import { atom } from 'nanostores'; import { logStore } from './logs'; export type Theme = 'dark' | 'light'; export const kTheme = 'bolt_theme'; export function themeIsDark() { return themeStore.get() === 'dark'; } export const DEFAULT_THEME = 'light'; export const themeStore = atom(initStore()); function initStore() { if (!import.meta.env.SSR) { const persistedTheme = localStorage.getItem(kTheme) as Theme | undefined; const themeAttribute = document.querySelector('html')?.getAttribute('data-theme'); return persistedTheme ?? (themeAttribute as Theme) ?? DEFAULT_THEME; } return DEFAULT_THEME; } export function toggleTheme() { const currentTheme = themeStore.get(); const newTheme = currentTheme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'; // Update the theme store themeStore.set(newTheme); // Update localStorage localStorage.setItem(kTheme, newTheme); // Update the HTML attribute document.querySelector('html')?.setAttribute('data-theme', newTheme); // Update user profile if it exists try { const userProfile = localStorage.getItem('bolt_user_profile'); if (userProfile) { const profile = JSON.parse(userProfile); profile.theme = newTheme; localStorage.setItem('bolt_user_profile', JSON.stringify(profile)); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error updating user profile theme:', error); } logStore.logSystem(`Theme changed to ${newTheme} mode`); }