import { format, isAfter, isThisWeek, isThisYear, isToday, isYesterday, subDays } from 'date-fns'; import type { ChatHistoryItem } from '~/lib/persistence'; type Bin = { category: string; items: ChatHistoryItem[] }; export function binDates(_list: ChatHistoryItem[]) { const list = _list.toSorted((a, b) => Date.parse(b.timestamp) - Date.parse(a.timestamp)); const binLookup: Record = {}; const bins: Array = []; list.forEach((item) => { const category = dateCategory(new Date(item.timestamp)); if (!(category in binLookup)) { const bin = { category, items: [item], }; binLookup[category] = bin; bins.push(bin); } else { binLookup[category].items.push(item); } }); return bins; } function dateCategory(date: Date) { if (isToday(date)) { return 'Today'; } if (isYesterday(date)) { return 'Yesterday'; } if (isThisWeek(date)) { // e.g., "Mon" instead of "Monday" return format(date, 'EEE'); } const thirtyDaysAgo = subDays(new Date(), 30); if (isAfter(date, thirtyDaysAgo)) { return 'Past 30 Days'; } if (isThisYear(date)) { // e.g., "Jan" instead of "January" return format(date, 'LLL'); } // e.g., "Jan 2023" instead of "January 2023" return format(date, 'LLL yyyy'); }