KevIsDev 19137c934b add: various improvements to connections
- improved organisation of connections (collapsibles)
- improved deploy button
- improved unique chat deployments
2025-02-25 00:41:44 +00:00

260 lines
7.3 KiB

import type { Message } from 'ai';
import { createScopedLogger } from '~/utils/logger';
import type { ChatHistoryItem } from './useChatHistory';
export interface IChatMetadata {
gitUrl: string;
gitBranch?: string;
netlifySiteId?: string;
const logger = createScopedLogger('ChatHistory');
// this is used at the top level and never rejects
export async function openDatabase(): Promise<IDBDatabase | undefined> {
if (typeof indexedDB === 'undefined') {
console.error('indexedDB is not available in this environment.');
return undefined;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const request ='boltHistory', 1);
request.onupgradeneeded = (event: IDBVersionChangeEvent) => {
const db = ( as IDBOpenDBRequest).result;
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('chats')) {
const store = db.createObjectStore('chats', { keyPath: 'id' });
store.createIndex('id', 'id', { unique: true });
store.createIndex('urlId', 'urlId', { unique: true });
request.onsuccess = (event: Event) => {
resolve(( as IDBOpenDBRequest).result);
request.onerror = (event: Event) => {
logger.error(( as IDBOpenDBRequest).error);
export async function getAll(db: IDBDatabase): Promise<ChatHistoryItem[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readonly');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const request = store.getAll();
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result as ChatHistoryItem[]);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function setMessages(
db: IDBDatabase,
id: string,
messages: Message[],
urlId?: string,
description?: string,
timestamp?: string,
metadata?: IChatMetadata,
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readwrite');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
if (timestamp && isNaN(Date.parse(timestamp))) {
reject(new Error('Invalid timestamp'));
const request = store.put({
timestamp: timestamp ?? new Date().toISOString(),
request.onsuccess = () => resolve();
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function getMessages(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<ChatHistoryItem> {
return (await getMessagesById(db, id)) || (await getMessagesByUrlId(db, id));
export async function getMessagesByUrlId(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<ChatHistoryItem> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readonly');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const index = store.index('urlId');
const request = index.get(id);
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result as ChatHistoryItem);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function getMessagesById(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<ChatHistoryItem> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readonly');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const request = store.get(id);
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result as ChatHistoryItem);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function deleteById(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readwrite');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const request = store.delete(id);
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(undefined);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function getNextId(db: IDBDatabase): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readonly');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const request = store.getAllKeys();
request.onsuccess = () => {
const highestId = request.result.reduce((cur, acc) => Math.max(+cur, +acc), 0);
resolve(String(+highestId + 1));
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
export async function getUrlId(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<string> {
const idList = await getUrlIds(db);
if (!idList.includes(id)) {
return id;
} else {
let i = 2;
while (idList.includes(`${id}-${i}`)) {
return `${id}-${i}`;
async function getUrlIds(db: IDBDatabase): Promise<string[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const transaction = db.transaction('chats', 'readonly');
const store = transaction.objectStore('chats');
const idList: string[] = [];
const request = store.openCursor();
request.onsuccess = (event: Event) => {
const cursor = ( as IDBRequest<IDBCursorWithValue>).result;
if (cursor) {
} else {
request.onerror = () => {
export async function forkChat(db: IDBDatabase, chatId: string, messageId: string): Promise<string> {
const chat = await getMessages(db, chatId);
if (!chat) {
throw new Error('Chat not found');
// Find the index of the message to fork at
const messageIndex = chat.messages.findIndex((msg) => === messageId);
if (messageIndex === -1) {
throw new Error('Message not found');
// Get messages up to and including the selected message
const messages = chat.messages.slice(0, messageIndex + 1);
return createChatFromMessages(db, chat.description ? `${chat.description} (fork)` : 'Forked chat', messages);
export async function duplicateChat(db: IDBDatabase, id: string): Promise<string> {
const chat = await getMessages(db, id);
if (!chat) {
throw new Error('Chat not found');
return createChatFromMessages(db, `${chat.description || 'Chat'} (copy)`, chat.messages);
export async function createChatFromMessages(
db: IDBDatabase,
description: string,
messages: Message[],
metadata?: IChatMetadata,
): Promise<string> {
const newId = await getNextId(db);
const newUrlId = await getUrlId(db, newId); // Get a new urlId for the duplicated chat
await setMessages(
newUrlId, // Use the new urlId
undefined, // Use the current timestamp
return newUrlId; // Return the urlId instead of id for navigation
export async function updateChatDescription(db: IDBDatabase, id: string, description: string): Promise<void> {
const chat = await getMessages(db, id);
if (!chat) {
throw new Error('Chat not found');
if (!description.trim()) {
throw new Error('Description cannot be empty');
await setMessages(db, id, chat.messages, chat.urlId, description, chat.timestamp, chat.metadata);
export async function updateChatMetadata(
db: IDBDatabase,
id: string,
metadata: IChatMetadata | undefined,
): Promise<void> {
const chat = await getMessages(db, id);
if (!chat) {
throw new Error('Chat not found');
await setMessages(db, id, chat.messages, chat.urlId, chat.description, chat.timestamp, metadata);