import { atom, map } from 'nanostores'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { createScopedLogger } from '~/utils/logger'; const logger = createScopedLogger('LogStore'); export interface LogEntry { id: string; timestamp: string; level: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'debug'; message: string; details?: Record; category: 'system' | 'provider' | 'user' | 'error' | 'api' | 'auth' | 'database' | 'network'; subCategory?: string; duration?: number; statusCode?: number; } const MAX_LOGS = 1000; // Maximum number of logs to keep in memory class LogStore { logInfo(message: string, details: { type: string; message: string }) { return this.addLog(message, 'info', 'system', details); } logSuccess(message: string, details: { type: string; message: string }) { return this.addLog(message, 'info', 'system', { ...details, success: true }); } private _logs = map>({}); showLogs = atom(true); private _readLogs = new Set(); constructor() { // Load saved logs from cookies on initialization this._loadLogs(); // Only load read logs in browser environment if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { this._loadReadLogs(); } } // Expose the logs store for subscription get logs() { return this._logs; } private _loadLogs() { const savedLogs = Cookies.get('eventLogs'); if (savedLogs) { try { const parsedLogs = JSON.parse(savedLogs); this._logs.set(parsedLogs); } catch (error) { logger.error('Failed to parse logs from cookies:', error); } } } private _loadReadLogs() { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return; } const savedReadLogs = localStorage.getItem('bolt_read_logs'); if (savedReadLogs) { try { const parsedReadLogs = JSON.parse(savedReadLogs); this._readLogs = new Set(parsedReadLogs); } catch (error) { logger.error('Failed to parse read logs:', error); } } } private _saveLogs() { const currentLogs = this._logs.get(); Cookies.set('eventLogs', JSON.stringify(currentLogs)); } private _saveReadLogs() { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return; } localStorage.setItem('bolt_read_logs', JSON.stringify(Array.from(this._readLogs))); } private _generateId(): string { return `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; } private _trimLogs() { const currentLogs = Object.entries(this._logs.get()); if (currentLogs.length > MAX_LOGS) { const sortedLogs = currentLogs.sort( ([, a], [, b]) => new Date(b.timestamp).getTime() - new Date(a.timestamp).getTime(), ); const newLogs = Object.fromEntries(sortedLogs.slice(0, MAX_LOGS)); this._logs.set(newLogs); } } addLog( message: string, level: LogEntry['level'] = 'info', category: LogEntry['category'] = 'system', details?: Record, ) { const id = this._generateId(); const entry: LogEntry = { id, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), level, message, details, category, }; this._logs.setKey(id, entry); this._trimLogs(); this._saveLogs(); return id; } // System events logSystem(message: string, details?: Record) { return this.addLog(message, 'info', 'system', details); } // Provider events logProvider(message: string, details?: Record) { return this.addLog(message, 'info', 'provider', details); } // User actions logUserAction(message: string, details?: Record) { return this.addLog(message, 'info', 'user', details); } // API Connection Logging logAPIRequest(endpoint: string, method: string, duration: number, statusCode: number, details?: Record) { const message = `${method} ${endpoint} - ${statusCode} (${duration}ms)`; const level = statusCode >= 400 ? 'error' : statusCode >= 300 ? 'warning' : 'info'; return this.addLog(message, level, 'api', { ...details, endpoint, method, duration, statusCode, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); } // Authentication Logging logAuth( action: 'login' | 'logout' | 'token_refresh' | 'key_validation', success: boolean, details?: Record, ) { const message = `Auth ${action} - ${success ? 'Success' : 'Failed'}`; const level = success ? 'info' : 'error'; return this.addLog(message, level, 'auth', { ...details, action, success, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); } // Network Status Logging logNetworkStatus(status: 'online' | 'offline' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected', details?: Record) { const message = `Network ${status}`; const level = status === 'offline' ? 'error' : status === 'reconnecting' ? 'warning' : 'info'; return this.addLog(message, level, 'network', { ...details, status, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); } // Database Operations Logging logDatabase(operation: string, success: boolean, duration: number, details?: Record) { const message = `DB ${operation} - ${success ? 'Success' : 'Failed'} (${duration}ms)`; const level = success ? 'info' : 'error'; return this.addLog(message, level, 'database', { ...details, operation, success, duration, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); } // Error events logError(message: string, error?: Error | unknown, details?: Record) { const errorDetails = error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, ...details, } : { error, ...details }; return this.addLog(message, 'error', 'error', errorDetails); } // Warning events logWarning(message: string, details?: Record) { return this.addLog(message, 'warning', 'system', details); } // Debug events logDebug(message: string, details?: Record) { return this.addLog(message, 'debug', 'system', details); } clearLogs() { this._logs.set({}); this._saveLogs(); } getLogs() { return Object.values(this._logs.get()).sort( (a, b) => new Date(b.timestamp).getTime() - new Date(a.timestamp).getTime(), ); } getFilteredLogs(level?: LogEntry['level'], category?: LogEntry['category'], searchQuery?: string) { return this.getLogs().filter((log) => { const matchesLevel = !level || level === 'debug' || log.level === level; const matchesCategory = !category || log.category === category; const matchesSearch = !searchQuery || log.message.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase()) || JSON.stringify(log.details).toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase()); return matchesLevel && matchesCategory && matchesSearch; }); } markAsRead(logId: string) { this._readLogs.add(logId); this._saveReadLogs(); } isRead(logId: string): boolean { return this._readLogs.has(logId); } clearReadLogs() { this._readLogs.clear(); this._saveReadLogs(); } } export const logStore = new LogStore();