import { memo, useMemo, useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'; import { workbenchStore } from '~/lib/stores/workbench'; import type { FileMap } from '~/lib/stores/files'; import type { EditorDocument } from '~/components/editor/codemirror/CodeMirrorEditor'; import { diffLines, type Change } from 'diff'; import { getHighlighter } from 'shiki'; import '~/styles/diff-view.css'; import { diffFiles, extractRelativePath } from '~/utils/diff'; import { ActionRunner } from '~/lib/runtime/action-runner'; import type { FileHistory } from '~/types/actions'; import { getLanguageFromExtension } from '~/utils/getLanguageFromExtension'; interface CodeComparisonProps { beforeCode: string; afterCode: string; language: string; filename: string; lightTheme: string; darkTheme: string; } interface DiffBlock { lineNumber: number; content: string; type: 'added' | 'removed' | 'unchanged'; correspondingLine?: number; } interface FullscreenButtonProps { onClick: () => void; isFullscreen: boolean; } const FullscreenButton = memo(({ onClick, isFullscreen }: FullscreenButtonProps) => ( )); const FullscreenOverlay = memo(({ isFullscreen, children }: { isFullscreen: boolean; children: React.ReactNode }) => { if (!isFullscreen) return <>{children}; return (
); }); const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB const BINARY_REGEX = /[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F]/; const isBinaryFile = (content: string) => { return content.length > MAX_FILE_SIZE || BINARY_REGEX.test(content); }; const processChanges = (beforeCode: string, afterCode: string) => { try { if (isBinaryFile(beforeCode) || isBinaryFile(afterCode)) { return { beforeLines: [], afterLines: [], hasChanges: false, lineChanges: { before: new Set(), after: new Set() }, unifiedBlocks: [], isBinary: true }; } // Normalizar quebras de linha para evitar falsos positivos const normalizedBefore = beforeCode.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); const normalizedAfter = afterCode.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); // Dividir em linhas preservando linhas vazias const beforeLines = normalizedBefore.split('\n'); const afterLines = normalizedAfter.split('\n'); // Se os conteúdos são idênticos após normalização, não há mudanças if (normalizedBefore === normalizedAfter) { return { beforeLines, afterLines, hasChanges: false, lineChanges: { before: new Set(), after: new Set() }, unifiedBlocks: [] }; } // Processar as diferenças com configurações otimizadas para detecção por linha const changes = diffLines(normalizedBefore, normalizedAfter, { newlineIsToken: false, // Não tratar quebras de linha como tokens separados ignoreWhitespace: true, // Ignorar diferenças de espaços em branco ignoreCase: false // Manter sensibilidade a maiúsculas/minúsculas }); const lineChanges = { before: new Set(), after: new Set() }; let beforeLineNumber = 0; let afterLineNumber = 0; const unifiedBlocks = changes.reduce((blocks: DiffBlock[], change) => { // Dividir o conteúdo em linhas preservando linhas vazias const lines = change.value.split('\n'); if (change.added) { // Processar linhas adicionadas const addedBlocks =, i) => { lineChanges.after.add(afterLineNumber + i); return { lineNumber: afterLineNumber + i, content: line, type: 'added' as const }; }); afterLineNumber += lines.length; return [...blocks, ...addedBlocks]; } if (change.removed) { // Processar linhas removidas const removedBlocks =, i) => { lineChanges.before.add(beforeLineNumber + i); return { lineNumber: beforeLineNumber + i, content: line, type: 'removed' as const }; }); beforeLineNumber += lines.length; return [...blocks, ...removedBlocks]; } // Processar linhas não modificadas const unchangedBlocks =, i) => { const block = { lineNumber: afterLineNumber + i, content: line, type: 'unchanged' as const, correspondingLine: beforeLineNumber + i }; return block; }); beforeLineNumber += lines.length; afterLineNumber += lines.length; return [...blocks, ...unchangedBlocks]; }, []); return { beforeLines, afterLines, hasChanges: lineChanges.before.size > 0 || lineChanges.after.size > 0, lineChanges, unifiedBlocks, isBinary: false }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error processing changes:', error); return { beforeLines: [], afterLines: [], hasChanges: false, lineChanges: { before: new Set(), after: new Set() }, unifiedBlocks: [], error: true, isBinary: false }; } }; const lineNumberStyles = "w-12 shrink-0 pl-2 py-0.5 text-left font-mono text-bolt-elements-textTertiary border-r border-bolt-elements-borderColor bg-bolt-elements-background-depth-1"; const lineContentStyles = "px-4 py-0.5 font-mono whitespace-pre flex-1 group-hover:bg-bolt-elements-background-depth-2 text-bolt-elements-textPrimary"; const renderContentWarning = (type: 'binary' | 'error') => (

{type === 'binary' ? 'Binary file detected' : 'Error processing file'}

{type === 'binary' ? 'Diff view is not available for binary files' : 'Could not generate diff preview'}

); const NoChangesView = memo(({ beforeCode, language, highlighter }: { beforeCode: string; language: string; highlighter: any; }) => (

Files are identical

Both versions match exactly

Current Content
{beforeCode.split('\n').map((line, index) => (
{index + 1}
]*>/g, '') .replace(/<\/?code[^>]*>/g, '') : line }} />
)); // Otimização do processamento de diferenças com memoização const useProcessChanges = (beforeCode: string, afterCode: string) => { return useMemo(() => processChanges(beforeCode, afterCode), [beforeCode, afterCode]); }; // Componente otimizado para renderização de linhas de código const CodeLine = memo(({ lineNumber, content, type, highlighter, language }: { lineNumber: number; content: string; type: 'added' | 'removed' | 'unchanged'; highlighter: any; language: string; }) => { const bgColor = { added: 'bg-green-500/20 border-l-4 border-green-500', removed: 'bg-red-500/20 border-l-4 border-red-500', unchanged: '' }[type]; const highlightedCode = useMemo(() => { if (!highlighter) return content; return highlighter.codeToHtml(content, { lang: language, theme: 'github-dark' }).replace(/<\/?pre[^>]*>/g, '').replace(/<\/?code[^>]*>/g, ''); }, [content, highlighter, language]); return (
{lineNumber + 1}
{type === 'added' && '+'} {type === 'removed' && '-'} {type === 'unchanged' && ' '}
); }); // Componente para exibir informações sobre o arquivo const FileInfo = memo(({ filename, hasChanges, onToggleFullscreen, isFullscreen, beforeCode, afterCode }: { filename: string; hasChanges: boolean; onToggleFullscreen: () => void; isFullscreen: boolean; beforeCode: string; afterCode: string; }) => { // Calculate additions and deletions from the current document const { additions, deletions } = useMemo(() => { if (!hasChanges) return { additions: 0, deletions: 0 }; const changes = diffLines(beforeCode, afterCode, { newlineIsToken: false, ignoreWhitespace: true, ignoreCase: false }); return changes.reduce((acc: { additions: number; deletions: number }, change: Change) => { if (change.added) { acc.additions += change.value.split('\n').length; } if (change.removed) { acc.deletions += change.value.split('\n').length; } return acc; }, { additions: 0, deletions: 0 }); }, [hasChanges, beforeCode, afterCode]); const showStats = additions > 0 || deletions > 0; return (
{filename} {hasChanges ? ( <> {showStats && (
{additions > 0 && ( +{additions} )} {deletions > 0 && ( -{deletions} )}
)} Modified {new Date().toLocaleTimeString()} ) : ( No Changes )}
); }); const InlineDiffComparison = memo(({ beforeCode, afterCode, filename, language, lightTheme, darkTheme }: CodeComparisonProps) => { const [isFullscreen, setIsFullscreen] = useState(false); const [highlighter, setHighlighter] = useState(null); const toggleFullscreen = useCallback(() => { setIsFullscreen(prev => !prev); }, []); const { unifiedBlocks, hasChanges, isBinary, error } = useProcessChanges(beforeCode, afterCode); useEffect(() => { getHighlighter({ themes: ['github-dark'], langs: ['typescript', 'javascript', 'json', 'html', 'css', 'jsx', 'tsx'] }).then(setHighlighter); }, []); if (isBinary || error) return renderContentWarning(isBinary ? 'binary' : 'error'); return (
{hasChanges ? (
{, index) => ( ))}
) : ( )}
); }); const SideBySideComparison = memo(({ beforeCode, afterCode, language, filename, lightTheme, darkTheme, }: CodeComparisonProps) => { const [isFullscreen, setIsFullscreen] = useState(false); const [highlighter, setHighlighter] = useState(null); const toggleFullscreen = useCallback(() => { setIsFullscreen(prev => !prev); }, []); const { beforeLines, afterLines, hasChanges, lineChanges, isBinary, error } = useProcessChanges(beforeCode, afterCode); useEffect(() => { getHighlighter({ themes: ['github-dark'], langs: ['typescript', 'javascript', 'json', 'html', 'css', 'jsx', 'tsx'] }).then(setHighlighter); }, []); if (isBinary || error) return renderContentWarning(isBinary ? 'binary' : 'error'); const renderCode = (code: string) => { if (!highlighter) return code; const highlightedCode = highlighter.codeToHtml(code, { lang: language, theme: 'github-dark' }); return highlightedCode.replace(/<\/?pre[^>]*>/g, '').replace(/<\/?code[^>]*>/g, ''); }; return (
{hasChanges ? (
{, index) => (
{index + 1}
{lineChanges.before.has(index) ? '-' : ' '}
{, index) => (
{index + 1}
{lineChanges.after.has(index) ? '+' : ' '}
) : ( )}
); }); interface DiffViewProps { fileHistory: Record; setFileHistory: React.Dispatch>>; diffViewMode: 'inline' | 'side'; actionRunner: ActionRunner; } export const DiffView = memo(({ fileHistory, setFileHistory, diffViewMode, actionRunner }: DiffViewProps) => { const files = useStore(workbenchStore.files) as FileMap; const selectedFile = useStore(workbenchStore.selectedFile); const currentDocument = useStore(workbenchStore.currentDocument) as EditorDocument; const unsavedFiles = useStore(workbenchStore.unsavedFiles); useEffect(() => { if (selectedFile && currentDocument) { const file = files[selectedFile]; if (!file || !('content' in file)) return; const existingHistory = fileHistory[selectedFile]; const currentContent = currentDocument.value; // Normalizar o conteúdo para comparação const normalizedCurrentContent = currentContent.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').trim(); const normalizedOriginalContent = (existingHistory?.originalContent || file.content).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').trim(); // Se não há histórico existente, criar um novo apenas se houver diferenças if (!existingHistory) { if (normalizedCurrentContent !== normalizedOriginalContent) { const newChanges = diffLines(file.content, currentContent); setFileHistory(prev => ({ ...prev, [selectedFile]: { originalContent: file.content, lastModified:, changes: newChanges, versions: [{ timestamp:, content: currentContent }], changeSource: 'auto-save' } })); } return; } // Se já existe histórico, verificar se há mudanças reais desde a última versão const lastVersion = existingHistory.versions[existingHistory.versions.length - 1]; const normalizedLastContent = lastVersion?.content.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').trim(); if (normalizedCurrentContent === normalizedLastContent) { return; // Não criar novo histórico se o conteúdo é o mesmo } // Verificar se há mudanças significativas usando diffFiles const relativePath = extractRelativePath(selectedFile); const unifiedDiff = diffFiles( relativePath, existingHistory.originalContent, currentContent ); if (unifiedDiff) { const newChanges = diffLines( existingHistory.originalContent, currentContent ); // Verificar se as mudanças são significativas const hasSignificantChanges = newChanges.some(change => (change.added || change.removed) && change.value.trim().length > 0 ); if (hasSignificantChanges) { const newHistory: FileHistory = { originalContent: existingHistory.originalContent, lastModified:, changes: [ ...existingHistory.changes, ...newChanges ].slice(-100), // Limitar histórico de mudanças versions: [ ...existingHistory.versions, { timestamp:, content: currentContent } ].slice(-10), // Manter apenas as 10 últimas versões changeSource: 'auto-save' }; setFileHistory(prev => ({ ...prev, [selectedFile]: newHistory })); } } } }, [selectedFile, currentDocument?.value, files, setFileHistory, unsavedFiles]); if (!selectedFile || !currentDocument) { return (
Select a file to view differences
); } const file = files[selectedFile]; const originalContent = file && 'content' in file ? file.content : ''; const currentContent = currentDocument.value; const history = fileHistory[selectedFile]; const effectiveOriginalContent = history?.originalContent || originalContent; const language = getLanguageFromExtension(selectedFile.split('.').pop() || ''); try { return (
{diffViewMode === 'inline' ? ( ) : ( )}
); } catch (error) { console.error('DiffView render error:', error); return (

Failed to render diff view

); } });