabWindowConfig } from '~/components/settings/settings.types';
import { DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG } from '~/components/settings/settings.types';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import { toggleTheme } from './theme';
import { chatStore } from './chat';
export interface Shortcut {
key: string;
ctrlKey?: boolean;
shiftKey?: boolean;
altKey?: boolean;
metaKey?: boolean;
ctrlOrMetaKey?: boolean;
action: () => void;
export interface Shortcuts {
toggleTerminal: Shortcut;
toggleTheme: Shortcut;
toggleChat: Shortcut;
toggleSettings: Shortcut;
export const URL_CONFIGURABLE_PROVIDERS = ['Ollama', 'LMStudio', 'OpenAILike'];
export const LOCAL_PROVIDERS = ['OpenAILike', 'LMStudio', 'Ollama'];
export type ProviderSetting = Record<string, IProviderConfig>;
export const shortcutsStore = map<Shortcuts>({
toggleTerminal: {
key: '`',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
action: () => workbenchStore.toggleTerminal(),
toggleTheme: {
key: 'd',
metaKey: true, // Command key on Mac, Windows key on Windows
altKey: true, // Option key on Mac, Alt key on Windows
shiftKey: true,
action: () => toggleTheme(),
toggleChat: {
key: 'k',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
action: () => chatStore.setKey('showChat', !chatStore.get().showChat),
toggleSettings: {
key: 's',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
altKey: true,
action: () => {
// This will be connected to the settings panel toggle
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle-settings'));
// Create a single key for provider settings
const PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY = 'provider_settings';
// Add this helper function at the top of the file
const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
// Initialize provider settings from both localStorage and defaults
const getInitialProviderSettings = (): ProviderSetting => {
const initialSettings: ProviderSetting = {};
// Start with default settings
PROVIDER_LIST.forEach((provider) => {
initialSettings[] = {
settings: {
enabled: true,
// Only try to load from localStorage in the browser
if (isBrowser) {
const savedSettings = localStorage.getItem(PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY);
if (savedSettings) {
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(savedSettings);
Object.entries(parsed).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (initialSettings[key]) {
initialSettings[key].settings = (value as IProviderConfig).settings;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing saved provider settings:', error);
return initialSettings;
export const providersStore = map<ProviderSetting>(getInitialProviderSettings());
// Create a function to update provider settings that handles both store and persistence
export const updateProviderSettings = (provider: string, settings: ProviderSetting) => {
const currentSettings = providersStore.get();
// Create new provider config with updated settings
const updatedProvider = {
settings: {
// Update the store with new settings
providersStore.setKey(provider, updatedProvider);
// Save to localStorage
const allSettings = providersStore.get();
localStorage.setItem(PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY, JSON.stringify(allSettings));
export const isDebugMode = atom(false);
// Define keys for localStorage
LATEST_BRANCH: 'isLatestBranch',
AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE: 'autoSelectTemplate',
CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION: 'contextOptimizationEnabled',
EVENT_LOGS: 'isEventLogsEnabled',
LOCAL_MODELS: 'isLocalModelsEnabled',
PROMPT_ID: 'promptId',
DEVELOPER_MODE: 'isDeveloperMode',
} as const;
// Initialize settings from localStorage or defaults
const getInitialSettings = () => {
const getStoredBoolean = (key: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean => {
if (!isBrowser) {
return defaultValue;
const stored = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (stored === null) {
return defaultValue;
try {
return JSON.parse(stored);
} catch {
return defaultValue;
return {
latestBranch: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.LATEST_BRANCH, false),
autoSelectTemplate: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE, false),
contextOptimization: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION, false),
eventLogs: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.EVENT_LOGS, true),
localModels: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.LOCAL_MODELS, true),
promptId: isBrowser ? localStorage.getItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.PROMPT_ID) || 'default' : 'default',
developerMode: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.DEVELOPER_MODE, false),
// Initialize stores with persisted values
const initialSettings = getInitialSettings();
export const latestBranchStore = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.latestBranch);
export const autoSelectStarterTemplate = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.autoSelectTemplate);
export const enableContextOptimizationStore = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.contextOptimization);
export const isEventLogsEnabled = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.eventLogs);
export const isLocalModelsEnabled = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.localModels);
export const promptStore = atom<string>(initialSettings.promptId);
// Helper functions to update settings with persistence
export const updateLatestBranch = (enabled: boolean) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.LATEST_BRANCH, JSON.stringify(enabled));
export const updateAutoSelectTemplate = (enabled: boolean) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE, JSON.stringify(enabled));
export const updateContextOptimization = (enabled: boolean) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION, JSON.stringify(enabled));
export const updateEventLogs = (enabled: boolean) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.EVENT_LOGS, JSON.stringify(enabled));
export const updateLocalModels = (enabled: boolean) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.LOCAL_MODELS, JSON.stringify(enabled));
export const updatePromptId = (id: string) => {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.PROMPT_ID, id);
// Initialize tab configuration from localStorage or defaults
const getInitialTabConfiguration = (): TabWindowConfig => {
const defaultConfig: TabWindowConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
if (!isBrowser) {
return defaultConfig;
try {
const saved = localStorage.getItem('bolt_tab_configuration');
if (!saved) {
return defaultConfig;
const parsed = JSON.parse(saved);
if (!parsed?.userTabs || !parsed?.developerTabs) {
return defaultConfig;
return parsed;
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Failed to parse tab configuration:', error);
return defaultConfig;
console.log('Initial tab configuration:', getInitialTabConfiguration());
export const tabConfigurationStore = map<TabWindowConfig>(getInitialTabConfiguration());
// Helper function to update tab configuration
export const updateTabConfiguration = (config: TabVisibilityConfig) => {
const currentConfig = tabConfigurationStore.get();
console.log('Current tab configuration before update:', currentConfig);
const isUserTab = config.window === 'user';
const targetArray = isUserTab ? 'userTabs' : 'developerTabs';
// Only update the tab in its respective window
const updatedTabs = currentConfig[targetArray].map((tab) => ( === ? { ...config } : tab));
// If tab doesn't exist in this window yet, add it
if (!updatedTabs.find((tab) => === {
// Create new config, only updating the target window's tabs
const newConfig: TabWindowConfig = {
[targetArray]: updatedTabs,
console.log('New tab configuration after update:', newConfig);
Cookies.set('tabConfiguration', JSON.stringify(newConfig), {
expires: 365, // Set cookie to expire in 1 year
path: '/',
sameSite: 'strict',
// Helper function to reset tab configuration
export const resetTabConfiguration = () => {
console.log('Resetting tab configuration to defaults');
const defaultConfig: TabWindowConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
console.log('Default tab configuration:', defaultConfig);
Cookies.set('tabConfiguration', JSON.stringify(defaultConfig), {
expires: 365, // Set cookie to expire in 1 year
path: '/',
sameSite: 'strict',
// Developer mode store with persistence
export const developerModeStore = atom<boolean>(initialSettings.developerMode);
export const setDeveloperMode = (value: boolean) => {
if (isBrowser) {
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.DEVELOPER_MODE, JSON.stringify(value));