Stijnus 6d98affc3d Add new features

## New User Interface Features

### 🎨 Redesigned Control Panel

The Bolt DIY interface has been completely redesigned with a modern, intuitive layout featuring two main components:

1. **Users Window** - Main control panel for regular users
2. **Developer Window** - Advanced settings and debugging tools

### 💡 Core Features

- **Drag & Drop Tab Management**: Customize tab order in both User and Developer windows
- **Dynamic Status Updates**: Real-time status indicators for updates, notifications, and system health
- **Responsive Design**: Beautiful transitions and animations using Framer Motion
- **Dark/Light Mode Support**: Full theme support with consistent styling
- **Improved Accessibility**: Using Radix UI primitives for better accessibility
- **Enhanced Provider Management**: Split view for local and cloud providers
- **Resource Monitoring**: New Task Manager for system performance tracking

### 🎯 Tab Overview

#### User Window Tabs

1. **Profile**

   - Manage user profile and account settings
   - Avatar customization
   - Account preferences

2. **Settings**

   - Configure application preferences
   - Customize UI behavior
   - Manage general settings

3. **Notifications**

   - Real-time notification center
   - Unread notification tracking
   - Notification preferences

4. **Features**

   - Explore new and upcoming features
   - Feature preview toggles
   - Early access options

5. **Data**

   - Data management tools
   - Storage settings
   - Backup and restore options

6. **Cloud Providers**

   - Configure cloud-based AI providers
   - API key management
   - Cloud model selection
   - Provider-specific settings
   - Status monitoring for each provider

7. **Local Providers**

   - Manage local AI models
   - Ollama integration and model updates
   - LM Studio configuration
   - Local inference settings
   - Model download and updates

8. **Task Manager**

   - System resource monitoring
   - Process management
   - Performance metrics
   - Resource usage graphs
   - Alert configurations

9. **Connection**

   - Network status monitoring
   - Connection health metrics
   - Troubleshooting tools
   - Latency tracking
   - Auto-reconnect settings

10. **Debug**

- System diagnostics
- Performance monitoring
- Error tracking
- Provider status checks
- System information

11. **Event Logs**

- Comprehensive system logs
- Filtered log views
- Log management tools
- Error tracking
- Performance metrics

12. **Update**
    - Version management
    - Update notifications
    - Release notes
    - Auto-update configuration

#### Developer Window Enhancements

- **Advanced Tab Management**

  - Fine-grained control over tab visibility
  - Custom tab ordering
  - Tab permission management
  - Category-based organization

- **Developer Tools**
  - Enhanced debugging capabilities
  - System metrics and monitoring
  - Performance optimization tools
  - Advanced logging features

### 🚀 UI Improvements

1. **Enhanced Navigation**

   - Intuitive back navigation
   - Breadcrumb-style header
   - Context-aware menu system
   - Improved tab organization

2. **Status Indicators**

   - Dynamic update badges
   - Real-time connection status
   - System health monitoring
   - Provider status tracking

3. **Profile Integration**

   - Quick access profile menu
   - Avatar support
   - Fast settings access
   - Personalization options

4. **Accessibility Features**
   - Keyboard navigation
   - Screen reader support
   - Focus management
   - ARIA attributes

### 🛠 Technical Enhancements

- **State Management**

  - Nano Stores for efficient state handling
  - Persistent settings storage
  - Real-time state synchronization
  - Provider state management

- **Performance Optimizations**

  - Lazy loading of tab contents
  - Efficient DOM updates
  - Optimized animations
  - Resource monitoring

- **Developer Experience**
  - Improved error handling
  - Better debugging tools
  - Enhanced logging system
  - Performance profiling

### 🎯 Future Roadmap

- [ ] Additional customization options
- [ ] Enhanced theme support
- [ ] More developer tools
- [ ] Extended API integrations
- [ ] Advanced monitoring capabilities
- [ ] Custom provider plugins
- [ ] Enhanced resource management
- [ ] Advanced debugging features

## 🔧 Technical Details

### Dependencies

- Radix UI for accessible components
- Framer Motion for animations
- React DnD for drag and drop
- Nano Stores for state management

### Browser Support

- Modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
- Progressive enhancement for older browsers

### Performance

- Optimized bundle size
- Efficient state updates
- Minimal re-renders
- Resource-aware operations

## 📝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines for more information.

## 📄 License

MIT License - see LICENSE for details
2025-01-21 15:18:17 +01:00

150 lines
5.3 KiB

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