import { type Message } from 'ai'; import { DEFAULT_MODEL, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, MODEL_REGEX, PROVIDER_REGEX } from '~/utils/constants'; import { IGNORE_PATTERNS, type FileMap } from './constants'; import ignore from 'ignore'; import type { ContextAnnotation } from '~/types/context'; export function extractPropertiesFromMessage(message: Omit): { model: string; provider: string; content: string; } { const textContent = Array.isArray(message.content) ? message.content.find((item) => item.type === 'text')?.text || '' : message.content; const modelMatch = textContent.match(MODEL_REGEX); const providerMatch = textContent.match(PROVIDER_REGEX); /* * Extract model * const modelMatch = message.content.match(MODEL_REGEX); */ const model = modelMatch ? modelMatch[1] : DEFAULT_MODEL; /* * Extract provider * const providerMatch = message.content.match(PROVIDER_REGEX); */ const provider = providerMatch ? providerMatch[1] :; const cleanedContent = Array.isArray(message.content) ? => { if (item.type === 'text') { return { type: 'text', text: item.text?.replace(MODEL_REGEX, '').replace(PROVIDER_REGEX, ''), }; } return item; // Preserve image_url and other types as is }) : textContent.replace(MODEL_REGEX, '').replace(PROVIDER_REGEX, ''); return { model, provider, content: cleanedContent }; } export function simplifyBoltActions(input: string): string { // Using regex to match boltAction tags that have type="file" const regex = /(]*type="file"[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/boltAction>)/g; // Replace each matching occurrence return input.replace(regex, (_0, openingTag, _2, closingTag) => { return `${openingTag}\n ...\n ${closingTag}`; }); } export function createFilesContext(files: FileMap, useRelativePath?: boolean) { const ig = ignore().add(IGNORE_PATTERNS); let filePaths = Object.keys(files); filePaths = filePaths.filter((x) => { const relPath = x.replace('/home/project/', ''); return !ig.ignores(relPath); }); const fileContexts = filePaths .filter((x) => files[x] && files[x].type == 'file') .map((path) => { const dirent = files[path]; if (!dirent || dirent.type == 'folder') { return ''; } const codeWithLinesNumbers = dirent.content .split('\n') // .map((v, i) => `${i + 1}|${v}`) .join('\n'); let filePath = path; if (useRelativePath) { filePath = path.replace('/home/project/', ''); } return `${codeWithLinesNumbers}`; }); return `\n${fileContexts.join('\n')}\n`; } export function extractCurrentContext(messages: Message[]) { const lastAssistantMessage = messages.filter((x) => x.role == 'assistant').slice(-1)[0]; if (!lastAssistantMessage) { return { summary: undefined, codeContext: undefined }; } let summary: ContextAnnotation | undefined; let codeContext: ContextAnnotation | undefined; if (!lastAssistantMessage.annotations?.length) { return { summary: undefined, codeContext: undefined }; } for (let i = 0; i < lastAssistantMessage.annotations.length; i++) { const annotation = lastAssistantMessage.annotations[i]; if (!annotation || typeof annotation !== 'object') { continue; } if (!(annotation as any).type) { continue; } const annotationObject = annotation as any; if (annotationObject.type === 'codeContext') { codeContext = annotationObject; break; } else if (annotationObject.type === 'chatSummary') { summary = annotationObject; break; } } return { summary, codeContext }; }