import { memo, useMemo } from 'react'; import ReactMarkdown, { type Components } from 'react-markdown'; import type { BundledLanguage } from 'shiki'; import { createScopedLogger } from '~/utils/logger'; import { rehypePlugins, remarkPlugins, allowedHTMLElements } from '~/utils/markdown'; import { Artifact } from './Artifact'; import { CodeBlock } from './CodeBlock'; import styles from './Markdown.module.scss'; import ThoughtBox from './ThoughtBox'; const logger = createScopedLogger('MarkdownComponent'); interface MarkdownProps { children: string; html?: boolean; limitedMarkdown?: boolean; } export const Markdown = memo(({ children, html = false, limitedMarkdown = false }: MarkdownProps) => { logger.trace('Render'); const components = useMemo(() => { return { div: ({ className, children, node, ...props }) => { console.log(className, node); if (className?.includes('__boltArtifact__')) { const messageId = node?.properties.dataMessageId as string; if (!messageId) { logger.error(`Invalid message id ${messageId}`); } return ; } if (className?.includes('__boltThought__')) { return {children}; } return (
); }, pre: (props) => { const { children, node, } = props; const [firstChild] = node?.children ?? []; if ( firstChild && firstChild.type === 'element' && firstChild.tagName === 'code' && firstChild.children[0].type === 'text' ) { const { className, } =; const [, language = 'plaintext'] = /language-(\w+)/.exec(String(className) || '') ?? []; return ; } return
; }, } satisfies Components; }, []); return ( {stripCodeFenceFromArtifact(children)} ); }); /** * Removes code fence markers (```) surrounding an artifact element while preserving the artifact content. * This is necessary because artifacts should not be wrapped in code blocks when rendered for rendering action list. * * @param content - The markdown content to process * @returns The processed content with code fence markers removed around artifacts * * @example * // Removes code fences around artifact * const input = "```xml\n
\n```"; * stripCodeFenceFromArtifact(input); * // Returns: "\n
\n" * * @remarks * - Only removes code fences that directly wrap an artifact (marked with __boltArtifact__ class) * - Handles code fences with optional language specifications (e.g. ```xml, ```typescript) * - Preserves original content if no artifact is found * - Safely handles edge cases like empty input or artifacts at start/end of content */ export const stripCodeFenceFromArtifact = (content: string) => { if (!content || !content.includes('__boltArtifact__')) { return content; } const lines = content.split('\n'); const artifactLineIndex = lines.findIndex((line) => line.includes('__boltArtifact__')); // Return original content if artifact line not found if (artifactLineIndex === -1) { return content; } // Check previous line for code fence if (artifactLineIndex > 0 && lines[artifactLineIndex - 1]?.trim().match(/^```\w*$/)) { lines[artifactLineIndex - 1] = ''; } if (artifactLineIndex < lines.length - 1 && lines[artifactLineIndex + 1]?.trim().match(/^```$/)) { lines[artifactLineIndex + 1] = ''; } return lines.join('\n'); };