#!/bin/sh echo "🔍 Running pre-commit hook to check the code looks good... 🔍" # Load NVM if available (useful for managing Node.js versions) export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # Ensure `pnpm` is available echo "Checking if pnpm is available..." if ! command -v pnpm >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "❌ pnpm not found! Please ensure pnpm is installed and available in PATH." exit 1 fi # Run typecheck echo "Running typecheck..." if ! pnpm typecheck; then echo "❌ Type checking failed! Please review TypeScript types." echo "Once you're done, don't forget to add your changes to the commit! 🚀" exit 1 fi # Run lint echo "Running lint..." if ! pnpm lint; then echo "❌ Linting failed! Run 'pnpm lint:fix' to fix the easy issues." echo "Once you're done, don't forget to add your beautification to the commit! 🤩" exit 1 fi # Update commit.json with the latest commit hash echo "Updating commit.json with the latest commit hash..." COMMIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "❌ Failed to get commit hash. Ensure you are in a git repository." exit 1 fi echo "{ \"commit\": \"$COMMIT_HASH\" }" > app/commit.json git add app/commit.json echo "👍 All checks passed! Committing changes..."