2025-01-28 22:57:06 +01:00

213 lines
6.4 KiB

import { atom, map } from 'nanostores';
import { workbenchStore } from './workbench';
import { PROVIDER_LIST } from '~/utils/constants';
import type { IProviderConfig } from '~/types/model';
import type { TabVisibilityConfig, TabWindowConfig } from '~/components/settings/settings.types';
import { DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG } from '~/components/settings/settings.types';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import { toggleTheme } from './theme';
import { chatStore } from './chat';
export interface Shortcut {
key: string;
ctrlKey?: boolean;
shiftKey?: boolean;
altKey?: boolean;
metaKey?: boolean;
ctrlOrMetaKey?: boolean;
action: () => void;
export interface Shortcuts {
toggleTerminal: Shortcut;
toggleTheme: Shortcut;
toggleChat: Shortcut;
toggleSettings: Shortcut;
export const URL_CONFIGURABLE_PROVIDERS = ['Ollama', 'LMStudio', 'OpenAILike'];
export const LOCAL_PROVIDERS = ['OpenAILike', 'LMStudio', 'Ollama'];
export type ProviderSetting = Record<string, IProviderConfig>;
export const shortcutsStore = map<Shortcuts>({
toggleTerminal: {
key: '`',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
action: () => workbenchStore.toggleTerminal(),
toggleTheme: {
key: 'd',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
altKey: true,
action: () => toggleTheme(),
toggleChat: {
key: 'k',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
action: () => chatStore.setKey('showChat', !chatStore.get().showChat),
toggleSettings: {
key: 's',
ctrlOrMetaKey: true,
altKey: true,
action: () => {
// This will be connected to the settings panel toggle
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle-settings'));
const initialProviderSettings: ProviderSetting = {};
PROVIDER_LIST.forEach((provider) => {
initialProviderSettings[] = {
settings: {
enabled: true,
//TODO: need to create one single map for all these flags
export const providersStore = map<ProviderSetting>(initialProviderSettings);
export const isDebugMode = atom(false);
// Initialize event logs from cookie or default to false
const savedEventLogs = Cookies.get('isEventLogsEnabled');
export const isEventLogsEnabled = atom(savedEventLogs === 'true');
// Local models settings
export const isLocalModelsEnabled = atom(true);
// Prompt settings
export const promptStore = atom<string>('default');
// Branch settings
export const latestBranchStore = atom(false);
// Template settings
export const autoSelectStarterTemplate = atom(false);
// Context optimization settings
export const enableContextOptimizationStore = atom(false);
// Initialize tab configuration from cookie or default
const savedTabConfig = Cookies.get('tabConfiguration');
console.log('Saved tab configuration:', savedTabConfig);
let initialTabConfig: TabWindowConfig;
try {
if (savedTabConfig) {
const parsedConfig = JSON.parse(savedTabConfig);
// Validate the parsed configuration
if (
parsedConfig &&
Array.isArray(parsedConfig.userTabs) &&
Array.isArray(parsedConfig.developerTabs) &&
(tab: any) =>
tab &&
typeof === 'string' &&
typeof tab.visible === 'boolean' &&
typeof tab.window === 'string' &&
typeof tab.order === 'number',
) &&
(tab: any) =>
tab &&
typeof === 'string' &&
typeof tab.visible === 'boolean' &&
typeof tab.window === 'string' &&
typeof tab.order === 'number',
) {
initialTabConfig = parsedConfig;
console.log('Using saved tab configuration');
} else {
console.warn('Invalid saved tab configuration, using defaults');
initialTabConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
} else {
console.log('No saved tab configuration found, using defaults');
initialTabConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading tab configuration:', error);
initialTabConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
console.log('Initial tab configuration:', initialTabConfig);
export const tabConfigurationStore = map<TabWindowConfig>(initialTabConfig);
// Helper function to update tab configuration
export const updateTabConfiguration = (config: TabVisibilityConfig) => {
const currentConfig = tabConfigurationStore.get();
console.log('Current tab configuration before update:', currentConfig);
const isUserTab = config.window === 'user';
const targetArray = isUserTab ? 'userTabs' : 'developerTabs';
// Only update the tab in its respective window
const updatedTabs = currentConfig[targetArray].map((tab) => ( === ? { ...config } : tab));
// If tab doesn't exist in this window yet, add it
if (!updatedTabs.find((tab) => === {
// Create new config, only updating the target window's tabs
const newConfig: TabWindowConfig = {
[targetArray]: updatedTabs,
console.log('New tab configuration after update:', newConfig);
Cookies.set('tabConfiguration', JSON.stringify(newConfig), {
expires: 365, // Set cookie to expire in 1 year
path: '/',
sameSite: 'strict',
// Helper function to reset tab configuration
export const resetTabConfiguration = () => {
console.log('Resetting tab configuration to defaults');
const defaultConfig: TabWindowConfig = {
userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'user'),
developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab) => tab.window === 'developer'),
console.log('Default tab configuration:', defaultConfig);
Cookies.set('tabConfiguration', JSON.stringify(defaultConfig), {
expires: 365, // Set cookie to expire in 1 year
path: '/',
sameSite: 'strict',
// Developer mode store
export const developerModeStore = atom<boolean>(false);
export const setDeveloperMode = (value: boolean) => {